Elise Barring Berggren
I have worked extensively on Norwegian-Jewish history and am a PhD Candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Previously, I have been a visiting scholar at Harvard and a guest researcher at the Jewish Museum in Oslo. For my work, I have been awarded the “Prize for Outstanding Contributions by Young Researchers in the Humanities 2024” by the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. In my PhD, I examine the post-Holocaust restitution of property in Norway, where I analyze the restitution case of every single Norwegian Holocaust victim, focusing on the larger human significance of restitution and returning home. Hugely passionate about my subject, I regularly disseminate my field. I have taught in a number of university courses, as well as held lectures for peers and the larger public, and I have also worked in the museum sector. A book I co-wrote as a BA and MA student initiated one of the largest historical debates in Norwegian history.
About my PhD
During the Holocaust and in close connection with the physical murders of around 750 of the little over 2 000 Norwegian Jews, the Nazi perpetrators seized all homes, possessions, and businesses belonging to people they defined as Jewish. After the war, the Norwegian state created a system of restitution institutions aimed at all who had lost property in the war, and among the many who applied were Holocaust survivors. In my PhD thesis, I research the post-Holocaust restitution of homes and businesses in Norway, focusing on the greater human significance of restitution. Through this lens, I examine the larger topics of Jewish Norwegians’ rebuilding of their post-Holocaust lives and the post-war Norwegian government’s response to the genocide.
I exploit the unique methodological opportunities of the Norwegian case, posing it as an especially opportune case for Holocaust research. Because of the small size of the Norwegian-Jewish minority, I have been able to examine the life stories and applications for restitution of every single one of the little over 2 000 Norwegian Jews. My study is therefore driven neither by generalizations or the use of examples and thus distinguishes itself from previous literature – my data is complete and precise, my study having a national scope with full resolution down to every individual. Working within digital humanities, I have created a database with information on every person and the restitution of their property, containing 300 000 cells of data. Using this unique tool, I combine qualitative close readings with quantitative analyses. In all, my approach allows for shedding light on topics otherwise lost to time and people who otherwise have not left significant source material.
My research sheds light upon a system of restitution that was severely unfavorable to Norwegian Holocaust survivors. The restitution laws failed to take their needs as victims of a genocide into account when designing the laws. This set post-Holocaust restitution up for failure, but did not necessitate it. Rather, the outcome was sealed when the restitution institutions tasked with carrying out their provisions almost consistently used their room for maneuver to make cuts in Jewish applicants' restitution.
Focusing on the larger human significance of restitution, I argue that for survivors, restitution was not about money – it was about reinstating their means of existence, returning home, rebuilding family businesses and communities, property’s connection to loved ones and memories, re-establishing daily lives, and the quest for justice. While restitution was a way to pursue these aims, it was also a process that burdened those very same things – taking up resources, hindering rebuilding, barring fulfilment of justice and recognition, and evoking painful memories. In the face of the difficulties of the aftermath of genocide and an unfavorable system of restitution, the survivors exhibited great persistence in their immense effort to rebuild their lives.
In Search of Lost Homes: The Restitution of Norwegian-Jewish property 1945–1950
Grini fangeleir og Holocaust i Norge: Grinis funksjon i forfølgelsene av norske jøder 1941–1945
Exclusion by Ignorance: Lawmakers' Lack of Attention to Norwegian-Jewish Needs in Restitution Legislation 1945–1947.
Rapport frå ein gjennomgang av "Hva visste hjemmefronten?"
Berggren, Elise Barring.
Grini prison camp and the Holocaust in Norway: Grini’s role in the persecution of Norwegian Jews 1941–1945.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Academic article
Berggren, Elise Barring.
Exclusion by Ignorance: Lawmakers' Lack of Attention to Norwegian-Jewish Needs in Restitution Legislation 1945–1947.
Masters thesis
Berggren, Elise Barring;
Bruland, Bjarte;
Tangestuen, Mats.
Rapport frå ein gjennomgang av "Hva visste hjemmefronten?".
Dreyer Forlag A/S
Dreyer Forlag A/S
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Berggren, Elise Barring.
Grini prison camp and the Holocaust in Norway: Grini’s role in the persecution of Norwegian Jews 1941–1945.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Academic article
Berggren, Elise Barring;
Bruland, Bjarte;
Tangestuen, Mats.
Rapport frå ein gjennomgang av "Hva visste hjemmefronten?".
Dreyer Forlag A/S
Dreyer Forlag A/S
Non-fiction book
Berggren, Elise Barring.
Exclusion by Ignorance: Lawmakers' Lack of Attention to Norwegian-Jewish Needs in Restitution Legislation 1945–1947.
