Geir Mathisen
Geir Mathisen (1956) is a Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics. He is a member of the research group Industrial Computer and Instrumentation Systems. Mathisen has a MSc and a PhD both from the Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU.
Main fields of competence
- Smart Grid
- Development methodology
- System engineering
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Intelligent instrumentation
- Distributed micro controller systems (specification, architecture, design, programming, communication)
Selected Research Projects
- 2012 - 2015 National coordinator/project leader, work package leade. EU project: "I3RES - ICT-based Intelligent management of Integrated RES for the smart grid optimal operation", Smart Grid project for management of renewable energy sources integrated in the distribution grid.
- 2012 - 2015 National coordinator/project leader, work package leade. ARTEMIS project: "e-GOTHAM, Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy", Smart Grid project for energy management in micro-grids.
- 2003 – 2004 Project leader at SINTEF. EU project: “WIRENET, power line data exchange for domestic and industrial automation based on UWB approach”.
- 2002 – 2005 National coordinator/project leader. EU project: “COVELESS, standardization of cork quality evaluation through the development of a harmless electronic device”.
- 2002 – 2004 Project leader at SINTEF. EU project: “HEARING, Development of a sound synthesis set for audiometric stations and self-diagnosis”.
Work Experience
- 2018 - Professor, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- 2014-2018 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- 2002-2014 Adjunct Associate Professor, NTNU
- 1982- 2018 SINTEF Automatic Control
- 1980-1981 Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute (EFI) / Royal Norwegian Navy. Automation of engine room on board on navy ships. Avoidance of electromagnetic interference
- 1980 SINTEF Petroleum Technology Research Institute. New instrumentation for quantification of drilling mud
Professional memberships
- Tekna – The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals
- NFA – Norwegian Society of Automatic Control
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
Time-Sensitive Networking in Low Latency Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL)
Academic article
Austad, Henrik;
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Mathisen, Geir;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg.
Composable distributed real-time systems with deterministic network channels.
Journal of systems architecture
Academic article
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
Bounding the End-to-End Execution Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems: Arguing the case for Deterministic Networks in Lingua Franca.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
net_chan: Deterministic network channels for distributed real-time systems.
Academic article
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Andersen, Sondre Ninive;
Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi;
Kræmer, Frank Alexander;
Mathisen, Geir.
An Analysis of Design Parameters for Energy Management of Wireless Sensor Devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Mathisen, Geir.
Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting in Railway.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Andersen, Sondre Ninive;
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Mathisen, Geir.
Formalising Nondeterministic Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Using CSP.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sairam, Seshapalli;
Seshadhri, Subathra;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Mathisen, Geir;
Bekiroglu, Korkut.
Edge-based Explainable Fault Detection Systems for photovoltaic panels on edge nodes.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Mathisen, Geir.
Towards Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting near Electrified Railway Tracks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Mathisen, Geir.
Online parameter identification of synchronous machines using Kalman filter and recursive least squares.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bremdal, Bernt Arild;
Sæle, Hanne;
Mathisen, Geir;
Degefa, Merkebu Zenebe.
Flexibility offered to the distribution grid from households with a photovoltaic panel on their roof: Results and experiences from several pilots in a Norwegian research project.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Geir.
Using home area network to extract information about the grid
Website (informational material)
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Holhjem, Øystein Hov;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Mathisen, Geir;
Maffei, Alessio;
Palmieri, Giovanni.
Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Approach for Engineering Power System State Estimation in Smart Grids.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Academic article
Maffei, Alessio;
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Meola, Daniela;
Palmieri, Giovanni;
Iannelli, Luigi;
Holhjem, Øystein Hov.
A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach for Implementing the Receding Horizon Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grids.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing
Academic article
Sæle, Hanne;
Bremdal, Bernt Arild;
Tøndel, Inger Anne;
Istad, Maren Kristine;
Foosnæs, Jan Andor;
Nordbø, Per Erik.
Fremtidens fleksible distribusjonsnett : fleksibel nettdrift, forbrukerfleksibilitet, plusskunder og forretningsmodeller
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7536)
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Mathisen, Geir.
Differential feed control applied to corner matching in automated sewing.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Work flow, material handling and initial part positioning in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Model-Based Feed-Forward and Setpoint Generation in a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Maffei, Alessio;
Meola, Daniela;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Palmieri, Giovanni;
Iannelli, Luigi;
Mathisen, Geir.
Optimal Power Flow Model with Energy Storage, an Extension towards Large Integration of Renewable Energy Sources.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian;
Mathisen, Geir.
Velocity coordination and corner matching in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lopes, Roberto Rigolin Ferreira;
Platou, Rikke Stoud;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Torrisi, Nunzio Marko;
Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg;
Mathisen, Geir.
Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Steinholt, Johan Markus;
Toraasen, Jens Kristian;
Runnesto, JL;
Mathisen, Geir.
Ultrasound image tracking applied to increase ESWL efficiency.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Real-Time Analysis of a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Mathisen, Geir.
Sensor-based Real-time Control of Industrial Robots.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (225)
Doctoral dissertation
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Skavhaug, Amund;
Mathisen, Geir.
Implementation Details of External Trajectory Generation for Industrial Robots.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Geir;
Mugaas, Terje.
Instrumentering av borestang for Teeness.
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Time-Analysis of a Real-Time Sensor-Servoing System using Line-of-Sight Path Tracking.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Ulleberg, Thomas;
Zhang, C.;
Mathisen, Geir.
Real-Time Sensor Servoing using Line-of-Sight Path Generation and Tool Orientation Control.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helle, Espen;
Johansen, Gorm Idar;
Mathisen, Geir.
Technical Support Agreement for LAV TUA.
SINTEF Rapport (A14966)
Mathisen, Geir;
Tonello, Andrea M..
WireNet: An Experimental System for In-House Power Line Communication.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Mathisen, Geir.
A Bus Protocol for Intercomponent Communication in Advanced Upper-limb Prostheses.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Geir.
Modelling of a partly structured environment from an AUV : by narrow beam sonar.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling (1996:15)
Doctoral dissertation
Journal publications
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
Time-Sensitive Networking in Low Latency Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL)
Academic article
Austad, Henrik;
Jellum, Erling Rennemo;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Mathisen, Geir;
Bryne, Torleiv Håland;
Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg.
Composable distributed real-time systems with deterministic network channels.
Journal of systems architecture
Academic article
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
net_chan: Deterministic network channels for distributed real-time systems.
Academic article
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Haugan, Thomas Sagvold;
Mathisen, Geir.
Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting in Railway.
IEEE transactions on power electronics
Academic article
Sairam, Seshapalli;
Seshadhri, Subathra;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Mathisen, Geir;
Bekiroglu, Korkut.
Edge-based Explainable Fault Detection Systems for photovoltaic panels on edge nodes.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Holhjem, Øystein Hov;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Mathisen, Geir;
Maffei, Alessio;
Palmieri, Giovanni.
Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Approach for Engineering Power System State Estimation in Smart Grids.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Academic article
Maffei, Alessio;
Srinivasan, Seshadhri;
Meola, Daniela;
Palmieri, Giovanni;
Iannelli, Luigi;
Holhjem, Øystein Hov.
A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach for Implementing the Receding Horizon Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grids.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Mathisen, Geir.
Differential feed control applied to corner matching in automated sewing.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Work flow, material handling and initial part positioning in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Academic article
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Model-Based Feed-Forward and Setpoint Generation in a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Academic article
Maffei, Alessio;
Meola, Daniela;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Palmieri, Giovanni;
Iannelli, Luigi;
Mathisen, Geir.
Optimal Power Flow Model with Energy Storage, an Extension towards Large Integration of Renewable Energy Sources.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Steinholt, Johan Markus;
Toraasen, Jens Kristian;
Runnesto, JL;
Mathisen, Geir.
Ultrasound image tracking applied to increase ESWL efficiency.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology
Part of book/report
Austad, Henrik;
Mathisen, Geir.
Bounding the End-to-End Execution Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems: Arguing the case for Deterministic Networks in Lingua Franca.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Andersen, Sondre Ninive;
Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi;
Kræmer, Frank Alexander;
Mathisen, Geir.
An Analysis of Design Parameters for Energy Management of Wireless Sensor Devices.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sondre Ninive;
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Mathisen, Geir.
Formalising Nondeterministic Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Using CSP.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espe, Asbjørn Engmark;
Mathisen, Geir.
Towards Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting near Electrified Railway Tracks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alves, Erick Fernando;
Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen;
Marafioti, Giancarlo;
Mathisen, Geir.
Online parameter identification of synchronous machines using Kalman filter and recursive least squares.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bremdal, Bernt Arild;
Sæle, Hanne;
Mathisen, Geir;
Degefa, Merkebu Zenebe.
Flexibility offered to the distribution grid from households with a photovoltaic panel on their roof: Results and experiences from several pilots in a Norwegian research project.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian;
Mathisen, Geir.
Velocity coordination and corner matching in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lopes, Roberto Rigolin Ferreira;
Platou, Rikke Stoud;
Hendseth, Sverre;
Torrisi, Nunzio Marko;
Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg;
Mathisen, Geir.
Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links.
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Real-Time Analysis of a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Skavhaug, Amund;
Mathisen, Geir.
Implementation Details of External Trajectory Generation for Industrial Robots.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Mathisen, Geir.
Time-Analysis of a Real-Time Sensor-Servoing System using Line-of-Sight Path Tracking.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Lind, Morten;
Ulleberg, Thomas;
Zhang, C.;
Mathisen, Geir.
