Astrid Lægreid
Research interest
Systems biology and its translations to new biomedical approaches.
The Knowledge Commons as foundation for systems biology.
Wide interdisciplinarity spanning humanities, science and technology as a quality and relevance enhancing research mode.
Current research projects
Leader: "Rational development of anti-cancer drug combinations"
Partner: "Crossover Research" and "COLOSYS"
Lægreid studied biochemistry, mathematics and musicology before doing a master (1982) and PhD (1985) in biochemistry at the University of Oslo. During her post doctor, Lægreid entered the field of molecular biology which she applied in cancer research. Lægreid played a central role in the establishment of the national functional genomics research programme where she also headed the NTNU platform-node of the National Consortium of Microarray Technology. Lægreid has pursued epistemic and socio-ethical questions as a central part of her efforts to transform her cancer research strategies from traditional molecular cell biology into a systems biology approach.
Current position: Professor in functional genomics, Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, NTNU; Past university leadership positions: Vice Dean, Research, of the Medical faculty, NTNU, 1996-1999; Prorector, Research and Innovation of NTNU, 2005-2009
Müller-Dott, Sophia;
Tsirvouli, Eirini;
Vazquez, Miguel;
Ramirez Flores, Ricardo O;
Badia-I-Mompel, Pau;
Fallegger, Robin.
Expanding the coverage of regulons from high-confidence prior knowledge for accurate estimation of transcription factor activities.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Vázquez, Miguel;
Chawla, Konika;
Lægreid, Astrid Renner;
Kuiper, Martin.
TFCheckpoint database update, a cross-referencing system for transcription factors from human, mouse and rat.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Heck, Kathleen;
Lindholm, Håvard Takle;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Tsirvouli, Eirini;
Kuiper, Martin;
Flobak, Åsmund.
Characterisation of Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines through Proteomic Profiling of Their Extracellular Vesicles.
Academic article
Kuiper, Martin;
Bonello, Joseph;
Fernández-Breis, Jesualdo Tomás;
Bucher, Philipp;
Futschik, Matthias E;
Gaudet, Pascale.
The gene regulation knowledge commons: the action area of GREEKC.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Vazquez Garcia, Miguel;
Krallinger, Martin;
Leitner, Florian;
Kuiper, Martin;
Valencia, Alfonso;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ExTRI: Extraction of transcription regulation interactions from literature.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Gaudet, Pascale;
Logie, Colin;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thomas, Paul D..
Gene Ontology representation for transcription factor functions.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Ignatchenko, Alex;
Jolma, Arttu;
Fornes, Oriol.
A GO catalogue of human DNA-binding transcription factors.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Juanes Cortés, Belén;
Vera-Ramos, José Antonio;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Logie, Colin.
Formalization of gene regulation knowledge using ontologies and gene ontology causal activity models.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Carbon, Seth J.;
Douglass, Eric;
Good, Benjamin M;
Unni, Deepak R;
Harris, Nomi L.;
Mungall, Christopher J..
The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Folkesson, Evelina;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Nakstad, Vu To;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Author Correction: High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (11574), 10.1038/s41598-020-68441-0).
Scientific Reports
Nydal, Rune;
Bennett, Gaymon;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Silencing trust: confidence and familiarity in re-engineering knowledge infrastructures.
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Academic article
Touré, Vasundra;
Vercruysse, Steven;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Orchard, Sandra;
Bradley, Glyn.
The Minimum Information about a Molecular Interaction Causal Statement (MI2CAST).
Academic article
Folkesson, Evelina;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
To, Vu;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Touré, Vasundra;
Vazques, Miguel;
Thommesen, Liv;
Kuiper, Martin Tremen R.;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Strategies to Enhance Logic Modeling-Based Cell Line-Specific Drug Synergy Prediction.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Vera-Ramos, Jose Antonio;
Juanes-Cortes, Belen;
Fernández-Breis, Jesualdo Tomás;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
An example of multimodal biological knowledge representation.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Carbon, Seth J.;
Douglass, E;
Dunn, N;
Good, B;
Harris, NL;
Lewis, SE.
The Gene Ontology Resource: 20 years and still GOing strong.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Perfetto, Livia;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Bradley, Glyn;
Cesareni, Gianni;
del Toro, Noemi;
Fazekas, David.
CausalTAB: the PSI-MITAB 2.8 updated format for signalling data representation and dissemination .
Academic article
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Nydal, Rune;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Scientific knowledge in the age of computation: Explicated, computable and manageable?.
Theoria. An international Journal of Theory, History and Foundations of Science
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
To, Vu;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
A high-throughput drug combination screen of targeted small molecule inhibitors in cancer cell lines.
Scientific Data
Academic article
Menden, Michael Patrick;
Wang, Dennis;
Mason, Mike J.;
Szalai, Bence;
Bulusu, Krishna C.;
Guan, Yuanfang.
Community assessment to advance computational prediction of cancer drug combinations in a pharmacogenomic screen.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Garcia, Miguel Vazquez;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Valencia, Alfonso.
CImbinator: a web-based tool for drug synergy analysis in small- and large-scale datasets.
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Vercruysse, Steven;
Chawla, Konika;
Christie, Karen R.;
Blake, Judith A;
Huntley, Rachael P..
Gene regulation knowledge commons: community action takes care of DNA binding transcription factors.
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Baudot, Anaïs;
Remy, Elisabeth;
Thommesen, Liv;
Thieffry, Denis;
Kuiper, Martin.
Discovery of Drug Synergies in Gastric Cancer Cells Predicted by Logical Modeling.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Flobak, Åsmund;
Chawla, Konika;
Baudot, Anaïs;
Bruland, Torunn;
Thommesen, Liv.
The gastrin and cholecystokinin receptors mediated signaling network: a scaffold for data analysis and new hypotheses on regulatory mechanisms.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Health and the information commons.
Website (informational material)
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Rao, Shalini;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Haltbakk, Ildri;
Misund, Kristine;
Bruland, Torunn.
Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is induced by gastrin and inhibits migration of gastric adenocarcinoma cells.
Academic article
Venkatesan, Aravind;
Tripathi, Sushil;
Sanz de Galdeano, Alejandro;
Blondé, Ward;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Mironov, Vladimir.
Finding gene regulatory network candidates using the gene expression knowledge base.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Orchard, Sandra;
Ammari, M;
Aranda, B;
Breuza, L;
Briganti, L;
Broackes-Carter, F.
The MIntAct project - IntAct as a common curation platform for 11 molecular interaction databases.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Å ta seg av kunnskap.
Website (informational material)
Misund, Kristine;
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Rao, Shalini;
Nørsett, Kristin Gabestad;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Sandvik, Arne.
NR4A2 is regulated by Gastrin and involved in gastrin-induced migration and invasion of gastric adenocarcinoma cells.
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Christie, KR;
Balakrishnan, Ravin;
Huntley, R;
Hill, DP;
Thommesen, Liv.
Gene Ontology annotation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors: setting the stage for a large-scale curation effort.
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
Academic article
Feuerherm, Astrid Jullumstrø;
Jørgensen, Katarina Mariann;
Sommerfelt, Randi Magnus;
Eidem, Live Egeland;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Johansen, Berit.
Platelet-activating factor induces proliferation in differentiated keratinocytes.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Steigedal, Tonje;
Prestvik, Wenche S;
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bruland, Torunn;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gastrin-induced proliferation involves MEK partner 1 (MP1).
In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal
Academic article
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Misund, Kristine;
Anderssen, Endre.
The duration of gastrin treatment affects global gene expression and molecular responses involved in ER stress and anti-apoptosis.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Chawla, Konika;
Tripathi, Sushil;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
TFcheckpoint: a curated compendium of specific DNA-binding RNA polymerase II transcription factors.
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Holmseth, Jannicke;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Gastrin upregulates the pro-survival factor secretory clusterin (sCLU) in adenocarcinoma cells and in oxyntic mucosa of hypergastrinemic rats.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Nydal, Rune;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Crossover Research: Exploring a Collaborative Mode of Integration.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Günther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on RNA-transfected cell microarrays.
