Alexandra Murray-Leslie
From my early years as an art student in Melbourne, Australia to practicing as an artist in the vibrant scenes of Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco & Europe, my journey has never been that of a traditional academic. As a co-founder of the art band Chicks on Speed, I've collaboratively extended the domains of art, fashion, pop music and technology. This path led me to pursue a Ph.D. at Creativity and Cognition Studios, Department of Engineering and IT, The University of Technology Sydney, where my focus on analogue & digital musical body-centric Instrument creation for performance has solidified my commitment to merging craft with technological sustainovation.
Currently serving as a Professor of Digital Performance at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU, my endeavors reach well beyond the conventional bounds of academia, interfacing directly with industry. A notable example of this is my advisory role at the Sonar Festival in Barcelona (Sonar +D), where I advise on Artistic Research and Entrepreneurship. This role exemplifies my dedication to nurturing synergies between the academic world, pop music, art and industry, to build innovative collaborations, aiming to create a symbiotic relationship that drives forward and blurs the boundaries of each field.
Moreover, my commitment to public engagement and educational enrichment is exemplified through my honorary Professor appointment at the University of Technology Sydney's School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and IT. Here, I continue to engage with collaborative cutting-edge research and development, fostering a bridge that not only spans across scientific disciplines but also connects academia directly with the broader community.
July. 2019—Dec. 2025 Real-Time Telematic Audiovisual Improvisation (Project code: PKU-2021/10039). Funded by the The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education.
April. 2020-Dec. 2024 KLIMAFORSK project MEATigation: Towards sustainable meat-use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation. The project is a collaboration across the Social Sciences Humanities and Art, Norwegian business and cultural actors with the aim to explore and transform Norwegian food practices towards reducing meat use. Research Council of Norway (RCN) 303698. Director: Senior Researcher Sophia Efsthatiou, (NTNU, Norway).
Are We on Air (2024, November) Weekly interview series by Arman Naféei [Radio Program], Los Angeles. (Forthcoming).
Cano, S. (2024, October) ‘Chicks on Speed convierte el EACC en una fiesta multisensorial: "Simulamos un sueño, porque es el único lugar donde nadie nos controla"’, Nomepierdoniuna, 1 October. Available at:
FM4 (2024, August) ‘Fuzzstock 2024: Dort ist das Wetter immer schön und gut´,
She explores the potential futures of our transition from physical to virtual experiences while seeking novel, critical approaches to digital performance through technological advancements, encouraging 'glocal' (global-local) collaborations at the intersection of art, science, technology, and society. Her work often uses pop music as a driver, enriched by her involvement in ambitious Norwegian and EU mission-driven research projects, bringing scientific and artistic research concepts to life.
In the 2023/24 period, Murray-Leslie plays a pivotal role in selecting EU/Scandinavian art schools and universities to participate in Sonar +D, Sonar Festival Barcelona. This initiative focuses on key themes; Women in Artificial Intelligence, examining the interplay between AI and music, addressing the Climate Crisis and Telematic Transcultural Collaboration in the arts through Artistic Research and Artistic Entrepreneurship.
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Theremin Tapestry & We Don´t Play Guitars Music Video by Chicks on Speed.
Techno Worlds, Kunsthaus Dresden
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Theremin Tapestry & Music Video We Don´t Play Guitars.
Techno Worlds
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
arigbau, ayodele;
Busch, Annett;
Sujkerbuijk, Martinus;
Schneider, Florian;
Bayesteh, Mohammad.
Trondheim Academy of Fine Art Hybrid Installation at Sonar +D.
Sonar Festival
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
arigbau, ayodele;
Busch, Annett;
Sampson, Bruce Andrew;
Bayesteh, Mohammad.
Sleep Synthesis by Chicks on Speed & Collaborators, The Irreplaceable Human: Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
The Irreplaceable Human: Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Busch, Annett;
Schneider, Florian;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman;
Ebrahim Khari, nasrin.
Theremin Tapestry by Chicks on Speed in group exhibition / streamed in SPECIAL #EFIR89 <PACESETTERS> TRONDHEIM-KRAKOW-KYIV.
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Mathias, Ussing Seeberg;
Villemoes, Lise;
Rydal Jorgensen, Laerke.