Real-Time Sensor Servoing using Line-of-Sight Path Generation and Tool Orientation Control.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mathisen, Geir;
Tonello, Andrea M..
WireNet: An Experimental System for In-House Power Line Communication.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stavdahl, Øyvind;
Mathisen, Geir.
A Bus Protocol for Intercomponent Communication in Advanced Upper-limb Prostheses.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sæle, Hanne;
Bremdal, Bernt Arild;
Tøndel, Inger Anne;
Istad, Maren Kristine;
Foosnæs, Jan Andor;
Nordbø, Per Erik.
Fremtidens fleksible distribusjonsnett : fleksibel nettdrift, forbrukerfleksibilitet, plusskunder og forretningsmodeller
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7536)
Schrimpf, Johannes;
Mathisen, Geir.
Sensor-based Real-time Control of Industrial Robots.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (225)
Doctoral dissertation
Mathisen, Geir;
Mugaas, Terje.
Instrumentering av borestang for Teeness.
Helle, Espen;
Johansen, Gorm Idar;
Mathisen, Geir.
Technical Support Agreement for LAV TUA.
SINTEF Rapport (A14966)
Mathisen, Geir.
Modelling of a partly structured environment from an AUV : by narrow beam sonar.
Doktor ingeniøravhandling (1996:15)
Doctoral dissertation
Mathisen, Geir.
Using home area network to extract information about the grid
Website (informational material)
LectureSrinivasan, Seshadhri; Holhjem, Øystein Hov; Marafioti, Giancarlo; Mathisen, Geir; Maffei, Alessio; Palmieri, Giovanni. (2016) Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Approach for Engineering Power System State Estimation in Smart Grids. 7th International workshop on soft computing applications , Arad 2016-08-24 - 2016-08-26
Academic lectureSchrimpf, Johannes; Mathisen, Geir. (2016) Differential Feed Control Applied to Corner Matching in Automated Sewing. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2016 2016-05-16 - 2016-05-21
Academic lectureSchrimpf, Johannes; Lind, Morten; Mathisen, Geir. (2015) Work Flow, Material Handling and Initial Part Positioning in a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell. 11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control 2015-08-26 - 2015-08-28
Academic lectureSchrimpf, Johannes; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Lind, Morten; Mathisen, Geir. (2015) Model-Based Feed-Forward and Setpoint Generation in a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2015 2015-05-26 - 2015-05-30
Academic lectureSchrimpf, Johannes; Bjerkeng, Magnus Christian; Mathisen, Geir. (2014) Velocity coordination and corner matching in a multi-robot sewing cell. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2014 2014-09-14 - 2014-09-18
Academic lectureMaffei, Alessio; Meola, Daniela; Marafioti, Giancarlo; Palmieri, Giovanni; Iannelli, Luigi; Mathisen, Geir. (2014) Optimal Power Flow Model with Energy Storage, an Extension towards Large Integration of Renewable Energy Sources. IFAC World Congress 2014 , Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29
Academic lectureLopes, Roberto Rigolin Ferreira; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Nunzio Marco, Torrisi; Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg; Mathisen, Geir; Hendseth, Sverre. (2013) Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links. Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 4th European Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference , Copenhagen 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
Academic lectureSchrimpf, Johannes; Lind, Morten; Mathisen, Geir. (2013) Real-time analysis of a multi-robot sewing cell. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2013 2013-02-25 - 2013-02-28
PosterFjerdingen, Sigrud Aksnes; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Mathisen, Geir. (2007) Lavkost posisjonsmåling for fem frihetsgrader. Studiemøtet Studiemøtet for elektronikk og data, 2007 , Sundvollen 2007-09-26 - 2007-09-27
Academic lectureMathisen, Geir. (2007) Utvikling for produksjon (og drift). ""V-modellens høyre arm"". Management of Electronics Projects - MEP Workshop , Trondheim 2007-11-15 - 2007-11-16
PosterStaal, Odd Martin; Stavdahl, Øyvind; Mathisen, Geir; Adde, Lars. (2006) The influence of using a single camera based measurement system for infant movement analysis. Biomedical Engineering Society BMES 2006 Annual Meeting , Chicago 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-14
PosterStavdahl, Øyvind; Mathisen, Geir. (2005) An Intra-Prosthesis Communication Bus: Now is the Time to Standardise!. Inst. of Biomedical Engineering, University of New Brunswick MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium 2005 , Fredericton, NB 2005-08-17 - 2005-08-19
Academic lectureSchjølberg, Ingrid; Kyrkjebø, Erik; Mathisen, Geir. (2002) Modelling of Communication in a Distributed Robotic System by using Rose Real Time UML. IEEE IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation , Lisboa 2002-07-09 - 2002-07-12