Almuth Gastinger
Senior Research Librarian, working as subject librarian at the Technology Library. Responsible for subjects Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Production engineering, Technology management and Information Sciences.
Almuth Gastinger
graduated from Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, with a PhD in Informatics. Since 2000 she has been working as Senior Research Librarian at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.
Her main interests include international co-operation, network building and staff exchange, CPD, information literacy, Open Science and subject librarian tasks.
She was member of IFLA Information Literacy Section Standing Committee from 2007 to 2015, and now she is member of IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) Section Standing Committee. In 2010 she was appointed Norway’s representative to NATO Information and Knowledge Management Committee.
She has attended many conferences, given presentations and published articles and book-chapters, in English, German and Norwegian.
Gastinger, Almuth.
Twelve years of Open Access at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): The long way to effective guidelines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gastinger, Almuth;
Landøy, Ane.
Copyright Literacy Skills of LIS Students in Norway.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Landøy, Ane;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Print or Electronic Course Readings: Implications for Library Space and Information Literacy Programmes.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Todorova, Tania;
Yantao, Pan;
Zhang, Jiuzhen;
Zivkovic, Daniela;
Pešut, Darija;
Kortelainen, Terttu.
Academic reading format preferences and behaviors among university students worldwide: A comparative survey analysis.
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth.
Blant universitetsbibliotek i Australia.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Landøy, Ane;
Repanovici, Angela;
Gastinger, Almuth.
The more they tried it the less they liked it:
Norwegian and Romanian student’s response to electronic course material.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Libraries, donations and freedom of expression : The case of Scientology.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth;
Torras Calvo, Maria Carme.
List of Selected Information Literacy Resources Available in the Norwegian Language.
Encyclopedia article
Gastinger, Almuth.
For research and education. Necessary skills at NTNU University Library in Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
The Information Literate Brain.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gastinger, Almuth.
Challenges of e-Science and Virtual Research Environments for Academic Libraries in Norway.
Bock+Herchen Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gastinger, Almuth.
Hvorfor IFLA har endret livet mitt!.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Information Literacy as a Human Right.
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth.
e-Science og e-Research - Norge må på banen.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth;
Letnes, Odd.
Joda, jeg er østtysker.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Interview Journal
Gastinger, Almuth.
9th International Bielefeld Conference 2009: "Upgrading The eLibrary: Enhanced Information Services Driven by Technology and Economics".
Library Hi Tech News
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth.
9. International Bielefeld Conference 2009: "Upgrading the eLibrary: Enhanced Information Services Driven by Technology and Economics".
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth.
8th International Bielefeld Conference 2006: Academic Library and Information Services: New Paradigms for the Digital Age.
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries
Academic literature review
Journal publications
Gastinger, Almuth;
Landøy, Ane.
Copyright Literacy Skills of LIS Students in Norway.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Landøy, Ane;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Print or Electronic Course Readings: Implications for Library Space and Information Literacy Programmes.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Todorova, Tania;
Yantao, Pan;
Zhang, Jiuzhen;
Zivkovic, Daniela;
Pešut, Darija;
Kortelainen, Terttu.
Academic reading format preferences and behaviors among university students worldwide: A comparative survey analysis.
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth.
Blant universitetsbibliotek i Australia.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Libraries, donations and freedom of expression : The case of Scientology.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth.
Hvorfor IFLA har endret livet mitt!.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
Information Literacy as a Human Right.
Academic article
Gastinger, Almuth.
e-Science og e-Research - Norge må på banen.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth;
Letnes, Odd.
Joda, jeg er østtysker.
Bob : Bok og bibliotek
Interview Journal
Gastinger, Almuth.
9th International Bielefeld Conference 2009: "Upgrading The eLibrary: Enhanced Information Services Driven by Technology and Economics".
Library Hi Tech News
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth.
9. International Bielefeld Conference 2009: "Upgrading the eLibrary: Enhanced Information Services Driven by Technology and Economics".
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries
Academic literature review
Gastinger, Almuth.
8th International Bielefeld Conference 2006: Academic Library and Information Services: New Paradigms for the Digital Age.
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries
Academic literature review
Part of book/report
Gastinger, Almuth.
Twelve years of Open Access at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): The long way to effective guidelines.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Landøy, Ane;
Repanovici, Angela;
Gastinger, Almuth.
The more they tried it the less they liked it:
Norwegian and Romanian student’s response to electronic course material.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gastinger, Almuth;
Torras Calvo, Maria Carme.
