Cecilia Haskins
For a complete overview of her industrial and academic background please see LinkedIn.
Bronson, Janica Altea;
Gaspar, Henrique Murilo;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Aragao Fonseca, Icaro;
Garcia Agis, Jose Jorge.
Robust Digital Information for Physically Large and Complex SoS: A Maritime Design Case Study.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Sparrevik, Lars Magnus.
Input-Output Analysis and Cleaner Production.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Mansouri, Mo.
Minding the gap between the front and back offices: A systemic analysis of the offshore oil and gas upstream supply chain for framing digital transformation.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Skreddernes, Ola Kristoffer;
Haugen, Rune Andre;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Coping with Verification in Complex Engineered Product Development.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
van Erp, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Visser, Wayne;
Kohl, Holger;
Rytter, Niels Gorm Maly.
Designing sustainable innovations in manufacturing: A systems engineering approach.
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Academic article
Helseth, Hanne Lunden;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering applied in the construction industry to achieve a BREEAM certification.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Onstein, Ingrid Fjordheim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Semeniuta, Oleksandr.
Cascading trade-off studies for robotic deburring systems.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Lee, Shenae;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Digital Twin Concept for Risk Analysis of Oil Storage Tanks in Operations: a Systems Engineering Approach.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Fossum, Knut Robert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Palmer, Erika.
Toward an integrated project complexity narrative – A case study of academic organizations.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph;
Marton, Per Amund Roaulsson;
Orlandic, Milica;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Testing of Software-Intensive Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for the HYPSO-1 CubeSat.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Garrett, Joseph.
Software Development and Integration of a Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for HYPSO-1.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Sarwar, Sajjad;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Developing domain-specific AI-based tools to boost cross-enterprise knowledge reuse and improve quality.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Framework for the Implementation of Smart Maintenance.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Bakken, Sivert;
Garrett, Joseph;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Digital Engineering Development in an Academic CubeSat Project.
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
Academic article
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Application of Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development Goals towards Sustainable Management of Fishing Gear Resources in Norway.
Academic article
Tyflopoulos, Evangelos;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Steinert, Martin.
Topology-Optimization-Based Learning: A Powerful Teaching and Learning Framework under the Prism of the CDIO Approach .
Education Sciences
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems engineering for sustainable development goals.
Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Applying systems engineering to roadmapping for digital transformation in the offshore exploration and production supply chain operations.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia;
Borge, Laila.
Staten bør la næringslivet lede vei.
Stat og styring
Feature article
Aas-Haug, Brede;
Haskins, Cecilia.
The risk maturity model: a new tool for improved risk management and feedback.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Palmer, Erika;
Rhodes, Donna;
Watson, Michael;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Olaya, Camilo;
Presland, Ian.
Putting the Social in Systems Engineering: An Overview and Conceptual Development.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Gullhav, Katrine;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Engaging Mechanical Engineers in System Modeling.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Fotland, Gaute;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Trade study to select best alternative for cable and pulley simulation for cranes on offshore vessels.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals with a System-of-Systems for Monitoring Arctic Coastal Regions.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Urgo, Marcello;
Stock, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Sieckmann, Felix;
Jarzebowska, Elzbieta.
Sustainable engineering master module – insights from three cohorts of European engineering team.
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing (IJSM)
Academic article
Palmer, Erika;
Burton, Rob J.F.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
A Systems Engineering Framework for Bioeconomic Transitions in a Sustainable Development Goal Context.
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Buczacki, Aleksander;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Lean Management Approach to Reduce Waste in HoReCa Food Services.
Academic article
Rauzy, Antoine;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Foundations for model‐based systems engineering and model‐based safety assessment.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Hosseinnia Davatgar, Behnaz;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Reniers, Genserik;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
A Guideline for the Dynamic Barrier Management Framework
Based on System Thinking.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Working Across Cultural Boundaries: The Many Faces of Diversity.
