Center for Sustainable ICT – CESICT

Center for Sustainable ICT – CESICT



The IE faculty and NTNU Digital have taken the initiative to establish a new center for sustainable ICT (CESICT). It will promote interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches to ensure that the development and evolution of ICT solutions are done in a sustainable manner. The center will act as an NTNU-coordinated network of activities for research institutions, industries, and the public sector, and will be hosted by the IE faculty.  

The center will play an important role in the achievement of a climate-neutral sustainable economy as set out by the EU Commission and the Norwegian Climate Plan. To achieve this goal, there is an urgent need for the ongoing digitalization to both contribute to sustainability in other fields, and at the same time be sustainable in itself.  

  • Vision: Knowledge leading to the development and evolution of sustainable ICT solutions for sustainable development  
  • Mission: Mobilize multidisciplinary expertise collaborating to guide the digitalization of society in a sustainable direction 
  • Goal:  Develop new, innovative, holistic methods, technologies and solutions to support a sustainable digitalization of society  

The success of the center will be measured by supporting existing initiatives and contributing to the launch of new research and development projects in the area, with the primary goal of achieving an SFI in the next round of calls. The center will contribute towards achieving the national CO2 targets and support the green transition, measured in form of significantly reduced CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions in a way that is sustainable also on an economic, social, personal, and technical level.


Christmas meeting/researcher lunch 2024 on sustainability analysis of IT with CESICT 18/12 10-12+

Christmas meeting/researcher lunch 2024 on sustainability analysis of IT with CESICT 18/12 10-12+

We invite to a hybrid seminar 18/12 10-12 in room 380 Petroleumsteknisk senter  in Trondheim reporting on recent projects and plans for further pojcets

The seminar can also be followed on Teams  

 Please register at  / by Friday 13/12, especially if you want lunch :-) 


Short opening: 10:00- 10:05   

10:05 – 10:30 Sustainability in Gaia Vesterålen:  Dimitra Chasanidou  

10:30 – 10:55 Sustainability reporting: From an auditing concern to an IT concern resentation on sustainability reporting  John Krogstie

10:55 – 11:20 Short on project initiatives:  

  • Toppforsk@IE:   
  • KI – milliard: AI Anthropocene: (and others)  
  • COST ACTION proposal: Green ICT for the future 
  • TDT50 experiences and Excited miniproject: 

11:20 – 11:30 Open discussion: 2025 – activities, campfires 2025 etc.   

11:30 - 12:00 Lunch

Best regards/vennlig hilsen 

John Krogstie Director CESICT,  and Dimitra Chasanidou  PostDoc CESICT

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11. october WORKSHOP on Ethical aspect of the use of AI in decision making


WORKSHOP on Ethical aspect of the use of AI in decision making  October 11. 10:00 -16:30 Trondheim

Arranged by the  AI, ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY Research Group (AEP) in collaboration with Center for Sustainable  ICT (CESICT)

Please fill in the registration form and return by September 25.

Elvegata 17, Trondheim (DKNVS/NTNU)

11 October, 2023

09.30 – 17.00

10.00 – 10.30: Introduction (May Thorseth & John Krogstie (AEP and CESICT)) 

10.30 – 11.15: Ethical issues with BIAS and Mitigating diversity of AI in the Labor Market (Roger Søraa, NTNU)

11.15 – 11.30: Coffee/tea

11.30 – 12.30: Artificial intelligence, moral emotions and ethical decision making (Keynote Sabine Roeser, TU Delft)

12.30– 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.15: How AI may threaten democracy by undermining our capacities for epistemic agency (Heine Holmen, NTNU)

14.15 – 15.00 NorGLM: Norwegian generative language models and an investigation on toxicity concerns (Lemei Zhang/Peng Liu NorwAI/NTNU)

15.00 – 15.30 Using AI for research. New ethical challenges? (John Krogstie)

15. 30 – 15.45 Coffee/tea

15.45 – 16.30 The Norwegian Government invests billions in artificial intelligence – preparing for a proposal from AEP

17.00 Dinner

Virtual campfires

Virtual campfires