Eli Langørgen
2013-2017: PhD-study: Title of project: Students with disabilities in higher educations. Supervisor: Associate Professor Eva Magnus, NTNU
2006-11: MSc in Disability Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. Master thesis about patient participation within acquired brain injury in ward rehabilitation.
1985-87: BSc from Occupational Therapy College, Trondheim
Working Experience
1988-1997: Working as an occupational therapist within community health and rehabilitation service, general physical in-ward rehabilitation, and at a mental health care clinic.
1997-2013: St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim, Clinic of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: working as OT in multidisciplinary rehabilitation team serving persons suffering from acquired brain injury, providing both individual and group-based interventions in early and late phase of rehabilitation. Being in charge of implementing Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy at the ward together with physio colleague.
Publications and Presentations
Langørgen, E. & Magnus, E. (2015). To be or not to be…Transitioning through higher education: How students with disabilities are building images. NNDR Conference, Bergen, Norway, 6-8th May 2015. Conference paper.
Langørgen, E., & Magnus, E. (2015). Students with impairment – are they disabled in higher education? International Conference named Building Bridges between yesterday and tomorrow, Stockholm, Sweden, 13-15th May 2014. Conference paper.
Langørgen, E., & Magnus, E. (2014). Students with disabilities in professional courses. NNFF Forskningskonferanse, Lillehammer, Norway, 5th-6 May 2014. Conference paper (presentation in Norwegian at Norwegian network of disability research).
Stock, R., Thrane, G., Askim, T., Karlsen, G., Langørgen, E., Erichsen, A., Gjone, R., & Anke, A. (2015). Norwegian constraint-induced therapy multisite trial: Adherence to the treatment protocol applied early after stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2015:47(9). http://www.medicaljournals.se/jrm/content/?doi=10.2340/16501977-2000
Langørgen, E. (2014). ‘You shouldn’t make appointments about med, but with me!’ – experiences from patient participation within acquired brain injury rehabilitation. Ergoterapeuten, 2014:3 (article published in Norwegian in the Norwegian OT Journal).http://www.ergoterapeuten.no/fag-og-vitenskap/vitenskapelige-artikler
Langørgen, E. (2011). ‘You shouldn’t make appointments about med, but with me!’ – experiences from patient participation within acquired brain injury rehabilitation. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (thesis published in Norwegian).
Dahl, A.E., Askim, T., Stock, R., Langørgen, E., Lydersen, S., & Indredavik, B. (2008). Short-and long-term outcome of constraint-induced movement therapy after stroke: a randomized controlled feasibility trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2008:22(5):436. http://cre.sagepub.com/content/22/5/436.long
Langørgen, E. & Stock, R. (2007). Experiences from Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy to adult stroke patients. Ergoterapeuten, 2007:9 (article in Norwegian published in the Norwegian OT Journal).
Dahl, A., Askim, T., Stock, R., Langørgen, E. & Indredavik, B. (2006). Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy. Fysioterapeuten, 2006:1 (article in Norwegian published in Norwegian PT Journal).
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Nolan, Clodagh;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén.
Processes Empowering Disabled Students in the Co-Production of Inclusive Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Stock, Roland;
Gaarden, Andreas Parviz;
Langørgen, Eli.
The potential of wearable technology to support stroke survivors’ motivation for home exercise–Focus group discussions with stroke survivors and physiotherapists.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Et inkluderende universitet?.
Feature article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Aiming for inclusion: processes taking place in co-creation involving students with disabilities in higher education.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Magnus, Eva.
'I have something to contribute to working life' - students with disabilities showcasing employability while on practical placement.
Journal of Education and Work
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
Blir funksjonshemmede studenter i høyere utdanning diskriminert?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Langørgen, Eli.
Funksjonshemming og profesjonsutdanninger i lys av studenter, lærere og praksisveilederes erfaringer. En kvalitativ studie.
Doctoral dissertation
Langørgen, Eli;
Magnus, Eva.
'We are just ordinary people working hard to reach our goals!' Disabled students' participation in Norwegian higher education.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Magnus, Eva.
Gatekeeping in professional higher education in Norway:ambivalence among academic staff and placement supervisors towards students with disabilities.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
Do we practice what we preach? Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanninger møter ambivalente dørvakter.
Popular scientific article
Horghagen, Sissel;
Langørgen, Eli.
Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse bør fullføre høyere utdanning.
Interview Journal
Stock, Roland;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Askim, Torunn;
Karlsen, Gunn Marte;
Langørgen, Eli;
Erichsen, Anne Spendrup.
Norwegian constraint-induced therapy multisite trial: Adherence to treatment protocol applied early after stroke.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
"Make appointments with me, not about me!" Regarding patient participation within the context of aquired brain injury rehabilitation.