Masters thesis
I have taught topics related to modern history, the Holocaust, Norwegian-Jewish history, antisemitism, methods, use of sources and research ethics, both at bachelor's and master's level. I have also censored exam answers and guided students in writing term papers:
- KRIG3100 – Historican Research Methods, 2024: Lecturer
- KRIG3020 - War in the Modern World, 2024: Lecturer
- HIST3105 – Research Methods in History, 2022: Lecturer
- HIST3205 – Genocide, War and Society, 2023 and 2024: Lecturer
- HIST2007 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Democratization after 1750, 2022 and 2024: Lecturer
- HIST1500 – Modern History after ca 1750, 2023 and 2024: Seminar leader and supervisor seminar papers
- HIST1505 – Introduction to Historical Theory and Methods, 2022: Seminar leader and examiner
- HI104 History After 1930: Introduction to Norwegian and International History, 2024: Examiner
- The summer school in Prague in 2022 and 2023: Lecturer
I am also the representative for the temporary employees on the board of the Department of Modern History and Society. Feel welcome to contact me!
Previous roles:
- Vice representative for the PhD candidates in the PhD programme council at the Faculty of Humanities
- Representative for the temporary employees on the Humanities faculty board
- Representative for the temporary employees on the Humanities Employment Committee
På sporet av tapte hjem: Etter Holocaust
Da staten ranet jødene
Grini: Fangeleirens rolle i Holocaust
Skadene ved passivitet: Lovgivernes manglende hensyn til jødiske behov i restitusjonslovgivningen 1945–1947
I kjølvannet av Holocaust: Restitusjonen
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2024) På sporet av tapte hjem: Restitusjonen av norsk-jødisk eiendom etter Holocaust, 1945–1955. Falstadsenteret Intern Kunnskapskalender , Falstadsenteret 2024-01-16 - 2024-01-16
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2024) Norsk-jødisk historie og forskningsdesign. Det Historiske Selskab Minervas ugle , Trondheim 2024-11-21 - 2024-11-21
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2024) Post-Holocaust Restitution of Businesses: The Unique Opportunities of the Norwegian Case. Business History Conference The BHC 2024 annual meeting , Providence, USA 2024-03-14 - 2024-03-16
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2024) På sporet av tapte hjem: Restitusjonen av norsk-jødisk eiendom etter Holocaust, 1945–1955. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Høytidsdagen , Trondheim 2024-03-01 - 2024-03-01
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2024) In search of lost Homes: Post-Holocaust Restitution in Norway 1945–1955. Business History Initiative, Harvard BHI Fellow Talk , Harvard, USA 2024-10-16 - 2024-10-16
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) Den norsk-jødiske minoriteten: Før og etter Holocaust. NTNU og Karlsuniversitet Sommerskole om tsjekkisk og norsk historie i det 20. århundret , Praha 2023-06-29 - 2023-06-29
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) På sporet av tapte hjem: Restitusjonen av norsk-jødisk eiendom 1945–1950-tallet. Universitetet i Tromsø Krigshistorisk forum , Tromsø 2023-03-30 - 2023-03-30
InterviewBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) Nazistene tok alt: Kleskjeden hans er bygd opp fra ingenting. NRK NRK [Newspaper] 2023-09-13
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) På sporet av tapte hjem: Restitusjonen av norsk-jødisk eiendom 1945–1955. HIFO Norske Historiedager , Sogndal 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-10
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) På sporet av tapte hjem: Etter Holocaust. HL-senteret og UiT Dypdykk i 2. verdenskrig , Litteraturhuset i Oslo 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2023) A Mosaic of Individual Stories: The Post-Holocaust Restitution of Norwegian-Jewish Property 1945–1955. Polin "Jewish Cultural Heritage: Practices, Perspectives, Challenges" , Warszawa 2023-10-19 - 2023-10-20
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2022) Holocaust i Norge: Et totalt angrep på en liten minoritet. Sommerskole om tsjekkisk og norsk historie i det 20. århundret , Praha 2022-06-23 - 2022-06-23
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2022) Grini: Fangeleirens rolle i Holocaust. Jødisk Museum i Oslo Foredrag , Oslo 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-01
InterviewBerggren, Elise Barring. (2022) Dagens: 80 år siden deportasjonen. NRK radio NRK radio [Radio] 2022-11-25
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2021) I kjølvannet av Holocaust: Restitusjonen. Jødisk Museum i Oslo Foredrag , Oslo 2021-02-24 - 2021-02-24
LectureBerggren, Elise Barring. (2021) Skadene ved passivitet: Lovgivernes manglende hensyn til jødiske behov i restitusjonsoppgjøret 1945–1947. HL-senteret Foredrag , Oslo 2021-06-16 - 2021-06-16