WP1: Waterpower Laboratory
Waterpower laboratory
Waterpower laboratory
The objective for this work package is to upgrade the laboratory facilities for high quality research on hydropower technologies.
Description of work:
This work package will coordinate the procurement, refurbishment and installation of new equipment in the Waterpower- Smart Grid- and the Material Testing Laboratories.
Task 1.1 Low pressure system in the Waterpower Laboratory. NTNU (lead)
Task 1.2 High pressure system in the Waterpower Laboratory. NTNU (lead)
Task 1.3 Refurbishment and replacements in the Waterpower Laboratory. NTNU (lead)
Task 1.4 Material fatigue machine relevant for hydro turbine fatigue loads. NTNU (lead)
Task 1.5 Generator multi-stress test rig. SINTEF (lead), NTNU (advisor)
Task 1.6 Virtual mechanical connection between the Waterpower Lab. and the Smart Grid facility. SINTEF (lead), NTNU (advisor)
Upgrading equipment
Upgrading equipment
As part of the Hydrocen Labs project, several of the existing equipment and installations will be upgraded, together with some new installations. The first part of the project will consist of the following:
- Replacement of worn out valves and installation of new valves in series to achieve full leakage control during experiments on the Francis and blade-cascade rig.
- Refurbishment of the lower reservoir to reduce coating-damage during draining and filling.
- Refurbishment of the main pumps.
- Upgrading from existing DC generator to a new more powerful AC generator, capable of connecting to NTNU’s smart-grid lab for real-time simulation-comparisons.
- Upgrading of the existing blade-cascade loop for increased flexibility or future research projects.
- Refurbishment of the upper reservoir by sandblasting and adding new, durable coating.