Methods in molecular biology
Academic article
Jørgensen, Katarina;
Felberg, Hanne Solvang;
Berge, Rolf K.;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Johansen, Berit.
Platelet activating factor stimulates arachidonic acid release in differentiated keratinocytes via arachidonyl non-selective phospholipase A(2).
Archives of Dermatological Research
Academic article
Hvidsten, Torgeir;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kryshtafovych, Andriy;
Andersson, Gunnar;
Fidelis, Krzysztof;
Komorowski, J.
A comprehensive analysis of the structure-function relationship in proteins based on local structure similarity.
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Feilberg, Julie.
Using the classification system for institutional profiling : the Norwegian University of Science and technology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hofsli, Eva;
Wheeler, Tom Even;
Langaas, Mette;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of novel neuroendocrine-specific tumour genes.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Langaas, Mette;
Ylving, S;
Fossmark, Reidar.
Changes in gene expression of gastric mucosa during therapeutic acid inhibition.
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepathology
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Gunther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on transfected cell microarray analysed by linear regression modelling.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Günther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on transfected cell microarray analysed by linear regression modelling.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Wheeler, Tommy L.;
Langaas, Mette;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of novel neuroendocrine-specific tumour genes.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Physiological Genomics of Heart Failure: From Technology to Physiology.
Doctoral dissertation
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Bruland, Torunn;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Inducible cAMP early repressor suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Misund, Kristine;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Inducible cAMP early repressor splice variants ICER I and IIgamma both repress transcription of c-fos and chromogranin A.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Stunes, Kamilla;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv.
Webprot : online mining and annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bruland, Torunn;
Anderssen, Endre;
Eitrem, Berit Doseth;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Optimization of cDNA microarrays procedures using criteria that do not rely on external standards.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Steigedal, Tonje;
Bruland, Torunn;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Inducible cAMP early repressor suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Misund, Kristine;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Inducible cAMP early repressor splice variants ICER I and II gamma both repress transcription of c-fos and chromogranin A.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gene expression analysis and clinical diagnosis.
Clinica Chimica Acta
Academic literature review
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lehre, Per Kristian;
Midelfart, Herman;
Aass, H;
Geiran, O;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Academic article
Beisvag, Vidar;
Lehre, PK;
Midelfart, H;
Aas, Halfdan;
Geiran, Odd;
Sandvik, Arne K.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Academic article
Myhre, S;
Tveit, Henrik;
Mollestad, Torulf;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Additional Gene Ontology structure for improved biological reasoning.
Academic article
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Jünge, Frode KR;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Jølsum, Lars;
Lydersen, Stian;
Gunther, Clara-Cecilie.
GeneTools - application for functional annotation and statistical hypothesis testing.
BMC Bioinformatics
Book review
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Distinct differences between TNF receptor 1-and TNF receptor 2-mediated activation of NF kappa B.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Thommesen, Liv;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Langaas, Mette;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Identification of novel growth factor-responsive genes in neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumour cells.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating protein interactions using Google and Gene Ontology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hofsli, Eva;
Thommesen, Liv;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Langaas, Mette;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Falkmer, Ursula.
Identification of novel growth factor-responsive genes in neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumour cells.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Langaas, Mette;
Wørlund, Sara Maria;
Fossmark, Reidar;
Waldum, Helge.
Molecular characterization of rat gastric mucosal response to potent acid inhibition.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Astrid Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Semantic annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tveit, Amund;
Sætre, Rune;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature.
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
Academic article
Sæten, Christina;
Bruland, Torunn;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Optimalisering av Transfekterte CellArray (TCA) for bruk i storskala hypothesetesting av genfunksjon.
Thesis at a second degree level
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Aamodt, Agnar;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Support for Automated Explanation of Biological Phenomena.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Distinct differences between TNF receptor 1-and TNF receptor 2-mediated activation of NF kappa B.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gene expression analysis and clinical diagnosis.
Clinica Chimica Acta
Academic literature review
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: A system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Flikka, K;
Lægreid, Astrid.
XHM: A system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, Herman;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Falkmer, Sture Emil;
Grønbech, Jon Erik.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Drabløs, Finn;
Hammer, Mikael;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hauglid, Jon Olav;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: a system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: a system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Komorowski, Jan;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden.
Learning rule-based models from gene expression time profiles annotated using Gene Ontology.
Academic article
Bakke, Ingunn;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Kusnierczyk, W;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
DNA microarray analysis of liver gene expression in rats after longterm treatment with ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hvidsten, TR;
Midelfart, H;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Predicting Gene Ontology Biological Prosess From Temporal Gene Expression Patterns.
Genome Research
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-{alpha} agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, H;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Erlandsen, S.E.;
Falkmer, Sture Emil.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, I;
Kusnierczyk, W;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Midelfart, Herman;
Komorowski, Jan;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Rough set classifiers from gene expressions and clinical data.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Midelfart, Herman;
Komorowski, Jan;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Learning Rough Set Classifiers from Gene Expressions and Clinical Data.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Expression of chromogranin A and somatostatin receptors in pancreatic AR42J cells.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Academic article
Komorowski, Jan;
Hvidsten, TR;
Jenssen, T-K;
Hovig, E;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Mot kunnskapsoppdagelse fra DNA mikromatrise (microarray) genuttrykksdata.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Hvidsten, TR;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Predicting gene function for gene expressions and ontologies.
Proceedings Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Støren, O;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Børresen-Dale, AL;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Myklebost, O.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (microarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, Ole;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Myklebost, Ola.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Jenssen, Tor-Kristian;
Lægreid, A.;
Komorowski, J.;
Hovig, Eivind.
A litterature network of human genes for high-throughput gene expression analysis.
Nature Genetics
Academic article
Lægreid, A.;
Komorowski, J.;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Hovig, Eivind;
Forus, Anne;
Smith-Sørensen, Birgitte.
DNA mikroarray- vindu mot tusentals gen.
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, O.;
Nørsett, K.;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, A.;
Myklebost, Ola.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Komorowski, J.;
Hvidstaen, T.R.;
Jenssen, Tor-Kristian;
Tjedvoll, D.;
Hovig, Eivind;
Lægreid, A..
Mot kunnskapsoppdagelse fra DNA mikromatise uttrykksdata.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Solberg, Berge;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Genomforskning og genteknologi. Nye muligheiter for diagnostikkog behandling.
Popular scientific article
Thommesen, Liv;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Hofsli, Eva;
Sandvik, AK;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Regulation of inducible cAMP early repressor expression by gastrin and cholecystokinin in the pancreatic cell line AR42J.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Hovig, Eivind;
Forus, Anne;
Smith-Sørensen, Birgitte.
DNA mikroarray - vindu mot tusentals gen.
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, O.;
Nørsett, K.;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, A.;
Myklebost, Ola.
DNA Mikroarray- molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Thommesen, Liv;
Sjursen, Wenche;
Gåsvik, Kathrine;
Hanssen, Wenche;
Brekke, Ole-Lars;
Skattebøl, Lars.
Selective inhibitors of cytosolic or secretory phospholipase A2 block TNF-induced activation of transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B and expression of ICAM-1.
Journal of Immunology
Academic article
Medvedev, Andrei E.;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sundan, Anders;
Espevik, Terje.
A non-competitive P55 TNF receptor antibody enhances the specific activity of Lymphotoxin-_a.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology
Academic article
Andersen, S;
Sjursen, W;
Lægreid, A;
Austgulen, Rigmor;
Johansen, B.
Immunohistologic detection of non-pancreatic phospholipase A2 (type II) in human placenta and its possible involvement in normal parturition at term.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Academic article
Journal publications
Müller-Dott, Sophia;
Tsirvouli, Eirini;
Vazquez, Miguel;
Ramirez Flores, Ricardo O;
Badia-I-Mompel, Pau;
Fallegger, Robin.
Expanding the coverage of regulons from high-confidence prior knowledge for accurate estimation of transcription factor activities.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Vázquez, Miguel;
Chawla, Konika;
Lægreid, Astrid Renner;
Kuiper, Martin.
