Job seeking tips - photo

Student looking for opportunities
Photo: Victor Kleive

Tips for job seekers

It may take some time to get a job so you should start as early as possible with the job seeking process. The film shows the steps in the job search process.

Tips for job seekers

Identify what you want from your education

What is most important for you in a job? Fill in our form to get conscious about what motivates you the most and identify your core work values.

What kind of job do I want?

Map your competencies. You can strengthen your chances in the labour market by describing your competencies well and show how they are relevant for the jobs you want. Remember that your skills is probably useful in a variety of industries. So consider what you know and how you want to contribute. Check the link below to map your competencies.

Map your competencies

Start by reading job advertisements

To know your job opportunities you should start reading job advertisements. Here you will find specific job tasks in a particular position, together with job requirements. 

Analyse the job advertisement:

  • What information about the company is included?
  • What specific tasks are you expected to perform and what are your responsibilities?
  • What qualifications are they looking for? Remember there is a difference between required and desired qualifications.
  • Identify the fit between your skills and the specific demands.
  • Save the advertisement. It may dissapear, and you really want to have it if you are invited to an interview.

Get knowledge about the company

Stay updated on news from your field of interest. Get to know companies where you consider applying for a job. If you know someone working there, talk to them. Find companies on internet and read about their visions, values and projects. Take notes of questions you might have. Call the contact person for an available job position or ask educated questions in an interview.

Stay updated on the labour marked throughout your studies by reading job announcements and participate in career fairs. This is a way to get knowledge about job opportunities and information about what competence employers are looking for. Contact with employers might result in relevant internships or jobs after graduation.

Job search in Social media

  • Clean up your profiles. You will probably be googled.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile and follow companies you find interesting. You can also use LinkedIn to check if you know someone working in companies of interest.
  • Be active by posting and participating in group conversations. Demonstrate your engagement and dare to share knowledge and experience. However, think about what you write and how you write, you have to consider who might read it.
  • Choose your social media platforms - what is the right platform for your goals? Use the platforms to make your CV available and remember to update it.
  • You might want to make a short video to present yourself effectively (15-20 sec).

LinkedIn Profile Tips

Create an LinkedIn Profile

Employers can find you on LinkedIn and you can find jobs of interest. Make sure you complete your profile, with information about your education, experience and competence. Some useful tips:

  • Choose an appropriate photo of yourself where you look professional
  • Make a great headline and consider keywords, so that recruiters will find your profile and quickly see why you are relevant for them
  • The summary should be short and precise with key skills, unique qualifications and your work passions
  • Write short descriptions in the background sections. It may be a good idea to use bullet points
  • But do not forget to show who you are – let your personality shine through (your values, passion and skills)
  • Make projects you have worked on visible (links, videos, presentations, articles etc)
  • Choose some skills that describes your competence (not to many), and remember that they are keywords as well
  • Do not forget your language skills
  • Get and give endorsements
  • Participate in relevant groups
  • Remove anything unnecessary



Many jobs are never advertised, but may be secured through networking. Networking may seem scary, but bear in mind you are already doing it! You already have connections through your family, friends, fellow students and lecturers. Expanding your network could result in better post-graduation opportunities in a fast changing job market. Get tips to increase your networking skills in the drop-down menu below. 

Networking tips

Define yourself. Prepare a short presentation (1-2 min) of who you are, your main skills, what motivates you and what you are looking for. Practise your introductory speach. You can get help using our forms to map your competencies or identify your goals.

Define your current network. You might not think of them as your network, but it can be family members, family friends, your friends, fellow students, lecturers, past employers and work mates. They may have (or get) connections in your field of interest to whom they can introduce you.

