Carine S. Germond
Carine Germond teaches in the BA in European Studies and Foreign Languages and the (international) MA in European Studies. She supervises undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. theses and post-doctoral research on any topics related to European integration history, policies, and politics.
She was awarded her M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Contemporary History from the University of Strasbourg. She also holds an MA and a BA in German Studies from the University François Rabelais in Tours, France.
She has held various positions at universities across Europe and the United States. She was a visiting Professor at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence in 2022 (on sabbatical leave) and also served there as a part-time professor (2018-2019). Before joining NTNU in 2016, she worked as a (tenured) Assistant Professor in Contemporary European and International History at Maastricht University (2009-2016) in the Netherlands, where she taught in the European Studies programme at both BA and MA levels. She was also the first recipient of the Clifford Hackett Lectureship in the History of European Integration at Yale University (USA), where she taught European integration to History and Political Science majors between 2005 and 2007.
She has received distinguished fellowships from a variety of institutions across Europe. She was a Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) in Wassenaar, a (senior) Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Portsmouth, a Jean Monnet post-doctoral Fellow at the European University in Florence, and a Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute in Paris. She also held a three-year doctoral fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
She is an expert consultant for various European and EU institutions, such as the Committee of the Regions, the European Council, and the European Space Agency. In addition, she regularly contributes to the media on EU issues and politics.
- Agricultural policy
- Common Agricultural Policy of the EU
- EU - European policy
- Europe
- European Parliament
- European People's Party
- European Studies
- European history
- European integration
- Euroscepticism
- Experts and expertise
- Farmers union
- Franco-German relations
- Gender & Women's History
- Global history
- History of the European Union
- Interest groups
- International Organizations
- Rural and agricultural history
- The European Union
- Transnational History
Carine Germond's research addresses historical and contemporary political actors and processes impacting important international and European development. It covers key areas of (1) the diplomatic and political history of 20th-century Europe, with a focus on the role of individual leaders in Franco-German cooperation during the Cold War period and from the 1990s onwards; and (2) transnational history, with an emphasis on the role of experts and transnational societal actors in policy-making processes across several decades within the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and in the European Parliament. In her research, she has used a range of methods of historical analysis, especially multi-archival comparative, cross-disciplinary, and transnational approaches.
Her current and planned research projects are chiefly driven by her interest in (a) the role of leading political figures and experts in political processes, (b) the role of state and non-state actors in transnational policy-making; (c) the emergence and growing significance of transnational cooperation patterns among and across states and non-state actors and (d) the transnational political and societal forces that have contributed to the evolution of International Organizations (IOs), including the European Union. She has published widely on these issues.
Her publications and research projects are structured around four main themes:
Research theme 1: State Actors, Bilateral Relations and European Cooperation
· Franco-German bilateral relationship and its role in European cooperation from the Cold War period to the present
· Post-war European integration history
Research theme 2: The Role of Transnational Societal Actors
· Farm interest groups and the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, 1967-1992
· Transnational expert networks and agricultural policy in International Organizations in the long 20th century
· Trust in Experts and Expert Governance in Europe
Research theme 3: Understanding the Evolution of the European Parliament
· The EPP Group in the (elected) European Parliament and its contributions to European integration
· The EP and the Common Agricultural Policy
· The AGRI Committee and agricultural policy reform
Research theme 4: 'Hidden figures' - Women in European Political Integration
· Women in agriculture: gendered roles and transnational mobilization
· Parliamentary trailblazers for Women? Female MEPs in the European Parliament”
· The Women who made Europe. A Gendered History of the European Union (WomEUn)
Research theme 5: Sustainable EUrope
· 'Sustainabling' agriculture and rural development: The creeping inclusion of sustainability in the EU's Common Agricultural Policy
· Using, Managing and Protecting the Seas: The European Union and Ocean Sustainability (EUSEAS) (Project lead, Seed funding NTNU Ocean 2023)
The European Ambition
Franco-German Relations and the European Integration Process since 1990
Transforming Agriculture and Rurality: The Common Agricultural Policy, Actors, National Adaptation and Responses to Policy Challenges
Integrating or breaking up Europe? Euroscepticism and opposition to Europe
War, Peace and Memory: Franco-German Reconciliation
Transnationalizating Farm Protests
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Review of Alain Coën: Les relations monétaires franco-allemandes et l’UEM (1969–1992): des ambitions aux réalités. Peter Lang, Bruxelles et el. 2023, 414 pp., 63,10 €.
