Fleurtje Anna Huiskes
Huiskes, Fleurtje Anna;
Moe, Anne.
Kvinnelige innvandreres deltakelse i sosiale aktiviteter og sosiale nettverk.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
Journal publications
Huiskes, Fleurtje Anna;
Moe, Anne.
Kvinnelige innvandreres deltakelse i sosiale aktiviteter og sosiale nettverk.
Fontene forskning
Academic article
PosterHuiskes, Fleurtje Anna. (2023) The role of voluntary organisations in a changing welfare state – The social integration of immigrants. Forsa/NASSW - Nord University Forsa: Social work in changing times - challenges and new opportunities , Bodø, Norway 2023-06-14 - 2023-06-16
LectureHuiskes, Fleurtje Anna. (2023) Female immigrants’ participation in social activities and networks in every-day life. Department of Social Work Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) International Conference on Social Work and Sustainable Social Development , Sylhet, Bangladesh 2023-01-05 - 2023-01-07
PosterHuiskes, Fleurtje Anna. (2023) Immigrant womens’ participation in social activities and social networks in everyday life . Università Cattolica of Milan European Conference for Social Work Research - Social work research through and towards human relationships , Milan, Italy 2023-04-12 - 2023-04-14