TFCheckpoint database update, a cross-referencing system for transcription factors from human, mouse and rat.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Heck, Kathleen;
Lindholm, Håvard Takle;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Tsirvouli, Eirini;
Kuiper, Martin;
Flobak, Åsmund.
Characterisation of Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines through Proteomic Profiling of Their Extracellular Vesicles.
Academic article
Kuiper, Martin;
Bonello, Joseph;
Fernández-Breis, Jesualdo Tomás;
Bucher, Philipp;
Futschik, Matthias E;
Gaudet, Pascale.
The gene regulation knowledge commons: the action area of GREEKC.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Vazquez Garcia, Miguel;
Krallinger, Martin;
Leitner, Florian;
Kuiper, Martin;
Valencia, Alfonso;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ExTRI: Extraction of transcription regulation interactions from literature.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Gaudet, Pascale;
Logie, Colin;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thomas, Paul D..
Gene Ontology representation for transcription factor functions.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Ignatchenko, Alex;
Jolma, Arttu;
Fornes, Oriol.
A GO catalogue of human DNA-binding transcription factors.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Juanes Cortés, Belén;
Vera-Ramos, José Antonio;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Logie, Colin.
Formalization of gene regulation knowledge using ontologies and gene ontology causal activity models.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
Academic article
Carbon, Seth J.;
Douglass, Eric;
Good, Benjamin M;
Unni, Deepak R;
Harris, Nomi L.;
Mungall, Christopher J..
The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Folkesson, Evelina;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Nakstad, Vu To;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Author Correction: High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (11574), 10.1038/s41598-020-68441-0).
Scientific Reports
Nydal, Rune;
Bennett, Gaymon;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Silencing trust: confidence and familiarity in re-engineering knowledge infrastructures.
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Academic article
Touré, Vasundra;
Vercruysse, Steven;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Lovering, Ruth C.;
Orchard, Sandra;
Bradley, Glyn.
The Minimum Information about a Molecular Interaction Causal Statement (MI2CAST).
Academic article
Folkesson, Evelina;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
To, Vu;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
Touré, Vasundra;
Vazques, Miguel;
Thommesen, Liv;
Kuiper, Martin Tremen R.;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Strategies to Enhance Logic Modeling-Based Cell Line-Specific Drug Synergy Prediction.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Vera-Ramos, Jose Antonio;
Juanes-Cortes, Belen;
Fernández-Breis, Jesualdo Tomás;
Gaudet, Pascale;
Kuiper, Martin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
An example of multimodal biological knowledge representation.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Carbon, Seth J.;
Douglass, E;
Dunn, N;
Good, B;
Harris, NL;
Lewis, SE.
The Gene Ontology Resource: 20 years and still GOing strong.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Perfetto, Livia;
Acencio, Marcio Luis;
Bradley, Glyn;
Cesareni, Gianni;
del Toro, Noemi;
Fazekas, David.
CausalTAB: the PSI-MITAB 2.8 updated format for signalling data representation and dissemination .
Academic article
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Nydal, Rune;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Scientific knowledge in the age of computation: Explicated, computable and manageable?.
Theoria. An international Journal of Theory, History and Foundations of Science
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Niederdorfer, Barbara;
To, Vu;
Thommesen, Liv;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Lægreid, Astrid.
A high-throughput drug combination screen of targeted small molecule inhibitors in cancer cell lines.
Scientific Data
Academic article
Menden, Michael Patrick;
Wang, Dennis;
Mason, Mike J.;
Szalai, Bence;
Bulusu, Krishna C.;
Guan, Yuanfang.
Community assessment to advance computational prediction of cancer drug combinations in a pharmacogenomic screen.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Garcia, Miguel Vazquez;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Valencia, Alfonso.
CImbinator: a web-based tool for drug synergy analysis in small- and large-scale datasets.
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Vercruysse, Steven;
Chawla, Konika;
Christie, Karen R.;
Blake, Judith A;
Huntley, Rachael P..
Gene regulation knowledge commons: community action takes care of DNA binding transcription factors.
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
Academic article
Flobak, Åsmund;
Baudot, Anaïs;
Remy, Elisabeth;
Thommesen, Liv;
Thieffry, Denis;
Kuiper, Martin.
Discovery of Drug Synergies in Gastric Cancer Cells Predicted by Logical Modeling.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Flobak, Åsmund;
Chawla, Konika;
Baudot, Anaïs;
Bruland, Torunn;
Thommesen, Liv.
The gastrin and cholecystokinin receptors mediated signaling network: a scaffold for data analysis and new hypotheses on regulatory mechanisms.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Rao, Shalini;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Haltbakk, Ildri;
Misund, Kristine;
Bruland, Torunn.
Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is induced by gastrin and inhibits migration of gastric adenocarcinoma cells.
Academic article
Venkatesan, Aravind;
Tripathi, Sushil;
Sanz de Galdeano, Alejandro;
Blondé, Ward;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Mironov, Vladimir.
Finding gene regulatory network candidates using the gene expression knowledge base.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Orchard, Sandra;
Ammari, M;
Aranda, B;
Breuza, L;
Briganti, L;
Broackes-Carter, F.
The MIntAct project - IntAct as a common curation platform for 11 molecular interaction databases.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Misund, Kristine;
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Rao, Shalini;
Nørsett, Kristin Gabestad;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Sandvik, Arne.
NR4A2 is regulated by Gastrin and involved in gastrin-induced migration and invasion of gastric adenocarcinoma cells.
Academic article
Tripathi, Sushil;
Christie, KR;
Balakrishnan, Ravin;
Huntley, R;
Hill, DP;
Thommesen, Liv.
Gene Ontology annotation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors: setting the stage for a large-scale curation effort.
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
Academic article
Feuerherm, Astrid Jullumstrø;
Jørgensen, Katarina Mariann;
Sommerfelt, Randi Magnus;
Eidem, Live Egeland;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Johansen, Berit.
Platelet-activating factor induces proliferation in differentiated keratinocytes.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Steigedal, Tonje;
Prestvik, Wenche S;
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bruland, Torunn;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gastrin-induced proliferation involves MEK partner 1 (MP1).
In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal
Academic article
Selvik, Linn-Karina M.;
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Flatberg, Arnar;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Misund, Kristine;
Anderssen, Endre.
The duration of gastrin treatment affects global gene expression and molecular responses involved in ER stress and anti-apoptosis.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Chawla, Konika;
Tripathi, Sushil;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
TFcheckpoint: a curated compendium of specific DNA-binding RNA polymerase II transcription factors.
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Holmseth, Jannicke;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Gastrin upregulates the pro-survival factor secretory clusterin (sCLU) in adenocarcinoma cells and in oxyntic mucosa of hypergastrinemic rats.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Günther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on RNA-transfected cell microarrays.
Methods in molecular biology
Academic article
Jørgensen, Katarina;
Felberg, Hanne Solvang;
Berge, Rolf K.;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Johansen, Berit.
Platelet activating factor stimulates arachidonic acid release in differentiated keratinocytes via arachidonyl non-selective phospholipase A(2).
Archives of Dermatological Research
Academic article
Hvidsten, Torgeir;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kryshtafovych, Andriy;
Andersson, Gunnar;
Fidelis, Krzysztof;
Komorowski, J.
A comprehensive analysis of the structure-function relationship in proteins based on local structure similarity.
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Wheeler, Tom Even;
Langaas, Mette;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of novel neuroendocrine-specific tumour genes.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Langaas, Mette;
Ylving, S;
Fossmark, Reidar.
Changes in gene expression of gastric mucosa during therapeutic acid inhibition.
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepathology
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Gunther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on transfected cell microarray analysed by linear regression modelling.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten;
Misund, Kristine;
Günther, Clara-Cecilie;
Langaas, Mette;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv.
