Fitness program the next 7
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"The next 7" exercise program
Welcome to the next journey towards a healthier life, improved fitness level, and younger fitness age.
The Next 7 weeks
Just like during the seven first weeks, we describe endurance activities as walking or running. These words can be changed with swimming, cycling, rowing or any other activity that involves dynamic work with large muscle groups. If your prefer running or walking, we recommend you to do the intervals up a hill or on a treadmill with some inclination.
At this step, we suggest that you buy an elastic band that will be used in several of the strength training sessions. No other equipment is needed. Still, we now and then refer to % of maximal heart rate, but you don't have to a use heart rate monitor. Many find motivation in using monitors, but the exercise effect is similar without. Let's get started with the next seven weeks!
Exercise program
Exercise program
Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #1
This session is demanding and will be felt in body and soul - but trust us - It is effective and is a real booster toward improved health and younger fitness age. Find a suitable activity and jump into it!
- 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 4 minutes of walking or running (uphill) so you feel tired and winded. If you have a heart rate monitor, you should be at around 85-95% of your maximum heart rate. See how to define this here!
Note that it's important that the four minutes truly are high-intensity. If you find yourself unable to keep up the intensity for the entire four minutes, you've overshot it; next time, go a little slower so you can manage the whole distance. Conversely, you should be so tired and out of breath that you're unable to maintain a conversation.
- Three minutes active rest (to get rid of lactic acid) - walk or move slowly – do not stand still!
- 1-minute as quick as you can – but don’t stop before 1-minute - adjust the intensity if required so you manage the whole minute
- 1-minute active break – move around
- 1-minute as quick as you can
- 1-minute active break – move around
- 1-minute as quick as you can
- 3 minutes active break
- Repeat #2 (4-min interval)
- 3 minute active break
- 1-minute as quick as you can
- 1-minute active break
- 1-minute as quick as you can
- 5-minute cool-down to get ready for strength training that you may think that is too much for today… but it is not… give it a try!
Core strength training
- Abdominal-planking - alternate between standing on the elbows and having straight arms. Alternate between moving “opposite” foot and hand forward/backward. Try to do it for 1 minute, 20 sec rest and repeat once more.
Side-Planking (on your elbows or straight arms). Do as many as you can, twice on each side with 30 seconds rest between each round. Remember to focus on having the right technique so that you form a "straight out" both front, side and top. For each repetition, hold the position for 2-3 seconds, followed by a similar break. If you are really fit start out on you hands or elbow and “make a star” and hold the upper position for 3-5 seconds – repeat as many times as you can (with focus on technique).
Back-planking. Keep raised position for 30-45 seconds, 15 seconds rest, repeat 2-3 times.
Push-ups. Perform as many repetitions as you can, with or without your knees on the ground, or a combination. Repeat the exercise again after one-minute break. How many fewer did you manage in round 2?
That’s it – hard but fantastic work out - and lo and behold, you're back home where a hot shower or bath awaits, and the rest of your evening is free for other activities – not to mention you're on the path to improved fitness and younger fitness age! Give you self an hour or two and check the fantastic feeling that will last a couple of days!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Invite friends, choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) that you normally do not do, and be active more than 60 minutes at an intensity that keeps it possible to hold a conversation.
It is now well documented that physical activity has a positive effect when it comes to preventing mental health problems and promoting the health of those who are already struggling with their “psyche”. Why physical activity helps is not crystal clear yet, but part of the reason may be that it leads to "happiness-chemical-production" that makes you bubble over with energy and fitness joy. Some of these happiness chemicals are substances that have a composition reminiscent of morphine, and mimic the action of drugs against pain and depression. The body produces, so to speak, its own medicine that is completely free and without negative side effects. Amongst other neurotransmitters, the amount of serotonin increases during physical activity, and it has great importance for mood. Many so-called happiness pills work just by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain.
Endurance program: 2x4 minutes health boost
- 10-minute warm-up to get you sweating lightly
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 5 minutes of calm walking – to get ready for a few core-strength exercises
Core strength training
Strength training today is identical to that described on Monday this week – 2 rounds.
Weekend assignment
Do your favourite activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and be active more than 60 minutes. Bring a friend or your family so it becomes easier to get off the couch.
Download the next 7 as PDF here!
Pictures of strength training: Lasse Berre
Go to the top of the page to find next or previous week.
