Francesco Camilli
Francesco Camilli's research focuses on an expanded understanding of sustainability in the built environment, considering not only quantitative, material aspects but also social, cultural, and political ones.
Currently, he is studying the role of architectural design strategies and methods in urban projects for climate neutrality.
In his PhD thesis, he studied participatory practices in contemporary architectural design.
During his postdoctoral fellowship at Umeå University School of Architecture, he analysed the use of timber in architectural education and its influence on the understanding of sustainability.
Moreover, he was involved in research concerning the affective dimension of space, and the evolution of “Urban Centers” as participatory institutions within municipalities.
He graduated in architecture in 2016 at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, where he also obtained his PhD in 2020. Between 2020 and 2022, he has been postdoctoral researcher at Umeå University School of Architecture. Since January 2023, he is postdoctoral researcher at Norge Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, within the Smart Sustainable Cities group at the Department of Architecture and Planning.
Brown, James Benedict;
Camilli, Francesco.
Students in the Forest: The Role of Design-Build Pedagogies in Repairing Material Disconnections in Architecture Education.
International Journal of Art & Design Education
Academic article
Journal publications
Brown, James Benedict;
Camilli, Francesco.
Students in the Forest: The Role of Design-Build Pedagogies in Repairing Material Disconnections in Architecture Education.
International Journal of Art & Design Education
Academic article
Academic lectureCamilli, Francesco; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Vandevyvere, Han Hendrik B.. (2024) Supporting Climate Neutrality in Cities: testing the NEB Impact Model and Story-Building . UERA UERA Conference 2024: Building Urban Transformative Capacity: Empowering cities/Urban actors by experimentation, cooperation and learning (22 February 2024) · Indico@KIT , Karlsruhe 2024-02-22 -
Academic lectureNavarra, Deborah; Camilli, Francesco. (2023) Innovation in Urban Planning and Design: New European Bauhaus. Rolee Aranya FP 4350 Bypolitiske teorier og planleggingsteori , Sentralbygg 1, Gløshaugen 2023-10-04 - 2023-10-04