Functional studies on transfected cell microarray analysed by linear regression modelling.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Wheeler, Tommy L.;
Langaas, Mette;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of novel neuroendocrine-specific tumour genes.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Bruland, Torunn;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Inducible cAMP early repressor suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Misund, Kristine;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Inducible cAMP early repressor splice variants ICER I and IIgamma both repress transcription of c-fos and chromogranin A.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Bruland, Torunn;
Anderssen, Endre;
Eitrem, Berit Doseth;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Optimization of cDNA microarrays procedures using criteria that do not rely on external standards.
BMC Genomics
Academic article
Steigedal, Tonje;
Bruland, Torunn;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Inducible cAMP early repressor suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression.
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Academic article
Misund, Kristine;
Steigedal, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Thommesen, Liv.
Inducible cAMP early repressor splice variants ICER I and II gamma both repress transcription of c-fos and chromogranin A.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gene expression analysis and clinical diagnosis.
Clinica Chimica Acta
Academic literature review
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Lehre, Per Kristian;
Midelfart, Herman;
Aass, H;
Geiran, O;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Academic article
Beisvag, Vidar;
Lehre, PK;
Midelfart, H;
Aas, Halfdan;
Geiran, Odd;
Sandvik, Arne K.
Aetiology-specific patterns in end-stage heart failure patients identified by functional annotation and classification of microarray data.
European Journal of Heart Failure
Academic article
Myhre, S;
Tveit, Henrik;
Mollestad, Torulf;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Additional Gene Ontology structure for improved biological reasoning.
Academic article
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Jünge, Frode KR;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Jølsum, Lars;
Lydersen, Stian;
Gunther, Clara-Cecilie.
GeneTools - application for functional annotation and statistical hypothesis testing.
BMC Bioinformatics
Book review
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Distinct differences between TNF receptor 1-and TNF receptor 2-mediated activation of NF kappa B.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Thommesen, Liv;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Langaas, Mette;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Identification of novel growth factor-responsive genes in neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumour cells.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Thommesen, Liv;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Langaas, Mette;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Falkmer, Ursula.
Identification of novel growth factor-responsive genes in neuroendocrine gastrointestinal tumour cells.
British Journal of Cancer
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Langaas, Mette;
Wørlund, Sara Maria;
Fossmark, Reidar;
Waldum, Helge.
Molecular characterization of rat gastric mucosal response to potent acid inhibition.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Astrid Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Semantic annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Tveit, Amund;
Sætre, Rune;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature.
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
Academic article
Thommesen, Liv;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Distinct differences between TNF receptor 1-and TNF receptor 2-mediated activation of NF kappa B.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Gene expression analysis and clinical diagnosis.
Clinica Chimica Acta
Academic literature review
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: A system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Flikka, K;
Lægreid, Astrid.
XHM: A system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, Herman;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Falkmer, Sture Emil;
Grønbech, Jon Erik.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: a system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Flikka, Kristian;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Jonassen, Inge.
XHM: a system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Bergum, Hallgeir;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Miniaturized fluorescent RNA dot blot method for rapid quantitation of gene expression.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Komorowski, Jan;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden.
Learning rule-based models from gene expression time profiles annotated using Gene Ontology.
Academic article
Bakke, Ingunn;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Kusnierczyk, W;
Waldum, Helge;
Lægreid, Astrid.
DNA microarray analysis of liver gene expression in rats after longterm treatment with ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hvidsten, TR;
Midelfart, H;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Predicting Gene Ontology Biological Prosess From Temporal Gene Expression Patterns.
Genome Research
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-{alpha} agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Nørsett, Kristin;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Midelfart, H;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Erlandsen, S.E.;
Falkmer, Sture Emil.
Gene expression based classification of gastric carcinoma.
Cancer Letters
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, I;
Kusnierczyk, W;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Bakke, Ingunn;
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Komorowski, Jan;
Waldum, Helge.
Liver gene expression in rats in response to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonist ciprofibrate.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Midelfart, Herman;
Komorowski, Jan;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Rough set classifiers from gene expressions and clinical data.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Midelfart, Herman;
Komorowski, Jan;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Yadetie, Fekadu;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Learning Rough Set Classifiers from Gene Expressions and Clinical Data.
Fundamenta Informaticae
Academic article
Hofsli, Eva;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Expression of chromogranin A and somatostatin receptors in pancreatic AR42J cells.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
Academic article
Komorowski, Jan;
Hvidsten, TR;
Jenssen, T-K;
Hovig, E;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Mot kunnskapsoppdagelse fra DNA mikromatrise (microarray) genuttrykksdata.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Hvidsten, TR;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Predicting gene function for gene expressions and ontologies.
Proceedings Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Støren, O;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Børresen-Dale, AL;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Myklebost, O.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (microarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, Ole;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Myklebost, Ola.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Jenssen, Tor-Kristian;
Lægreid, A.;
Komorowski, J.;
Hovig, Eivind.
A litterature network of human genes for high-throughput gene expression analysis.
Nature Genetics
Academic article
Lægreid, A.;
Komorowski, J.;
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Hovig, Eivind;
Forus, Anne;
Smith-Sørensen, Birgitte.
DNA mikroarray- vindu mot tusentals gen.
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, O.;
Nørsett, K.;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, A.;
Myklebost, Ola.
Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Komorowski, J.;
Hvidstaen, T.R.;
Jenssen, Tor-Kristian;
Tjedvoll, D.;
Hovig, Eivind;
Lægreid, A..
Mot kunnskapsoppdagelse fra DNA mikromatise uttrykksdata.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Solberg, Berge;
Faxvaag, Arild.
Genomforskning og genteknologi. Nye muligheiter for diagnostikkog behandling.
Popular scientific article
Thommesen, Liv;
Nørsett, Kristin;
Hofsli, Eva;
Sandvik, AK;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Regulation of inducible cAMP early repressor expression by gastrin and cholecystokinin in the pancreatic cell line AR42J.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Lægreid, Astrid;
Komorowski, Jan;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian;
Hovig, Eivind;
Forus, Anne;
Smith-Sørensen, Birgitte.
DNA mikroarray - vindu mot tusentals gen.
Academic article
Sandvik, Arne K.;
Støren, O.;
Nørsett, K.;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Lægreid, A.;
Myklebost, Ola.
DNA Mikroarray- molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet)
Academic article
Thommesen, Liv;
Sjursen, Wenche;
Gåsvik, Kathrine;
Hanssen, Wenche;
Brekke, Ole-Lars;
Skattebøl, Lars.
Selective inhibitors of cytosolic or secretory phospholipase A2 block TNF-induced activation of transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B and expression of ICAM-1.
Journal of Immunology
Academic article
Medvedev, Andrei E.;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sundan, Anders;
Espevik, Terje.
A non-competitive P55 TNF receptor antibody enhances the specific activity of Lymphotoxin-_a.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology
Academic article
Andersen, S;
Sjursen, W;
Lægreid, A;
Austgulen, Rigmor;
Johansen, B.
Immunohistologic detection of non-pancreatic phospholipase A2 (type II) in human placenta and its possible involvement in normal parturition at term.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Academic article
Part of book/report
Nydal, Rune;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Crossover Research: Exploring a Collaborative Mode of Integration.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lægreid, Astrid;
Feilberg, Julie.
Using the classification system for institutional profiling : the Norwegian University of Science and technology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Stunes, Kamilla;
Misund, Kristine;
Thommesen, Liv.
Webprot : online mining and annotation of biomedical literature using Google.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sætre, Rune;
Tveit, Amund;
Ranang, Martin Thorsen;
Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen;
Thommesen, Liv;
Stunes, Kamilla.
gProt: Annotating protein interactions using Google and Gene Ontology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kusnierczyk, Waclaw;
Aamodt, Agnar;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Support for Automated Explanation of Biological Phenomena.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Drabløs, Finn;
Hammer, Mikael;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Hauglid, Jon Olav;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Beisvåg, Vidar;
Ellingsen, Øyvind;
Lægreid, Astrid;
Sandvik, Arne Kristian.
Physiological Genomics of Heart Failure: From Technology to Physiology.
Doctoral dissertation
Sæten, Christina;
Bruland, Torunn;
Strømmen, Tonje;
Lægreid, Astrid.