VSWG. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Book review
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Rye, Lise.
Teaching European Union politics: the perspective of history.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Bisschop, Chantal.
(Trans)National Mobilisation: The March 1971 Farming Protest in Historical Retrospective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Transnationalizing Farming Protest to Avoid Marginalisation? COPA and the Mansholt Plan.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine Sophie.
War, Peace and Memory: Franco-German Reconciliation - From war and peace.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie.
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable Review 14-17 on Jarausch, Embattled Europe: A Progressive Alternative (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 20219).
H-Diplo - H-Net Reviews in Humanities and Social Sciences
Book review
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Seidel, Katja.
The Franco-German relationship at the heart of EU history.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Integrating or breaking up Europe? Euroscepticism and opposition to Europe.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Review of Laurent Warlouzet, Europe contre Europe. Entre liberté, solidarité et puissance, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2022, 496 p.
Academic literature review
Germond, Carine;
Geronymaki, Kalliopi.
Transforming Agriculture and Rurality: The Common Agricultural Policy, Actors, National Adaptation and Responses to Policy Challenges.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Franco-German Relations and the European Integration Process since 1990.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Putin's War in Ukraine - Quo Vadis Europe's Franco-German Engine.
H-Diplo - H-Net Reviews in Humanities and Social Sciences
Feature article
Germond, Carine.
Au-delà de la courbure des bananes – le pouvoir transformateur du droit européen à l’aune du projet de Marché Commun. Review of Kiran Klaus Patel, Hans Christian Röhl, Transformation durch Recht. Geschichte und Jurisprudenz Europäischer Integration 1985–1992, Mainz: Mohr Siebeck, 345 p.
Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History
Book review
Germond, Carine.
Review of Michael Gehler, Wilfried Loth (eds.), Re-shaping Europe: Towards a Political, Economic and Monetary Union, 1984-1989. Nomos: Baden Baden, 2015, 524 p.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Book review
Bardi, Luciano;
Gagatek, Wojciech;
Germond, Carine;
Johansson, Karl Magnus;
Kaiser, Wolfram.
The European Ambition. The Group of the European People’s Party and European Integration.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Academic monograph
Germond, Carine.
Agriculture with a Social Twist. Vocational Education and Training in the Common Agricultural Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Alliance and Independence. The Role of the United States in Charles de Gaulle's European Policy.
Franz Steiner Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Graneng, Kristine;
Germond, Carine.
Who to blame and for what? The discourse on immigration in the Brexit campaign.
Masters thesis
Germond, Carine.
Review of Lucie Filippova, Erfüllte hoffnung. Städtepartnerschaften als Instrument der deutsch-französischen Aussöhnung, 1950-2000. Göttingen and Bristol: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, 409pp.
H-France Review
Academic literature review
Germond, Carine S..
An Emerging Anti-Reform Green Front? Farm Interest Groups Fighting the ‘Agriculture 1980’ Project, 1958-1972.
European Review of History
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Expertise, Information and the Common Agricultural Policy. The Role and Influence of European Farm Organizations.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
Partenaires de raison? Le couple France-Allemagne et l'unification de l'Europe, 1963-1969.
Academic monograph
Germond, Carine S..
Review of Garret Joseph Martin. General de Gaulle’s Cold War: Challenging American Hegemony 1963-1968. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-78238-015-3.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Book review
Germond, Carine Sophie.
The Common Agricultural Policy. The CAP after 2013.
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Vara, Gracia;
Unfried, Martin;
Maurer, Heidi.
Scoreboard for monitoring multilevel governance (MLG) at the European Union level: MLG fact sheets 2011-2012.
Committee of the Regions
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Germond, Carine S.;
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Preventing Reform? Agricultural Interest Groups and the Common Agricultural Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S.;
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective - Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective (Special issue co-editor), Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Dynamic Franco-German Duos: Giscard-Schmidt and Mitterrand-Kohl.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S.;
Seidel, Katja;
Spoerer, Mark.
