Anna Jenny Margaret Järnerot
I am teaching at the teacher education in Trondheim. I am associate professor, with more than 20 years in teacher service in both Sweden and Norway. I have taught most of the theoretical subjects at school, e.g. maths, foreign language, Swedeish, Norwegian, biology, social science, religious education. At the teacher education I teach pedagogy and special needs education, focusing reading and maths challenges. I am especially intererested in didactics in various subjects/disciplines. I have also focused on the teaching of foreign language for students/pupils with dyslectic problems.
My main research interests are
Combining knowledge
Didactical research to improve teacher education¨
Special needs – reading and writing difficulties and challenges, math difficulties and challenges
Rural education
Research focus
Knowledge foundation
In the center of my developmental and research work is a moderation of Aristotle’s knowledge dimensions connected to didactical aspects. The Knowledge in 3D-design argues that episteme, techne and phronesis are all basic contributors when a person learns. I argue that phronesis, understood as the single events where you use practical wisdom, can be the starter of knowledge need. Therefore, practice or narrative cases can encourage the search for theoretical knowledge (episteme) and the need for teacher skills. One basic requirement is that you attain habits (hexis) of reflective openmindedness.
This understanding of the close connection between practice and theory, is the center of my didactical developmental research. Developing and trying out new didactical enterprises are my focus. The teaching is based on embodied learning and enactivism that should light a spark that can move or destablise the students so much that transformative learning can take place. The teaching should parallelly challenge beliefs and develop theory, practical skills and attitudes.
The developmental didactical quests have used action research and self-study approaches, often teaming up with colleagues and in respectful collaboration with students. Two of the projects have provided substantial data material. There are four projects that I promote in this work.
Improving teacher education
Project 1
Improving student time on task and learning through a design with prepatory work, class work and foolow-up work
An important focus of my work with developing teaching methods at the teacher education has been centred round making it clear to the students what they should do between class work. This was first done through a project called "Future digital teacher education" in collaboration with Ellen Fossvoll and Cecilie Skaalvik. The aim of the project was to inspire more student active working methods, partly by using more digital tools and an intentional use of a digital learning platform and flipped classroom.
Project 2
Later Anne Bonnevie Lund and I have continued and broadened the project with a wiki work, creating situated learning and consciously working for community of practice engagement. One of the mediating tools there has been wiki-work, in this case creating websites.
Centering learning round students making websites. One can wrongly get the sense that this is about promoting professional digital competence (PfDK), but the digital part are more the tools used to promote other sides of learning. The students highlight other aspects of there learning more. Those are
- learning teamwork , which they understand is vital in the modern school
- deeper understanding for socio-cultural aspects of learning (many are surprised that interaction can broaden their own learning and that it is joyful to contribute to others learning
- case-based assignments force them to see the relation between practice, theory and decisional abilities
Project 3
Possibilities for transformative learning with roleplays in digital rooms.
During the pandemic we tried to use roleplays in the digital zoom-meeting room, that is a digital room. The aim was to transform a often used analogue method, which aims to create embodied and transformative learning, by putting the students in different roles, some stressing, some comfortable, so that the bodily experiences can create interest for the topic but also to start a transformative process of repositioning of basic beliefs.
Project 4
Making the special needs education more connected to the needs and roles a SENCO will have in their roles at school. Here I also changed the exam, so that the students would write as if they were SENCOs at a school, answering different requests from parents, teacher colleagues, politicians, school administration, teacher assistants etc. This required them to not only use theory and transform it into practice, but also to evaluate their own attitudes and language approach when helping people in need.
Other focuses
Professional Identity devlpoment - from pupil to teacher
I was and am also involved in a project concerning student teachers' professional development. There we have published two articles and presented results at different scientific conferences on teacher students' identity changes from being a pupil, via teacher student to an identity as a teacher. Presently we are continuing the work here, researching and writing about the early transition into teacher education
Student knowledge of Key competencies
Earlier my research was focused on key competences, in Norway called "basic skills". I am a part of a project that study teacher students and their experience of how basic skills is focused and taught in the teacher education and their competence. Another part of the same project focuses on the students competence about reading and writing in general and also about learning diffuculties in the same area.
Education in rural areas
I am noe a part of a project focusing on education in rural areas in Norway, Sweden and possibly some more countries.
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
PÅ VEI MOT LÆRERYRKET: Studentaktiv læring via transformative prosesser.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret.
Möjligheter att genom kroppsligt lärande beröra studenter i digitala rum.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk;
Grüters, Anna Ruth;
Skaalvik, Cecilie;
Lie, Tove Grete;
Østerlie, Ove;
Järnerot, Anna.
Teacher educators’ professional digital competence in primary and lower secondary school yeacher education.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
Academic article
Järnerot, Anna;
Veelo, Nicole Christine.
