Arild Aspelund
PhD, Professor in International Marketing. Fields of interest: entrepreneurship, innovation, economic development, and global production systems.
Telephone: +47 735 97603
Office: 432 - Central Building II
- Leader for Green Value Creation - the departments research focus area on sustainability.
- Coordinator for NTNU's masters level specialization in Strategy and Business Development ( INDØK).
Research interests
Aspelund's research interests are predominantly on profitable sustainability and how industry can go through the green shift and still develop their competitiveness. This work draws on insight from the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing and operation management.
Arild Aspelund teaches undergraduate courses in marketing management, graduate courses in industrial marketing and international business and several courses for executive education programs such as Master of Technlogy Management (MTM) and Master of Management (MORG).
Arild Aspelund became Professor in International Marketing at NTNU in 2011. He received his PhD from NTNU in April 2005 for the thesis titled: “Small International Firms: - The Emergence of International New Ventures”. He is also Master of Science in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from the same institution. Previous educational background also includes MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, and Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie Industriel, Grenoble, France as well as studies in Mathematics and Physics from Molde University College and NTNU
Bjørnåli, Ekaterina Shepeleva;
Erikson, Truls;
Aspelund, Arild.
The role of board leadership in deliberating international entry.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Gode, Pankaj Ravindra;
Aspelund, Arild.
Addressing heterogeneity in the development of circular economy strategies in the offshore wind industry: A review.
Academic literature review
Bakås, Ottar;
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Customer-oriented manufacturing as a resilience strategy for Norwegian small international manufacturers.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Competitive sustainable manufacturing - Sustainability strategies, environmental and social innovations, and their effects on firm performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon;
Aspelund, Arild.
Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on environmental innovations in manufacturing firms.
Technology in society
Academic article
Michelsen, Ottar;
Aspelund, Arild;
Olsen, Martin Fredrik.
Hjortejakt, og hvorfor sirkulærøkonomi er så vanskelig .
Feature article
Bjerke-Busch, Linn Slettum;
Aspelund, Arild.
Identifying Barriers for Digital Transformation in the Public Sector.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjerke-Busch, Linn Slettum;
Aspelund, Arild.
Beam me up, Scotty! - Ledelse for en digital fremtid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Bakås, Ottar.
Forretningsstrategi for å takle en pandemi – og kanskje et grønt skifte?.
e24 (internett)
Feature article
Mølnvik, Mona J.;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Torsæter, Malin;
Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk;
Korpås, Magnus.
Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig ledelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Olsen, Martin Fredrik;
Michelsen, Ottar.
Simultaneous adoption of circular innovations: a challenge for rapid growth of the circular economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig omstilling og konkurransekraft i norsk industri - hvem drar lasset?.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bedrifter kan tjene på bærekraftig omlegging.
Interview Journal
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aspelund, Arild;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Knowledge integration in international SMEs – The effects on firm innovation and performance.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic literature review
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
Platou, Rikke Stoud;
Aspelund, Arild.
Managerial rationales for investing and divesting under uncertainty.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Kaloudis, Aris;
Aspelund, Arild;
Koch, Per M.;
Lauvås, Thomas Andre;
Mathisen, Marius Tuft;
Strand, Øivind.
How Universities Contribute to Innovation: A Literature Review-based Analysis.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Aspelund, Arild;
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aglen, Andreas Flåt;
Graff, Sondre Gullord.
The birth and development of a Born Global industry: The case of microelectronics in Norway.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Fjell, Lise;
Rødland, Silje Erdal.
Doing good and doing well? International Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild.
Leserbrev fra "indignert" vitenskapsmann.
Romsdals Budstikke.
Reader opinion piece
Erikson, Truls;
Løvdal, Nicolai Solberg;
Aspelund, Arild.
Entrepreneurial judgment and value capture, the case of the nascent offshore renewable industry.
Academic article
Netland, Torbjørn H;
Aspelund, Arild.
Multi-plant improvement programmes: a literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Netland, Torbjørn H;
Aspelund, Arild.
Company-specific production systems and competitive advantage: A resource-based view on the Volvo Production System.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Løvdal, Nicolai;
Aspelund, Arild.