Sleep Synthesis by Chicks on Speed and Collaborators, The Irreplaceable Human – Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI, .
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Exhibition catalogue
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Glas, Kathi;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman.
HOPE POP: Hybrid Togetherness.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Mustache, Captain.
Shifting Baselines.
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Sounding Footwear Compositions, Museum of Sound presented by Maaretta Jaukkari Foundation.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Frank, Tina.
Chicks on Speed feat. ORLAN / Live Bizarre Festival, Parq de la Vilette, Paris.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
ORLAN presents le slow de l’artiste (the artist’s slow) - We are Cosmique featuring Chicks on Speed, premier CENTQUATRE Paris.
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Frank, Tina.
Chicks on Speed & Le Tigre European Tour / live Paradiso Amsterdam.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
glas, kathi;
Cathrine, Kramer;
Tromokratisch, Kangela.
MEATIGATION - Meat Reduction in Norway.
More Meat, Less Meat
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bußmann, Frédéric;
M+, M;
Dom, Liz;
Logan, Melissa. E..
My Last Will.
Walther Koenig
Exhibition catalogue
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
A Shaded View on Fashion Film Festival 15 - Telematic & StreamArt Improvisations curated film screening.
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bayesteh, Mohammad;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Busch, Annett;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Johnson, Leslie Jeanne.
Shared Campus presents Telematic StreamArt Improvisation.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Dom, Liz.
My Last Will.
Mein letzter Wille
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman.
Musical performance
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Johnson, Leslie Jeanne;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Tromokratisch, Kangela;
Andrea, Unnur.
MEAT & Drag.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed records and sleeve art.
Broken Music Vol. 2, 70 Years of Records and Sound Works by Artists
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed Habitat.
My Square Gallery
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Bayesteh, Mohammad;
Day, Jeremiah;
Einarsdottir, Unnur Andrea.
Chicks on Speed EU Free Assange Rally Brussels.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Shared Campus: Creative Practices Across Cultures TELEPROVISATION.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Montreal.
Techno Worlds
Museum exhibition
Weh, Mathilde;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hoffman, Justin.
Techno Worlds.
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Exhibition catalogue
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds New York.
Techno Worlds, Goethe Institute New York & Knockdown Centre
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Portland Maine.
Techno Worlds, Portland, Maine
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
A Shaded View on Fashion Film 14 (Fashion Moves curated selection).
A Shaded View on Fashion Film 14, COMME DES GARÇONS 3537, Paris
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Budapest.
Techno Worlds Budapest
Museum exhibition
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Ocher, Mary.
Meet me over Meat.
Uploading the Human, Artistic Research Autumn Forum, Dokkhuset Trondheim, October 19th 2021
Other presentation
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hynsjö, Joel Olof Vide;
Wiatr Lewis, Amalia;
Krogstad, Mona;
Rasmussen, Mette.
The Things We Need Feedback!.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Uploading the Human.
Musical performance
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
FEEDBACK: Vibrotactile Materials Informing Artistic Practice.
Holscher, Petra;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Exhibition catalogue
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
24. February&4.March2020
Multimedia product
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Røshol, Nikolas;
Schmidt, August;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Art Performance.
Other presentation
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Lindbjerg, Diana;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted;
Brandtsegg, Øyvind.
Corona Improv Sessions.
Ars Electronica Festival, Keplers garden
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted.
Theatre of Making 4: Latency Now (Telematic Improv Workshop).
The Wild State, Ars Electronica Festival
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
The KiT Pavilion, BFA & MFA students from Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (KiT), NTNU, curated by Alexandra Murray-Leslie.
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Speed Listening: A Copycacophony Performance.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
What Would You Do For Love Of Country ?.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted.
Theatre of Making 4: Latency Now Workshop, ARTEC Seminar Series.
ARTEC Seminar Series
Other presentation
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Costuming the Foot: a Designer/Performer's Personal Artistic Methods.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed presents FANTASY.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina.
Theatre of Making 5: Telematic Improvisation Workshop.
Theatre of Making 5: Telematic Improvisation Workshop
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Day, Jeremiah;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Filmon, Claire;
Marchand, Antoine.
Si c’est pour les gens, ça doit être beau, Jeremiah Day.