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Aspen, Dina Margrethe;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Application of systems engineering to structuring acquisition decisions for marine emission reduction technologies.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Urgo, Marcello;
Gaspari, Lorenzo;
Pozzan, Giovanna;
Stock, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Sustainable Innovation in a Multi-University Master Course.
Procedia Manufacturing
Academic article
Zhang, Juntao;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Liu, Yiliu;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
A systems engineering–based approach for framing reliability,
availability, and maintainability: A case study for subsea design.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Strand, Geir Ove;
Haskins, Cecilia.
On Linking of Task Analysis in the HRA Procedure: The Case of HRA in Offshore Drilling Activities.
Academic article
Palmer, Erika;
Kuhnle, Stein;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Applied to Evaluate Social Systems. Analyzing systemic challenges to the Norwegian welfare state.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Haskins, Cecilia.
7. Dynamic security assessment: benefits and limitations.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Haskins, Cecilia;
Oppenheim, Bohdan W..
Lean Systems Engineering.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hofmann, Pascal;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Investigating the Application of Systems Engineering to the Design of Manufacturing Systems.
Atlantis Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oppenheim, Bohdan W.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Powerful Opportunities to Improve Program Performance Using Lean Systems Engineering and Lean Program Management
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Svendsen, Alexander;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Applying A3 problem resolution to new system design to improve performance and reduce rework.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Goderstad, Arne Benjamin;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Understanding mission objectives and priorities with QFD.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Arica, Emrah;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
A framework for production rescheduling in sociotechnical manufacturing environments.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Eide, Halvor Mehlum;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Trade Study of Alternative Controls and Power Distribution Architecture in Subsea Processing.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Machado, Mario M.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Maintenance Optimization Approaches for Condition Based Maintenance: a review and analysis
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Perez Ramirez, Pedro Agustin;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Application of systems engineering to integrate ageing management into maintenance management of oil and gas facilities.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Getting students hooked on systems engineering!.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Shainee, Mohamed;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Ellingsen, Harald;
Leira, Bernt Johan.
Designing Offshore Fish Cages Using Systems Engineering Principles.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia;
Spangenberg, Joachim.
Sustainability Science.
Newsletter of the International Sustainable Development Research Society
Short communication
Haskins, Cecilia.
Sustainable industry contributes to happiness in Bhutan.
Newsletter of the International Sustainable Development Research Society
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Haskins, Cecilia;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Training Materials Final Report.
NTNU and the Bhutanese MoEA
Haskins, Cecilia;
Alfnes, Erlend.
Systems Engineering – A Promising Approach For Design Of Manufacturing Systems.
SINTEF Technology and Society
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Schau, Erwin A. Meissner;
Haskins, Cecilia.
A framework for environmental analyses of fish food production systems based on systems engineering principles.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Keitsch, Martina Maria;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using Systems Engineering to Create a Framework for Evaluating Industrial Symbiosis Options.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Hermansen, John Eilif;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Røyne, Frida.
Multinational extractive industries, environmental performance and corporate responsibility.
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management NTNU
Masters thesis
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Sopha, Bertha;
Keitsch, Martina M.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using Systems Engineering to Create a Framework for Evaluating Industrial Symbiosis Options.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Patterns.
Systems Engineering Newsletter
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering analyzed, synthesized, and applied to sustainable industrial park development.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doctoral dissertation
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using patterns to transition systems engineering from a technological to social context.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
A systems engineering framework for eco-industrial park formation.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Multidisciplinary investigation of eco-industrial parks.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Handbook; A guide for system life cycle processes and activities.
International Council on Systems Engineering
Reference material
Journal publications
Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Mansouri, Mo.
Minding the gap between the front and back offices: A systemic analysis of the offshore oil and gas upstream supply chain for framing digital transformation.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Skreddernes, Ola Kristoffer;
Haugen, Rune Andre;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Coping with Verification in Complex Engineered Product Development.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
van Erp, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Visser, Wayne;
Kohl, Holger;
Rytter, Niels Gorm Maly.