Characteristics of Born Global Industries - The Birth of Offshore Renewables.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Flaam Moen, Carina.
International New Ventures and Governance Structures – Are International Entrepreneurs Strategic or Entrepreneurial?.
Journal of Management and Governance
Academic article
Bjørnåli, Ekaterina S.;
Aspelund, Arild.
The role of the entrepreneurial team and the board of directors in the internationalization of academic spin-offs.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Miloud, Tarek;
Aspelund, Arild;
Cabrol, Mathieu.
Start-Up Valuation by Venture Capitalists: An Empirical Study.
Venture Capital : an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Born Globals - Det Nye Norske Næringsliv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvdal, Nicolai;
Aspelund, Arild.
International Entrepreneurship in the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Butsko, Vitali.
Small and middle-sized enterprises' offshoring production: a study of firm decisions and consequences.
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
Academic article
Cabrol, Mathieu;
Nlemvo, Frédéric;
Rasmussen, Erik;
Servais, Per;
Aspelund, Arild.
Growth and Internationalization of French and Danish SMEs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild.
Small International Firms.
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
Academic monograph
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, A.S.;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Innledning til Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed.
The Role of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Behavior in Internationalization Processes.
Advances in International Marketing
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Innledning til Teknologibasert Nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Aspelund, Arild;
Cabrol, Mathieu.
Internationalization as an Acto of Entrepreneurship: Economic Effects and Examples.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Moen, Øystein.
Innovasjon og Entreprenørskap i Bedrifters Internasjonalisering.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Small International Firms: - Typology, Performance and Implications.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Sørheim, Roger;
Berg, Magne Sivert.
International New Ventures and the Development of Partnerships: - a social capital approach.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Magne Sivert;
Aspelund, Arild;
Sørheim, Roger.
The Hybrid Structures of International New Ventures - A Social Capital Approach and Research Agenda.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Academic article
Moen, Øystein;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Aspelund, Arild.
The importance of the Internet in international business-to-business markets.
International Marketing Review
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Moen, Øystein.
A review of the foundation, international marketing strategies and performance of international new ventures.
European Journal of Marketing
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild.
Small International Firms - The Emergence of International New Ventures.
Doctoral dissertation
Aspelund, Arild;
Berg-Utby, Terje;
Skjevdal, Rune.
Initial Resources' Influence on New Venture Survival: A Longitudinal Study of New Technology-Based Firms.
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Small International Firms: Typology, Performance and Implications.
Management International Review (MIR)
Academic article
Skjevdal, R.;
Bakås, O.;
Cali, Z.;
Aspelund, Arild.
Youth Entrepreneurial Support (YES) Pilot.
SINTEF Technology and Society
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Internationalization of Small High-Tech Firms: The Role of Information Technology.
Journal of Euromarketing
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Internationalization of Small High-Tech Firms: - The role og Information Technology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
A generation perspective on small firm internationalization: from traditional exporters and flexible specialists to born globals.
Advances in international marketing: Reassessing the internationalization of the firm. (11)
Non-fiction book
Aspelund, Arild;
Steeneveldt, Rosetta;
Waagø, Lillian;
Waagø, Sigmund Johan.
Internet and market driven new business development.
Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse
Journal publications
Bjørnåli, Ekaterina Shepeleva;
Erikson, Truls;
Aspelund, Arild.
The role of board leadership in deliberating international entry.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Gode, Pankaj Ravindra;
Aspelund, Arild.
Addressing heterogeneity in the development of circular economy strategies in the offshore wind industry: A review.
Academic literature review
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Competitive sustainable manufacturing - Sustainability strategies, environmental and social innovations, and their effects on firm performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Haneberg, Dag Håkon;
Aspelund, Arild.
Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on environmental innovations in manufacturing firms.
Technology in society
Academic article
Michelsen, Ottar;
Aspelund, Arild;
Olsen, Martin Fredrik.
Hjortejakt, og hvorfor sirkulærøkonomi er så vanskelig .
Feature article
Aspelund, Arild;
Bakås, Ottar.