If its for the People, It needs to be beautiful, she said
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Expressions of Shoes in Pop Music Performance, Mediated Through Humanistic Abstractions of Technology.
Critical Costume, Costume Agency
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Lindbjerg, Diana;
Fayant, Amanda Nicole.
The Wild State, Ars Electronica Festival
Internet exhibition
Musiol, Hanna;
DeSoto, Pablo;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hoel, Ada Mathea;
Shrestha, Shreejay;
Dybvig, Dagfinn Døhl.
Resist as Forest.
Resist as Forest
Art exhibition
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Schmidt, August.
NSB opening art students performances in architecture- students built wooden structures.
art performances, two hours from 22:00
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Theatrical performances with Objet Connex 500 3d printer; making computer enhanced footwear prototypes.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
SCREAM APP´S COLLECTION by Chicks on Speed 2012-2013.
MIT Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Schnugg, Claudia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Creating ArtScience
Collaboration - Bringing Value to Organizations.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Popular scientific book
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Noise Bodies by Chicks on Speed.
Up to and Including Limits, Beyond Carolee Schneeman curated by Sabine Breitweiser
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Johnston, Andrew.
The liberation of the feet: De-making the high-heeled
shoe for theatrical audio-visual expression.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Artistic productions
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Busch, Annett;
Schneider, Florian;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman;
Ebrahim Khari, nasrin.
Theremin Tapestry by Chicks on Speed in group exhibition / streamed in SPECIAL #EFIR89 <PACESETTERS> TRONDHEIM-KRAKOW-KYIV.
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Glas, Kathi;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman.
HOPE POP: Hybrid Togetherness.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Mustache, Captain.
Shifting Baselines.
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Sounding Footwear Compositions, Museum of Sound presented by Maaretta Jaukkari Foundation.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Frank, Tina.
Chicks on Speed feat. ORLAN / Live Bizarre Festival, Parq de la Vilette, Paris.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
ORLAN presents le slow de l’artiste (the artist’s slow) - We are Cosmique featuring Chicks on Speed, premier CENTQUATRE Paris.
Music - composition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Frank, Tina.
Chicks on Speed & Le Tigre European Tour / live Paradiso Amsterdam.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
A Shaded View on Fashion Film Festival 15 - Telematic & StreamArt Improvisations curated film screening.
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bayesteh, Mohammad;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Busch, Annett;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Johnson, Leslie Jeanne.
Shared Campus presents Telematic StreamArt Improvisation.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Dziadkiewicz, Roman.
Musical performance
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Johnson, Leslie Jeanne;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Tromokratisch, Kangela;
Andrea, Unnur.
MEAT & Drag.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed records and sleeve art.
Broken Music Vol. 2, 70 Years of Records and Sound Works by Artists
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Bayesteh, Mohammad;
Day, Jeremiah;
Einarsdottir, Unnur Andrea.
Chicks on Speed EU Free Assange Rally Brussels.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Shared Campus: Creative Practices Across Cultures TELEPROVISATION.
Musical performance
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hynsjö, Joel Olof Vide;
Wiatr Lewis, Amalia;
Krogstad, Mona;
Rasmussen, Mette.
The Things We Need Feedback!.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Uploading the Human.
Musical performance
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Lindbjerg, Diana;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted;
Brandtsegg, Øyvind.
Corona Improv Sessions.
Ars Electronica Festival, Keplers garden
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted.
Theatre of Making 4: Latency Now (Telematic Improv Workshop).
The Wild State, Ars Electronica Festival
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
The KiT Pavilion, BFA & MFA students from Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (KiT), NTNU, curated by Alexandra Murray-Leslie.
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Speed Listening: A Copycacophony Performance.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
What Would You Do For Love Of Country ?.
Performing Arts
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed presents FANTASY.
Musical performance
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina.
Theatre of Making 5: Telematic Improvisation Workshop.
Theatre of Making 5: Telematic Improvisation Workshop
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Expressions of Shoes in Pop Music Performance, Mediated Through Humanistic Abstractions of Technology.
Critical Costume, Costume Agency
Internet exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Lindbjerg, Diana;
Fayant, Amanda Nicole.
