Annika Bremvåg
Kommunikasjonsavdelingen Hovedbygningen Gløshaugen, Trondheim
As the Head of Communications for NTNU's five strategic research areas (Ocean and Coast, Resilience, Health and Life Science, Community and Energy), I contribute to a sustainable and just transition by making NTNU's research visible and accessible for stakeholders in the industry, politics, the media and academia in Norway and Europe.
- Responsible for strategic external and internal communications within NTNU's five strategiv research areas, including budget responsibility
- Setting direction and priorities for communication activities within the mandate, strategies, and plans of the strategic research areas
- Development of communication strategies and plans
- Advising the directors of the strategic research areas on communication matters
- Media handling and content production
- Promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing across the organization
- Close cooperation with relevant ministries, partners, and other institutions
Steenstrup-Duch, Anne;
Bremvåg, Annika.
3 råd Nordsjøen ifm Arendalsuka 2022.
Multimedia product
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Pleym, Anngjerd;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Kiel, Erlend Sandø;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Hvor sårbart er vårt elektriske energisystem? .
Bremvåg, Annika;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
ZEN Annual Report 2019.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Popular scientific book
Bremvåg, Annika;
Gustavsen, Arild;
Hestnes, Anne Grete.
ZEN Annual Report 2019.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Popular scientific book
Steenstrup-Duch, Anne;
Bremvåg, Annika.
3 råd Nordsjøen ifm Arendalsuka 2022.
Multimedia product
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Pleym, Anngjerd;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Kallset, Vegard Viken;
Kiel, Erlend Sandø;
Uhlen, Kjetil Obstfelder.
Hvor sårbart er vårt elektriske energisystem? .
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Hustad, Johan Einar; Bremvåg, Annika. (2023) Innspillsmøte: klimatoppmøte Midt-Norge. NTNU Bærekraft og NTNU Energi Innspillsmøte: klimatoppmøte Midt-Norge , Trondheim 2023-01-12 - 2023-01-12
InterviewBremvåg, Annika; Nitter, Kathrine. (2018) ZEN-konferansen 2018: Programmet er klart!. SINTEF SINTEF [Internet] 2018-03-06