Forretningsstrategi for å takle en pandemi – og kanskje et grønt skifte?.
e24 (internett)
Feature article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig omstilling og konkurransekraft i norsk industri - hvem drar lasset?.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Eide, Ann Elida;
Sæther, Erik Andreas;
Aspelund, Arild.
An investigation of leaders' motivation, intellectual leadership, and sustainability strategy in relation to Norwegian manufacturers’ performance.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bedrifter kan tjene på bærekraftig omlegging.
Interview Journal
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aspelund, Arild;
Eide, Ann Elida.
Knowledge integration in international SMEs – The effects on firm innovation and performance.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic literature review
Platou, Rikke Stoud;
Aspelund, Arild.
Managerial rationales for investing and divesting under uncertainty.
Cogent Business & Management
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Azari, Mohammad Javadinia;
Aglen, Andreas Flåt;
Graff, Sondre Gullord.
The birth and development of a Born Global industry: The case of microelectronics in Norway.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Fjell, Lise;
Rødland, Silje Erdal.
Doing good and doing well? International Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild.
Leserbrev fra "indignert" vitenskapsmann.
Romsdals Budstikke.
Reader opinion piece
Erikson, Truls;
Løvdal, Nicolai Solberg;
Aspelund, Arild.
Entrepreneurial judgment and value capture, the case of the nascent offshore renewable industry.
Academic article
Netland, Torbjørn H;
Aspelund, Arild.
Multi-plant improvement programmes: a literature review and research agenda.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Netland, Torbjørn H;
Aspelund, Arild.
Company-specific production systems and competitive advantage: A resource-based view on the Volvo Production System.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Flaam Moen, Carina.
International New Ventures and Governance Structures – Are International Entrepreneurs Strategic or Entrepreneurial?.
Journal of Management and Governance
Academic article
Bjørnåli, Ekaterina S.;
Aspelund, Arild.
The role of the entrepreneurial team and the board of directors in the internationalization of academic spin-offs.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Miloud, Tarek;
Aspelund, Arild;
Cabrol, Mathieu.
Start-Up Valuation by Venture Capitalists: An Empirical Study.
Venture Capital : an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Butsko, Vitali.
Small and middle-sized enterprises' offshoring production: a study of firm decisions and consequences.
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed.
The Role of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Behavior in Internationalization Processes.
Advances in International Marketing
Academic article
Berg, Magne Sivert;
Aspelund, Arild;
Sørheim, Roger.
The Hybrid Structures of International New Ventures - A Social Capital Approach and Research Agenda.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Academic article
Moen, Øystein;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Aspelund, Arild.
The importance of the Internet in international business-to-business markets.
International Marketing Review
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Moen, Øystein.
A review of the foundation, international marketing strategies and performance of international new ventures.
European Journal of Marketing
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Berg-Utby, Terje;
Skjevdal, Rune.
Initial Resources' Influence on New Venture Survival: A Longitudinal Study of New Technology-Based Firms.
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Small International Firms: Typology, Performance and Implications.
Management International Review (MIR)
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Internationalization of Small High-Tech Firms: The Role of Information Technology.
Journal of Euromarketing
Academic article
Aspelund, Arild.
Small International Firms.
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG
Academic monograph
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
A generation perspective on small firm internationalization: from traditional exporters and flexible specialists to born globals.
Advances in international marketing: Reassessing the internationalization of the firm. (11)
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Bakås, Ottar;
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Customer-oriented manufacturing as a resilience strategy for Norwegian small international manufacturers.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjerke-Busch, Linn Slettum;
Aspelund, Arild.
Identifying Barriers for Digital Transformation in the Public Sector.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjerke-Busch, Linn Slettum;
Aspelund, Arild.
Beam me up, Scotty! - Ledelse for en digital fremtid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Bærekraftig ledelse.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Olsen, Martin Fredrik;
Michelsen, Ottar.
Simultaneous adoption of circular innovations: a challenge for rapid growth of the circular economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hermundsdottir, Fanny;
Eide, Ann Elida;
Aspelund, Arild.
Sustainability innovations in the manufacturing industry: a comparison of circular and climate innovation initiatives.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Bjørgum, Øyvind;
Sæther, Erik Andreas.
Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvdal, Nicolai;
Aspelund, Arild.