Designing sustainable innovations in manufacturing: A systems engineering approach.
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Academic article
Helseth, Hanne Lunden;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering applied in the construction industry to achieve a BREEAM certification.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Onstein, Ingrid Fjordheim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Semeniuta, Oleksandr.
Cascading trade-off studies for robotic deburring systems.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Lee, Shenae;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Digital Twin Concept for Risk Analysis of Oil Storage Tanks in Operations: a Systems Engineering Approach.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Fossum, Knut Robert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Palmer, Erika.
Toward an integrated project complexity narrative – A case study of academic organizations.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Birkeland, Roger;
Garrett, Joseph;
Marton, Per Amund Roaulsson;
Orlandic, Milica;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn.
Testing of Software-Intensive Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for the HYPSO-1 CubeSat.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Bakken, Sivert;
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Orlandic, Milica;
Prentice, Elizabeth Frances;
Garrett, Joseph.
Software Development and Integration of a Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for HYPSO-1.
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration
Academic article
Sarwar, Sajjad;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Developing domain-specific AI-based tools to boost cross-enterprise knowledge reuse and improve quality.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Bakken, Sivert;
Garrett, Joseph;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Digital Engineering Development in an Academic CubeSat Project.
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
Academic article
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Application of Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development Goals towards Sustainable Management of Fishing Gear Resources in Norway.
Academic article
Tyflopoulos, Evangelos;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Steinert, Martin.
Topology-Optimization-Based Learning: A Powerful Teaching and Learning Framework under the Prism of the CDIO Approach .
Education Sciences
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems engineering for sustainable development goals.
Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Applying systems engineering to roadmapping for digital transformation in the offshore exploration and production supply chain operations.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia;
Borge, Laila.
Staten bør la næringslivet lede vei.
Stat og styring
Feature article
Aas-Haug, Brede;
Haskins, Cecilia.
The risk maturity model: a new tool for improved risk management and feedback.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Palmer, Erika;
Rhodes, Donna;
Watson, Michael;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Olaya, Camilo;
Presland, Ian.
Putting the Social in Systems Engineering: An Overview and Conceptual Development.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Gullhav, Katrine;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Engaging Mechanical Engineers in System Modeling.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Fotland, Gaute;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Rølvåg, Terje.
Trade study to select best alternative for cable and pulley simulation for cranes on offshore vessels.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Birkeland, Roger;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals with a System-of-Systems for Monitoring Arctic Coastal Regions.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Urgo, Marcello;
Stock, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Sieckmann, Felix;
Jarzebowska, Elzbieta.
Sustainable engineering master module – insights from three cohorts of European engineering team.
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing (IJSM)
Academic article
Palmer, Erika;
Burton, Rob J.F.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
A Systems Engineering Framework for Bioeconomic Transitions in a Sustainable Development Goal Context.
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Buczacki, Aleksander;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Lean Management Approach to Reduce Waste in HoReCa Food Services.
Academic article
Rauzy, Antoine;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Foundations for model‐based systems engineering and model‐based safety assessment.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Hosseinnia Davatgar, Behnaz;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Reniers, Genserik;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
A Guideline for the Dynamic Barrier Management Framework
Based on System Thinking.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Aspen, Dina Margrethe;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Application of systems engineering to structuring acquisition decisions for marine emission reduction technologies.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Gladysz, Bartlomiej;
Urgo, Marcello;
Gaspari, Lorenzo;
Pozzan, Giovanna;
Stock, Tim;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Sustainable Innovation in a Multi-University Master Course.
Procedia Manufacturing
Academic article
Zhang, Juntao;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Liu, Yiliu;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
A systems engineering–based approach for framing reliability,
availability, and maintainability: A case study for subsea design.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Strand, Geir Ove;
Haskins, Cecilia.
On Linking of Task Analysis in the HRA Procedure: The Case of HRA in Offshore Drilling Activities.
