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About Ada

About Ada

What is Ada_?

Ada_ is a project at NTNU that works towards gender balance, by graduating more women from technology courses at NTNU that have low proportion of women.


Why does Ada_ exist?

  • the technology industry needs more women.
  • there are major imbalances in the gender balance in the technology industry and in technology education, which have a major influence on what tomorrow's technology will look like.
  • teknologiutdanninger påvirker hvordan morgendagens teknologi skal se ut.
  • technology is used by everyone and therefore all kinds of people must help develop it.

How does Ada_ work?

Ada_ works to organize various social and career-relevant events for female students at technology courses at NTNU with a low proportion of women. These events will contribute to increased well-being and motivation to complete the studies.


How do you become a member of Ada_?

You are automatically a member of Ada and invited to our events if you are a woman at one of our studies. 


 Studies in Ada_

Collaboration with industry