– a few hours of your time for important work


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AiBA intends to develop solutions to ensure the safety of children and young people online by uncovering "cyber grooming". Sexual abusers often provide false information about age and gender, and get in touch with minors based on fake identities. 

This is AiBA
Based on metadata from a chatter (age and gender), we can train the system to distinguish between men and women and determine the age group of a chatter. By analyzing how the chatter types and their written verbal style (keystroke dynamics and stylometry) AiBA can reveal if the person chatting is not who it pretends to be.


We need your help to train the system

To verify that our solution can accurately determine the age and gender of a chatter, we need train our system with data from normal chat conversations.

We have developed a chat application to collect chat data, where you are anonymously and randomly connected to another anonymous user. You can end the chat or switch to another chat partner whenever you want. The dialogue can be in Norwegian or English.

The chat is available around the clock, but we want to especially use the service in the period 11.00 - 12.00 and 20.00 - 21.00. This is to make sure that you will find a chat partner when you log on.

All collected data will be stored securely on our server and will only be indentified by a randomized ID value. The data will be washed for sensitive personal information and will only be available to the researchers in the AiBA project.

The data collection will start as soon as we have enough participants and go on for 4 weeks.

To show our apprechiation for your help we will draw 5 winners among the participants to recieve a unviversal gift card worth NOK 1,000.

Register to participate here