"Kunskap i 3D" - techne, episteme och fronesis, presenterat som samspelande dimensioner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Järnerot, Anna;
Veelo, Nicole Christine.
Det første møtes sødme? Lærerstudenters første møte med praksisfeltet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fossvoll, Ellen Kathrine;
Järnerot, Anna;
Skaalvik, Cecilie.
Ways to Increase Student Learning Activity: A Development Project in Norwegian Teacher Education.
Forum Arbeitslehre
Academic article
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Järnerot, Anna.
En gryende læreridentitet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk;
Grüters, Anna Ruth;
Skaalvik, Cecilie;
Lie, Tove Grete;
Østerlie, Ove;
Järnerot, Anna.
Teacher educators’ professional digital competence in primary and lower secondary school yeacher education.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy
Academic article
Fossvoll, Ellen Kathrine;
Järnerot, Anna;
Skaalvik, Cecilie.
Ways to Increase Student Learning Activity: A Development Project in Norwegian Teacher Education.
Forum Arbeitslehre
Academic article
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret;
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
PÅ VEI MOT LÆRERYRKET: Studentaktiv læring via transformative prosesser.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret.
Möjligheter att genom kroppsligt lärande beröra studenter i digitala rum.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Järnerot, Anna;
Veelo, Nicole Christine.
"Kunskap i 3D" - techne, episteme och fronesis, presenterat som samspelande dimensioner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Järnerot, Anna;
Veelo, Nicole Christine.
Det første møtes sødme? Lærerstudenters første møte med praksisfeltet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie;
Järnerot, Anna.
En gryende læreridentitet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Master special educational needs
LectureJärnerot, Anna. (2022) Utvikling av studentaktive læringsformer. Fakultet for Pædagogik og Uddannelse Nordisk lærerutdanningskonferanse , Torshavn 2022-05-03 - 2022-05-05
Academic lectureLund, Anne Carine Bonnevie; Järnerot, Anna. (2022) Fra elev til lærerstudent- personlige og faglige innovasjonsprosesser. Fakultet for Pædagogik og Uddannelse Nordisk lærerutdanningskonferanse , Torshavn 2022-05-03 - 2022-05-05
Academic lectureRøkenes, Fredrik Mørk; Grüters, Anna Ruth; Skaalvik, Cecilie; Lie, Tove Grete; Østerlie, Ove; Järnerot, Anna. (2021) Lærerutdanneres profesjonsfaglige digitale kompetanseutvikling: En studie av digitalisering av grunnskolelærerutdanningen . Universitets- og høgskolerådet og Diku Lærerutdanningskonferansen 2021 , Nettbasert 2021-04-27 - 2021-04-28
Academic lectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Järnerot, Anna; Skaalvik, Cecilie. (2019) Utvikling av studentaktive læringsformer gjenom bruk av digitale verktøy. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-07
Academic lectureMoen, Elin Tronsaune; Järnerot, Anna. (2019) What Would Klafki And Aristoteles Say About Our Student Teachers? . ECER 2019-09-04 -
Academic lectureJärnerot, Anna; Veelo, Nicole Christine; Lund, Anne Carine Bonnevie. (2019) How Can Aristotle's Classification Of Knowledge Be Used To Analyze Teacher students' development of professional understanding/identity?. ECER 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-06
Academic lectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Järnerot, Anna. (2019) Ways to increase student learning activity. Institutt for lærerutdanning, NTNU Seminar med TU Berlin , Trondheim 2019-09-26 - 2019-09-27
Academic lectureLund, Anne Carine Bonnevie; Veelo, Nicole Christine; Järnerot, Anna; Etnan, Randi. (2019) From Pupil to Student Teacher- The First Meeting with School. EERA ECER 2019 , Hamburg 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-06
LectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Järnerot, Anna; Skaalvik, Cecilie. (2018) "Future Digital Teacher Education". Fossvoll, Järnerot & Skaalvik Erfaringskonferanse for kollegaer og studenter , Trondheim 2018-04-26 - 2018-04-26
Academic lectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret. (2016) What do Norwegian teacher students know about teaching literacy and reading and writing disabilities?. Unimore 5th All European Dyslexia Conference , Modena 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-24
Academic lectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Järnerot, Anna Jenny Margaret. (2016) Fokus på grunnleggende ferdigheter i lærerutdanningen. NTNU, fakultet for lærer- og tolkeutdanning Den 14.nordiske lærerutdanningskonferansen , Trondheim 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-13
LectureFossvoll, Ellen Kathrine; Jarnerot, Anna. (2015) Grunnleggende ferdigheter i lærerutdanningen. NOLES og Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning Språkperspektiver i læringskontekster , Schæffergården, København 2015-03-23 - 2015-03-25