Endurance program: 2x4 minutes interval
- 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 4 minutes of walking or running (uphill) so you feel tired and winded. If you have a heart rate monitor, you should be at around 85-95% of your maximum heart rate.
- 2 minutes active rest – move around.
- Repeat #2.
- 5 minutes cool-down.
Core strength training
Perform 2-3 Series of the entire program. Take 2 minutes rest between the series and 30 seconds between the different exercises.
- Calf Rise. 10 repetitions. Lower your heels as much as possible and rise up on your toes.
- Deadlift with use of elastic band as illustrated below. Several health magazines have named this the world's best strength training exercise. An exercise that trains your hamstrings, bottom and back. Stand on the strap and adjust so that it provides resistance when you stand leaning forward (back straight) with knees slightly bent and arms at knee. Push your bottom forward, and straighten up the body so you end upright with hands in front of your thighs. Adequate tightness of the elastic band is when you can manage 12 repetitions.
- Shoulder exercises - 10 repetitions of all exercises A-D. Shoulder and neck exercises with an elastic band.
- A: Side-Lift. Stand on the elastic band and have straight-arms so your hands rest on the outside of your thighs. Find the right elastic resistance for you so that you can correctly complete 12 repetitions of the exercise. Lift straight out and up to shoulder height with your elbows slightly bent, hold for 2 seconds and slowly return. Be careful not to bend the torso neither forward nor backward, and stop movement when you reach shoulder height.
- B: Elbow-Lift. Stand on the strap (and cross so that the end of the strap that comes from the left foot is held in the right hand - and vice versa - see picture). Hold the handles on the elastic band with arms straight in front of your thighs. Lift up slowly so that your fists come under the chin and your elbows are approximately straight out from your shoulders. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly return - tighten the elastic band so you can do 12 repetitions.
- C: Shoulder-Press. Stand on the strap and hold the handles at shoulder height. Press your arms straight up. The wider your stance, the heavier it becomes. Adjust elastic resistance so you can do 12 repetitions.
- D: Seated shoulder rotation. Secure the elastic strap at floor height on a suitable object. Have your arm raised and bent at about 90 degrees at the elbow as shown. Rotate the shoulder joint and move the handle towards you while keeping the upper arm in the same position during the entire movement. Tighten the band so you can withstand 12 repetitions on each arm.
- Split-Squat. Keep your hands behind your neck. Take a big step forward with one foot so that your knee comes in contact with or close to the ground - slide quickly back to the starting position - repeat on the opposite leg. Perform 10 repetitions on each leg without a break.
- Back-Extension. Lie down on the floor and pull your heels as far towards your bottom as you can. Use your back and lift your hips up toward the ceiling, and hold this raised position for 5 seconds before going down again. If you find this easy, you can alternately lift and stretch out your right and left leg while keeping the raised position for 5-10 seconds. 10 repetitions on each foot.
Triceps dips or triceps exercises with elastic bands. Lean against a chair or something similar as shown in the picture. Lower yourself down slowly and push up. If you haven't used these muscles for a long time, the exercise will be challenging the first time. Perform as many repetitions as you can manage, and do three sets with a 30 second pause between each.
If that exercise is too difficult at first, use the elastic band again and perform the exercise as in the picture below instead. Hold the elastic band with one hand behind your lower back, just above your backside, and lead the other hand up and behind so can hold the elastic band. Next, extend that hand straight up. Adjust the band so you can do approximately 12 repetitions three times with 30 second pause between each set.
- Abdominal-Planking as described in week 8. 1 minute.
- Back-Planking as described in week 8. 30 seconds in raised position.
- Biceps - the muscles on the front of the upper arm. Find a suitable fence, a tree branch or similar. Lie as shown with your body straight and face up. Start with your arms as straight as possible and lift your torso so that your chin comes over the rod. You can vary the load by moving your legs closer or further away from you - find a position that allows you to perform 10 repetitions. After the first set, take a one minute break before repeating the exercise.
An alternative exercise to train the biceps is to use an elastic band (see picture below). Stand on the strap, and adjust the resistance so you can manage 10 repetitions for two sets. Keep your elbows close to your body and don't bend your torso back or forward during the exercise.