Optimalisering av Transfekterte CellArray (TCA) for bruk i storskala hypothesetesting av genfunksjon.
Thesis at a second degree level
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Health and the information commons.
Website (informational material)
Lægreid, Astrid;
Kuiper, Martin.
Å ta seg av kunnskap.
Website (informational material)
PosterRingers, Christa; Holmberg, David; Georgiev, Polina; Lægreid, Astrid Renner; Carreras-Puigvert, Jordi; Flobak, Åsmund. (2023) Morphological profiling by Cell Painting to capture colorectal cancer disease heterogeneity. Cytodata Cytodata , Helsinki 2023-10-23 - 2023-10-26
PosterRingers, Christa Nelleke; Georgiev, Polina; Lægreid, Astrid Renner; Carreras-Puigvert, Jordi; Flobak, Åsmund; Spjuth, Ola. (2022) Morphological profiling to capture colorectal cancer disease heterogeneity. PhenoTarget SciLifeLab PhenoTarget 2022 Conference , Sigtuna 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-10
PosterTouré, Vasundra; Flobak, Åsmund; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin. (2018) Knowledge management and standard representation of causal statements for systems modeling. JOBIM 2018 , Marseille 2018-07-03 - 2018-07-06
LectureNiederdorfer, Barbara; Vázquez, Miguel; Thommesen, Liv; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid; Flobak, Åsmund. (2018) Logical model simulations predict drug synergies across different cancer cell lines. International Society for Computational Biology ISMB 2018 , Chicago 2018-07-06 - 2018-07-10
Academic lectureNydal, Rune; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin; Gabrielsen, Ane Møller. (2018) Introduction. Visions for Life Science Knowledge Commons. Crossover project Visions for Life Science Knowledge Commons , Trondheim 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-24
Academic lectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Krallinger, Martin; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2018) Mining DbTF-TG causal interactions from biomedical literature. GREEKC CA15205: Ontologies for the Gene Regulation Knowledge Commons, and Database 'FAIRness' Short description: 2018-10-01 - 2018-10-02
LectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin; Thommesen, Liv; Leitner, Florian; Krallinger, Martin. (2017) NTNU DbTF Curation: current status and Mining Transcription Regulation Information from Literature. Short Research Stay at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) , Hinxton, Cambridge 2017-05-08 - 2017-05-10
PosterTouré, Vasundra; Flobak, Åsmund; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin Tremen R.. (2017) Extraction and representation of causal statements: Creating a model building resource for Systems Biology. COMBINE 2017 COMBINE 2017 , Milano 2017-10-09 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Vázquez, Miguel; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2017) DbTF-TG interactions and regulatory relationships: a survey. Curation workshop on molecular and causal interactions 2017-12-05 - 2017-12-07
Academic lectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Lægreid, Astrid. (2017) Representation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors (DbTFs) complexes. Curation workshop on molecular and causal interactions 2017-12-05 - 2017-12-07
Academic lectureNydal, Rune; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin. (2016) Curation strategeis of NTNU project. EBI and Crossover Workshop upstart crossover at EBI , EBI 2016-04-22 - 2016-04-23
PosterFlobak, Åsmund; Steigedal, Tonje S.; Thommesen, Liv; Kuiper, Martin Tremen R.; Lægreid, Astrid. (2016) Logical models for drug screen prioritization. European Conference on Computational Biology European Conference on Computational Biology , Den Haag 2016-09-03 - 2016-09-07
Academic lectureLægreid, Astrid. (2016) Why we need the Knowledge Commons. Today's biology is not possible without. NTNU/Crossover/Reset Science for the common good – visions of technological opportunities , Trondheim 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-14
LectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin. (2016) Knowledge Commons digitalization - curation . Crossover Seminar 2016-04-14 - 2016-04-15
LectureAcencio, Marcio Luis; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin. (2016) Causal statements for Gene Regulation & Signal Transduction: what can be done in PSI-MI. HUPO-PSI meeting 2016 2016-04-18 - 2016-04-20
LectureNydal, Rune; Efstathiou, Sophia; Lægreid, Astrid; Kuiper, Martin. (2014) Setting the stage: Tragedy of the knowledge commons. Crossover research group NTNU Knowledge management and the futures of our society, a Virtual Physiological Human 2014 Satellite Workshop , Trondheim 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-09
PosterKuiper, Martin; Mironov, Vladimir; Venkatesan, Aravind; Tripathi, Sushil; Blondé, Ward; Sanz de Galdeano, Alejandro. (2014) The gene expression knowledge base. Stig Omholt / VPH consortium Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 , Trondheim 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-12
PosterFlobak, Åsmund; Baudot, Anaïs; Remy, Elisabeth; Thommesen, Liv; Thieffry, Denis; Kuiper, Martin. (2014) Drug synergies in a gastric cancer cell line discovered by signal transduction modeling. Stig Omholt / VPH consortium Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 , Trondheim 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-12
PosterKuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2014) The GRECO initiative: taking care of Gene Regulation knowledge. Stig Omholt / VPH consortium Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 , Trondheim 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-12
PosterVange, Pål; Beisvag, Vidar; Flatberg, Arnar; Afroz, Wahida; Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk; Sørdal, Øystein Finset. (2014) Molecular mechanisms of cellular stress responses in gastric cancer. AASLD, AGA, ASGE, SSAT Digestive Disease Week 2014 , Chicago 2014-05-03 - 2014-05-06
PosterRao, Shalini; Thommesen, Liv; Nørsett, Kristin; Bakke, Ingunn; Misund, Kristine; Bruland, Torunn. (2013) Nr4A2 is regulated by gastrin and influences cellular responses in gastric adenocarcinoma cells. NBS Sør-Trøndelag Kontaktmøte Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap , Røros 2013-01-17 - 2013-01-20
PosterRao, Shalini; Selvik, Linn-Karina M.; Nørsett, Kristin Gabestad; Bakke, Ingunn; Misund, Kristine; Bruland, Torunn. (2013) NR4A2 is regulated by gastrin and influences cellular responses in gastric adenocarcinoma cells. EMBO Conference Nuclear receptors: Linking molecules, genomes & physiology , Sorrento 2013-09-06 - 2013-09-10
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Carusi, Annamaria; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid; Nydal, Rune. (2012) Research Systems for Systems Biology. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research , Vienna 2012-04-10 - 2012-04-13
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Nydal, Rune; Carusi, Annamaria; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2012) Well-constructed systems biology: Integrating socio-humanist research. European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research , AUSTRIA 2012-04-12 - 2012-04-14
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Nydal, Rune; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid; Carusi, Annamaria. (2012) When ‘Knowledge’ Becomes Something to Manage. Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies 2012-10-23 - 2012-10-25
Academic lectureNydal, Rune; Efstathiou, Sophia; Lægreid, Astrid. (2012) Widening the circles of collaboration - Integrating philosophy in systems biology. Soc. for the study of nanoscience and emerging technologies Fourth Annual converence of the society for the study of nanoscience and emerging technologies , Twente 2012-10-22 - 2012-10-25
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Venkatesan, Aravind; Egaña, Mikel; Zavareh, Zahra; Chawla, Konika; Mironov, Vladimir. (2011) Automated Assessment of High Throughput Hypotheses on Gene Regulatory Mechanisms Involved in the Gastrin Response. ISMB 2011 Bio-Ontologies 2011 , Vienna 2011-07-15 - 2011-07-16
Academic lectureNydal, Rune; Efstathiou, Sophia; Lægreid, Astrid. (2011) Well-constructed systems biology. Integrating Socio-humanist Research. Soc. for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies S-Net, Third annual meeting , Tempe, Arizona 2011-11-07 - 2011-11-10
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Flatberg, Arnar; Selvik, Linn-Karina M.. (2010) Exploring signal-induced cellular regulatory subnetworks by use of partial least square regression (PLSR) multidimensional analysis of gene expression time series data. The MGED Society 13th Annual MGED meeting , Boston, Massachusetts, USA , Boston 2010-07-13 - 2010-07-15
