The Canopener 2019 workshop was the third and final event in the canopener series.

It took place from 5th to 7th June 2019, in the Norwegian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Centre in Trondheim. The workshop focussed on fuel cell and water electrolysis test stations, understanding the theoretical and practical aspects of running a test station and analysing the data obtained. 16 students from Norway and Canada attended the workshop, and have now gained experience using single cell electrolyser and fuel cell stack test stations.

Many of the participants attended ICE 2019 in Loen after the workshop, and disseminated their work using scientific talks and posters. The CANOPENER project also sponsored a number of talks at ICE 2019, including a mini-course on "Interfacial Electrochemical Thermodynamics" presented by Professor Gregory Jerkiewicz of Queen's University, Canada. 


Photos, CANOPENER 2019

Photos, CANOPENER 2019

Canopener 2019 Photos