- The-Lift. “Elbow-Standing-Leg-Work” – trains your shoulders, abdominal muscles, legs and back. Kneel on all fours while supporting yourself on your forearms as illustrated. Keep your back straight. Avoid swaying. Alternately move the right and left leg up and out to the side. Perform 5 reps per leg, hold for 5 seconds in the raised position.
- Standing rotation with elastic bands to exercise the oblique abdominal muscles. Secure the strap overhead-height on a suitable object. Stand sideways with straight arms and rotate down toward the opposite side. Try it out to find correct resistance of the elastic band so that you can perform 10 repetitions on each side.
- Alternatively perform “oblique sit-ups”. Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other foot resting on the knee. Keep one hand behind your head and the other arm stretched out. Move the elbow from the hand behind your head toward the opposite knee and see how far you can go, hold for 2-3 seconds. 10 repetitions to each side.
- Side-Planking as described in week 8. 10 repetitions per side.
- Push-ups as described in week 8. 10 repetitions.
- Back-Diagonal. Stand on "all fours". Raise your right arm up high and forward (see picture) while leading left foot high up and behind. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds, then rest 1-2 seconds. Elbow and knee should meet during the rest, and bow so your chin goes towards the knee (see picture). Perform 10 repetitions on each side.
- If you managed this we are impressed! A shower and a great feeling are waiting for you!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
Endurance program: 20 minutes Fun-Run
- Warm up for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace
- Run or walk for 20 minutes at intensity you are comfortable with, but a bit harder than the speed at the warm-up – without stopping.
Core strength program
- 10 push-ups, either with bent knees, or kneeling with handholds.
- 15 squats. Exercise the front of your thighs (quadriceps), buttocks and lots of stabilizer muscles. Keep your hands behind your neck and keep your legs a shoulder width apart. Keep your back upright (look up and forward, and tighten your abdominal muscles somewhat), bend your legs and go down as far as you can without losing your balance. Go down slowly and upwards relatively quickly.
- 10 squat jumps – same movements as for squats described above, but move so quickly up that you jump in the air.
Weekend assignment
Join friends and find a new crazy activity involving large muscle groups - be active for more than 60 minutes.
Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #2
- 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 5-minutes of ”17:13-intervals”. This interval-variant is simple, but hard to do. In your chosen activity keep high intensity (not all-out, but close to) for 17 seconds, thereafter you have 13 seconds active rest (move around, do not stop) and repeat 10 times. After about 6 of the intervals your heart rate should be close to 85-95% of your maximum.
- 3 minutes active rest (move around to quicker get rid of the lactic acid).
- Repeat #2.
- 5-minutes cool down to get ready for a short strength training session.
Core strength training
Perform 2-3 series of the entire program. Take 2 minutes rest between the series and 30 seconds between the different exercises.
- Sit-ups, 10 repetitions.
- Deadlift as described Monday week 9, 15 repetitions.
- Super-Woman. "Fly" like Super-Woman - lie on the ground and lift your torso as much as you can while lifting your legs up behind. Make alternating movements with arms sideways and use a freestyle swim kicking motion for the legs. "Fly" for 5 seconds before taking a break for 5 seconds - repeat 7 times.
- The Lift as described Monday in week-9, 10 reps on each foot.
- Back-Extension as described Monday in week-9, 10 reps on each foot.
- Shoulder exercises (A-D) as described Monday in week-9, 10 repetitions on each
A: Sidelift.
B: Elbow-Lift.
C: Sholder-Press.
D: Seated Sholder Rotation.
- What a feeling – and what a wonderful start of the week!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
Endurance program: 4x4 Health-Booster
- 10-minute warm-up to get you sweating
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 5-minute cool-down – well done
Check the feeling after a warm/cold shower – amazing – the weekend is here - enjoy!
Weekend assignment
Your favourite activity – or a completely new one at low intensity for more than 60 minutes – enjoy life.
Download the next 7 as PDF here!
Pictures of strenght training: Lasse Berre
Go to the top of the page to find next or previous week.
Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #3
- 10-minutes warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 1-minute as quick as you can – but don’t stop before 1-minute - adjust the intensity if required so you manage the whole minute.
- 1-minute active break – move around.
- Repeat #2 and #3 until you have completed 10 repetitions of #2
- 5-minute cool-down.
