Daniel Fossum Bratbak
Daniel Fossum Bratbak is a resident at the Department of Neurosurgery, St. Olavs University Hospital, and Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroscience, NTNU.
Discipline/work area
- Neurosurgery
- ENT/Head and neck surgery
- Interventional treatment of headache
- Clinical research
- Innovation
- Surgical navigation
- Doctor of Medicine, University of Oslo 2006
- Emergency Department, Hospital de Denía, Spain 2008-2009
- Department of ENT, St. Olavs University Hospital, Norway 2009-2015
- Institute of Neuroscience, NTNU 2013-
- Department of Neurosurgery, St. Olavs University Hospital, Norway 2015-
Bratbak, Daniel Fossum.
Skalpellens siste dager
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Interview Journal
Journal publications
Bratbak, Daniel Fossum.
Skalpellens siste dager
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Interview Journal
InterviewTronvik, Erling; Bratbak, Daniel Fossum; Nordgård, Ståle. (2013) Botox May Treat Cluster Headaches: 30-Minute Procedure Alleviates Pain Up To 8 Months. Medical Daily Medical Daily [Internet] 2013-11-04
Academic lectureBratbak, Daniel Fossum; Bugten, Vegard; Tronvik, Erling; Linde, Mattias; Nordgård, Ståle. (2011) A new approach for surgical intervention in intractable cluster headache – endoscopic resection of the sphenopalatine ganglion. ØNH foreningen ØNH høstmøtet , Oslo 2011-10-28 - 2011-10-29