Audrey Jean Gerrard
Audrey Gerrard is a researcher in history within the Fate of Nations, the Hidden Companies of the Global Economy, and the Erasmus+ EMERALD case method projects. Her research examines development theory, economics of agriculture and the rise of agribusiness, and the evolution of international corporations law. Audrey was awarded her PhD from the University of Tasmania, Australia, in 2019 and has been involved with research into colonial law, race and labour in plantation economies there. Her recent research at Flinders University, South Australia, examines legal evolution in the Western Pacific through issues of land ownership, plantation agriculture, and labour movement. Her current projects include investigating seed cartels and the transitions in Brazilian law in the early 21st century, and historical examination of corporate transparency in private commodity trading. Looking forward, her research seeks to interrogate the important intersections of environmental histories, corporate multinational infrastructure, and developing legal frameworks.
Academic lectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2023) The Law of Fire and Axe: Tensions of Sustainability and the Brazilian Forest Code 1964-1981. The Business History Conference (BHC) Meeting of the Business History Conference , Detroit, Michigan 2023-03-16 - 2023-03-18
Academic lectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2023) Opaque-2: A Contested History of Maize Genetics, Private Investment, and Agribusiness Consolidation in Brazil, 1947-1975. Centre for Economic Cultures, University of Manchester Odious Investments: How Finance Creates, Shapes, and Sustains Global Inequalities , Manchester 2023-07-06 - 2023-07-07
Academic lectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2023) Between Private Affair and Government Control: The Queensland Plantation Labour Debates 1880-1890. University of Leiden Risk and Entrepeneurship - Old Discussions, Innovative Questions, New Insights , Leiden 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-08
Academic lectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2023) Imperial Inheritances, Frontier Transitions: Legislating Against Slavery in Queensland and the Western Pacific, 1860-1889. Brasenose College, University of Oxford Slavery, Institutions, and Empire: Moving Beyond Microhistory , Oxford 2023-09-07 - 2023-09-08
LectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2022) ‘Planter Compensation and Labourer Consent: Queensland Lawmaking during the Second Wave of Blackbirding in Papua’. Audrey Gerrard and Penelope Edmonds Colonising Companies, Commodities, and Labour in the Western Pacific , Dragvoll, NTNU Trondheim 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-20
Academic lectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2022) ‘Contract and Consent in Queensland Colonial Lawmaking: the Pacific Islander Employers’ Compensation Act and the Long Shadow of Slavery’. Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg FRESH Meeting on Colonialism and Natural Resources , University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-20
LectureGerrard, Audrey Jean. (2022) The Sunday Company: Rockefeller, Cargill, and the Humanitarian Foundations of Agribusiness in Brazil, 1948-1957. Department of Moderns History and Society, NTNU Fate of Nations: Political Regulation of Natural Resources , Dragvoll, NTNU Trondheim 2022-08-09 - 2022-08-09