Give you self a shower/bath, and one hour later…. What a feeling!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
Perhaps you knew that red wine has some great health benefits that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease… But did you know that this only applies for those that are physically active? In a study called "In vino veritas" (in wines are the truth) researchers compared the effects of red and white wine on risk markers for cardiovascular disease. The study showed that drinking wine according to WHO definition of moderate consumption (0.2 L and 0.3 L for women and men, respectively, a maximum of five days a week) only gave protective effect if you were physically active more than twice per week. They found no differences between red and white wine. So if you like to obtain the health benefits of drinking wine, you must exercise at least twice every week. Red or white - follow your heart.
Endurance program: 30 minutes Fun-Run
- 10-minutes warm-up to get you sweating
- 30-minutes walk/run or your favourite activity at an intensity a bit higher than the warm-up but not harder than you can do the whole 30-minutes period without stopping.
Core strength training
Perform 2 series of the entire program. Take 2 minutes rest between the series and 30 seconds between the different exercises.
- Sit-ups, 10 repetitions.
- Back-Diagonal, 10 repetitions each “side”.
- Stand-up-Rowing with elastic band. Secure the strap straight out from the body as shown. Start with straight arms and pull backwards without leaning backward. Adjust the band tension so that you can manage 15 repetitions.
- Shoulder exercises - 10 repetitions of all exercises A-D. Shoulder and neck exercises with an elastic band.
- A: Side-Lift. Stand on the elastic band and have straight-arms where the hands rest on the outside of your thighs. Find the right elastic resistance for you so that you can correctly complete 12 repetitions. Lift straight out and up to shoulder height with your elbows slightly bent, hold for 2 seconds and slowly return. Be careful not to bend the torso neither forward nor backward, and stop movement when you reach shoulder height.
- B: Elbow-Lift. Stand on the strap (and cross so that the end of the strap that comes from the left foot is held in the right hand - and vice versa - see picture). Hold the handles on the elastic band with arms straight in front of your thighs. Lift up slowly so that your fists come under the chin and your elbows are approximately straight out from your shoulders. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly return - tighten the elastic band so you can manage 12 repetitions.
- C: Shoulder-Press. Stand on the strap and hold the handles at shoulder height. Press your arms straight up. The wider your stance, the heavier it becomes. Adjust elastic resistance so you can do 12 repetitions.
- D: Seated shoulder rotation. Secure the elastic band at floor height on a suitable object. Have your arm raised and bent at about 90 degrees at the elbow as shown. Rotate the shoulder joint and move the handle towards you while keeping the upper arm in the same position during the entire movement. Tighten the band so you can withstand 12 repetitions on each arm.
- Deadlift with use of elastic band as illustrated. Stand on the strap and adjust so that it provides resistance when you stand leaning forward (back straight) with knees slightly bent and arms at knee height. Push your bottom forward, and straighten up the body so you end upright with hands in front of your thighs. Adequate tightening of the elastic band is when you can manage 12 repetitions.
Download the next 7 as PDF here!
Pictures of strenght training: Lasse Berre
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Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #1
- 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 4 minutes of walking or running (uphill) so you feel tired and winded. If you have a heart rate monitor, you should be at around 85-95% of your maximum heart rate. See how to define this here.
- Three minutes active rest (to get rid of lactic acid) - walk or move slowly – do not stand still!
- 1-minute as quick as you can – but don’t stop before 1-minute - if required, adjust the intensity so you manage the whole minute.
- 1-minute active break – move around.
- 1-minute as quick as you can.
- 1-minute active break – move around.
- 1-minute as quick as you can.
- 3 minutes active break.
- Repeat #2 (4-min interval).
- 3 minute active break.
- 1-minute as quick as you can.
- 1-minute active break.
- 1-minute as quick as you can.
- 5-minute cool-down to become ready for strength training that you may think that is too much for today… but it is not!
Core strength training
- Abdominal-planking - alternate between standing on the elbows and having straight arms. Alternate between moving “opposite” foot and hand forward/backward. Try to do it for 1 minute, 20 sec rest and repeat once more.
- Side-Planking (on your elbows or straight arms). Do as many as you can, twice on each side with 30 seconds rest between each round. Remember to focus on having the right technique so that you form a "straight out" both front, side and top. For each repetition, hold the position for 2-3 seconds, followed by a similar break. If you are really fit start out on you hands or elbow and “make a star” and hold the upper position for 3-5 seconds – repeat as many times as you can (with focus on technique).
- Back-planking. Keep a raised position for 30-45 seconds, 15 seconds rest, repeat 2-3 times.