Academic article
Svendsen, Alexander;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Applying A3 problem resolution to new system design to improve performance and reduce rework.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Goderstad, Arne Benjamin;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Understanding mission objectives and priorities with QFD.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Arica, Emrah;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
A framework for production rescheduling in sociotechnical manufacturing environments.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Eide, Halvor Mehlum;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Trade Study of Alternative Controls and Power Distribution Architecture in Subsea Processing.
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Machado, Mario M.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Maintenance Optimization Approaches for Condition Based Maintenance: a review and analysis
INCOSE International Symposium
Academic article
Perez Ramirez, Pedro Agustin;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Application of systems engineering to integrate ageing management into maintenance management of oil and gas facilities.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Getting students hooked on systems engineering!.
Procedia Computer Science
Academic article
Shainee, Mohamed;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Ellingsen, Harald;
Leira, Bernt Johan.
Designing Offshore Fish Cages Using Systems Engineering Principles.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia;
Spangenberg, Joachim.
Sustainability Science.
Newsletter of the International Sustainable Development Research Society
Short communication
Haskins, Cecilia.
Sustainable industry contributes to happiness in Bhutan.
Newsletter of the International Sustainable Development Research Society
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Schau, Erwin A. Meissner;
Haskins, Cecilia.
A framework for environmental analyses of fish food production systems based on systems engineering principles.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Keitsch, Martina Maria;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using Systems Engineering to Create a Framework for Evaluating Industrial Symbiosis Options.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Sopha, Bertha;
Keitsch, Martina M.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using Systems Engineering to Create a Framework for Evaluating Industrial Symbiosis Options.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Patterns.
Systems Engineering Newsletter
Haskins, Cecilia.
Using patterns to transition systems engineering from a technological to social context.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
A systems engineering framework for eco-industrial park formation.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Multidisciplinary investigation of eco-industrial parks.
Systems Engineering
Academic article
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Handbook; A guide for system life cycle processes and activities.
International Council on Systems Engineering
Reference material
Part of book/report
Bronson, Janica Altea;
Gaspar, Henrique Murilo;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Aragao Fonseca, Icaro;
Garcia Agis, Jose Jorge.
Robust Digital Information for Physically Large and Complex SoS: A Maritime Design Case Study.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Sparrevik, Lars Magnus.
Input-Output Analysis and Cleaner Production.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fet, Annik Magerholm;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Framework for the Implementation of Smart Maintenance.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn;
Dallolio, Alberto;
Birkeland, Roger;
Langer, Dennis D.;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Paltrinieri, Nicola;
Haskins, Cecilia.
7. Dynamic security assessment: benefits and limitations.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Haskins, Cecilia;
Oppenheim, Bohdan W..
Lean Systems Engineering.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Hofmann, Pascal;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Investigating the Application of Systems Engineering to the Design of Manufacturing Systems.
Atlantis Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oppenheim, Bohdan W.;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Powerful Opportunities to Improve Program Performance Using Lean Systems Engineering and Lean Program Management
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Haskins, Cecilia.
Working Across Cultural Boundaries: The Many Faces of Diversity.
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Palmer, Erika;
Kuhnle, Stein;
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering Applied to Evaluate Social Systems. Analyzing systemic challenges to the Norwegian welfare state.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Haskins, Cecilia;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Training Materials Final Report.
NTNU and the Bhutanese MoEA
Haskins, Cecilia;
Alfnes, Erlend.
Systems Engineering – A Promising Approach For Design Of Manufacturing Systems.
SINTEF Technology and Society
Hermansen, John Eilif;
Haskins, Cecilia;
Røyne, Frida.
Multinational extractive industries, environmental performance and corporate responsibility.
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management NTNU
Masters thesis
Haskins, Cecilia.
Systems Engineering analyzed, synthesized, and applied to sustainable industrial park development.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Dallolio, Alberto; Birkeland, Roger; Langer, Dennis D.; Haskins, Cecilia; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) MBSE modeling of a SoS with a small satellite and autonomous surface vessels for persistent coastal monitoring. 2021 16th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) , Virtuelt 2021-06-14 - 2021-06-18
Academic lectureEsmaeilian, Sara; Olsen, Anna; Haskins, Cecilia. (2021) Systems Engineering Design of Food Processing Equipment to Integrate Sustainability. 35th EFFoST International Conference in Healthy Individuals, Resilient Communities, and Global Food Security , Lausanne 2021-11-01 - 2021-11-04
Academic lectureKindem, Håkon; Haskins, Cecilia. (2021) The value of trade-off studies for student projects. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium, ISSN:2334-5837 , digitalt, Hawaii 2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22
Academic lectureAas-Haug, Brede; Haskins, Cecilia. (2021) The risk maturity model: a new tool for improved risk management and feedback. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium, 2021 , digitalt, Hawaii 2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22
Academic lectureSarwar, Sajjad; Haskins, Cecilia. (2021) Developing domain-specific AI-based tools to boost cross-enterprise knowledge reuse and improve quality. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium, 2021 , digitalt, Hawaii 2021-07-19 - 2021-07-22
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia; Lyng, Reidar. (2021) Designing Engineering Education for the Future, Today. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) SEFI 49th Annual Conference Proceedings. Blended Learning in Engineering Education: challenging, enlightening – and lasting? , virtual - online 2021-09-13 - 2021-09-16
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Birkeland, Roger; Haskins, Cecilia. (2021) Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals with a System-of-Systems for Monitoring Arctic Coastal Regions. MITRE Corporation SoS Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange , Virtual webinar 2021-01-26 - 2021-01-26
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Birkeland, Roger; Haskins, Cecilia. (2020) Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals with a System-of-Systems for Monitoring Arctic Coastal Regions. International Council of Systems Engineers INCOSE International Symposium , Virtual conference 2020-07-20 - 2020-07-22
Academic lecturePacevicius, Michael Felix; Haskins, Cecilia; Paltrinieri, Nicola. (2020) Supporting the Application of Dynamic Risk Analysis to Real-World Situations using Systems Engineering: A focus on the Norwegian Power Grid Management . 18th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2020) , Virtual conference 2020-10-08 - 2020-10-10
Academic lectureGullhav, Katrine; Haskins, Cecilia. (2020) Engaging Mechanical Engineers in System Modeling NB: The paper was awarded Best Student Paper. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium, 2020 , digitalt, Cape Town, South Africa 2020-07-20 - 2020-07-22
Academic lectureHonoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Haskins, Cecilia. (2020) Model-Based Systems Engineering for CubeSat FMECA. Conference on Systems Engineering Research 2020-10-08 - 2020-10-10
LectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2019) Putting digital transformation to work for ÅSC II. Equinor ÅSC II team meeting- Equinor , Størdal 2019-12-12 - 2019-12-12
Academic lectureBakke, Kjersti; Haskins, Cecilia. (2018) Use of TRL in the systems engineering toolbox. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium , Washington D.C. 2018-07-09 - 2018-07-12
Academic lectureYang, Liu; Rauzy, Antoine; Haskins, Cecilia. (2018) Finite Degradation Structures: a Formal Framework to Support the Interface between MBSE and MBSA. IEEE 4th IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE) , Rome 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-03
Academic lectureStock, Tim; Haskins, Cecilia. (2017) A guideline for planning and implementing an action-based and transnational course in higher engineering education: A Case for Sustainable Value Creation. SEFI 45th SEFI Conference , Azores 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-18
Academic lectureStock, Tim; Haskins, Cecilia; Gładysz, B.; Urgo, Marcello. (2017) A guideline for planning and implementing an action-based and transnational course in higher engineering education: A Case for Sustainable Value Creation. SEFI - European Society for Engineering Education 45th SEFI Conference, “Education Excellence for Sustainable Development” , Terceira, Azores 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-21
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia; Ruud, Kristin. (2017) "Systems Engineering: Making People Talk!". Stevens and USC 15th Annual CSER - Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research , USC, California 2017-03-24 - 2017-03-25