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 22nd International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology , Trondheim 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology , Edinburgh 2010-10-10 - 2010-10-16
Academic lectureBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje; Doseth, Berit; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten. (2009) Basic common architectural motifs underlying gastrin induced gene expression can be identified by dimention reduction methods. NBS Trondheim NBS 43. Contact Meeting , Røros 2009-01-17 - 2009-01-20
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Beisvag, Vidar; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Thommesen, Liv. (2009) Discovering basic network motifs that underlie gastrin induced gene expression. ICSB The 10th International Conference on System Biology ICSB-2009, USA , Standford, Calefornia 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-04
Academic lectureSelvik, Linn-Karina M.; Misund, Kristine; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Steigedal, Tonje; Bruland, Torunn; Lægreid, Astrid. (2009) Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is involved in the gastrin-mediated growth response and is repressed by ICER and Zfp36l1. NBS NBS Kontaktmøte 2009 , Røros 2009-01-29 - 2009-02-01
PosterAnderssen, Endre; Bruland, Torunn; Misund, Kristine; Sandvik, Arne K.; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2009) Using basic networks motifs and biological background knowledge to analyze transcriptomic time series data. MGED Meeting , Phoenix, USA 2009-10-05 - 2009-10-08
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Beisvåg, Vidar; Sandvik, Arne K.; Lægreid, Astrid. (2009) Discovering basic network motifs that underlie gastrin induced gene expression. 10th international conference on system biology , San Francisco 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-04
Academic lectureThommesen, Liv; Misund, Kristine; Selvik, Linn Karina Myrland; Lægreid, Astrid; Bruland, Torunn. (2009) NR4A" (Nurr1) - involved in gastrin-mediated carcinogenesis?. Contact meeting NBS , Røros 2009-01-22 - 2009-01-25
Academic lectureBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Doseth, Berit; Langaas, Mette. (2009) Basic common architectural motifs underlying gastrin induced gene expression can be identified by dimension reduction methods. Contact Meeting NBS , Røros 2009-01-22 - 2009-01-25
PosterBruland, Torunn; Andersen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Lægreid, Astrid. (2008) Molecular mecanisms in cancer-related gastrin responses. Cancer Epigenetics , Boston 2008-05-28 - 2008-05-31
PosterSelvik, Linn-Karina M.; Misund, Kristine; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Bruland, Torunn; Lægreid, Astrid. (2008) Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is involved in the gastrin-mediated growth response. ESF Functional Genomics and Disease , Innsbruck 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-05
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Doseth, Berit; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten. (2008) Significance analysis of gastrin-mediated transcription using dimension reduction methods for interpreting and modelling DNA microarray time series gene expression data. ESF Functional Genomics and Disease , Innsbruck 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-05
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje; Doseth, Berit; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten. (2008) Significance analysis of gastrin-mediated transcription using dimension reduction methods for interpreting and modelling DNA microarray time series gene expression. 3rd ESF Functional Genomics Conference; Functional genomics and disease , Insnsbruck 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-04
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje; Doseth, Berit; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten. (2008) Molecular mechanisms in cancer related gastrin responses. American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Epigenetics Conference , Boston 2008-05-28 - 2008-05-31
PosterSelvik, Linn-Karina M.; Misund, Kristine; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Steigedal, Tonje; Bruland, Torunn; Lægreid, Astrid. (2008) Salt-inducible kinase 1 (SIK1) is involved in the gastrin-mediated growth response. ESF Functional Genomics and Disease Conference , Innsbruck 2008-10-01 - 2008-10-04
Academic lectureSæten, Christina; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje; Otterlei, Marit; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2007) Complex functional studies in mammalian cells using transfected cell arrays. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap (NBS) The Norwegian Bichemical Society 43. Contact Meeting , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-04
Academic lectureSteigedal, Tonje; Bruland, Torunn; Misund, Kristine; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2007) Inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap The Norwegian Bichemical Society 43. Contact Meeting , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-04
Academic lectureYan Hua, Chen; Ramampiaro, Heri; Lægreid, Astrid; Sætre, Rune. (2007) ProtIR prototype: abstract relevance for Protein-Protein Interaction in BioCreAtIvE2 Challenge, PPI-IAS subtask. CNIO BioCreAtIvE II , Madrid 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-25
PosterSæten, Christina; Misund, Kristine; Steigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv; Bruland, Torunn. (2007) Complex functional studies in mammalian cells using transfected cell arrays. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps 43. kontaktmøte , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-04
PosterSteigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Bruland, Torunn; Misund, Kristine; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2007) Inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) suppresses gastrin-mediated activation of cyclin D1 and c-fos gene expression. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps 43. kontaktmøte , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-04
PosterMisund, Kristine; Hoel, Sunniva; Bruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2007) Global gene expression in HEK 293 cells with controllable ICER I and IIg - overexpression. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps 43. kontaktmøte , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-04
Popular scientific lectureGether, Harald; Moe, Geir; Nilssen, Robert; Undeland, Tore Marvin; Nielsen, Kai Olav; Karstad, Per Ivar. (2007) Ren energi til ren industri. Dep Invitert møte i for departementene (OED, ND, MD) , Oslo 2007-06-12 -
PosterMisund, Kristine; Bruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2007) Global gene expression in HEK 293 cells with controllable ICER I and II gamma overexpression. NBS kontaktmøte 2007 , Lillehammer 2007-02-01 - 2007-02-01
PosterArbo, Ingerid; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard; Lindberg, Fedon; Lægreid, Astrid; Langaas, Mette; Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre. (2006) Definisjon av en ”livsstilsalgoritme” til anvendelse for forebygging, diagnose og terapi ved kronisk sykdom. Helse Midt-Norge Regional forsknings- og utviklingskonferanse 2006 " Forskning – undring satt i system" , Stjørdal 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-25
PosterOestvang, Janne; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard; Huseby, Sjur; Langaas, Mette; Lægreid, Astrid; Johansen, Berit. (2006) Lysophosphatidylcholine stimulates increased level of transcript of proinflammatory genes in macrophages. The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology , Yokohama 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-13
PosterOestvang, Janne; Brattbakk, Hans-Richard; Huseby, Sjur; Langaas, Mette; Lægreid, Astrid; Johansen, Berit. (2006) Transcription profiling show induction of a wide range of proinflammatory genes in response to lysophosphatidylcholine stimulation in monocytes. XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis , Roma 2006-06-18 - 2006-06-22
PosterBruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Eitrem, Berit Doseth; Bergum, Hallgeir; Beisvåg, Vidar; Lægreid, Astrid. (2006) Optimization of cDNA microarrays procdures using optimization criteria that does not rely on an external standard. The 7th International Conference on System Biology Poster presentation ICSB-2006 Japan , Yokohama 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-13
PosterSteigedal, Tonje S.; Bruland, Torunn; Eitrem, Berit Doseth; Endre, Anderssen; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2006) Systems Biology of Gastrointestinal Tumour BiologyStudies of gastrin mediated regulation of gene expression. The 7th International Conference on Systems Biology , Yokohama 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-11