Go broader and make career connections with people outside your immediate environment:

  • Employers: Introduce yourself to employers at Career Fairs and other employer events on and off campus. Some businesses arrange breakfast meetings, conferences or webinars.
  • Guest Speakers: student organizations or the study programme events may have guest speakers that often include a networking opportunity.
  • Alumni: Join NTNU Alumni to learn from previous students and get the possibility to job shadow. Maybe a NTNU alumni works in a company you are interested in and are willing to give an advice or answer your questions?
  • Social Media: Find and join theme groups at LinkedIn. LinkedIn groups are informal communities formed around industries or professions. If you want to make connections at a certain business, try following company pages and engaging with their company status updates.
  • Start in your current personal network and build up your confidence in your networking skills.
  • Get involved at student organisations or projects at campus, be engaged at study groups or classes, and talk to professors or business representatives.
  • Prepare for career fairs. Check out the overview of career fairs at NTNU and how to prepare (bottom of the page)
  • Observe what companies of interest are sharing or posting in social media and learn how they are using the network. Try commenting on a post to start a conversation. Consider how you can contribute.
  • Do not expect to get something in return straight away. You need to invest your time and effort first. Instead of asking for a job directly, it might be better to ask for advice and information.  You can for example ask for suggestions on how to expand your network. Your main goal should be to build a relationship.

A follow-up will further establish your connection, and might lead to a great opportunity.

  • Follow up help or advise from your contacts with a thank you note or email
  • Keep in touch. If a recommendation from a contact in your network proves useful, let your contact know!
  • Share any knowledge you feel would be useful for your contacts.
  • Keep contacts updated with your news, for example that you have graduated.
  • Ensure your online profile is always up-to-date

Always remember that the best way of building a strong network is to support others in return.

Create your own opportunities

Create your own career opportunities

Get involved and create your own career opportunities while studying. Meet Phillip Keck, who came to NTNU from the US to study Structural Chemistry. He is using his network at NTNU to improve his chances of getting a job.



All our job search courses are held as webinars. Find information about course content and registration in the drop-down menu below.


In this free course for students at NTNU, we share our best tips for writing a good CV and job application/cover letter. You will get input on both layout, structure and content, and we discuss CVs and job applications for the Norwegian labour market. A good job application maximizes your chances of getting to the job interview. 
Why not start on your CV and your job application before the course? Then you may ask any questions you find you have in the webinar. Find tips on how to write a CV and a job application/cover letter. 

It will be possible to submit questions via chat, and they will be answered during the webinar. 

The webinar is in English and for NTNU students only. 

1st of February at 12:30 p.m

sign up


29th of February at 12:30 p.m

sign up

Are you an international student looking for a job in Norway?  

If you need some advice on where and how to find relevant jobs but are unsure how things work in a Norwegian setting and context, join our free webinar. Here we will go through and discuss several different strategies for finding the jobs, and how to approach prospective employers/companies. 

It will be possible to submit questions via chat, and they will be answered during the webinar. The webinar does not address topics like work or resident permits, or other legal issues. 

The webinar is in English and for NTNU students only. 


15th of February at 12:30 p.m

sign up



14th of March at 12:30 p.m

sign up

Have you been invited to a job interview in Norway? Or are you just waiting to hear back regarding your job applications, anticipating an invitation for a job interview any day now? 

In this free webinar we share our best tips for what to expect in an interview, the most common interview questions and how to best prepare yourself.   

We will answer your questions during the webinar and recommend that you check out this website for advice for job interviews prior to the webinar. 

The webinar is in English and for NTNU students only. 


8th of February at 12:30 p.m

sign up




7th of march at 12:30 p.m

sign up

Jobs in Norway

Jobs in Norway

Whether you want an internship, part-time job or a full-time job, you might find English speaking opportunities in Norway here:

Part-time job: To find a part time job as a non-Norwegian speaking student in Norway might be challenging, but possible. Set realistic expectations for your chances in the local job market. Norwegian language or another Scandinavian language is often a prerequisite for obtaining a job. However, for some positions they accept that you only speak English. That is for example in the hotel, restaurant and tourist industry as well as some positions at the university. Yet, even basic language skills in Norwegian may improve your options!

More information:
Work in Norway. The official Guide
Work permit (UDI)

CV and cover letter

Career Fairs

Careers Fairs at NTNU

Five tips to get the most out of career fairs in the video


 Contact 

Contact for employers:

NTNU Bridge

You will find us here:


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