Astrid Johansen
Astrid Johansen is employed at NTNU's resource centre for STEM-education ("Skolelaboratoriet,"). Her teaching resposibility is in-service education courses in physics and science for teachers.
Areas of research interests are physics didactics and other topics related to teaching and learning. She participates in the project KreTek where science teaching is developed that includes technology and creativity.
Johansen, Astrid;
Bungum, Berit.
Elevator speech: Students’ discussions of forces and acceleration by means of a scale in an elevator.
LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education
Academic article
Johansen, Astrid;
Mogstad, Erik;
Gajic, Bojana;
Bungum, Berit.
Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching:
Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Eggen, Per-Odd;
Bøe, Maria Vetleseter;
Fimland, Nina;
Johansen, Astrid;
Nilsen, Trude;
Olsen, Rolf Vegar.
Naturfagene i norsk skole Anno 2015.
Journal publications
Johansen, Astrid;
Bungum, Berit.
Elevator speech: Students’ discussions of forces and acceleration by means of a scale in an elevator.
LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education
Academic article
Johansen, Astrid;
Mogstad, Erik;
Gajic, Bojana;
Bungum, Berit.
Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching:
Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges.
Nordic Studies in Science Education
Academic article
Eggen, Per-Odd;
Bøe, Maria Vetleseter;
Fimland, Nina;
Johansen, Astrid;
Nilsen, Trude;
Olsen, Rolf Vegar.
Naturfagene i norsk skole Anno 2015.
Knowledge Transfer
LectureJohansen, Astrid; Van Marion, Peter. (2015) School-based professional development for science teachers: The SUN project . INSTEM «Innovative science teaching – The way forward» , Freiburg 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-18