Ambitions and Reality of the Common Agricultural Policy: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
A "Cordial Virtuality"? Charles de Gaulle and the Franco-German Partnership, 1963-1969.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
Defending the Status Quo: Agricultural Interest Groups and the Challenge of Overproduction in the 1970s.
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Charles de Gaulle and the Grand Coalition’s Ostpolitik, 1966-1969.
Francia. Forschungen zur Westeuropäischen Geschichte
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
The Agricultural Bone of Contention: The Franco-German Tandem and the CAP, 1963-1966.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S.;
Seidel, Katja;
Spoerer, Mark.
Ambitions and Realities of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
The End of the Cold War and the Unification of the European Continent.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
Old Foes and New Friends. Historical Perspestives on Franco-German Relations in Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
A History of Franco-German Relations in Europe: From “Hereditary Enemies” to Partners.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
Der Staatssekretär-Ausschuss für Europafragen und die Gestaltung der deutschen Europapolitik 1963-1969.
Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften
Academic article
Journal publications
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Review of Alain Coën: Les relations monétaires franco-allemandes et l’UEM (1969–1992): des ambitions aux réalités. Peter Lang, Bruxelles et el. 2023, 414 pp., 63,10 €.
VSWG. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Book review
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Bisschop, Chantal.
(Trans)National Mobilisation: The March 1971 Farming Protest in Historical Retrospective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Transnationalizing Farming Protest to Avoid Marginalisation? COPA and the Mansholt Plan.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine Sophie.
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable Review 14-17 on Jarausch, Embattled Europe: A Progressive Alternative (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 20219).
H-Diplo - H-Net Reviews in Humanities and Social Sciences
Book review
Germond, Carine.
Review of Laurent Warlouzet, Europe contre Europe. Entre liberté, solidarité et puissance, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2022, 496 p.
Academic literature review
Germond, Carine.
Putin's War in Ukraine - Quo Vadis Europe's Franco-German Engine.
H-Diplo - H-Net Reviews in Humanities and Social Sciences
Feature article
Germond, Carine.
Au-delà de la courbure des bananes – le pouvoir transformateur du droit européen à l’aune du projet de Marché Commun. Review of Kiran Klaus Patel, Hans Christian Röhl, Transformation durch Recht. Geschichte und Jurisprudenz Europäischer Integration 1985–1992, Mainz: Mohr Siebeck, 345 p.
Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History
Book review
Germond, Carine.
Review of Michael Gehler, Wilfried Loth (eds.), Re-shaping Europe: Towards a Political, Economic and Monetary Union, 1984-1989. Nomos: Baden Baden, 2015, 524 p.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Book review
Germond, Carine.
Review of Lucie Filippova, Erfüllte hoffnung. Städtepartnerschaften als Instrument der deutsch-französischen Aussöhnung, 1950-2000. Göttingen and Bristol: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, 409pp.
H-France Review
Academic literature review
Germond, Carine S..
An Emerging Anti-Reform Green Front? Farm Interest Groups Fighting the ‘Agriculture 1980’ Project, 1958-1972.
European Review of History
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Review of Garret Joseph Martin. General de Gaulle’s Cold War: Challenging American Hegemony 1963-1968. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-78238-015-3.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Book review
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Germond, Carine S.;
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S.;
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective - Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective (Special issue co-editor), Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S.;
Seidel, Katja;
Spoerer, Mark.
Ambitions and Reality of the Common Agricultural Policy: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Defending the Status Quo: Agricultural Interest Groups and the Challenge of Overproduction in the 1970s.
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
Charles de Gaulle and the Grand Coalition’s Ostpolitik, 1966-1969.
Francia. Forschungen zur Westeuropäischen Geschichte
Academic article
Germond, Carine S..
The Agricultural Bone of Contention: The Franco-German Tandem and the CAP, 1963-1966.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S.;
Seidel, Katja;
Spoerer, Mark.
Ambitions and Realities of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Academic article
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
Der Staatssekretär-Ausschuss für Europafragen und die Gestaltung der deutschen Europapolitik 1963-1969.
Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften
Academic article
Bardi, Luciano;
Gagatek, Wojciech;
Germond, Carine;
Johansson, Karl Magnus;
Kaiser, Wolfram.
The European Ambition. The Group of the European People’s Party and European Integration.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Academic monograph
Germond, Carine S..
