Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering - EASE 2020 - Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
EASE 2020 merges with the EASE 2021 conference.
Please go to the EASE 2021 website for updated information >>
Dear Members of the Community,
We hope that you and your loved ones would be doing well and keeping safe in such unsettling circumstances caused by COVID-19.
Thanks again for the continuous support of EASE 2020 and being patient while we have been discussing the options for holding EASE 2020.
Now We have concluded our discussions with all the key stakeholders, including the steering committee of the EASE conference series. We have decided to merge the EASE 2020 with EASE 2021, which will also be held in Trondheim during June 2021 (exact dates will be released soon) with a new organizing team. That means, in June 2021, the EASE conference will have presentations not only of all tracks’ papers from 2020 but also the papers which would have been accepted for the 2021 program.
As a result of this decision, the following items may interest to you:
EASE 2020 proceedings will be published as open access by the ACM in April 2020.
EASE 2020 authors whose papers have been accepted will be provided with an opportunity to present their papers at the 2021 conference.
All the delegates registered for EASE 2020 without having a paper will have their registration fee refunded if requested by 30th April 2020. Please send your refund request to jingyue.li@ntnu.no. Otherwise, the payment will be transferred to EASE2021 as the registration fee for EASE 2021.
EASE 2021 will have a new organizing committee, which will work closely with the key members of the EASE 2020 to integrate both years’ programs as smoothly as possible without having any negative impact on the program designed for EASE 2020. Some members of the EASE 2020 organizing committee may be invited to join the EASE 2021 organizing committee to maintain the consistency.
EASE 2021 will have its own process of seeking submissions to different tracks and peer review process that would lead to a high-quality program, which is expected of a rank “A” conference. The authors of the papers accepted in EASE 2020 will be welcome to submit their new work to EASE 2021, and if accepted, they may be entitled to a small discount in the registration fee. However, they would be expected to pay the registration fee for their paper accepted in EASE 2021.
We will continue sharing the updated information with the community through this website in due course.
Thanks again for supporting the EASE series of conferences.
EASE 2020 organization committee and EASE steering committee

The International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) is an internationally leading venue for academics and practitioners to present and discuss their research on evidence-based software engineering, and its implications for software practice. The 24th edition of EASE will take place from 15-17 April 2020 in Trondheim, Norway, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). EASE 2020 welcomes high-quality submissions, describing original and unpublished research, as regular papers, short papers, industry papers, workshop papers, tutorials, and emerging results and vision papers. It also looks forward to contributions to the doctoral symposium and the poster track.
Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium - Postponed to 2021
- 15 April 2020
Conference - Postponed to 2021
- 16 and 17 April 2020
Camera-ready copies All Tracks:
- February 15, 2020
Abstract Submission Full Paper Track:
- December 15, 2019
- Check individual tracks for abstract submission requirements
Paper Submission Full Paper Track:
- December 17, 2019
- Check individual tracks for submission deadline
Acceptance Notification Full Paper Track:
- February 3, 2020
- Check individual tracks for acceptance notification deadline