
ET8304 - Instantaneous Power Theories and Compensation with Power Electronics


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Oral examination
Grade: Letters

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Muntlig 100/100

Course content

Course Objective: Proliferation of non-linear and non-ideal loads in the power system calls for advanced compensation equipment and operation aimed at improved power quality and efficient use of resources. Power electronics is one candidate solution provided that use of the device is done on the basis of a proper understanding of the complex problem. The aim of the course is to provide a theoretical platform for developing a solid criteria for instantaneous compensation of the non active component of the power in the context of the power theory debate still open today.
Introduction- Historical review of the reactive power theory for non sinusoidal/unbalanced conditions. Presentation of the updated discussion in the scientific community.

Importance of reactive power control in electric power systems. Advantages and disadvantages of different types or reactive power compensation systems: passive/active, fixed/regulated series/shunt compensations.

Principle of Reactive Power control. General capabilities of voltage source converters for instantaneous compensation. Evaluation of distributed versus centralized compensation.

Discussion of the following reactive power comensating devices:
- Static Var Compensator(SVC): Principle of operation, configuration and control capabilities

– Static Compensator(STATCOM): Principle of operation, configuration and control capabilities

Stability Issues: control of power electronics and stability investigation.

Learning outcome

A. Knowledge:
1) To acquire a solid theoretical understanding of the instantaneous power theory, and to be able to identify the differences between the theories discussed in the scientific community

2) To get a basic understanding of the need for instantaneous compensation in the context of power quality and stability of the network

3) To get a deep understanding of the compensation capabilities and limitations of the following three different compensation technologies: passive elements (C, L), line commutated compensators (SVC) and actively controlled compensators (VSC, Active Filters)

B. Skills:
1) To be able to decide the proper compensation technology or combination of technologies for a given network condition and to implement it by simulation and/or experimental trials

2) To be able to design, and implement control algorithms for voltage source converters aimed at instantaneous compensation (elimination/reduction) of undesirable perturbations in the network

3) To be able to write a scientific paper on a particular case study related to instantaneous compensation of harmonics

C. General competence:

1) To acquire an overview of the historical development of power theories with respect to the technical development and state of advancement of electric power systems, and to become aware of the new relevance of the theoretical debate on power theories going on in the scientific community.

2) To acquire a comprehensive overview of power electronic converter topologies and configurations that can be utilized for power quality improvement in electric power systems.

Learning methods and activities

The course will be based on the Book "The Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning and other introductory lectures to most updated discussions followed by discussion of selected papers by each participant of the course.The dynamics will be the following: a number of lectures will be reserved for colloquia and presentations by the PhD candidates. For that, a list of selected papers will be given at the begining for each student to present during one lecture and to be discussed openly by each participant. The student will have assigned a paper and will have to prepare the presentation/discussion of that paper according to a calendar that will be provided in the second lecture day.

The exam will consist on the preparation of a scientific paper in IEEE format which should reflect the knowledge acquired during the course and where such knowledge will be implemented by the student using as platform for the discussion his/her PhD research topic. The course is given every one and half year, next time Fall 2011.

Required previous knowledge

TET4190 Power Electronics for Renewable Energy, TET4120 Electical Motor Drives, TET4180 Power System Stability or equivalent courses.

Course materials

The two following books will be used as reference for discussions and fundamental definitions. The scientific papers from the IEEE working group will be discussed for specific cases that will be selected for analysis.

- "The instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning" by Akagi, Hirofumi / Watanabe, Edson Hirokazu / Aredes, Mauricio,
- "Understanding FACTS," N G Hingorani and L Gyugyi, IEEE Press, 2000
- Selected scientific papers from IEEE working group on the instantaneous power definition problem, and other journals.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2011

Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2012

Language of instruction: English


Subject area(s)
  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Electrical Power Engineering
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of electric energy