Beathe Liebech-Lien
Oppredning/gruvedrift, 302, Gløshaugen, Sem Sælandsvei 1
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Hammar Chiriac, Eva;
Davidson, Neil.
Teachers’ professional development for cooperative learning: A constructive controversy between long-term versus short-term professional development.
Autonómia és Felelősség: Neveléstudományi Folyóirat
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Developing a Community of Practice for Teachers' Learning and Implementation of Cooperative Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Working together for cooperative learning: An inquiry into how collaborating in teacher teams can enhance teaching practice.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Teacher teams – A support or a barrier to practising cooperative learning?.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Sjølie, Ela.
Teachers’ conceptions and uses of student collaboration in the classroom.
Educational Research
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Students’ experiences of a teacher-led implementation of
cooperative learning: A longitudinal study.
Issues in educational research
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
The bumpy road to implementing cooperative learning: Towards sustained practice through collaborative action.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Journal publications
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Hammar Chiriac, Eva;
Davidson, Neil.
Teachers’ professional development for cooperative learning: A constructive controversy between long-term versus short-term professional development.
Autonómia és Felelősség: Neveléstudományi Folyóirat
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Teacher teams – A support or a barrier to practising cooperative learning?.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe;
Sjølie, Ela.
Teachers’ conceptions and uses of student collaboration in the classroom.
Educational Research
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Students’ experiences of a teacher-led implementation of
cooperative learning: A longitudinal study.
Issues in educational research
Academic article
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
The bumpy road to implementing cooperative learning: Towards sustained practice through collaborative action.
Cogent Education
Academic article
Part of book/report
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Developing a Community of Practice for Teachers' Learning and Implementation of Cooperative Learning.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liebech-Lien, Beathe.
Working together for cooperative learning: An inquiry into how collaborating in teacher teams can enhance teaching practice.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureFerguson-Patrick, Kate; Liebech-Lien, Beathe. (2024) What Does a Teacher Team Learn About the Use of Effective Collaborative Problem Solving in Maths Using Proactive Action Research?. European Educational Research Association (EERA) European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2024 , Nicosia 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe; Ferguson-Patrick, Kate. (2024) Cooperative Learning as a Reflective Lens to Facilitate Teamwork in Higher Education . European Educational Research Association (EERA) European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2024 , Nicosia 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureRustad, Hanne; Liebech-Lien, Beathe. (2024) Å gi og ta imot tilbakemeldinger i team. SEKOM, NTNU De norske interaksjonsdagene , NTNU, Trondheim 2024-01-04 - 2024-01-05
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe; Andersen, Nina Haugland. (2023) Supporting Facilitator Teams in Higher Education to Develop into Communities of Practice to Support Students` Learning . European Educational Research Association (EERA) European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2023 , Glasgow 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2023) Cooperative Learning as a Theory and Method for School leaders to Support Teachers` Professional Development . European Educational Research Association (EERA) European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2023 , Glasgow 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2022) Cooperative learning as a value, theory and method for school leaders to support professional development and teachers' learning . Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning Roundtable , Trondheim 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2019) Site-based professional learning with action learning as an important tool to support teachers to implement cooperative learning. . International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Ed Cooperative Learning in Far-East Asia and the World: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence. IASCE Conference 2019 , Taipei 2019-03-22 - 2019-03-24
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2019) Implementing cooperative learning in interdisciplinary teams with site-based learning and action learning. Findings from a case study in a lower secondary school in Norway. International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Ed Cooperative Learning in Far-East Asia and the World: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence. IASCE Conference 2019 , Taipei 2019-03-22 - 2019-03-24
LectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2018) Tverrfaglig lærersamarbeid for utvikling av samarbeidslæring i undervisning. . Universitet i Tromsø NORALF-konferansen 2018. Å forske i egen praksis – profesjonell utvikling i barnehage og skole. , Tromsø 2018-05-15 - 2018-05-16
PosterLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2018) Together for Cooperative Learning - exploring the significance of teacher collaboration in the implementation of CL. NAFOL, Nasjonal Forskerskole for Lærerutdanning THE 5th NAFOL CONFERENCE. Validity and Value of Educational Research , Hamar 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-24
Academic lectureLiebech-Lien, Beathe. (2018) Action research as a vehicle for changing teaching practice. Reflections from an RD-project implementing cooperative learning in lower secondary. Aalborg University Practices and the Practical Dimension in the Study of Social life. Research Conference for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Students , Copenhagen 2018-07-09 - 2018-07-11