Academic article
Journal publications
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Nolan, Clodagh;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén.
Processes Empowering Disabled Students in the Co-Production of Inclusive Higher Education.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Stock, Roland;
Gaarden, Andreas Parviz;
Langørgen, Eli.
The potential of wearable technology to support stroke survivors’ motivation for home exercise–Focus group discussions with stroke survivors and physiotherapists.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth.
Et inkluderende universitet?.
Feature article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Leithaug, Ann-Elén;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Aiming for inclusion: processes taking place in co-creation involving students with disabilities in higher education.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Magnus, Eva.
'I have something to contribute to working life' - students with disabilities showcasing employability while on practical placement.
Journal of Education and Work
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
Blir funksjonshemmede studenter i høyere utdanning diskriminert?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Langørgen, Eli;
Magnus, Eva.
'We are just ordinary people working hard to reach our goals!' Disabled students' participation in Norwegian higher education.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Magnus, Eva.
Gatekeeping in professional higher education in Norway:ambivalence among academic staff and placement supervisors towards students with disabilities.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
Do we practice what we preach? Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanninger møter ambivalente dørvakter.
Popular scientific article
Horghagen, Sissel;
Langørgen, Eli.
Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse bør fullføre høyere utdanning.
Interview Journal
Stock, Roland;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Askim, Torunn;
Karlsen, Gunn Marte;
Langørgen, Eli;
Erichsen, Anne Spendrup.
Norwegian constraint-induced therapy multisite trial: Adherence to treatment protocol applied early after stroke.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Langørgen, Eli.
"Make appointments with me, not about me!" Regarding patient participation within the context of aquired brain injury rehabilitation.
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Langørgen, Eli.
Funksjonshemming og profesjonsutdanninger i lys av studenter, lærere og praksisveilederes erfaringer. En kvalitativ studie.
Doctoral dissertation
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2025) Kan alle bli alt? Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanningene - utfordringer og mulige løsninger. NTNU, IPH, Studieprogram for vernepleierutdanning Nasjonalt fagorgan for utdanning og forskning innen vernepleie , Trondheim 2025-03-11 - 2025-03-11
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2024) Hvem er studentene i høyere utdanning?. NTNU, Institutt for psykisk helse Seminar om inkluderende læringsmiljø , Trondheim 2024-05-08 -
LecturePedersen, Heidi; Liaaen, Janne Marita ; Benden, Nina Margrethe Lilo Fagertun; Langørgen, Eli. (2024) Universelt læringsmiljø fra et studentperspektiv. NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2024 , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
LectureLangørgen, Eli; Sølvsberg, Anne Myhre; Lindseth, Marte Kristine; Brurok, Berit; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Baumgart, Julia Kathrin. (2024) Bedre læring for alle! Erfaringsdeling fra et læringsmiljøprosjekt knyttet til inkluderende undervisning . NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2024) Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanningene - barrierer og mulige løsninger. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Konferanse for høyere utdanning 2024: Kvalitet og tilgjengelighet for fremtidens behov , Oslo 2024-09-26 - 2024-09-27
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli. (2023) Historien om fjorten profesjonsstudenter og deres portvakter. NTNU Tjenester for alle - konferanse om universell utforming , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli. (2023) The story about fourteen students and their gatekeepers. Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureWitsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Horghagen, Sissel; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli. (2023) Students with disabilities on the path to the world of work - parallel session. NNDR NNDR 2023 , Reykjavik 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-11
LectureHorghagen, Sissel; Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) Oj, der kunne jeg ha vært bedre! årvkenhet om diskriminering av mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Institutt for design, Fakultet for arkitektur og design Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2023) Bedre læring for alle! Utprøving og implementering av verktøy for universell utforming i undervisning. Kompetansenettverk for studenters suksess i høyere utdanning Arbeidsseminar i Kompetansenettverk for studenters suksess i høyere utdanning , Tromsø 2023-09-07 - 2023-09-08
Academic lectureBjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Myhr, Daniel; Langørgen, Eli; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild. (2023) Student ambassadors with disabilities strengthen participation and inclusion in higher education . Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureHorghagen, Sissel; Langørgen, Eli. (2023) From disability focused to justice focus. Nordic network of disability research Nordic Network of Disabiltiy Research , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2022) Historien om fjorten profesjonsstudenter og deres portvakter. Institutt for sosialt arbeid Workshop om Universell Utforming , Trondheim 2022-02-11 - 2022-02-11
LectureElvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Rufsvoll, Siri; Rekstad, Siri; Renå, Camilla; Rømmen, Kathrine; Langørgen, Eli. (2022) Tverrfaglig praksisprosjekt – et kinderegg?. Norsk Ergoterapeutforbund Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi 2022 , Stavanger 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
PosterStock, Roland; Gaarden, Andreas Parviz; Langørgen, Eli. (2022) Stroke survivors' and physiotherapists' opinions and perceptions about the potential of a wearable system designed to facilitate motivation for home exercise . 12 th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation , Wien 2022-12-14 - 2022-12-17
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2021) Blir funksjonshemmede studenter i høyere utdanning diskriminert?. Prosjektgruppa Pathways ved NTNU Workshop i prosjektet Pathways to the world of work for students with disabilities , Digitalt 2021-06-17 - 2021-06-17
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2021) Studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanninger. NAV Trøndelag Kunnskapstimen , Digitalt 2021-03-17 - 2021-03-17
LectureBjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Leithaug, Ann-Elén; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Langørgen, Eli; Horghagen, Sissel. (2021) Samskapelsen av et Ambassadørprogram . Institutt for design, NTNU Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-16
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli. (2019) Praksis i studiet - balansering på stram line. Universell Nasjonal konferanse om inkluderende læringsmiljø 2019 , Trondheim 2019-10-29 - 2019-10-30
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2019) Funksjonshemming og profesjonsutdanninger i lys av studenter, lærere og praksisveilederes erfaringer. NTNU Nasjonale fagråd for ergoterapi-, ortopedi- og fysioterapiutdanninger , Trondheim 2019-11-12 - 2019-11-12
Popular scientific lectureLangørgen, Eli. (2019) Historien om fjorten profesjonsstudenter og deres portvakter. Institutt for medisin og helsevitenskap, MH-fakultetet, NTNU Instituttsamling , Trondheim 2019-12-12 - 2019-12-12
InterviewLangørgen, Eli. (2019) Studentene sliter og systemet svikter. Handikapnytt Handikapnytt [Journal] 2019-10-18
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli. (2018) Do we practice what we preach? Amvivalence towards students with disabilities, as they struggle to demonstrate their capabilities in the academic and professional world. WFOT (World Federation of Occupational Therapists WFOT Congress 2018 , Cape Town 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-25
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2017) "Jeg vet at jeg har noe å bidra med i arbeidslivet". Tilretteleggingsutfordringer og muligheter i praksis for studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse i profesjonsutdanninger. Universell Nasjonal konferanse om inkluderende læringsmiljø 2017 , Trondheim 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-18
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Kermit, Patrick Stefan; Magnus, Eva. (2017) Ergoterapeuter og andre portvakter til høyere utdanning for studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse. Ergoterapeutene Norsk fagkongress i ergoterapi , Trondheim 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-08
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Kermit, Patrick Stefan; Magnus, Eva. (2017) Academic staff and placement supervisors as gatekeepers to professional education for students with disabilities. Nordic Network on Disability Research 14th NNDR Research Conference , Örebro 2017-05-03 - 2017-05-05
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2016) The field work experiences of students with disabilities in professional courses in Norway . Discipline of Occupational Therapy, NUI, Ireland 2016 - COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, June 15-19 , Galway 2016-06-15 - 2016-06-19
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2016) Students with impairments - are they disabled in higher education? Experiences shared from a Norwegian context of professional courses. The Dicipline of Occupational Therapy and Disability Service Symposium: Empowering Young Adults with Disabilities , Trinity College, Dublin 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-21
PosterMagnus, Eva; Horghagen, Sissel; Langørgen, Eli. (2016) Disability: Pathways through education to work. NTNU Fusjonsseminar for fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap , Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
LectureEerola, Malin; Horghagen, Sissel; Langørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2015) Studenter med nedsatt funksjonsevne i høyere utdanning. HiST Røros-seminaret. Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap. , Røros 2015-11-26 - 2015-11-27
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2015) Studenter med nedsatt funksjonsevne i høyere utdanning. Hvordan har situasjonen endret seg?. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Avslutningskonferanse i satsingsområdet "Aktivitet og Deltakelse" , Trondheim 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-18
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2015) "I know i will have much to offer in working life!" Students With disabilities building professional images. Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 13th conference , Bergen 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-08
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2014) Students with impairments - are they disabled in higher education?. Karolinska Institutet, Universell and the LINK network Building bridges - between yesterday and tomorrow , Stockholm 2014-05-13 - 2014-05-15
Academic lectureLangørgen, Eli; Magnus, Eva. (2014) Studenter med nedsatt funksjonsevne i profesjonsutdanninger. Norsk nettverk for forskning om funksjonshemming NNFF forskningskonferanse , Lillehammer 2014-05-05 - 2015-05-06
LectureLangørgen, Eli. (2014) "Gjør døren høy, gjør porten vid". PhD-prosjekt om studenter med nedsatt funksjonsevne i profesjonsutdanninger. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Studiekvalitetsdagen ved HIST , Trondheim 2014-11-11 - 2014-11-11