Partenaires de raison? Le couple France-Allemagne et l'unification de l'Europe, 1963-1969.
Academic monograph
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Vara, Gracia;
Unfried, Martin;
Maurer, Heidi.
Scoreboard for monitoring multilevel governance (MLG) at the European Union level: MLG fact sheets 2011-2012.
Committee of the Regions
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
A History of Franco-German Relations in Europe: From “Hereditary Enemies” to Partners.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Part of book/report
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Rye, Lise.
Teaching European Union politics: the perspective of history.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie.
War, Peace and Memory: Franco-German Reconciliation - From war and peace.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie;
Seidel, Katja.
The Franco-German relationship at the heart of EU history.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie.
Integrating or breaking up Europe? Euroscepticism and opposition to Europe.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine;
Geronymaki, Kalliopi.
Transforming Agriculture and Rurality: The Common Agricultural Policy, Actors, National Adaptation and Responses to Policy Challenges.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Franco-German Relations and the European Integration Process since 1990.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Agriculture with a Social Twist. Vocational Education and Training in the Common Agricultural Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine.
Alliance and Independence. The Role of the United States in Charles de Gaulle's European Policy.
Franz Steiner Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
Expertise, Information and the Common Agricultural Policy. The Role and Influence of European Farm Organizations.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine Sophie.
The Common Agricultural Policy. The CAP after 2013.
Germond, Carine S..
Preventing Reform? Agricultural Interest Groups and the Common Agricultural Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
Dynamic Franco-German Duos: Giscard-Schmidt and Mitterrand-Kohl.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
A "Cordial Virtuality"? Charles de Gaulle and the Franco-German Partnership, 1963-1969.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S..
The End of the Cold War and the Unification of the European Continent.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Germond, Carine S.;
Türk, Henning.
Old Foes and New Friends. Historical Perspestives on Franco-German Relations in Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Graneng, Kristine;
Germond, Carine.
Who to blame and for what? The discourse on immigration in the Brexit campaign.
Masters thesis
- EUR3413 - Governing Europe: Societal Actors, Networks and Lobbying
- EUR3415 - Research and Project Planning
- EUR3001 - Master's Thesis in European Studies
- EUR2201 - Theories and Methods in European Studies
- EUR2900 - Bachelor's Thesis in European Studies
Supervised doctoral students
Jennifer Baumann, Governance of a Shift to Sustainable Maritime Shipping Policy: Windows of Change (on-going, NTNU Ocean Funding)
Supervised MA Students
Hanniken Håkkonsen (2024), The European rights-driven regulatory approach in the technology sector and its extraterritorial impact A comparative case study of the GDPR and the AI Act, NTNU (Winner of the MA Award 2024), NTNU.
Mette Viktoria Elsveen, The creeping inclusion of sustainability: A discourse analysis of three major CAP reforms (2003-2013-2021), NTNU.
Julia Sivertsen (2024), Projecting Geopolitical Power and Acting as One? The EU’s Foreign Policy in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in 2014 and 2022-3, NTNU.
Alessia Reina (2023), Environmental vs. Industry interests: A comparative study of CAN Europe and FuelsEurope’s lobbying of the 2018 EU ETS Directive, NTNU.
Eirin Anette Becker (2023), The inclusion of gas and nuclear energy in the EU taxonomy: a discourse analysis of the German media (January-July 2022, NTNU. (Winner MA Thesis Award 2023)
Mathilde Brix Bordal (2023), The greening of Norwegian energy industry and the EU Green Deal: Statkraft and Equinor and the phasing out of fossil fuels from 2019 to 2022, NTNU.
Emilie Faarup Storvirk (2022), Women’s Mobilization in the Digital Era: Lobbying and Advocating for European Women’s Rights, NTNU
Marta Linea Loftus Meldahl (2021), A Clean hydrogen market in the making - Comparing Norway’s and the Netherland’s roles in the European hydrogen transition, NTNU
Eileen Bjørnnes (2019), Conflict Resolution and State Reform in Belgium, NTNU
Charlotte Eide (2019), New Kids on the Block. University Interest Representation in Brussels, NTNU
Daniel Mykland (2019), An Illuminating Tale of the impact of the EEA Grants on Development Progress: A qualitative study of project performance in the 2009-2014 Gender Mainstreaming and Work-Life Balance Programme, NTNU
Halfdan Garder (2019), Norway’s involvement in EU agencies: The EEA and EMSA, NTNU
Ane Louise Toft (2018), From climate refugees to economic migrants: The EU’s discursive framing of climate-induced migration and displacement, NTNU
Kristine Graneng (2017), Sense and Sensibility. The Framing of Immigration in the Brexit Debate, NTNU
15. Maja Haugum Svendsen (2017), The Drowning of Human Right in the Sea. The EU’s handling of the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, NTNU
Agriculture is a man's world, but is it?