- Calf-Rise 10 repetitions, 30 sec rest, repeat.
- Deadlift with use of elastic band as illustrated. 12 repetitions, two series.
- Standing rotation with elastic bands. Exercise the oblique abdominal muscles. Secure the strap over head-height on a suitable object. Stand sideways with straight arms and rotate down toward the opposite side. Try to find the correct resistance of the elastic band so that you can perform 10 repetitions on each side. Repeat.
- Alternatively perform “oblique sit-ups”. Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other foot resting on the knee. Keep one hand behind your head and the other arm stretched out. Move the elbow from the hand behind your head toward the opposite knee and see how far you can go, hold for 2-3 seconds. 10 repetitions to each side. Repeat.
Super start of the week – get ready for more!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
Sitting is a deadly activity. A study on healthy adults 60 years of age indicated that if you sit more than six hours per day, you are 40% more likely to die over the next 14 years compared with those who sit less than three hours per day. Another study (women and men over 35 years) showed that those who sat in front of the TV more than four hours daily were 50% more likely to die and had a more than doubled risk of angina (heart cramp) and heart attack than those who only sat two hours in front of the TV (over a period of four years). Other similar studies conclude likewise, and it is shown that every hour you sit in front the TV after the age of 25 causes you to shorten your life by 22 minutes. For comparison it has been shown that the lifespan is reduced by 11 minutes per cigarette smoked….
Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #3
- 10-minutes warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 1-minute as quick as you can – but don’t stop before 1-minute - adjust the intensity as required so you manage the whole minute.
- 1-minute active break – move around.
- Repeat #2 and #3 so until you have performed 10 repetitions of #2.
- 5-minute cool-down.
Give you self a shower/bath, and one hour later…. What a feeling – the weekend is here – Enjoy!
Download the next 7 as PDF here!
Pictures of strenght training: Lasse Berre
Go to the top of the page to find next or previous week.
Endurance program: 4x4 Health-Booster
- 10-minute warm-up to get you sweating
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 5-minute cool-down – well done – get ready for a tough strength program today
Core strength training
Perform 1-2 Series of the entire program. Take 2 minutes rest between the series and 30 seconds between the different exercises.
- Calf Rise. 10 repetitions. Lower your heels as much as possible and rise up on your toes.
- Deadlift with use of elastic band as illustrated. Adequately tighten the elastic band so you can manage 12 repetitions.
- Shoulder exercises - 10 repetitions of all exercises A-D. Shoulder and neck exercises with an elastic band.
- A: Side-Lift. Stand on the elastic band and have straight-arms so your hands rest on the outside of your thighs. Find the right elastic resistance for you so that you can correctly complete 12 repetitions. Lift straight out and up to shoulder height with your elbows slightly bent, hold for 2 seconds and slowly return. Be careful not to bend the torso forward nor backward, and stop movement when you reach shoulder height.
- B: Elbow-Lift. Stand on the strap (and cross so that the end of the strap that comes from the left foot is held in the right hand - and vice versa - see picture). Hold the handles on the elastic band with arms straight in front of your thighs. Lift up slowly so that your fists come under the chin and your elbows are approximately straight out from your shoulders. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly return - tighten the elastic band so you can do 12 repetitions.
- C: Shoulder-Press. Stand on the strap and hold the handles at shoulder height. Press your arms straight up. The wider your stance, the heavier it becomes. Adjust the elastic resistance so you can do 12 repetitions.
- D: Seated shoulder rotation. Secure the elastic strap at floor height on a suitable object. Have your arm raised and bent at about 90 degrees at the elbow as shown. Rotate the shoulder joint and move the handle towards you while keeping the upper arm in the same position during the entire movement. Tighten the band so you can withstand 12 repetitions on each arm.
- Split-Squat. Keep your hands behind your neck. Take a big step forward with one foot so that your knee comes in contact with or close to the ground - slide quickly back to the starting position - repeat on the opposite leg. Perform 10 repetitions on each leg without a break.
- Back-Extension. Lie down on the floor and pull your heels as far towards your bottom as you can. Use your back and lift your hips up toward the ceiling, hold the raised position for 5 seconds before going down again. If you think this is easy, you can alternately lift and stretch out right and left leg while keeping the raised position for 5-10 seconds. 10 repetitions on each foot.