PosterMisund, Kristine; Hoel, Sunniva; Bruland, Torunn; Anderssen, Endre; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2006) Global gene expression in HEK 293 cells with controllable ICER I or IIgamma overexpression. The Seventh International Conference on Systems Biology; ICSB 2006 2006-10-08 - 2006-10-13
PosterGünther, Clara-Cecilie; Langaas, Mette; Lydersen, Stian; Beisvåg, Vidar; Junge, Frode Romstad Krohn; Bergum, Hallgeir. (2006) Statistical hypothesis testing of association between two lists of genes. Chalmers Statistics for gene and protein expression workshop , Gøteborg 2006-05-09 - 2006-05-11
PosterMisund, Kristine; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2005) Constitutive and inducible expression of ICER in HEK 293. NBS kontaktmøte , Tromsø 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
PosterSteigedal, Tonje Strømmen; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Misund, Kristine; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Function of splice variants of the transcriptional repressor ICER in gastrin-mediated reponses. NBS kontaktmøte , Tromsø 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
Academic lectureLægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Sandvik, Arne K.; Bergum, Hallgeir. (2005) System biology of the normal and diseased gastrointestinal system. 8th International meeting of microarray gene expression data society , Bergen 2005-09-11 - 2005-09-13
Academic lectureBruland, Torunn; Bergum, Hallgeir; Ween, Ola; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) System biology of the normal and diseased gastrointestinal system: High-througput characterisation of gene function using cell microarray. 2nd ESF Function genomica and disease , Oslo 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureNørsett, K; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Hofsli, Eva; Thommesen, Liv; Misund, Kristine. (2005) Systems biology of the normal and diseased gastrointestinal system. 2nd ESF Function genomics and disease , Oslo 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureWeen, Ola; Beisvåg, Vidar; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Specific detection of alternative splice variants using oligonucleotide microarrays. 2nd ESF Functional Genomics Conference: Functional Genomics and Disease, Oslo 6-11 september 2005 2005-11-06 - 2005-11-11
Academic lectureNørsett, Kristin; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Hofsli, Eva; Thommesen, Liv; Misund, Kristine. (2005) Systems biology of the normal and diseased gastrointestinal system. 2nd ESF Functional Genomics Conference 2005-01-10 - 2005-01-13
Academic lectureMisund, Kristine; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2005) Constitutive and inducible expression of ICER in HEK 293. Kontaktmøtet Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap 2005 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
Academic lectureAnderssen, Endre; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Langaas, Mette; Follestad, Turid; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Design and analysisi of microarray time series experiment. NBS NBS Kontaktmøte 2005 , Tromsø 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
PosterSteigedal, Tonje S.; Bruland, Torunn; Ween, Ola; Misund, Kristine; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Function of splice variants of the transcriptional repressor ICER in gastrin-mediated responses. The Norwegian Biochemical Society 41st Contact Meeting 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
PosterStrømmen, Tonje; Ween, Ola; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Detection of alternatively spliced variants of ICER, a member of the CREB/CREM/ATF transcription factor family. NBS Winter meeting-january 2005-Tromsø 2005-01-15 - 2005-01-18
PosterBruland, Torunn; Eitrem, Berit Doseth; Anderssen, Endre; Beisvåg, Vidar; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Effects of choice and dose of dT blockers in cDNA microarray experiments. NBS NBS Contact meeting , Tromsø 2005-01-19 - 2005-01-22
PosterBruland, Torunn; Sæten, Christina; Strømmen, Tonje; Bergum, Hallgeir; Otterlei, Marit; Thommesen, Liv. (2005) High-throughput characterisation of gene function using cell microarray. ESF The2nd ESF Functional Genomic Conference, Oslo , Oslo 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-10
PosterWeen, Ola; Beisvåg, Vidar; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Specific detection of alternative splice variants using oligonucleotide microarrays. 2nd ESF Functional Genomics Conference: Functional Genomics and Disease, Oslo 6-11 september 2005 2005-11-06 - 2005-11-11
PosterGunther, Clara-Cecilie; Langaas, Mette; Lydersen, Stian; Beisvåg, Vidar; Jynge, Frode Romstad Krohn; Bergum, Hallgeir. (2005) Statistical Hypothesis Testing of Association Between Two Reporter Lists Within the GO-hierarchy. European Meeting of Statisticians , Oslo 2005-07-23 - 2005-07-28
PosterArbo, Ingerid; Lindberg, Fedon; Lægreid, Astrid; Langaas, Mette; Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2005) Medical Technology in cardiovascular disease: The use, development and integration of microarray technology, statistics and computational biology on definition of a "Life style algorithm" to be employed in chronic disease prevention, diagnosis and therapy. European Science Foundation European Science Foundation (ESF) Training Course, Microarray Gene Expression Analysis - Power and Potential of Standardisation , Trondheim 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-27
PosterArbo, Ingerid; Lindberg, Fedon; Lægreid, Astrid; Langaas, Mette; Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2005) Definition of a "lifestyle algorithm" to be used in chronic disease prevention, diagnosis and therapy. European Science Foundation 2nd ESF Functional Genomics Conference "Functional Genomics and Disease" , Oslo 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureSætre, Rune; Tveit, Amund; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Semantic Annotation of Biomedical Literature Using Google. The Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) Data Mining and Bioinformatics Workshop (DMBIO 2005, In conjunction with ICCSA 2005) , Singapore 2005-05-09 - 2005-05-12
Academic lectureKusnierczyk, Waclaw; Aamodt, Agnar; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Support for Automated Explanation of Biological Phenomena. International Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ICCBR) , Chicago, IL 2005-08-23 - 2005-08-26
Academic lectureTveit, Amund; Sætre, Rune; Strømmen, Tonje; Lægreid, Astrid. (2005) ProtChew: Automatic Extraction of Protein Names from Biomedical Literature. IEEE, Shunsuke UEMURA (NAIST) International Workshop on Biomedical Data Engineering (BMDE 2005, In conjunction with ICDE 2005) , Tokyo 2005-04-03 - 2005-04-04
Popular scientific lectureSætre, Rune; Tveit, Amund; Ranang, Martin Thorsen; Strømmen, Tonje; Thommesen, Liv; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla. (2005) gProt: Annotating Protein Interactions Using Google and Gene Ontology. Rajiv Khosla, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 9th International Conference, KES 2005 , Melbourne 2005-09-14 - 2005-09-16
PosterStrømmen, Tonje; Prestvik, Wenche Slettahjell; Wong, Garry; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Detection and functional studies of alternatively spliced variants of ICER, a member of the CREB/CREM/ATF transcription factor family. Kontaktmøtet Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap , Lillehammer 2004-01-15 - 2004-01-18
Academic lectureWeen, Ola; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Specific detection of alternative splice variants using oligonucleotide microarrays. NBS NBS kontakmøte 2004 , Hafjell Lillehamer 2004-01-15 - 2004-01-18
PosterWeen, Ola; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Specific detection of alternative splice variants using oligonucleotide microarrays. Symposium - Alternate Transcript Diversity – Data, Biology, and Therapeutics; Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK 2004-11-22 - 2005-11-23
PosterMisund, Kristine; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla; Tømmerdal, Linda; Thommesen, Liv; Bruland, Torunn; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Constitutive expression of ICER in the cell-line HEK 293. Kontaktmøtet Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap 2004 2004-01-15 - 2004-01-18
Academic lectureDrabløs, Finn; Hammer, Mikael; Lægreid, Astrid; Hauglid, Jon Olav; Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre. (2004) Bioinformatics. NTNU InfoSam2020 , Trondheim 2004-04-19 - 2004-04-20
