Christine Aaserød Pedersen
I am doing a phD on DNA methylation in breast and prostate cancer.
Andersen, Maria K.;
Krossa, Sebastian;
Midtbust, Elise;
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Wess, Maximilian;
Høiem, Therese Stork.
Spatial transcriptomics reveals strong association between SFRP4 and extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Andersen, Maria Karoline;
Krossa, Sebastian;
Midtbust, Elise;
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Wess, Maximilian;
Høiem, Therese Stork.
Spatial transcriptomics reveals strong association between SFRP4 and extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer.
Research Square
Academic article
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Cao, Maria Dung;
Fleischer, Thomas;
Rye, Morten Beck;
Knappskog, Stian;
Eikesdal, Hans Petter.
DNA methylation changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy are associated with breast cancer survival.
Breast Cancer Research
Academic article
Journal publications
Andersen, Maria K.;
Krossa, Sebastian;
Midtbust, Elise;
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Wess, Maximilian;
Høiem, Therese Stork.
Spatial transcriptomics reveals strong association between SFRP4 and extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Andersen, Maria Karoline;
Krossa, Sebastian;
Midtbust, Elise;
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Wess, Maximilian;
Høiem, Therese Stork.
Spatial transcriptomics reveals strong association between SFRP4 and extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer.
Research Square
Academic article
Pedersen, Christine Aaserød;
Cao, Maria Dung;
Fleischer, Thomas;
Rye, Morten Beck;
Knappskog, Stian;
Eikesdal, Hans Petter.
DNA methylation changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy are associated with breast cancer survival.
Breast Cancer Research
Academic article
LecturePedersen, Christine Aaserød. (2024) Hvorfor har vi ikke kurert kreft?. NTNU Ungdommens forskernatt- Researchers night , NTNU gløshaugen 2024-09-27 - 2024-09-27
PosterAndersen, Maria Karoline; Krossa, Sebastian; Midtbust, Elise; Pedersen, Christine Aaserød; Wess, Maximilian; Viset, Trond. (2024) Spatial transcriptomics reveals biomarker SFRP4 to be strongly associated with extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer stroma. VIB Spatial Omics , Gent 2024-06-13 - 2024-06-14
Academic lectureAndersen, Maria Karoline; Krossa, Sebastian; Midtbust, Elise; Pedersen, Christine Aaserød; Wess, Maximillian; Viset, Trond. (2022) Spatial transcriptomics reveals biomarker SFRP4 to be strongly associated with extracellular matrix remodeling in prostate cancer stroma. University of Oslo The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2022 , Oslo 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-15
PosterPedersen, Christine Aaserød; Midtbust, Elise; Krossa, Sebastian; Andersen, Maria Karoline; Viset, Trond; Størkersen, Øystein. (2022) DNA methylation aberrations predicts recurrence both in tumor and normal appearing prostate tissue. European Association of Urology European Association of Urology conference 2022 , Amsterdam 2022-06-30 - 2022-07-04
InterviewVebenstad, Marit Aaby; Pedersen, Christine Aaserød; Knutsen, Erik. (2022) DNA-endringer etter neoadjuvant kjemo knyttet til økt brystkreftoverlevelse. [Journal] 2022-08-29
Popular scientific lecturePedersen, Christine Aaserød. (2021) Epigenetiske endringer under brystkreftbehandling bedrer overlevelse. Nasjonalt nettverk for brystkreftforskning Webinar - Nasjonalt nettverk for brystkreftforkning 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-27