Characteristics of Born Global Industries - The Birth of Offshore Renewables.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Born Globals - Det Nye Norske Næringsliv.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvdal, Nicolai;
Aspelund, Arild.
International Entrepreneurship in the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cabrol, Mathieu;
Nlemvo, Frédéric;
Rasmussen, Erik;
Servais, Per;
Aspelund, Arild.
Growth and Internationalization of French and Danish SMEs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, A.S.;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Innledning til Teknologibasert nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Sørheim, Roger;
Widding, Lars Øystein.
Innledning til Teknologibasert Nyskaping i Norge.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Aspelund, Arild;
Cabrol, Mathieu.
Internationalization as an Acto of Entrepreneurship: Economic Effects and Examples.
Nova Science Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Madsen, Tage Koed;
Moen, Øystein.
Innovasjon og Entreprenørskap i Bedrifters Internasjonalisering.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Small International Firms: - Typology, Performance and Implications.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Sørheim, Roger;
Berg, Magne Sivert.
International New Ventures and the Development of Partnerships: - a social capital approach.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aspelund, Arild;
Moen, Øystein.
Internationalization of Small High-Tech Firms: - The role og Information Technology.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mølnvik, Mona J.;
Tande, John Olav Giæver;
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Torsæter, Malin;
Gardarsdottir, Stefania Osk;
Korpås, Magnus.
Nordsjøen som plattform for grønn omstilling.
Hanson, Jens;
Normann, Håkon Endresen;
Aspelund, Arild;
Steen, Markus;
Afewerki, Samson;
Bjørgum, Øyvind.
Conditions for growth in the Norwegian offshore wind industry. International market developments, Norwegian
firm characteristics and strategies, and
policies for industry development.
Centre for sustainable energy studies (CenSES)
Kaloudis, Aris;
Aspelund, Arild;
Koch, Per M.;
Lauvås, Thomas Andre;
Mathisen, Marius Tuft;
Strand, Øivind.
How Universities Contribute to Innovation: A Literature Review-based Analysis.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Aspelund, Arild.
Small International Firms - The Emergence of International New Ventures.
Doctoral dissertation
Skjevdal, R.;
Bakås, O.;
Cali, Z.;
Aspelund, Arild.
Youth Entrepreneurial Support (YES) Pilot.
SINTEF Technology and Society
Aspelund, Arild;
Steeneveldt, Rosetta;
Waagø, Lillian;
Waagø, Sigmund Johan.
Internet and market driven new business development.
Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse
- TIØ4912 - Strategy, Innovation and International Business Development, Master's Thesis
- IØ6016 - International Business Development
- TIØ4165 - Marketing Management for Technology Firms
- TIØ4562 - Strategy, Innovation and International Business Development, Specialization Project
- TIØ4235 - Industrial Marketing and International Business
- HAV6004 - Sustainable development of offshore wind
- IØ6029 - Strategy and innovation management
- IØ6018 - Marketing and Internationalization
Academic lectureMichelsen, Ottar; Aspelund, Arild. (2023) The need for coordinating adoption of circular business models – a challenge for rapid growth of the circular economy. LCM2LOOP The 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management , Lille, France 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
Academic lectureGode, Pankaj Ravindra; Aspelund, Arild. (2022) Maturity of Circular Economy Practices in Offshore Wind Industry . EERA DeepWind 2022 , Trondheim (digital) 2022-01-19 - 2022-01-21
LectureVeisdal, Jørgen; Dreyer, Heidi Carin; Aspelund, Arild. (2022) Multi-Sided Platforms as Enablers of Circular Supply Chains in Maritime Industries. Trinity College Dublin, Politecnico di Milano School of Management and Audencia Business School Symplatform3 , Milano 2022-04-04 - 2022-04-04
Academic lectureBjørnåli, Ekaterina Shepeleva; Erikson, Truls; Aspelund, Arild. (2022) The role of board leadership in international engagement. Bocconi Business School SMS Special Conference on “Governing Knowledge and Imagination in The Digital Era” , Milano 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-18
