Workshop in diffraction

Workshop in diffraction

– The reciprocal reality: electron diffraction in the new age



The TEM Gemini Centre at NTNU/SINTEF organized a diffraction workshop in Trondheim 12-14 June this year. Lecturers were Jian Min Zuo, University of Illinois, USA, Christoph Koch, Humboldt University, Germany, Duncan Johnstone, University of Cambridge, UK and Randi Holmestad, NTNU. 27 participants from 16 labs and 11 countries participated, and learned about new developments in electron diffraction. Both theory and practice of electron diffraction were covered, including precession electron diffraction and convergent beam methods. Advanced techniques with rocking and scanning beams were also discussed in the lectures.  Three experimental labs were organized where the different diffraction techniques were demonstrated and taught. In the computer labs, a variety publically distributed free programs for simulating and analyzing diffraction patterns were demonstrated and used, including QED, QSTEM and Hyperspy.
Group picture from workshop. PhotoGroup picture from the workshop.


More pictures from the workshop


Lecture notes

Lecture I              Randi               Introduction, diffraction theory, kinematic and dynamical, overview 

Lecture II             Jian Min           Diffraction techniques, electron probes and detectors, overview

Lecture III           Christoph          CBED, multi-beam effects, quantitative electron diffraction

Lecture IV           Christoph          Large angle methods and advanced techniques

Lecture V             Jian Min           Diffraction indexing, strain mapping, 3D diffraction and tomography

Lecture VI           Duncan             Precession electron diffraction, scanning precession electron diffraction


Experimental and computer labs

Microscope /computer


Sample/ software

What (keywords)



Ragnhild, Ton and Emil

Si frame with GaAs nanowires

Demonstrate basics, how to set up correctly specimen and microscope for selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and nanobeam diffraction (NBD) to obtain required information. This includes finding zone axis, making use of different illumination conditions and measuring probe size and convergence angle.

JEOL JEM 2100F Nanomegas ASTAR

Sigurd and Jonas

Aluminium alloy

Demonstrate alignment of precession.  Record selected area zone axis diffraction patterns with varying precession angle. Alignment and setup for SPED; probe size, step size etc. Show virtual dark field for phase mapping and diffraction spot indexing.



Per Erik and Tina  


Ga(N)As thin film


Brief introduction to ARM and STEM operation. Find an amorphous region, record, examine and discuss Ronchigram. Record [110] zone axis CBED patterns from GaAs from thin and thick regions. Use the t/lamda function to examine sample thickness. Switch to EFTEM mode. Record energy-filtered and non-filtered CBED patterns, record STEM image using the same probe for CBED, diffraction focus. Record energy-filtered PACBED from thin and thick region. Record STEM image using the same probe for PACBED, estimate the probe size.

Computer room



Bloch, XTAL, QED

Crystal structure, supercells etc. Nanocrystals and nanotubes. Crystal diffraction, spot patterns, Kikuchi lines and HOLZ lines, crystal rotation, zone axis and off zone axis, Dynamic diffraction, simulation of CBED patterns, processing, RDF analysis and powder pattern indexing, HOLZ lines, HV determination

Computer room



CBED, thickness and polarity determination, Electron probe formation simulations, Ronchigrams, aberration correction. Dynamic electron diffraction from aperiodic crystals, amorphous structure, nanostructures using multi-slice. 

Computer room


Python /Hyperspy

Introduction to Python and multi-dimensional data analysis. Virtual Imaging and machine learning. Orientation and strain mapping


List of participants and organizers  




TEM Gemini Centre_logo

TEM Gemini Centre logo