Anne Fasting
Aims: The overall purpose of the project is to gain insight in and knowledge about how GPs understand their role within palliation in primary care, with the national guideline serving as the gold standard for comparison, i.e. map versus terrain.
Background: The number of people in need of palliative treatment increases at the same time as there is a shift from care being given in institutions towards care at home. The collaboration is complex, requiring a high degree of competence for all health workers involved. Patients wants to be cared for, and possibly die in their own home. There is a mismatch between these patient wishes and the actual circumstances. The GP is in the literature regarded as an important worker in the palliative trajectories, as the primary care coordinator, and this key role of the GP is also reflected in the national guideline for palliative care in Norway. In practice, this seems not to be the case, and in a recent evaluation of the health service for seriously ill and dying patients, the GP is called for in the palliative trajectory. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the observed role of the GP and what is desirable in relation to palliative work.
Material and method: The project is a two-part study. The first study is a questionnaire survey to GPs, and aims to provide an overview and achieve knowledge about GPs’ experiences from the field of palliative care, including their experience with home death and the terminal phase, and the collaboration with the specialist health service. The study also targets GPs' knowledge of key concepts in the guideline. The questionnaire was sent to all (N = 246) GPs in the Norwegian county “Møre og Romsdal” in 2014. The respons rate was 57%. The second study is focus groups interviews with GPs. This study will explore, to a greater extent than the questionnaire survey, the experiences the GPs have with palliative care and how they understand their role in working with patients in need of palliative care. The guideline will serve as the gold standard for comparison. The interview guide builds on results from the questionnaire survey.
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Put on the sidelines of palliative care: a qualitative study of important barriers to GPs’ participation in palliative care and guideline implementation in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Academic article
Fasting, Anne.
Etisk utfordrende situasjoner ved livets slutt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Fasting, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz;
Hetlevik, Irene.
General practitioners’ role in palliative care: map versus terrain. Doctoral thesis. .
Doctoral dissertation
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Finding their place – general practitioners' experiences with palliative care—a Norwegian qualitative study.
BMC Palliative Care
Academic article
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Palliative care in general practice; a questionnaire study on the GPs role and guideline implementation in Norway.
BMC Family Practice
Academic article
Brenne, Anne-Tove;
Nordbø, Arve;
Steine, Siri;
Fasting, Anne;
Berglund, Maren Anne;
Røynstrand, Endre.
Palliativ behandling av pasienter med covid-19.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Reader opinion piece
Fasting, Anne;
Staats, Katrine;
Fosse, Anette;
Ervik, Bente;
Sørstrøm, Anne Kristine.
Palliasjon: Forskning i primærhelsetjenesten må til .
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Nilsen, Lisbeth;
Fasting, Anne.
Antall hjemmebesøk ikke avgjørende.
Interview Journal
Fasting, Anne;
Brenne, Anne-Tove;
Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth;
Berglund, Maren Anne;
Sjøblom, Bjørg;
Bjørgaas, Målfrid Holmaas.
Tiden er moden for en egen spesialitet i palliativ medisin.
Dagens medisin
Reader opinion piece
Fasting, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Palliative primary care – a Norwegian questionnaire study on General Practitioners’ role.
Abstractsamling PMU
Journal publications
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Put on the sidelines of palliative care: a qualitative study of important barriers to GPs’ participation in palliative care and guideline implementation in Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Academic article
Fasting, Anne.
Etisk utfordrende situasjoner ved livets slutt.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Finding their place – general practitioners' experiences with palliative care—a Norwegian qualitative study.
BMC Palliative Care
Academic article
Fasting, Anne;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz.
Palliative care in general practice; a questionnaire study on the GPs role and guideline implementation in Norway.
BMC Family Practice
Academic article
Brenne, Anne-Tove;
Nordbø, Arve;
Steine, Siri;
Fasting, Anne;
Berglund, Maren Anne;
Røynstrand, Endre.
