Berit Pauline Brandth
Main area of research is work, family and care policies with a special focus on fathering and parental leave. Another area of interest is rural gender studies.
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Workplace support of fathers’ parental leave use in Norway.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Flexibility: Some consequences for fathers' caregiving.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Eydal, Guđný Björk;
Brandth, Berit;
Gíslason, Ingólfur V.;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna;
Rostgaard, Tine.
Gender equality: Parental leave design and evaluating its effects on fathers' participation.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers' sense of entitlement to shared and ear-marked parental leave.
Sociological Review
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Farmers framing fatherhood: everyday life and rural change.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Enabling or promoting gender equality through parental leave policies.
Revista Espanola de Sociologia
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Masculinity and Fathering Alone during Parental Leave.
Men and Masculinities
Academic article
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit.
Gender Identities and Divorce among Farmers in Norway.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Fathers on Leave Alone in Norway: Changees and Continuities.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Halrynjo, Sigtona;
Kvande, Elin.
Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers integrating work and childcare: reconciling the logics?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Farm fathers and their fathers: Flexible work and cultural change.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
The co-location of home and work in two generations of farmers: what effects on fathering practices?.
Families, Relationships and Societies
Academic article
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Les pères congé parental en Norwège. Changements et continuités.
Politiques sociales et familiales
Academic article
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Individualized,non-transferable parental leave for European fathers. Migrant perspectives.
Community, Work and Family
Academic literature review
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Rural Masculinity.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Rural masculinities and fathering practices.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers and flexible parental leave.
Work, Employment and Society
Academic article
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro Irene.
Farm, family, and myself: farm women dealing with family break-up.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Parental leave and classed fathering practices in Norway.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Haugen, Marit S..
Paradoxes of a Women's Organization in the Forestry Industry.
Lexington Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pini, Barbara;
Brandth, Berit;
Little, Jo.
Feminisms and Ruralities.
Lexington Books
Lexington Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Eydal, Gudny Björk;
Gislason, Ingolfur V.;
Rostgaard, Tine;
Brandth, Berit;
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna.
Trends in parental leave in the Nordic countries: Has the forward march of gender equality halted?.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit.
When farm couples break up: gendered moralities, gossip and the fear of stigmatisation in rural communities.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Embodying the Rural Idyll in Farm Tourist Hosting.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Overrein, Grete.
Resourcing Children in a Changing Rural Context: Fathering and Farm Succession in Two Generations of Farmers.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Smeby, Kristine Warhuus;
Brandth, Berit.
Mellom hjem og barnehage: Likestilling i det tredje skiftet.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedrekvotens valgfrihet og fleksibilitet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedrekvoten og den farsvennlige velferdsstaten.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Overrein, Grete.
Farming fathers between work and care in Norway - an intergenerational study.
Tampere University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S.;
Kramvig, Britt.
Taming the Village Beast: Rural Entrepreneurship as the art of balance between economic growth and social sustainability.
Firenze University Press (FUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skavhaug, Inga Marie O.;
Brandth, Berit.
Gårdsturisme på hjemmesider: trender, blikk og paradokser.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Free choice or gentle force? How can parental leave change gender practices?.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Emotional Dimensions of Fathering and Work-Life Boundaries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Farm tourism and dilemmas of commercial activity in the home.
Hospitality & Society
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Farm diversification into tourism - Implications for social identity?.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Gislason, Ingolfur V..
Family policies and the best interest of children.
Nordisk ministerråd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eydal, Gudny Bjørk;
Gislason, Ingolfur V.;
Brandth, Berit;
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna;
Rostgaard, Tine.
Föräldraledighet, omsorgspolitik och jämställdhet i Norden.
Nordisk råd og Nordisk ministerråd
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Doing Farm Tourism: The Intertwining Practices of Gender and Work.
Academic article
Blekesaune, Arild;
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Visitors to Farm Tourism Enterprises in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve;
Kramvig, Britt.
"The Future can only be Imagined" - Innovation in Farm Tourism from a Phenomenological Perspective.
The Open Social Science Journal
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Gendered or Gender-Neutral Care Politics for Fathers?.
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Norway: the making of the father's quota.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Gendered Work in Family Farm Tourism.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Academic article
O'Brien, Margaret;
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers, Work and Family Life: global perspectives and new insights.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Agricultural body-building: Incorporations of gender, body and work.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Embodying family farm work.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Care politics for fathers in a flexible time culture.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S.
Text, Body, and Tools. Changing Mediations of Rural Masculinity.
Men and Masculinities
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedres valgfrihet og arbeidslivets tidskulturer.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS)
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Doing rural masculinity - from logging to outfield tourism.
Journal of Gender Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Bungum, Brita;
Kvande, Elin.
Valgfrihetens tid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Morgan, David;
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Gender, bodies and work.
Ashgate Publising
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Women in forestry: Dilemmas of a separate women's organization.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fleksible fedre. Maskulinitet, arbeid, velferdsstat.
Academic monograph
Brandth, Berit.
Gender identity in European family farming: a literature review.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Journal publications
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Workplace support of fathers’ parental leave use in Norway.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers' sense of entitlement to shared and ear-marked parental leave.
Sociological Review
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Farmers framing fatherhood: everyday life and rural change.
