Anne Heidi Skogholt
Øya helsehus, Øya
Currently I am working as a researcher at ISM. I am assist different research groups involved in the HUNT-genes All-in project by defining phenotypes related to their disease domain.
I am also working as a PhD-candidate where I am investigating genetical differences in blood between healthy subjects and patients with lung cancer
- Gene expression analysis
- Isolate totalRNA from blood and biopsies
- Establish a method to isolate totalRNA (both mRNA and miRNA) from PAXgene and Tempus tubes for RNA profiling
- Sequencing
- SNPlex
- Establish a SNPlex platform
- Find interesting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA repair genes using databases
- PCR optimization for amplification of very low concentrations of DNA
Work Experience:
- 2016, June - present, Researcher at NTNU
- 2010, September - present, PhD student at NTNU
- 2007 June - 2010, August, Scientific Assistant, NTNU
- 2007, February - May, Engineer, NTNU
- 2006, June, Engineer, NTNU
- 1997 - 2008, Proxy, Sør-Trøndelag Police
Lectures and popular dissemination:
- November 2011; Children's University. Lectured about DNA for children between 8 and 11 years.
- June 2009; Organized and represented a stand called "Body, cells, DNA, DNA" with the "DNAniacs" - Where we presented molecular biological research at the faculty of Medicine to the public during the opening of the new hospital St.Olavs.
- 25 September 2009 - 26 September 2009; Organized and represented a stand called "Body, cells, DNA, DNA" with the "DNAniacs" at the National Science Week in Trondheim. We won the award for best stand.
- November 2009; Held a lecture entitled: "miRNAs as clinical biomarkers for lung cancer diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response therapautic "
- 14 October 2008 - 16 October 2008; Held a lecture entitled: "Local facility: SNPlex analysis"
- 29 October 2007 - 30 October 2007; Held a lecture entitled: "SNPlex genotyping for Analyzing EPOS materia "
- 12 September 2006 - 19 September 2006; Held a lecture entitled: "Polymerase chain reaction for amplification of ultrasmall quantities of DNA - Significance of DNA quality for efficiency and fidelity."
Education and training:
- 2009 spring; PhD courses: Medical Statistics II (KLMED8005)
- 2008, autumn; PhD courses: Medical Statistics I (KLMED8004)
- 2008, autumn; PhD courses: Introduction to research (SMED8004)
- 2008, March; PhD courses: Microarray technology and data analysis - laboratory exercises (MOL8003)
- 2008, March; " Special Conference of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW): The Role of DNA polymorphisms in complex traits and diseases"
- 2007, spring; PhD courses: Protein Structures (BT8108)
- 2007, February; Super User by Tecan Freedom EVOware. Practical and theoretical understanding of Tecan Tecan robot and Freddeom EVOware standard software.
- 2005 summer; ENLINO (EN = environment, LI = Lithuania, NO = Norway); A Lithuanian - Norwegian master's program for master students. Environmental Science that included biodiversity and environmental management, genetic and evolutionary toxicology and molecular methods in ecology
- 2001 - 2006; Master of Science in Biotechnology, "Polymerase Chain Reaction for Amplification of Ultra Small Quantities of DNA - DNA Significance of Quality of Efficiency and Fidelity"
- 2000 - 2001; Microbiology , ecology , chemistry
- 1999 - 2000; Philosophicum Examen , Examen Facultatum ; Ethics and Social Anthropology
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Ryeng, Einar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Skorpen, Frank;
Arentz Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe;
Sætrom, Pål.
Gene expression differences between PAXgene and Tempus blood RNA tubes are highly reproducible between independent samples and biobanks.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Skorpen, Frank;
von Hofacker, Sebastian;
Bjørngaard, Mads;
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Dale, Ola;
Kaasa, Stein.
The rare Arg181Cys mutation in the μ opioid receptor can abolish opioid responses.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Journal publications
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Ryeng, Einar;
Erlandsen, Sten Even;
Skorpen, Frank;
Arentz Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe;
Sætrom, Pål.
Gene expression differences between PAXgene and Tempus blood RNA tubes are highly reproducible between independent samples and biobanks.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Skorpen, Frank;
von Hofacker, Sebastian;
Bjørngaard, Mads;
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Dale, Ola;
Kaasa, Stein.
The rare Arg181Cys mutation in the μ opioid receptor can abolish opioid responses.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Knowledge Transfer
InterviewSliper Midling, Anne; Skorpen, Frank; Klepstad, Pål; Skogholt, Anne Heidi. (2016) 50.000 nordmenn trenger mer morfin. Gemini Gemini [Newspaper] 2016-07-06
LectureSkogholt, Anne Heidi. (2016) A Modified Protocol Reduces the Gene Expression Differences Between the RNA stabilizing blood tubes PAXgene- and Tempus. NBS 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-07
PosterSkogholt, Anne Heidi. (2015) Gene expression differences in PAXgene and Tempus Tubes are reduced by the use of a modified protocol. Annual Meeting of NORBIS 2015-10-28 - 2015-10-30
Programme participationElvestad, Maiken Bratt; Gjerde, Anne Heidi; Hanssen-Bauer, Audun; Fladvad, Torill; Gilljam, Karin Margaretha; Bergstrøm, Bjarte. (2009) Forskningsdagene 2009. Forskningstorget Forskningstorget [TV] 2009-09-25
Academic lectureGjerde, Anne Heidi. (2008) SNPlex. NTNU, Rigmor Austgulen Genomic approaches in human diseases (mol8007) , Trondheim 2008-10-14 - 2008-10-16
Academic lectureGjerde, Anne Heidi. (2007) SNPlex genotyping for analyzing EPOS material. Smerte og Palliasjons gruppemøte 2007-10-29 - 2007-10-30
Academic lectureGjerde, Anne Heidi. (2006) Polymerase chain reaction for amplification of ultra small quantities of DNA - Significance of DNA quality for efficiency and fidelity. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap (NBS) NBS Høstmøte , Røros 2006-09-12 - 2006-09-19