The Wild State, Ars Electronica Festival
Internet exhibition
Musiol, Hanna;
DeSoto, Pablo;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hoel, Ada Mathea;
Shrestha, Shreejay;
Dybvig, Dagfinn Døhl.
Resist as Forest.
Resist as Forest
Art exhibition
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Schmidt, August.
NSB opening art students performances in architecture- students built wooden structures.
art performances, two hours from 22:00
Art exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Mathias, Ussing Seeberg;
Villemoes, Lise;
Rydal Jorgensen, Laerke.
Sleep Synthesis by Chicks on Speed and Collaborators, The Irreplaceable Human – Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI, .
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Exhibition catalogue
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Bußmann, Frédéric;
M+, M;
Dom, Liz;
Logan, Melissa. E..
My Last Will.
Walther Koenig
Exhibition catalogue
Weh, Mathilde;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hoffman, Justin.
Techno Worlds.
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Exhibition catalogue
Holscher, Petra;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Exhibition catalogue
Schnugg, Claudia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Creating ArtScience
Collaboration - Bringing Value to Organizations.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Popular scientific book
Part of book/report
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
FEEDBACK: Vibrotactile Materials Informing Artistic Practice.
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Costuming the Foot: a Designer/Performer's Personal Artistic Methods.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Theatrical performances with Objet Connex 500 3d printer; making computer enhanced footwear prototypes.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
SCREAM APP´S COLLECTION by Chicks on Speed 2012-2013.
MIT Press
Popular scientific chapter/article
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Johnston, Andrew.
The liberation of the feet: De-making the high-heeled
shoe for theatrical audio-visual expression.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Theremin Tapestry & We Don´t Play Guitars Music Video by Chicks on Speed.
Techno Worlds, Kunsthaus Dresden
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Theremin Tapestry & Music Video We Don´t Play Guitars.
Techno Worlds
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
arigbau, ayodele;
Busch, Annett;
Sujkerbuijk, Martinus;
Schneider, Florian;
Bayesteh, Mohammad.
Trondheim Academy of Fine Art Hybrid Installation at Sonar +D.
Sonar Festival
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
arigbau, ayodele;
Busch, Annett;
Sampson, Bruce Andrew;
Bayesteh, Mohammad.
Sleep Synthesis by Chicks on Speed & Collaborators, The Irreplaceable Human: Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
The Irreplaceable Human: Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
glas, kathi;
Cathrine, Kramer;
Tromokratisch, Kangela.
MEATIGATION - Meat Reduction in Norway.
More Meat, Less Meat
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Dom, Liz.
My Last Will.
Mein letzter Wille
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Chicks on Speed Habitat.
My Square Gallery
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Montreal.
Techno Worlds
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds New York.
Techno Worlds, Goethe Institute New York & Knockdown Centre
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Portland Maine.
Techno Worlds, Portland, Maine
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
A Shaded View on Fashion Film 14 (Fashion Moves curated selection).
A Shaded View on Fashion Film 14, COMME DES GARÇONS 3537, Paris
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Logan, Melissa. E..
Techno Worlds Budapest.
Techno Worlds Budapest
Museum exhibition
Efstathiou, Sophia;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Ocher, Mary.
Meet me over Meat.
Uploading the Human, Artistic Research Autumn Forum, Dokkhuset Trondheim, October 19th 2021
Other presentation
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Røshol, Nikolas;
Schmidt, August;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Art Performance.
Other presentation
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Frank, Tina;
Bastashevski, Marianna Haraldsted.
Theatre of Making 4: Latency Now Workshop, ARTEC Seminar Series.
ARTEC Seminar Series
Other presentation
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki;
Day, Jeremiah;
Logan, Melissa. E.;
Filmon, Claire;
Marchand, Antoine.
Si c’est pour les gens, ça doit être beau, Jeremiah Day.
If its for the People, It needs to be beautiful, she said
Museum exhibition
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
Noise Bodies by Chicks on Speed.
Up to and Including Limits, Beyond Carolee Schneeman curated by Sabine Breitweiser
Museum exhibition
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki.