Agriculture and Human Values
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Enabling or promoting gender equality through parental leave policies.
Revista Espanola de Sociologia
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Masculinity and Fathering Alone during Parental Leave.
Men and Masculinities
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
The co-location of home and work in two generations of farmers: what effects on fathering practices?.
Families, Relationships and Societies
Academic article
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Les pères congé parental en Norwège. Changements et continuités.
Politiques sociales et familiales
Academic article
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Individualized,non-transferable parental leave for European fathers. Migrant perspectives.
Community, Work and Family
Academic literature review
Brandth, Berit.
Rural masculinities and fathering practices.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers and flexible parental leave.
Work, Employment and Society
Academic article
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro Irene.
Farm, family, and myself: farm women dealing with family break-up.
Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Bjørkhaug, Hilde.
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Eydal, Gudny Björk;
Gislason, Ingolfur V.;
Rostgaard, Tine;
Brandth, Berit;
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna.
Trends in parental leave in the Nordic countries: Has the forward march of gender equality halted?.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit.
When farm couples break up: gendered moralities, gossip and the fear of stigmatisation in rural communities.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Embodying the Rural Idyll in Farm Tourist Hosting.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Overrein, Grete.
Resourcing Children in a Changing Rural Context: Fathering and Farm Succession in Two Generations of Farmers.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Smeby, Kristine Warhuus;
Brandth, Berit.
Mellom hjem og barnehage: Likestilling i det tredje skiftet.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Skavhaug, Inga Marie O.;
Brandth, Berit.
Gårdsturisme på hjemmesider: trender, blikk og paradokser.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Farm tourism and dilemmas of commercial activity in the home.
Hospitality & Society
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Farm diversification into tourism - Implications for social identity?.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Doing Farm Tourism: The Intertwining Practices of Gender and Work.
Academic article
Blekesaune, Arild;
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Visitors to Farm Tourism Enterprises in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve;
Kramvig, Britt.
"The Future can only be Imagined" - Innovation in Farm Tourism from a Phenomenological Perspective.
The Open Social Science Journal
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Gendered or Gender-Neutral Care Politics for Fathers?.
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Gendered Work in Family Farm Tourism.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Academic article
O'Brien, Margaret;
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers, Work and Family Life: global perspectives and new insights.
Community, Work and Family
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Agricultural body-building: Incorporations of gender, body and work.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S.
Text, Body, and Tools. Changing Mediations of Rural Masculinity.
Men and Masculinities
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedres valgfrihet og arbeidslivets tidskulturer.
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS)
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Doing rural masculinity - from logging to outfield tourism.
Journal of Gender Studies
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro;
Haugen, Marit Synnøve.
Women in forestry: Dilemmas of a separate women's organization.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Academic article
Brandth, Berit.
Gender identity in European family farming: a literature review.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Brandth, Berit;
Halrynjo, Sigtona;
Kvande, Elin.
Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Pini, Barbara;
Brandth, Berit;
Little, Jo.
Feminisms and Ruralities.
Lexington Books
Lexington Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedrekvoten og den farsvennlige velferdsstaten.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Eydal, Gudny Bjørk;
Gislason, Ingolfur V.;
Brandth, Berit;
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna;
Rostgaard, Tine.
Föräldraledighet, omsorgspolitik och jämställdhet i Norden.
Nordisk råd og Nordisk ministerråd
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Bungum, Brita;
Kvande, Elin.
Valgfrihetens tid.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Morgan, David;
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Gender, bodies and work.
Ashgate Publising
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fleksible fedre. Maskulinitet, arbeid, velferdsstat.
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Flexibility: Some consequences for fathers' caregiving.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duvander, Ann-Zofie;
Eydal, Guđný Björk;
Brandth, Berit;
Gíslason, Ingólfur V.;
Lammi-Taskula, Johanna;
Rostgaard, Tine.
Gender equality: Parental leave design and evaluating its effects on fathers' participation.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Marit S.;
Brandth, Berit.
Gender Identities and Divorce among Farmers in Norway.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kvande, Elin;
Brandth, Berit.
Fathers on Leave Alone in Norway: Changees and Continuities.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fathers integrating work and childcare: reconciling the logics?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Farm fathers and their fathers: Flexible work and cultural change.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S..
Rural Masculinity.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Parental leave and classed fathering practices in Norway.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Follo, Gro Irene;
Haugen, Marit S..
Paradoxes of a Women's Organization in the Forestry Industry.
Lexington Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Fedrekvotens valgfrihet og fleksibilitet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Overrein, Grete.
Farming fathers between work and care in Norway - an intergenerational study.
Tampere University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Haugen, Marit S.;
Kramvig, Britt.
Taming the Village Beast: Rural Entrepreneurship as the art of balance between economic growth and social sustainability.
Firenze University Press (FUP)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Free choice or gentle force? How can parental leave change gender practices?.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Emotional Dimensions of Fathering and Work-Life Boundaries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Gislason, Ingolfur V..
Family policies and the best interest of children.
Nordisk ministerråd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Norway: the making of the father's quota.
Policy Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit.
Embodying family farm work.
CABI Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandth, Berit;
Kvande, Elin.
Care politics for fathers in a flexible time culture.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper