The Property Division

The Property Division

The Property Division handles the self-manager role related to strategic and tactical property management, and has tasks related to operational property management such as execution of operation and maintenance, supply, cleaning and other service tasks.

Our goal is to have buildings and areas that facilitate a future-oriented education, research and innovation.

We will have sustainable campuses and efficient and modern support functions.

Foto av Hovedbygningen på Gløshaugen

The department has expertise in many different subject areas, such as plumbing, electrical, building maintenance, outdoor areas, guarding and security, cleaning, transport and parking.

In Ålesund and Gjøvik, there are separate property managers who report to the vice-chancellor and professionally to the property manager.

Employees at the NTNU Property Division




91897696 (Mon-Fri 08-15)

Phone security services:


Address for visitors:

S.P. Andersens veg 3

Postal address:

NTNU Eiendomsavdelingen
7491 Trondheim


Contact building services