Projects CERG
Ongoing research projects
Cardiac Exercise Research Group is an active research group with more than 50 employees. Here, we present a few of our largest ongoing research projects.
Generation 100
Generasjon100 is the first and largest study that aims to find out if exercise can give elderly people a longer and healthier life.
My Medical Digital Twin (My MDT)
The aim of the My Medical Digital Twin project is to develop a personal medical twin that gives you information about your blood pressure and how you should combine exercise and medication to lower it.
The EU funded OptimEx study looks at the effect of 4x4 interval training in patients with diastolic heart failure, where the heart is stiff and have impaired filling.
How much and how intense exercise is needed to reduce cardiovascular risk in persons with the metabolic syndrome?
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Postboks 8905
7491 Trondheim
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Prinsesse Kristinas gt. 3
Akutten og Hjerte-lunge-senteret, 3. etg.
7006 Trondheim