Academic lectureSaether, Erik Andreas; Aspelund, Arild. (2019) Motivations, relatedness, and perceived success of Norwegian offshore wind firms. ICREN (International Conference on Renewable Energy) 2019 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-26
Academic lectureWeaver, Tyson; Aspelund, Arild; Steen, Markus. (2016) The Role of Firm Level Motivations, Barriers and Managerial Capabilities for Diversification in Energy System Transitions. International Association of Energy Economists 39th IAEE International Conferance , Bergen 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
Academic lecturePlatou, Rikke Stoud; Aspelund, Arild; Johansen, Nina Buer; Malmedal, Maren Flugstad. (2016) Top managers' future orientation and corporate strategy under changing environments. ISPIM The XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference - Blending Tomorrow's Innovation Vintage , Porto 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Rødland, Silje Erdal; Fjell, Lise. (2015) Green Planet Strategy- How Social Responsible Multinational Manufacturers Can Create Shared Value Strategies. Cambridge University Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium , Cambridge 2015-09-24 - 2015-09-25
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Fjell, Lise; Rødland, Silje Erdal. (2015) Doing Good and Doing Well? - On the Relationship between Internationalization and Social Responsibility. University of United Arabic Emirates MIEC , Al Ain 2015-02-28 - 2015-03-03
Academic lectureAzari, Mohammad Javadinia; Aspelund, Arild. (2015) Innovation and Export Activity in SMEs: A Review of the Empirical Literature. University of United Arabic Emirates McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference , Al Ain 2015-02-28 - 2015-03-03
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Azari, Mohammad Javadinia; Aglen, Andreas Flåt; Graff, Sondre Gullord. (2015) Internationalization Pattern of a Born Global Industry: The Case of Microelectronics in Norway. Montpellier Business School IECER , Montpellier 2015-03-25 - 2015-03-27
LectureAspelund, Arild. (2015) Innovasjon for Fremtiden i Fiskeri og Havbruk. Fiskeri og Havbruksnæringens Forskningsfond Seminar for Fiskeri og Havbruksnæringens Forskningsfond , Trondheim 2015-04-20 -
LectureAspelund, Arild. (2015) The Fall of the Conglomerate and the Rise of Open Innovation Processes. StartUp Norge StartUp Extreme , Bergen 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-19
Academic lectureWeaver, Tyson; Aspelund, Arild; Steen, Markus. (2015) The Role of Firm Level Motivations, Barriers and Managerial Capabilities for Diversification in Energy System Transitions. Nordic Environmental Social Sciences Conference 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
LectureAspelund, Arild; Okure, Mackay A.E.. (2014) Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Development. SIU NOMA Conference , Lusaka 2014-02-09 -
LectureAspelund, Arild. (2014) Internationalization, CSR and Shared Value Creation. SISVI Industriseminar 2014-09-17 -
Academic lectureErikson, Truls; Aspelund, Arild; Løvdal, Nicolai Solberg. (2014) Value Capture in Nascent Industries: The Case of the Emerging Offshore Renewable Industry. Strategic Management Society Strategic Management Society Special Conference in Copenhagen , Copenhagen 2014-06-13 - 2014-06-15
LectureAspelund, Arild. (2014) WP1 – Internationalization and Shared Value Creation. SISVI - Kick Off 2014-05-28 -
Academic lectureAzari, Mohammad J.; Aspelund, Arild; Aglen, Andreas Flåt; Graff, Sondre Gullord. (2014) Internationalization Pattern of a Born Global Industry: The Case of the Microelectronics Industry in Norway. The University of Edinburgh Business School The 2nd International Entrepreneurship Workshop , Edinburgh 2014-04-07 - 2014-04-09
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2013) Hvordan når vi verden?. NTNU og Partner for Nyskaping Innovator , Trondheim 2013-04-23 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2013) What is driving Innovation? Theory and Practice. AEC Aquaculture Europe 2013 , Trondheim 2013-08-10 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2013) Reaching the World - The GLobal Entrepreneur. NxtMedia NxtMedia , Trondheim 2013-10-09 -
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2013) Innovation and the Way Forward for Aquaculture. NTNU og Partner for Nyskaping Topplederkonferansen , Trondheim 2013-10-15 -
Academic lecture