Academic lectureBruland, Torunn; Bergum, Hallgeir; Steigedal, Tonje; Otterlei, Marit; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Array based screening og gene function and cell-biological application of transfected-cell microarrays. NBS NBS Kontaktmøte , Hafjell 2004-01-15 - 2004-01-18
PosterKusnierczyk, Waclaw; Aamodt, Agnar; Lægreid, Astrid. (2004) Towards Automated Explanation of Gene-Gene Relationships. RECOMB 2004 2004-03-27 - 2004-04-01
PosterThommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid; Misund, Kristine. (2003) Constitutive expression of ICER in the human cell line AR42J. Kontaktmøtet Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap , Geilo 2003-01-23 - 2003-01-26
Academic lectureThommesen, Liv; Bergum, Hallgeir; Langaas, Mette; Beisvåg, Vidar; Sandvik, Arne K.; Bruland, Torunn. (2003) Rat Microarray Analysis Resources. Meetings on rat genomics and Models , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 2003-12-11 - 2003-12-14
PosterHofsli, Eva; Sandvik, Arne K.; Langaas, Mette; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv. (2003) Identification of gastrin-regulated genes in human carcinoid tumor cells. Functional genomics and diseases , Praha, Tjekkia 2003-05-14 - 2003-05-17
PosterThommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid; Misund, Kristine. (2003) Constitutive expression of ICER in the human cell line AR42J. Kontaktmøtet Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap , Geilo 2003-01-26 -
PosterHofsli, Eva; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Langaas, Mette; Lægreid, Astrid. (2003) Identification of gastrin-regulated genes in human carcinoid tumor cells. Functional genomics and diseases , Praha, Tjekkia 2003-05-17 -
Academic lectureNørsett, Kristin; Kuznierczyk, W.; Lægreid, Astrid; Langaas, M.; Waldum, Helge; Sandvik, Arne Kristian. (2003) Gene expression profiles in gastric mucosa during therapeutic acid inhibition. ESF, Functional Genomics and Disease. 1st Conference , Prague 2003-05-17 -
Academic lectureNørsett, Kristin; Kuznierczyk, W.; Lægreid, Astrid; Langaas, M.; Yadetie, Fekadu; Kvam, S.N.. (2003) Gene expression profiles in hypergastrinemic rats and patients. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps Årsmøte , Norge 2003-01-23 -
Academic lectureWitsø, Eivind; Beisvåg, Vidar; Langaas, M.; Lysvand, Hilde; Persen, Leif; Lægreid, Astrid. (2003) DNA microarray: A new diagnostic tool in orthopaedic infections?. 22nd Annual Meeting: European Bone and Joint Infection Society , Trondheim 2003-05-10 -
Academic lectureThommesen, Liv; Bergum, Hallgeir; Langaas, Mette; Beisvåg, Vidar; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Bruland, Torunn. (2003) Rat Microarray Analysis Resources. Meetings on rat genomics and Models , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 2003-12-14 -
PosterMidelfart, Herman; Kusnierczyk, Waclaw Marcin; Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden; Lægreid, Astrid; Komorowski, Jan. (2002) Learning Yeast Gene Function from Expression Programs and Gene Ontology. Norwegian Biochemical Society’s Wintermeeting 2002-01-17 - 2002-01-20
PosterBeisvåg, Vidar; Jølsum, Lars; Kusnierczyk, Waclaw; Langaas, Mette; Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre; Bergum, Hallgeir. (2002) eGOn � a new tool for mapping microarray data onto the Gene Ontology structure. EBI Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics , Hinxton 2002-11-17 - 2002-11-20
Popular scientific lectureNørsett, Kristin; Lægreid, Astrid; Yadetie, Fekadu; Midelfart, H; Komorowski, Jan; Falkmer, Sture Emil. (2002) Molekylær klassifisering av magekreft. Norsk Gastroenterologisk Forenings 29. årsmøte , Lillehammer 2002-02-10 -
Popular scientific lectureYadetie, Fekadu; Bakke, Ingunn; Lægreid, Astrid; Kusnierczyk, Waclaw; Komorowski, Jan; Waldum, Helge. (2002) Analysis of effects of the PPAR alpha agonist ciprofibrate on rat hepatic gene expressions using cDNA microarrays. The 7th IUBMB Conference Receptor-ligand Interactions Molecular, Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects , Bergen 2002-05-08 -
PosterHvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden; Komorowski, Jan; Sandvik, AK; Lægreid, Astrid. (2001) Predicting gene function from gene expressions and ontologies. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputiong, PSB2001 , Mauna Lani, Hawaii, USA, 3-7 January
Academic lectureHvidsten, TR; Sandvik, Arne Kristian; Midelfart, Herman; Lægreid, Astrid; Komorowski, Jan. (2001) A method based on rough set supervised learning used to predict the biological function of unknown genes from DNA microarray gene expression data. Third International Meeting on Microarray Data Standards, Annnotations,Ontologies and Databases. , Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. 2001-03-30 -
Academic lectureMidelfart, Herman; Lægreid, Astrid; Komorowski, Jan. (2001) Classification of Gene Expression Data in an Ontology. The second international Symposium on Medical Data Analysis (ISMDA-2001) , Madrid, Spania 2001-10-09 -
PosterHvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden; Jenssen, Tor-Kristian; Komorowski, Jan; Lægreid, Astrid; Sandvik, AK; Tjeldvoll, Dyre. (2000) Template-based gene expression analysis. The Fourth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology , Tokyo, Japan, April 8-11
Academic lectureKomorowski, Jan; Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden; Jenssen, Tor-Kristian; Tjeldvoll, Dyre; Hovig, Eivind; Sandvik, AK. (2000) Towards Knowledge Discovery from cDNA Microarray Gene Expression Data. Principles of data mining and knowledge discovery : 4th European conference , Lyon, France, September 13 - 16
PosterJenssen, Tor-Kristian; Komorowski, Jan; Lægreid, Astrid; Hovig, Eivind. (2000) Pubgen: Discovering and visualising gene-gene relations. The Fourth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology , Tokyo, 8-11 april 2000.
Popular scientific lectureJenssen, TK; Lægreid, Astrid; Komorowski, Jan. (1999) Knowledge-Based Data Mining in Genomics. Data Mining for Bioinformatics - Towards In Silico Biology , Cambridge, UK, 1999
Popular scientific lectureNørsett, Kristin; Thommesen, Liv; Hofsli, E; Sandvik, AK; Lægreid, Astrid. (1999) Molecular characterization of the neuroendicrine cell line AR42J. Biokjemisk kontaktmøte , Tromsø 1999
PosterHvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden; Jenssen, Tor-Kristian; Lægreid, Astrid; Øhrn, Aleksander; Tjeldvoll, Dyre; Komorowski, Jan. (1999) Boolean Reasoning in the Analysis of Gene Expression Data. Data Mining for Bioinformatics: Towards in Silico Biology , Cambridge, UK, November 10-12
Popular scientific lectureJohansen, Berit; Lægreid, Astrid; Sjursen, Wenche; Thommesen, Liv; Anthonsen, Marit Walbye. (1998) A role of both secretory and cytosolic phospholipase A2 in TNF mediated nuclear translocation of NFkB and ICAM expression in keratinocytes?. NBS Kontaktmøte 98 , Lillehammer, Norge
Academic lectureJohansen, Berit; Lægreid, Astrid; Sjursen, Wenche; Thommesen, Liv; Anthonsen, Marit Walbye. (1998) A role for both secretory and cytosolic phospholipase A2 in TNF mediated nuclear translocation of NFkB and ICAM expression in keratinocytes?. NBS Kontaktmøte 98 , Lillehammer, Norge
PosterNørsett, Kristin; Thommesen, Liv; Hofsli, E; Sandvik, AK; Lægreid, Astrid. (1998) Molecular characterization of the neuroendocrine cell line AR42J. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps Årsmøte , [Mangler data]
PosterThommesen, Liv; Nørsett, Kristin; Sandvik, AK; Lægreid, Astrid. (1998) ICER expression in gastrin stimulated endocrine cells. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskaps Årsmøte , [Mangler data]
PosterThommesen, Liv; Nørsett, Kristin; Sandvik, AK; Lægreid, Astrid. (1998) Induction of ICER gene expression in neuroendocrine derived cell lines. International Congress on Signal Transduction , Jerusalem
Academic lectureSandvik, AK; Gabestad, K.; Thommesen, Liv; Lægreid, Astrid. (1997) Mechanisms for transcriptional regulation of the immediate early response gene ICER vary between different neuroendocrine derived cell lines. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences , St. Petersburg
Academic lectureJohansen, Berit; Lægreid, Astrid; Sjursen, Wenche; Thommesen, Liv. (1997) A role for both secretory and cytosolic phospholipase A2 in TNF mediated nuclear translocation of NFkB and ICAM expression in keratinocytes. FEBS Special Meetintg on Signal Transduction , Amsterdam, Nederland
Programme participation
Academic lectureLægreid, Astrid; Nonstad, Unni; Sundan, Anders; Espevik, Terje. (1996) Lipopolysaccharide signalling mechanism in human adenocarcinoma SW480 cells. 32. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte , Geilo
Academic lectureThommesen, Liv; Sjursen, Wenche; Gåsvik, Katrine; Johansen, Berit; Lægreid, Astrid. (1996) The role of phospholipases A2 in the activation of NFkB in human keratinocytes. 32. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte , Geilo