Palliativ behandling av pasienter med covid-19.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Reader opinion piece
Fasting, Anne;
Staats, Katrine;
Fosse, Anette;
Ervik, Bente;
Sørstrøm, Anne Kristine.
Palliasjon: Forskning i primærhelsetjenesten må til .
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Nilsen, Lisbeth;
Fasting, Anne.
Antall hjemmebesøk ikke avgjørende.
Interview Journal
Fasting, Anne;
Brenne, Anne-Tove;
Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth;
Berglund, Maren Anne;
Sjøblom, Bjørg;
Bjørgaas, Målfrid Holmaas.
Tiden er moden for en egen spesialitet i palliativ medisin.
Dagens medisin
Reader opinion piece
Fasting, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Palliative primary care – a Norwegian questionnaire study on General Practitioners’ role.
Abstractsamling PMU
Fasting, Anne;
Mjølstad, Bente Prytz;
Hetlevik, Irene.
General practitioners’ role in palliative care: map versus terrain. Doctoral thesis. .
Doctoral dissertation
Knowledge Transfer
PosterTarberg, Anett Skorpen; Driller, Bardo; Fasting, Anne; Staats, Katrine; Ervik, Bente. (2024) Nasjonalt forskningsnettverk for palliasjon i primærhelsetjenesten. Norsk Palliativ Forening og Norsk forening for palliativ medisin 18. Landskonferansen i palliasjon – «Et åpent vindu mot verden». , Bergen 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13
InterviewFasting, Anne. (2019) Palliasjon:-Fastlegene vil på banen. Den norske legeforeningen, AMFF Den norske legeforeningen, AMFF [Internet] 2019-12-11
LectureFasting, Anne. (2019) Fastlegers erfaring og rolleforståelse ved palliasjon. Universitetet i Oslo Januarseminaret 2019, Fastlegens rolle i livets sluttfase , Oslo 2019-01-14 - 2019-01-15
LectureFasting, Anne. (2019) Palliativ plan Møre og Romsdal. Universitetet i Oslo Januarseminaret 2019, Fastlegens rolle i livets sluttfase , Oslo 2019-01-14 - 2019-01-15
Academic lectureFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2019) General Practitioners' experiences with palliative and end of life care: a Norwegian qualitative study. Norsk forening for allmennmedisin Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-24
PosterFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2019) Palliative care in general practice; a Norwegian questionnaire study on the GPs role. Dansk selskab for almen medicin Nordic congress of general practice , Allborg 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
InterviewFasting, Anne; Feirud, Morten. (2018) Møre og Romsdal innfører nytt livsfremmende verktøy. Tidens krav Tidens krav [Newspaper] 2018-01-16
LectureFasting, Anne. (2018) Almennpraktikar si rolle i kreftforløp. NTNU Videreutdanning i kreftsykepleie , Trondheim 2018-06-01 - 2018-06-01
Academic lectureFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2018) Palliative primary care – a Norwegian questionnaire study on General Practitioners’ role. Norsk forening for allmennmedisin Forskningsdagen PMU , Oslo 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-23
Academic lectureFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2018) A Norwegian study of GPs role in palliative care; Map versus terrain?. Høgskolen i Molde Forskningsgruppen: Omsorg, pleie og behandling av alvorlig syke og/eller døende , Molde 2018-04-24 -
Academic lectureFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2018) Palliasjon i primærhelsetjenesten- fastlegens rolle. AFE, ISM, NTNU forskningsseminar for prosjekter relatert til palliasjon innenfor primærhelsetjenesten: , Trondheim 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-13
PosterFasting, Anne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Hetlevik, Irene. (2018) Primary palliative care; From the GPs’ perspective . Universitetet i Oslo NAFALM-seminaret 2018 , Oslo 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-20
LectureFasting, Anne. (2017) Angst og depresjon hos den palliative pasienten. Legeforeningen Klinisk emnekurs , Ålesund 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-08