Farida Mustafina
Joined the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management in June 2022 as a PhD Candidate within TripleDeep project (https://www.ntnu.no/sustainability/prosjekter).
The project called "The Deep Dilemmas: Deep Sea Mining for the new Deep Transition?" (TripleDeep) has an objective to investigate whether Deep Sea Mining can provide a new source of critically important minerals in a sustainable manner. Research includes analysis of social, technological, economic and ecological dimensions of mineral extraction on the seabed.
Farida is working on economic analysis under the supervision of professor Verena Hagspiel (main supervisor) and Steinar Løve Ellefmo (co-supervisor). This project asks whether and how to enable necessary investments in radically new technology and infrastructure, given regulatory uncertainty and the risk of stranded assets. The aim is to identify policies that could support technological development needed for socially and ecologically acceptable deep-sea mining.
Farida is a PhD Candidate within TripleDeep project (https://www.ntnu.no/sustainability/prosjekter).
The project with a full title "The Deep Dilemmas: Deep Sea Mining for the new Deep Transition?" has an objective to investigate whether Deep Sea Mining can provide a new source of critically important minerals in a sustainable manner. Research includes analysis of social, technological, economic and ecological dimensions of mineral extraction on the seabed.
Farida is working on economic analysis under the supervision of professor Verena Hagspiel (main supervisor) and Steinar Løve Ellefmo (co-supervisor). This project asks whether and how to enable necessary investments in radically new technology and infrastructure, given regulatory uncertainty and the risk of stranded assets. The aim is to identify policies that could support technological development needed for socially and ecologically acceptable deep-sea mining. Farida aims to apply mostly the real options approach to the problem of investment decision making in potential deep-sea mining projects.
- F. Mustafina, V. Hagspiel, 2023. Approaches to the evaluation of deep-sea mining projects: investment decision-making under uncertainty. The 10th International Conference “Minerals of the Ocean”. Abstract Book. June 20—22, 2023. — SPb.: VNIIOkeangeologia, 2023. — 137 p.
- F. Mustafina, V. Hagspiel, 2023. Practical application of real options valuation: a case for deep-sea mining activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. The 22 Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Short Abstracts. August 05 - 11, 2023. Trondheim, Norway.
- F. Mustafina et al., 2023. The Effect of Potential Tax Regimes on Investment Incentives in Future Marine Minerals Projects on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Underwater Minerals Conference. Abstract Booklet. October 1-6, 2023. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- V. Hagspiel et al., 2024. The effect of potential tax regimes on investment incentives in future marine minerals projects on the Norwegian continental shelf. WARO 2024. Book of Abstracts. January 29-30, 2024. Magdeburg, Germany.
Academic lectureHagspiel-Janssen, Verena; Lesage, Maxime; Mustafina, Farida; Rike, Benjamin; Skonhoft, Sander; Smith, Jonatan. (2025) Tax regime analysis for deep-sea mining applying a multi-objective optimization approach using genetic algorithms. Leibniz University Hannover 8th Commodity Markets Winter Workshop , Zell am See, Austria 2025-01-27 - 2025-01-29
LectureMustafina, Farida. (2024) Perspectives of dee-sea mining activities in Norway. BEDØK, IØT, NTNU BEDØK Seminar , Trondheim, Norway 2024-03-15 - 2024-03-15
Academic lectureHagspiel-Janssen, Verena; Lesage, Maxime; Mustafina, Farida; Rike, Benjamin; Skonhoft, Sander; Smith, Jonatan. (2024) Tax regime analysis for deep-sea mining applying a multi-objective optimization approach using genetic algorithms. International Marine Minerals Society Underwater Minerals Conference , Rarotonga, Cook Islands 2024-09-15 - 2024-09-21
Academic lectureHagspiel-Janssen, Verena; Jonsbråten, Ådne; Lesage, Maxime; Fremo Minge, Filip; Mustafina, Farida. (2024) The effect of potential tax regimes on investment incentives in future marine minerals projects on the Norwegian continental shelf. Otto Von Guericke Universität Magdeburg WARO 2024 , Magdeburg 2024-01-29 - 2024-01-30
PosterHagspiel-Janssen, Verena; Jonsbråten, Ådne; Lesage, Maxime; Fremo Minge, Filip; Mustafina, Farida. (2023) The effect of potential tax regimes on investment incentives in future marine minerals projects on the Norwegian continental shelf. International Marine Minerals Society Underwater Minerals Conference 2023 , Rotterdam 2023-10-01 - 2023-10-06
Academic lectureMustafina, Farida; Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena. (2023) APPROACHES TO THE VALUATION OF DEEP-SEA MINING PROJECTS: INVESTMENT DECISION-MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY. VNIIOkeangeologia The 10th International Conference «MINERALS OF THE OCEAN» , Saint Petersburg 2023-06-20 - 2023-06-22
Academic lectureMustafina, Farida; Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena. (2023) Practical application of real options valuation: a case for deep-sea mining activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. International Association for Mathematical Geosciences The 22th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences , Trondheim 2023-08-05 - 2023-08-12
PosterMustafina, Farida; Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena. (2022) Corporate decision-making and regulatory policy design under uncertainty for deep-sea mining on the Norwegian continental shelf. GEOPUBLISHING Deep Sea Minerals , Bergen 2022-10-26 - 2022-10-27
Academic lectureMustafina, Farida; Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena. (2022) Regulatory policy design and corporate decision-making under uncertainty for deep-sea mining activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. University of York YARO Workshop 2022 , York 2022-12-19 - 2022-12-20