Eline Bragedatter Seljeflot
241.06.036 240 Kvinnebarnsenteret Øya, Trondheim
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios;
Schilling, Hanna Julia.
Fostervekst i første trimester i svangerskap etter assistert befruktning.
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Schilling, Hanna Julia;
Saravelos, Sotirios.
Location of the gestational sac in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios;
Schilling, Hanna Julia.
Variations in first trimester fetal growth in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Schilling, Hanna Julia;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios.
First trimester fetal size in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology compared to reference curves.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, H.;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Saravelos, S.;
Opdahl, Signe;
Schilling, H..
Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Bragedatter Seljeflot, Eline;
Nytun, Øyvind Eiksund;
Kjøtrød, Sigrun Beate;
Gergolet, Marco.
A Septate Uterus with Double Cervix during Two Pregnancies: Pregnancy Outcome Before and After Cervix Sparing Metroplasty. A Case Report.
Facts, views & vision in ObGyn.
Academic article
Journal publications
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios;
Schilling, Hanna Julia.
Fostervekst i første trimester i svangerskap etter assistert befruktning.
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Schilling, Hanna Julia;
Saravelos, Sotirios.
Location of the gestational sac in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios;
Schilling, Hanna Julia.
Variations in first trimester fetal growth in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, Hanne;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Schilling, Hanna Julia;
Opdahl, Signe;
Saravelos, Sotirios.
First trimester fetal size in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology compared to reference curves.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter;
Mørch, H.;
Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe;
Saravelos, S.;
Opdahl, Signe;
Schilling, H..
Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Bragedatter Seljeflot, Eline;
Nytun, Øyvind Eiksund;
Kjøtrød, Sigrun Beate;
Gergolet, Marco.
A Septate Uterus with Double Cervix during Two Pregnancies: Pregnancy Outcome Before and After Cervix Sparing Metroplasty. A Case Report.
Facts, views & vision in ObGyn.
Academic article
PosterHelland, Ragnhild Holden; Seljeflot, Eline Bragedatter; Kahrs, Birgitte Heiberg; Østvik, Andreas. (2024) Deep Learning for Automatic Segmentation of Trophoblast Tissue and Gestational Sac in Early Pregnancy 3D Ultrasound. PRESIMAL, Mohn Medical Image and Visualization Centre (MMIV) PRESIMAL Autumn research school 2024 , Brekstad 2024-09-18 - 2024-09-20
Academic lectureSeljeflot, Eline Bragedatter; Mørch, Hanne; Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe; Opdahl, Signe; Sotirios, Saravelos; Schilling, Hanne. (2024) Fostervekst i første trimester i svangerskap etter assistert befruktning. NGF Norsk Gynekologisk Forening 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-25