- Triceps dips or triceps exercises with elastic bands. Lean against a chair or something similar as shown in the picture. Lower yourself down slowly and push up. If you haven't used these muscles for a long time, the exercise will be challenging the first time. Perform as many repetitions as you can manage, and do three sets with a 30 second pause between each.
If that exercise is too difficult at first, use the elastic band again and perform the exercise as in the picture below instead. Hold the elastic band with one hand behind your lower back, just above your backside, and lead the other hand up and behind so can hold the elastic band. Next, extend that hand straight up. Adjust the band so you can do approximately 12 repetitions three times with 30 second pause between each set.
Biceps - the muscles on the front of the upper arm. Find a suitable fence, a tree branch or similar. Lie as shown with your body straight and face up. Start with your arms as straight as possible and lift your torso so that your chin comes over the rod. You can vary the load by moving your legs closer or further away from you - find a position that allows you to perform 10 repetitions. After the first set, take a one minute break before repeating the exercise.
An alternative exercise to train the biceps is to use an elastic band (see picture below). Stand on the strap, and adjust the resistance so you can manage 10 repetitions for two sets. Keep your elbows close to your body and don't bend your torso back or forward during the exercise.
- The-Lift. “Elbow-Standing-Leg-Work” – trains your shoulders, abdominal muscles, legs and back. Kneel on all fours while supporting yourself on your forearms as illustrated. Keep your back straight. Avoid swaying. Alternately move the right and left leg up and out to the side. Perform 5 reps per leg, hold for 5 seconds in the raised position.
- Standing rotation with elastic bands. Exercising the oblique abdominal muscles. Secure the strap over-head-height in a suitable object. Stand sideways with straight arms and rotate down toward the opposite side. Try to find the correct resistance of the elastic band so that you can perform 10 repetitions on each side.
- Alternatively perform “oblique sit-ups”. Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other foot resting on the knee. Keep one hand behind your head and the other arm stretched out. Move the elbow from the hand behind your head toward the opposite knee and see how far you can go, hold for 2-3 seconds. 10 repetitions on each side.
- Stand-up-Rowing with elastic band. Secure the strap straight out from the body as shown. Start with straight arms and pull backwards without leaning backward. Adjust the elastic band tension so that you can manage 15 repetitions.
- Standing-Arm-Press-Forward, as shown in the picture. This exercise is good for the chest muscles. Keep your arms straight out with your elbows slightly bent. Press your arms forward until your hands meet, slowly back to start. The appropriate resistance of the elastic band is when it is possible to perform 12 repetitions.
If you managed this we are impressed! A shower and a great feeling are waiting for you!
Endurance program: Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
Every day your heart beats about 100,000 times, approximately 36 million times a year. The heart is our engine! The body of an adult contains about 5.6 liters of blood circulating through the body about three times per minute. During a single day your heart pumps around 7,500 liters of oxygen-rich blood, and during a lifetime the heart pumps about 159 million liters of blood around the body. It is enough to fill three super tankers with blood. Not bad for a muscle the size of two fists.
Endurance program: 20 minutes Fun-Run
- Warm up for 10 minutes at a comfortable pace
- Run or walk for 20 minutes at intensity you are comfortable with, but a bit harder than the speed at the warm-up – without stopping.
Core strength program
Perform 2 series of the program, 30 seconds between exercises, 2 minutes between series.
- 10 push-ups, either with bent knees, or kneeling with handholds.
- 15 squats. Exercise the front of your thighs (quadriceps), buttocks and lots of stabilizer muscles. Keep your hands behind your neck and keep your legs a shoulder width. Keep your back upright (look up and forward, and tighten your abdominal muscles somewhat), bend your legs and go down as far as you can without losing your balance. Go down slowly and upwards relatively quickly.
- 10 squat jumps – same movements as for squats described above, but move so quickly up that you jumping in the air.
- Super-Woman. "Fly" like Super-Woman - lie on the ground and lift your torso as much as you can while lifting your legs up behind. Make alternating movements with arms sideways and use a freestyle swimming kick motion with your legs. "Fly" for 5 seconds before taking a break for 5 seconds - repeat 7 times.
- Stand-up-Rowing with elastic band. Secure the band straight out from the body as shown. Start with straight arms and pull backwards without leaning backward. Adjust the band tension so that you can manage 15 repetitions.