List of Selected Information Literacy Resources Available in the Norwegian Language.
Encyclopedia article
Gastinger, Almuth.
For research and education. Necessary skills at NTNU University Library in Trondheim.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sturges, Paul;
Gastinger, Almuth.
The Information Literate Brain.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gastinger, Almuth.
Challenges of e-Science and Virtual Research Environments for Academic Libraries in Norway.
Bock+Herchen Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2023) Collaboration is Key: Teaching Research Data Literacy Skills at NTNU. European Conference on Information Literacy , Krakow 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-12
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Balstad, Marit Terese. (2021) Academic Writing Events: Experiences from NTNU University Library . European Conference on Information Literacy , Online 2021-09-20 - 2021-09-23
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2020) Was Corona bisher verhinderte – die Erasmus International Staff Week an der NTNU Universitätsbibliothek . Berufsverband Information Bibliothek #vBIB20 - die virtuelle Konferenz rund um bibliothekarische Themen 2020-05-26 - 2020-05-28
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2019) 12 Jahre Open Access an der Technisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Universität Norwegens (NTNU): Der lange Weg zu wirksamen Richtlinien. Österreichischer Bibliothekartag 2019 , Graz 2019-09-10 - 2019-09-13
PosterGastinger, Almuth. (2019) Research Data Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Österreichischer Bibliothekartag 2019 , Graz 2019-09-10 - 2019-09-13
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Heller, Lambert; Reimer, Torsten. (2018) Publikationsverhalten wissenschaftlicher BibliothekarInnen: Umfrage an EU-Forschungsbibliotheken. 107. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Berlin 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Landøy, Ane. (2018) Copyright Literacy Skills of Library and Information Science Students in Norway. European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) , Oulu 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27
LectureLandøy, Ane; Gastinger, Almuth. (2018) Print or Electronic Course Readings: Implications for Library Space and Information Literacy Programmes . European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) , Oulu 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-27
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2018) Mit Profis arbeiten: Zukünftige Anforderungen an Information Professionals aus internationaler Sicht. 107. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Berlin 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) New policy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Incentives for publishing Open Access. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden Open Access Tage 2017 , Dresden 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-13
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson. (2017) Open Access ved NTNU. NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket International Open Access Week , Trondheim 2017-10-23 - 2017-10-27
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Storrusten, Kristin. (2017) IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) IFLA World Library and Information Congress , Wroclaw 2017-08-19 - 2017-08-25
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth. (2017) Vitenskapelig publisering som obligatorisk oppgave ved universitetsbibliotek?. UiO, HiOA, Handelshøyskolen BI VIRAK - Konferansen for universitets- og høgskolebibliotek , Oslo 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-13
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Landøy, Ane. (2016) Digitalt eller trykt pensum. Hva ønsker studentene og vil det påvirke bibliotekets samlingsutvikling?. Det 75. Norske Bibliotekmøte , Tromsø 2016-03-09 - 2016-03-11
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2016) Resultater for nasjonal undersøkelse av bibliotekarers kjennskap til opphavsrett. Det 75. Norske Bibliotekmøte , Tromsø 2016-03-09 - 2016-03-11
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Landøy, Ane; Repanovici, Angela. (2015) Norwegian and Romanian Students’ Response to Electronic Course Material. Third European Conference on Information Literacy ECIL2015 , Tallinn 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-23
LectureGastinger, Almuth; Landøy, Ane. (2015) Norske bibliotekarers kjennskap til copyright. UH-bibliotekkonferansen 2015 , Bergen 2015-06-18 - 2015-06-19
LectureSturges, Paul; Gastinger, Almuth. (2014) Access to Information as a Human Right. Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science The Right to Know Symposium , Boston 2014-03-31 - 2014-03-31
PosterGastinger, Almuth. (2014) Internasjonal utveksling bidrar til innovative og fremtidsrettede bibliotek. Norsk bibliotekforening Det 74. norske bibliotekmøte , Trondheim 2014-03-26 - 2014-03-28
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2013) Patron Driven Acquisition ved NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket. CRIStin CRIStin vårmøte 2013 , Oslo 2013-04-22 - 2013-04-23
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2013) Experiences with Patron Driven Acquisition at the NTNU University Library in Trondheim. CILIP Umbrella 2013 Conference and Exhibition , Manchester 2013-07-02 - 2013-07-03
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2013) Global Partnerships for Media and Information Literacy (MIL). CILIP CILIP ILIG meeting , London 2013-09-11 -
