I am a Ph.D. candidate in Professor Daniel Müller’s group. The Ph.D. project is funded by the Trøndelag fylkeskommune and focuses on the wood industry sector of Trøndelag county in Norway.
Trøndelag has a great potential for using forest products in new ways for value creation and climate mitigation. However, the potential to use wood is not unlimited, and the options for climate change mitigation and value creation need to be balanced. Strategies for the development of the wood industry need to be based on a robust understanding of the potential, limitations, synergies, and trade-offs of alternative options to ensure sustainable use of wood resources.
In this work, we conduct a quantitative system analysis of the wood industry sector in order to develop scenarios for alternative uses of forests and wood in Trøndelag. The project will enable businesses and government authorities to define a balanced use of wood resources in line with circular economy principles and climate mitigation goals.