1962. Année fondatrice du rapprochement et du couple franco-allemand
Book Presentation
Norway's Ambivalent Relationship to the EU
Popular scientific lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2024) Préparer sa carrière internationale en Norvège - Témoignages. Université de Strasbourg Préparer sa carrière internationale - Témoignages en direct , Online 2024-05-24 - 2024-05-24
InterviewGermond, Carine Sophie. (2024) Courthouse News Service Courthouse News Service [Internet] 2024-06-27
Academic lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2024) Deconstructing ‘Green Europe’. Shifting Visions of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Contestation. Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, DHI Rome (De)constructing Europe. Tensions of Europeanization , Rome 2024-03-20 -
Academic lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2024) I Norge liker vi ikke Unioner. Norway's Ambivalent Relationship to the EU. Institut für Geschichte und Katholische Theologie, Stiftung Universität Hildesheim Reihe des Forschungskolloquiums , Hildesheim 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-19
Popular scientific lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2024) Presentation of chapter "War, Peace and Memory: Franco-German Reconciliation", in ‘The Cambridge History of the European Union’ in honour of Mathieu Segers House of European History. KU Leuven, House of European History Presentation of ‘The Cambridge History of the European Union’ in honour of Mathieu Segers House of European History , Brussels 2024-05-29 - 2024-05-29
Academic lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2023) Agriculture is a man’s world, but is it? Female MEPs in the Committee on Agriculture (1958-1994). University of Luxembourg Women’s Narratives and European Integration History , Luxembourg 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-21
Popular scientific lectureGermond, Carine Sophie. (2023) Mussolini er tilbake, WTF? En sofaprat med Elisabetta Cassina Wolff. Studentersamfundet Mussolini er tilbake, WTF? , Studentersamfundet 2023-01-14 - 2023-01-14
Academic lectureGermond, Carine. (2022) Institutions and Actors. Comments and Suggestions. Stefan Vogenauer, Philip Bajon Methodica. History of European Law , Frankfurt 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10
Popular scientific lectureGermond, Carine. (2022) 1962 - Année fondatrice du rapprochement et couple franco-allemand. Fondation Charles de Gaulle, Insititut historique allemand Le chemin vers le traité de l'Elysée: La relation franco-allemandes à travers les crises de l'années 1962 , Paris 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-27
Popular scientific lectureGermond, Carine. (2022) The French Presidential Elections of 2022. Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway (YATA) Oslo Frankrikes presidentvalg , Zoom (digital) 2022-04-27 - 2022-04-27
LectureGermond, Carine. (2022) New farming landscapes and the European Common Agricultural Policy.Retracing the first FEOGA Guidance Funds (1964-1978)-- A Discussion. Alcide de Gasperi Research Centre New Farming Landscape and the European Common Agricultural Policy , Firenze 2022-03-10 - 2022-03-10
InterviewGermond, Carine Sophie. (2020) Le lobby agricole lutte contre un verdissement de la PAC. Le Monde Le Monde [Newspaper] 2020-10-12
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2016) The Netherlands EU Presidency Has To Use All The Pragmatic Problem-Solving Skills. [Newspaper] 2016-01-15
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2016) Slovakia's EU Presidency Didn't Overplay Its Hand. [Newspaper] 2016-12-19
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2016) An unenviable task. What to expect from Slovakia’s EU Presidency. [Newspaper] 2016-07-03
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2016) Dutch referendum: Future of EU and Ukraine at stake?. [Newspaper] 2016-04-06
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2016) Dutch referendum: Future of EU and Ukraine at stake?. [Newspaper] 2016-04-08
InterviewGermond, Carine. (2015) EU: Is the Franco-German engine running again?. [Newspaper] 2015-10-08