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia; Stock, Tim; Gładysz, B.; Urgo, Marcello. (2017) "Development of a Project-Oriented and Transnational Master Course for Training the Engineering Competencies.". Stevens and USC 15th Annual CSER - Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research , USC, California 2017-03-24 - 2017-03-25
Academic lectureStock, Tim; Haskins, Cecilia; Gladysz, B.; Urgo, M.. (2016) Development of a project-oriented and transnational master course for training the engineering competencies required in an increasingly demanding work-life in Europe. European Society for Engineering Education 44th SEFI Annual Conference 2016 , Univ. Tampere 2016-09-12 - 2016-09-15
InterviewSømme, Christian; Haskins, Cecilia. (2015) Bredt anbudsperspektiv Gode anskaffelser starter i fugleperspektiv. http://www.intech.no/kravhandtering/bredt-anbudsperspektiv/ http://www.intech.no/kravhandtering/bredt-anbudsperspektiv/ [Internet] 2015-10-27
Academic lectureQuoc, Do; Stephen, Cooke; Terje, Fossnes; Haskins, Cecilia. (2014) The use of models across the contractual boundary: past, present and future. INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering 24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Henderson, LV 2014-06-30 - 2014-07-03
LectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2014) Seminar - overview of systems engineering process and practice. Center for Advanced Studies, Warsaw Univerisity of Technolog Visiting Professor Scholarship co-financed by the European Union in scope of , Warsaw 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-17
PosterLuca, Piciaccia; Danilo, Croce; Roberto, Basili; Haskins, Cecilia. (2014) Requirements Elicitation through Semantically Aware Techniques for the Subsea Oil Industry Systems Engineering. INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering 24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Henderson, NV 2014-06-30 - 2014-07-03
Academic lectureMjånes, Jan Ove; Haskins, Cecilia; Piciaccia, Luca. (2013) Closing the loop for lifecycle product management in Norwegian subsea systems. INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium 2013 , Philadelphia 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-27
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2013) Getting students hooked on systems engineering!. INCOSE CSER 2013 , Georgia Institute of Technology 2013-03-20 - 2013-03-22
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2013) Requirements engineering. Statoil Delivering quality solutions – supplier collaboration and challenges to ensure understanding of requirements , Fornebu 2013-03-06 - 2013-03-06
Academic lectureUlonska, Søren; Haskins, Cecilia; Tonning, Oluf Roar Bjørset; Yuguero-Garmendia, Itxaso. (2013) Keep Systems Engineering Simple to Get the Job Done. INCOSE 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-28
PosterHaskins, Cecilia; Dahl, Hans Jørgen. (2013) Getting students hooked on systems engineering!. INCOSE 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-28
Academic lectureMjaanes, Jan Ove; Haskins, Cecilia; Piciaccia, Luca. (2013) Closing the loop for lifecycle product management in Norwegian subsea systems. INCOSE 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Systems engineering for the Shell Eco-marathon student project. SESA and ITEA SETE-APCOSE 2012 , Brisbane Conference Center 2012-04-30 - 2012-05-02
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia; Welland, Alexander Lervaag. (2012) The Marriage of Project Management and Systems Engineering in Design and Manufacturing of A Shell Eco-Marathon Car. Chair of IWAMA2012, Prof. Kesheng Wang IWAMA - (International workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation) , Trondheim 2012-06-21 - 2012-06-22
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Requirements!. Rolls Royce – Bergen Engines How to write requirements , Hordvik 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-17
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Systems Engineering Primer. Rolls Royce – Bergen Engines Introduction to Systems Engineering , Hordvik 2012-08-27 - 2012-08-27
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Sustainable industries and eco-cities-challenges of industrial symbiosis and system engineering. NIES – National Institute of Environmental Studies International Workshop On Eco-Cities And Industrial Symbiosis , Tsukuba 2012-09-28 - 2012-09-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Requirements management in context. InTech Seminar in Requirements Management , Felix Conference Center 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-07
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia; Welland, Alexander Lervaag. (2012) Systems engineering saves the day!. INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering the 22nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Rome 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-12
