
NTNU Cyborg


Modelling Dynamics of Motoneuron Networks and Spinal Cord Injury in vitro. O. Ramstad, I. Sandvig, S. Nichele, G. Tufte, A. Sandvig, (Nordic Neuroscience, 2017) (pdf)

Towards Making a Cyborg: A Closed-Loop Reservoir-Neuro System. P. Aaser, M. Knudsen, O. Ramstad, R. van de Wijdeven, S. Nichele, I. Sandvig, G. Tufte, U. Bauer, Ø. Halaas, S. Hendseth, A. Sandvig, V. Valderhaug. European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2017 (link)

NTNU Cyborg, Making R.U.R. Take One. Gunnar Tufte and Stefano Nichele. Internal Report (2016) 

Genotype Regulation by Self-Modifying Instruction-Based Development on Cellular Automata. Stefano Nichele, Tom Eivind Glover and Gunnar Tufte. PPSN 2016, 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, vol. 9921 pp. 14-25, Springer LNCS (2016)

Computational Matter: Evolving Computational Functions in Nanoscale Materials. Hajo Broersma, Julian Francis Miller and Stefano Nichele. In: Andrew Adamatsky, ed., Advances in Unconventional Computing, Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms, Springer (2016)

NTNU Cyborg: A Study into embodying Neuronal Cultures through Robotic Systems. Martinius Knudsen. Master thesis (2016)