LectureSturges, Paul; Gastinger, Almuth. (2013) The Information Literate Brain. First European Conference on Information Literacy ECIL 2013 , Istanbul 2013-10-22 - 2013-10-25
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2012) E-Science og forskningsinfrastrukturer - hvorfor fagbibliotekene bør engasjere seg. Det 73. norske bibliotekmøte , Stavanger 2012-03-21 -
LectureGastinger, Almuth. (2012) Challenges of e-Science and Virtual Research Environments for Academic Libraries in Norway . BOBCATSSS 2012 , Amsterdam 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-25
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Ethical Perspectives on Donations to Libraries. ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, IFLA FAIFE OIF and IFLA FAIFE webinar 2011-11-15 -
Popular scientific lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Growing up under the Stasi. ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom Privacy and Youth Conference , Chicago 2011-03-24 - 2011-03-25
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Bibliothekwesen in Norwegen und die NTNU Universitätsbibliothek in Trondheim. Fachhochschule Köln Weiterbildungsstudiengang Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (Master in Library and Information Science) , Köln 2011-04-11 -
Popular scientific lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Yes, you can! Going abroad on work placements. Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Umbrella 2011 Conference & Exhibition , University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield 2011-07-12 - 2011-07-13
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Rolle und Aufgaben der Fachreferenten unter neuen Rahmenbedingungen. Fachhochschule Köln Weiterbildungsstudiengang Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (Master in Library and Information Science) , Köln 2011-04-11 -
PosterGastinger, Almuth; Taylor, Solveig Isabel. (2011) Innovation Through Internationalisation: Barriers for going abroad and actions to overcome them. World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly , San Juan 2011-08-13 - 2011-08-18
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2011) Challenges integrating library services into researchers’ work processes: the Norwegian perspective. Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Umbrella 2011 Conference & Exhibition , University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield 2011-07-12 - 2011-07-13
Academic lectureKnutsen, Tove; Tangen, Lisbeth; Brandshaug, Rune; Gastinger, Almuth; Faber, Hege Charlotte. (2010) Fagreferenter - en truet art?. Fagreferentkonferansen 2010 , Stavanger 2010-05-31 - 2010-06-02
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth; Wilke, Sebastian; Tise, Ellen R.; Verheul, Ingeborg. (2010) Bridging the gap – Involving new professionals in the international development of our profession in the digital world. BOBCATSSS 2010 , Parma 2010-01-25 - 2010-01-27
Academic lectureSturges, Paul; Gastinger, Almuth. (2009) Information Literacy and Article Nineteen. Information: Interactions and Impact (i3) , Aberdeen 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-25
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2009) Fachreferent, Universitätsbibliothekar oder Informationsspezialist? Allein oder im Team? - Zukünftige Aufgaben und Organisation der Fachreferenten an der UB in Trondheim. 98. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Erfurt 2009-06-02 - 2009-06-05
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth; Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth. (2009) How to get involved: Reflections from a new and a more experienced professional. Internat.Federation of Library Associations and Institutions IFLA Satellite Meeting "Moving In, Moving Up, and Moving On: Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession , Bologna 2009-08-18 - 2009-08-20
Popular scientific lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2009) Norwegian Librarianship and the University Library in Trondheim. Seminar at Library and Information Services of Cranfield University , Cranfield 2009-05-13 -
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2008) Dagens og morgendagens oppgaver - hvordan skal de løses innenfor gitte rammer. Seminar ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim "Plass og rolle til fagansvarlige under nye rammebetingelser" , Trondheim 2008-04-10 -
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth; Gjengaar, Janne Beate. (2008) Die lernende Organisation - Entwicklung der Organisationskultur an der Universitätsbibliothek in Trondheim. 97. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Mannheim 2008-06-03 - 2008-06-06
Popular scientific lectureGastinger, Almuth; Fonn, Katherine Jaramillo. (2008) Open Access and the Institutional Repository at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). SAIH (Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond) Seminar , Trondheim 2008-10-07 -
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2006) Das Fachreferentensystem der Universitätsbibliothek in Trondheim - Aufgaben und Rollenverständnis im Wandel. 95. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Dresden 2006-03-21 - 2006-03-24
Academic lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2006) Bibliothekarausbildung in Norwegen. 95. Deutscher Bibliothekartag , Dresden 2006-03-21 - 2006-03-24
Popular scientific lectureGastinger, Almuth. (2005) Das norwegische Bibliothekswesen und die Universitätsbibliothek in Trondheim. Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Univers.bibliothek Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der SLUB , Dresden 2005-04-27 -