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2012) Role of the systems engineer in safety critical systems. Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Workshop of Critical Software , Tokyo 2012-09-27 - 2012-09-28
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2011) Panel entitled PEOPLE OR PROCESS: WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT?. INCOSE 21st Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Denver CO 2011-07-20 - 2011-07-23
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2011) Can systems engineering support sustainable innovation?. INCOSE LA Chapter 9th Conference on Systems Engineering Research , Los Angeles, CA 2011-04-14 - 2011-04-16
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2011) A historical perspective of MBSE with a view to the future. INCOSE 21st Annual INCOSE International Symposium , Denver, CO 2011-07-20 - 2011-07-23
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2011) Systems Engineering for the acquisition and development of software-intensive-systems. Ajou University, Professor Young-won Park Guest lecture to masters' students in systems engineering , Ajou University 2011-10-22 - 2011-10-22
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2011) Role of systems engineering in a Green Growth society. KCOSE - Korean Council on Systems Engineering APCOSE - Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering , Seoul 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-20
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) Collaboration in CSR-Norway - the network for increased CSR competence in Norway. CSR-Norway, CSR Norge, Innovation Norway Norwegian National Conference on CSR-driven innovation , NTNU, Trondheim 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-02
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) Systems engineering for CSR-driven innovation. CSR-Norway, CSR Norge, Innovation Norway Norwegian National Conference on CSR-driven innovation , NTNU, Trondheim 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-02
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) Bridging cultural differences in Systems Engineering. INCOSE Swedish Chapter Academic Forum of the 7th Biennial European Systems Engineering Conference , Stockholm 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-26
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) Cleaner Production Assessment Guidelines Introduction. Bhutanese Ministry of Economic Affairs Cleaner Technology and Environmental Management Seminar , Thimpu, Bhutan 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-24
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) Archery As a Metaphor For Industrial Development in Bhutan. The Kadoorie Institute, The University of Hong Kong 16th Annual International Suststainable Developement Research Conference , The Kadoorie Institute, The University of Hong Kong 2010-05-30 - 2010-06-01
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2010) MBSE – A Historical Perspective: Promises And Pitfalls. George Mason University 3rd International Conference on MBSE , George Mason University 2010-09-27 - 2010-09-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) Systems Thinking for Intelligent Enterprises. NTNU IGLO-MP 2020 Workshop , Trondheim 2009-03-03 - 2009-03-03
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) Systems Engineering and Innovation. Sintef and Ulstein Group IGLO-MP 2020 workshop , Ulsteinvik 2009-11-16 - 2009-11-17
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) Using the concept of sustainable development to encourage corporate responsibility in small enterprises. Tom Gilb, Results Planning, Ltd. Seminar on Culture Change , University of Westminster, London 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-26
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) A scorecard for communicating progress toward sustainable development in small and medium enterprises. Institute of sustainable development research 15th AISDRC: Taking up the Global Challenge conference , Utrecht 2009-07-05 - 2009-07-08
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) A PhD is a destination and a journey. INCOSE Systems Engineering and Architecture Network (SEANET) , Loughbourgh University 2009-04-20 - 2009-04-20
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) A scorecard for communicating progress toward sustainable development in global production systems. European Commission Research Directorate General Conference Sustainable development: a challenge for European research , Charlemagne building, Brussels 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) Reliability - Session opening comments and discussion leader. INCOSE INCOSE Annual International Symposium , Singapore - SUNTEC center 2009-07-21 - 2009-07-21
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2009) Scorecard for Bhutan Pushaka industrial park. Royal Bhutanese Ministry of Economic Affairs Seminar on cleaner production in Bhutan 2009-03-20 - 3009-03-20