- Standing-Arm-Press-Forward, as shown in the picture. This exercise is good for the chest muscles. Keep your arms straight out with your elbows slightly bent. Press your arms forward until your hands meet, slowly back to start. The appropriate resistance of the elastic band is when it is possible to perform 12 repetitions.
Weekend assignment
Join friends and find a crazy activity involving large muscle groups - be active more than 60 minutes. Share your activity with us at our Facebook Page.
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Pictures of strenght training: Lasse Berre
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Endurance program: CERG´s Health Booster #2
- 10-minute warm-up, slow jog or brisk walk to get you sweating, preferably on an incline or hill to get your heart rate up more quickly, and to limit the stress on your knees.
- 5-minutes of ”17:13-intervals”. This interval-variant is simple, but hard to do. In your chosen activity keep a high intensity (not all-out, but close to) for 17 seconds, thereafter you have 13 seconds active rest (move around, do not stop) and repeat 10 times. After about 6 of the intervals your heart rate should be close to 85-95% of your maximum.
- 3 minutes active rest (move around to quickly get rid of the lactic acid).
- Repeat #2.
- 5-minutes cool down to get ready for a short strength training session.
Core strength training
- Abdominal-planking - alternate between standing on the elbows and having straight arms. Alternate between moving “opposite” foot and hand forward/backward. Try to do it for 1 minute, 20 sec rest and repeat once more.
- Side-Planking (on your elbows or straight arms). Do as many as you can, twice on each side with 30 seconds rest between each round. Remember to focus on having the right technique so that you form a "straight out" both front, side and top. For each repetition, hold the position for 2-3 seconds, followed by a similar break. If you are really fit start out on you hands or elbow and “make a star” and hold the upper position for 3-5 seconds – repeat as many times as you can (with focus on technique).
- Back-planking. Keep a raised position for 30-45 seconds, 15 seconds rest, repeat 2-3 times.
- Push-ups. Perform as many repetitions as you can, with or without your knees on the ground, or a combination. Repeat the exercise again after one-minute break.
- Deadlift with use of elastic band as illustrated. The elastic band is adequately tight when you can manage 12 repetitions.
- Back-Diagonal. Stand on "all fours". Raise your right arm up high and forward (see picture) while raising your left foot high up and behind. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds, then rest for 1-2 seconds. Elbow and knee should meet during the rest, and bow so your chin goes towards the knee (see picture). Perform 10 repetitions on each side.
Excellent start of the week!
Endurance program, Friends Challenge-Day
Tell a friend/friends to choose an activity involving large muscle groups and dynamic movements (walking, jogging, swimming, cross-country skiing, squash, five-a-side soccer etc.) and take you out for more than one hour. The intensity should not be so high that you cannot hold a conversation.
The blood that the heart pumps, flushes through more than 96,500 km of blood vessels, the connection betweens the body various organs. During a single day blood is “transported” approximately 19 000 km, equivalent to four times the distance from coast to coast in the US. Physical activity can partially prevent arteries hardening with increasing age. This is possible because the increased blood flow during physical exertion regularly stretches blood vessels and keeps them elastic longer compared with blood vessels of inactive people. Elastic vessels indicate a good blood vessel function that ensures ample supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Stiffer arteries may contribute to the mental changes that may occur at increased age. For example, it is known that a type of dementia, vascular dementia, is caused by poor blood circulation in the brain. So make sure that your arteries get a "flush" several times a week by being physically active.
Endurance program: 4x4 Health-Booster
- 10-minute warm-up to get you sweating
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 3 minutes of relaxed walking
- 1 x 4 minutes of walking or running so you're very short of breath
- 5-minute cool-down – well done!
Congratulations – you are at the end of this training program. Make sure you continue to make the time you have found for your exercise training, and make sure you continue with your new healthy habits. It may be that we come up with a follow-up program to the two you have been through, and we will also give you tips for smart and healthy food. However, until then, be your own coach and design your own exercises. A myriad of strength exercises exist that you can do, but do not forget the ones you have learned in this program as they involve muscle groups you and absolutely everyone else need every day.
Download the next 7 as PDF here!
Pictures of strenght training: Lasse Berre
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7-week program
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NTNU, Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap
Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk
Postboks 8905
7491 Trondheim
Visit us:
St. Olavs Hospital
Prinsesse Kristinas gt. 3
Akutten og Hjerte-lunge-senteret, 3. etg.
7006 Trondheim