Erik Andreas Saether
Sentralbygg 2, 401, Gløshaugen, Alfred Getz vei 1
Hegeman, Puck Diana;
Sørheim, Roger;
Landström, Hans;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Corporate angels: A new breed of investors in the funding landscape for technology-based start-ups.
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Bærekraft i norske farvann: Hvem driver det grønne skiftet til havs, og hva kan gjøres for å akselerere det?.
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi
Academic article
Mäkitie, Tuukka Rainer Reinhold;
Steen, Markus;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Poulsen, René Taudal.
Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of alternative fuels.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Mäkitie, Tuukka;
Steen, Markus;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Poulsen, René T..
Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of green fuels.
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Å motivere ansatte: Hva tidligere forskning kan lære oss om arbeidsmotivasjon i fremtiden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: Green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Creativity-Contingent Rewards, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creativity: The Importance of Fair Reward Evaluation Procedures.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Motivational antecedents to high-tech R&D employees' innovative work behavior: Self-determined motivation, person-organization fit, organization support of creativity, and pay justice.
Journal of High Technology Management Research
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Sætre, Alf Steinar.
The impact of individual motivations on idea submission and future motivation to participate in an organization's virtual idea campaign.
Creativity and Innovation Management
Academic article
Hegeman, Puck Diana;
Sørheim, Roger;
Landström, Hans;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Corporate angels: A new breed of investors in the funding landscape for technology-based start-ups.
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Bærekraft i norske farvann: Hvem driver det grønne skiftet til havs, og hva kan gjøres for å akselerere det?.
Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi
Academic article
Mäkitie, Tuukka Rainer Reinhold;
Steen, Markus;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Poulsen, René Taudal.
Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of alternative fuels.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Sustainability among Norwegian maritime firms: Green strategy and innovation as mediators of long‐term orientation and emission reduction.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Creativity-Contingent Rewards, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creativity: The Importance of Fair Reward Evaluation Procedures.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Motivational antecedents to high-tech R&D employees' innovative work behavior: Self-determined motivation, person-organization fit, organization support of creativity, and pay justice.
Journal of High Technology Management Research
Academic article
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Sætre, Alf Steinar.
The impact of individual motivations on idea submission and future motivation to participate in an organization's virtual idea campaign.
Creativity and Innovation Management
Academic article
Del av bok/rapport
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Å motivere ansatte: Hva tidligere forskning kan lære oss om arbeidsmotivasjon i fremtiden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mäkitie, Tuukka;
Steen, Markus;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Poulsen, René T..
Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of green fuels.
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
LectureSteen, Markus; Hansen, Teis; Bergek, Anna; Mäkitie, Tuukka; Sæther, Erik Andreas; Bjørgum, Øyvind. (2021) GREENFLEET final webinar. SINTEF GREENFLEET final webinar 2021-10-12 -
Academic lectureSaether, Erik Andreas; Aspelund, Arild. (2019) Motivations, relatedness, and perceived success of Norwegian offshore wind firms. ICREN (International Conference on Renewable Energy) 2019 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-26
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2019) Green Fleet Project and Survey. NTNU Strategi og forretningsutvikling NTNU Stratforr Forskningsseminar , Røros 2019-12-02 - 2019-12-03
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2019) Green Fleet Project and Preliminary Survey Results. NTNU IØT Green Value Creation Seminar , Clarion Congress Hotel Trondheim 2019-11-11 - 2019-11-12
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2019) Green Fleet survey presentation. TIK UiO og Sintef TIK Green Fleet workshop , TIK UiO 2019-11-14 - 2019-11-14
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2019) Presentasjon av preliminære resultater fra Green Fleet studie til Norges Rederiforbund og brukerpartnere. Sintef og Norges Rederiforbund Green Fleet Workshop Norges Rederiforbund , Norges Rederiforbund, Oslo 2019-11-15 - 2019-11-15
PosterSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, March). Individual Motivation and Creativity. Poster session presented at the NORSI-PIMS Workshop, Statoil ASA, Oslo, Norway. NORSI-PIMS Workshop, Statoil 2015-03-17 - 2015-03-17
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, January). Ideation Campaign Field Study. Presentation at Yara International ASA, Oslo, Norway. Company Meeting 2015-01-21 - 2015-01-21
PosterSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, May). Motivation and the Patent Remuneration Process. Poster session presented at the NORSI Conference, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. NORSI Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-21
PosterSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, May). Motivation in an Organizational Ideation Campaign. Poster session presented at the NORSI Conference, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. NORSI Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-21
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, November). Motivation in an Organizational Ideation Campaign and KPIs, Motivation and Creativity. Presentation at Yara International ASA, Oslo, Norway. Company Meeting 2015-11-04 - 2015-11-04
LectureSæther, Erik Andreas. (2015) Saether, Erik A. (2015, May). Motivation in an Organizational Ideation Campaign. Presentation at the Yara Technology Center, Porsgrunn, Norway. Company Meeting 2015-05-14 - 2015-05-14