24. February&4.March2020
Multimedia product
InterviewMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Logan, Melissa. E.. (2024) RISIKO Magazine. Issue 4 Pop!. Japan Japan [Newspaper] 2024-01-01
Academic lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Driessen, Clemens. (2024) Instrumentalise Me! - A logocrashing pop hit. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) and the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) joint meeting 2024-07-16 - 2024-07-19
Popular scientific lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Frank, Tina; Ferguson, Sam; Bakken, Sivert; Sivertsen, Eirik Selnæs; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2023) Deep Dark Oceans Music Video project - datavisualisation of Hyperspectral data in collaboration with Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology Sydney. NTNU Ocean , Trondheim 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
Popular scientific lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Dziadkiewicz, Roman. (2023) Synthesize live by Alex Murray-Leslie & Roman Dziadkiewicz & Chicks on Speed & UKRAiNATV. Trondheim Academy of Fine Art 14TH SAR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 , Trondheim 2023-04-19 - 2023-04-24
Programme participationMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2023) Electric Indigo & Robert Henke in conversation with Alex Murray-Leslie & Pia van Gelder. University of New South Wales University of New South Wales [Internet] 2023-04-05
Popular scientific lectureEfstathiou, Sophia; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2023) FACING MEAT. Debio Norge MATSYMPOSIUM 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-19
InterviewMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Logan, Melissa. E.; Zayner, Josiah. (2022) Josiah Zayner and Chicks on Speed talk biohacking and Do-It-Yourself DNA. Apple Podcasts / Podsongs Apple Podcasts / Podsongs [Internet] 2022-08-17
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) Digitally Enhanced Foot-orthotics to Revolutionise Artistic Swimming. METAMORPH X TRONDHEIM INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE FOR ART & TECHNOLOGY, METAMORPH X, DIGITAL WILD Conference , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2020-03-06 - 2020-03-07
Programme participationHaarsaker, Nina Katrine; Sahbegovic, Nadja; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) 24 HAVNELANGS, Friske Hendelser på Nyhavna. [Internet] 2020-10-10
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) costuming the foot, shoes have the potential to deliver a psychological autonomy as well as a political status in performance. Oslo National Academy of the Arts Costume Agency, Critical Costume , Oslo 2020-08-23 - 2020-08-23
Popular scientific lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) The Women in Media Art: Telematic Performance. Ars Electronica Linz, Austria Ars Electronica Festival , Kepler Gardens 2020-09-11 - 2020-09-11
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) Corona Improv Sessions, experiences in Telematic Performance making. Federico Visi Physically distant: online talks on telematic performance , School of Music in Piteå, Luleå University of Technology 2020-06-03 - 2020-06-03
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2020) The network, the pandemic and telematic performance. PITEÅ PERFORMING ARTS BIENNIAL 2020 ECOLOGY, SITE AND PLACE, PITEÅ PERFORMING ARTS BIENNIAL , PITEÅ 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-27
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Haarsaker, Nina Katrine; González, María; PISTOUFIDIOU, ANASTASIA. (2020) Bioplastics and Biodegradable materials for sustainable and circular design. ARTEC ARTEC Seminar Series , FORMlab, Department of Architecture and Technology, NTNU 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-06
Popular scientific lectureBrandtsegg, Øyvind; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Logan, Melissa. (2019) Chicks on Speed in conversation with Øyvind Brandtsegg. NTNU Big Challenge , Crispin Glover Records, Trondheim 2019-06-18 - 2019-06-18
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Efstathiou, Sophia. (2019) Facing the Gesamtkunstwerk foot first . University of Hertfordshire, School of Creative Arts 'Artists, Designers and the Philosophers we Love' , Hertfordshire 2019-06-20 - 2019-06-21
Academic lectureMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2019) Gesamtkunstwerk: Thinking Through Making and Performing (computer enhanced footwear prototypes). University of Barcelona INDISCIPLINES , University of Barcelona 2019-11-30 - 2019-11-30
Popular scientific lectureMusiol, Hanna; Murray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki. (2019) Spectral Landscapes: Senses, Archives, Cocreation. NTNU ARTEC ARTEC Seminar Series , Kunsthall Trondheim 2019-02-14 - 2019-02-14
InterviewMurray-Leslie, Alexandra Nicki; Logan, Melissa. E.. (2010) An Interview with Chicks On Speed, Dundee Contemporary Arts, 4–5 June, 2010. THE WIRE MAGAZINE THE WIRE MAGAZINE [Internet] 2010-08-01