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2008) Trends in Systems Engineering: Sustainability. Hogskole i Buskerud, TEKNA, NORSEC Kongsberg Systems Engineering Event 2008 , Kongsberg 2008-07-02 - 2008-07-03
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2008) Using Systems Engineering to address socio-technical global challenges. Univ. Southern Calif, Stevens Institute, INCOSE Conference on Systems Engineering Research , Los Angeles, CA 2008-04-04 - 2008-04-05
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2008) Principled systems engineering for the planet. INCOSE 18th Annual International Symposium , Utrecht 2008-07-15 - 2008-07-19
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2008) An investigation into how systems engineering can help preserve natural environments. INCOSE 17th Annual International Symposium , Utrecht 2008-07-15 - 2008-07-19
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) Verdal – achieving a sustainable community through collaboration and innovation. Västerås University 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference , Västerås 2007-06-10 - 2007-06-12
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) The story of Verdal: How one intelligent community uses systems engineering to enable sustainable development. International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE 2007 - Systems Engineering: Key to Intelligent Enterprises , San Diego, CA 2007-06-24 - 2007-06-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) Systems engineering for sustainable development through collaboration and innovation. ETH and ISIE 3rd international conference on Life Cycle Management , Zurich 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-29
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) A systems engineering framework for sustainable development. Stevens Institute of Technology 5th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research , Hoboken, NJ 2007-03-14 - 2007-03-16
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) Systems engineering for sustainable growth through creation of an eco-industrial park. International Society of Industrial Engineering ISIE 2007 Conference , Toronto 2007-06-16 - 2007-06-20
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) Patterns for forming a sustainable community. Nordic Design Patterns Association Sixth Nordic Conference on Pattern Languages, Bergen, 28-30th September , Bergen 2007-09-20 - 2007-09-30
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2007) Quality software development with agile project management. Vital IT-avdeling Vital IT-avdeling fagsamling , Bergen 2007-06-04 - 2007-06-05
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Application of Systems Engineering to Industrial Supply Chains. International Council on Systems Engineering 16th Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering , Orlando, Florida 2006-07-10 - 2006-07-13
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Preparation for the EUCIP Plan Module certification test. Norwegian Computer Society - Bergen Hordaland Course over 4 days , Bergen 2006-11-14 - 2006-11-23
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) How to manage Agile Projects. Norwegian School of Management Course lecture , Bergen 2006-11-03 - 2006-11-03
PosterHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Multidisciplinary investigation of eco-industrial parks. UK Chapter of the INCOSE 5th Bienniel European Systems Engineering Conference , Edinburgh 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-20
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Finding and tracking value in sustainable development. Results Planning Ltd - Tom Gilb Seminar on Value Measurement , London 2006-06-26 - 2006-06-30
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) REPORT ON THE CREATION OF A SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PATTERN LANGUAGE FOR THE DESIGN OF A SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN. U. Southern California and Stevens Institute of Technology Fourth Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research , Los Angles, California 2006-04-06 - 2006-04-09
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Pattern language for the conduct of a niche conference. Hillside Europe 5th Annual VikingPLoP , Helsingørs 2006-09-28 - 2006-10-01
Popular scientific lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (2006) Agile Project Management - for managers. Project Management Institute chapter Western Norway Meeting of PMI chapter , Bergen 2006-03-20 - 2006-03-20
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (1997) Model driven development: integrating tools with practices. IEEE ECBS 1997 , Monteray CA 1997-03-24 - 1997-03-28
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (1994) Retooling the Organization. NCOSE 4th Annual NCOSE Annual Symposium , San Jose 1994-08-10 - 1994-08-12
Academic lectureHaskins, Cecilia. (1993) A Picture's Worth: Use of Models to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer During the System Life Cycle. NCOSE 3rd Annual NCOSE International Symposium , Washington, DC 1993-07-26 - 1993-07-28