
Image cred: Geir Mogen/NTNU

Colourlab is a leading research group in the field of colour imaging, with a multidisciplinary team of experts from various scientific and technological domains. Founded in 2001, Colourlab has expanded its research areas to not only cover topics in colour science, but including research questions like how to measure and reproduce the appearance of objects or how to understand and model human perception and cognition of colour as well as appearance. The research of Colourlab has a wide range of applications in domains such as cultural heritage, medical imaging and the multimedia sector. You can read more about the different reserach areas below.

Colourlab research areas

Our research areas


Rendering appearance of an object is a complex matter, as colour, translucency, gloss and structure influence how an object appear. Read more about Colourlab’s research on material appearance here.

Imaging for cultural heritage 

Imaging techniques can capture a lot of information about cultural heritage objects, like pigment identification, under drawings or degradation etc. Read more about Colourlab’s research on imaging for cultural heritage here

Image quality

Our research focuses on subjective and objective image quality assessment. We have over the years published several datasets for image quality assessment etc. Read more about Colourlab's research on image quality here.

Medical imaging

We conduct research related to medical imaging applications including video capsule endoscopy, CT, and MRI. We work closely with hospitals and medical professionals. Read more about Colourlab's reasearch on medical imaging here

Colour and perception

Fundamental research on colour and perception including colour matching functions, contrast sensitivity, visual masking with more.  

Colour management

From the beginning the Colourlab has done research on colour management, and we have a long record of applied research in this field. 

Computer vision, image processing and machine learning

Artificial intelligence could be an important tool for image processing, but research is needed for us to trust the technolgy. Read more about our research on Computer vision, image processing and machine learning here.

Educational projects

Developing teaching and educational practices in cooperation with our international partners are of high importance of Colourlab. Read more about our educational projects here.

Other projects

Other projects