InterviewVan de Ven, Andrew; Aspelund, Arild; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Morais-Storz, Marta. (2012) - Innovasjonsutdanning i verdensklasse. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-09-15
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2010) Internasjonalisering av SMB - Hva skal til for å lykkes?. NTNU Topplederkonferansen , Trondheim 2010-11-14 -
Academic lectureLøvdal, Nicolai; Aspelund, Arild; truls, erikson. (2010) Developing Technological Artifacts or Developing Business: Successful Energy Entrepreneurs Avoid Technological Myopia. BCERC , Lausanne, Switzerland 2010-06-09 - 2010-06-12
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2010) Introduksjon til Caseundervisning. NFR - FORNY FORNY Forum , Oslo 2010-01-22 -
Programme managementAspelund, Arild. (2009) Finanskrisen sett fra månen. NRK2 Kunnskapskanalen NRK2 Kunnskapskanalen [TV] 2009-06-13
Academic lectureFlaam Moen, Carina; Aspelund, Arild. (2009) International New Ventures and Governance Structures - Are International Entrepreneurs Strategic or Entrepreneurial?. McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference , Vaasa 2009-09-18 - 2009-09-20
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2009) Perspektiver på Internasjonalisering. Statkraft Statkraft Strategy WorkShop , Ree Gård, Stjørdal 2009-03-23 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2009) Management of International Activities in MNCs. Siemens IGLO-MP Research Seminar , Trondheim 2009-06-03 -
Academic lectureLøvdal, Nicolai; Aspelund, Arild. (2009) International Entrepreneurship in the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry. EIBA European International Business Academy 2009 , Valencia 2009-12-13 - 2009-12-15
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2009) Vår globale verden - Finanskrisen sett fra månen. NTNU Lørdagsuniversitetet , Trondheim 2009-03-28 -
Academic lectureSørheim, Roger; Aspelund, Arild; Berg, Magne Sivert. (2008) International New Ventures and the Development of Partnerships - A Social Capital Approach. Academy of International Business - UK Chapter , Portsmouth 2008-04-25 -
Academic lectureCabrol, Mathieu; Nlemvo, Frédéric; Aspelund, Arild. (2008) The Impact of Entrepreneurs' Past Experience on the Internationalization of French New Ventures. International Council for Small Business , Halifax 2008-06-22 - 2008-06-25
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2008) Some Perspectives on Innovation. Hydro Innovation Seminar , Sunndalsøra 2008-06-25 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Cabrol, Mathieu; Nlewko, Frédéric. (2008) Le Role de l'Experience de l'Entrepreneur dans le Niveau d' Internationalisation des Jeunes Enterprise. CIFPME , Louvais 2008-10-09 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Butsko, Vitali. (2007) Offshoring Production and Sales in Low Cost Countries. Nordic Geographers Meeting 2007-06-15 - 2007-06-17
Popular scientific lectureAspelund, Arild. (2006) Offshoring Production - A venue for international market expansion. Polen 2006 , Trondheim 2006-10-16 - 2006-10-20
Academic lectureHøy Jacobsen, Therese; Aspelund, Arild. (2005) The Role of Institutions in Fostering Entrepreneurship - Experiences from Macedonia. OECD OECD Conference on Local Development and Governance in Central, East and South-East Europe , Trento 2005-06-01 - 2005-06-02
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2005) International Marketing - Some KUNI Findings. Innovasjon Norge Næringsforum , Gjerdrum 2005-11-03 -
Academic lectureMoen, Øystein; Aspelund, Arild. (2005) International Marketing - Some findings from the KUNI program. NFR NFR konferanse , Oslo 2005-09-06 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild; Sørheim, Roger; Berg, Magne sivert. (2005) The Hybrid Structures of International New Ventures � a social capital approach. AIB UK Paper presented at the �32nd Academy of International Business UK Chapter� , Bath 2005-04-03 - 2005-04-05
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2004) Forskning på Born Globals – Implikasjoner for Policy. Innovasjon Norge Innovasjon Norge 2004-09-01 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2002) Team Resources at Firm Founding. Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference , Boulder 2002-06-06 -
Academic lectureAspelund, Arild. (2002) Survival and Growth of Born Global Firms. The Third Biennial McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers , Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2002-09-16 -