Christina Carrozzo Hellevik
Kompasset, K-343, Ålesund
Christina Carrozzo Hellevik is a PhD Candidate at the Department of International Business. She has a background in Ecological Science and holds a Master of Science in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Her research interests include sustainability science, decision support, science-policy interfaces, marine plastics, and urban planning. She is currently engaged in a number of research project, such as PlastOPol, DatSam, Twin Fjord and Smart Plan.
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Buchholz, Katharina;
Richter, Isabell;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Mindre plast i gavene.
Popular scientific article
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie.
Plastic pollution: about time to unify research methods and demand systemic changes.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Academic literature review
Wu, Di;
Liu, Jincheng;
Cordova, Manuel;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Pinto, Allan.
The PlastOPol system for marine litter monitoring by citizen scientists.
Environmental Modelling & Software
Academic article
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Deshpande, Paritosh Chakor.
Engaging Volunteers as Experts in Data-Driven Research Projects and a Circular Economy: The Case of PlastOPol.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Jincheng;
Wu, Di;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Wang, Hao.
PlastOPol: A Collaborative Data-driven Solution for Marine Litter Detection and Monitoring.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspen, Dina Margrethe;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Building Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Transitions.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stene, Anne;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Fjørtoft, Helene Børretzen;
Philis, Gaspard.
Considering elements of natural strategies to control salmon lice infestation in marine cage culture.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Cordova, Manuel;
Pinto, Allan;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Alaliyat, Saleh Abdel-Afou;
Hameed, Ibrahim A.;
Pedrini, Helio.
Litter Detection with Deep Learning: A Comparative Study.
Academic article
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Ervik, Hilde;
Kveberg, Anne Aasen;
Hellevik, Christina.
Macroplastic in Soil and Peat. A Case Study from the Remote Islands of Mausund and Froan
Landscape Conservation Area, Norway; Implications for Coastal Cleanups and Biodiversity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Journal publications
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Buchholz, Katharina;
Richter, Isabell;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Mindre plast i gavene.
Popular scientific article
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie.
Plastic pollution: about time to unify research methods and demand systemic changes.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Academic literature review
Wu, Di;
Liu, Jincheng;
Cordova, Manuel;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Pinto, Allan.
The PlastOPol system for marine litter monitoring by citizen scientists.
Environmental Modelling & Software
Academic article
Stene, Anne;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Fjørtoft, Helene Børretzen;
Philis, Gaspard.
Considering elements of natural strategies to control salmon lice infestation in marine cage culture.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Academic article
Cordova, Manuel;
Pinto, Allan;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Alaliyat, Saleh Abdel-Afou;
Hameed, Ibrahim A.;
Pedrini, Helio.
Litter Detection with Deep Learning: A Comparative Study.
Academic article
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Ervik, Hilde;
Kveberg, Anne Aasen;
Hellevik, Christina.
Macroplastic in Soil and Peat. A Case Study from the Remote Islands of Mausund and Froan
Landscape Conservation Area, Norway; Implications for Coastal Cleanups and Biodiversity.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Part of book/report
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Deshpande, Paritosh Chakor.
Engaging Volunteers as Experts in Data-Driven Research Projects and a Circular Economy: The Case of PlastOPol.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Jincheng;
Wu, Di;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo;
Wang, Hao.
PlastOPol: A Collaborative Data-driven Solution for Marine Litter Detection and Monitoring.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspen, Dina Margrethe;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Building Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Transitions.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
AI521316 Sustainable Business Development (2023)
TV2 film PlastOPol
PlastOPol short reportage
På Laben - Forskningsdagene / Research Days
Film om bruk av maskinlæring i marint avfall problematikk
Academic lectureHellevik, Christina Carrozzo; Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Hausken, Amanda Veronica; Buchholz, Katharina. (2024) From Analytical to Empathetic: Disruptive Communication for Action-Based Decision-Making. MICRO2024 MICRO2024 , Lanzarote 2024-09-23 - 2024-09-27
Academic lectureHellevik, Christina Carrozzo; Mohammed, Hadi. (2024) Decision Support Systems for Local Politicians on Socio-Environmental Issues, Lessons Learnt from a Case Study in Ålesund, Norway . 24th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation & 10th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology , Porto 2024-06-02 - 2024-06-05
Academic lectureCyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo. (2023) Climate Change and Plastic Pollution – similar needs for global action. The governement of Iceland the Second International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region , Reykjavik 2023-11-22 - 2023-11-23
Academic lectureLacerda, Ana Luzia; Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie; Hellevik, Christina. (2022) Citizen Science on plastic research: how to obtain a higher degree of involvement?. NOAA, UNEP and KOEM 7th International Marine Debris Conference , Busan, Republic of Korea 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23