Fluoresence and absorption spectroscopy - Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM)
Fluoresence and absorption spectroscopy
Fluoresence and absorption spectroscopy
We are developing and utilizing advanced optical spectroscopic techniques for particularly biosciences and nanomaterials. We study photo-physical properties by using time-and spectrally resolved luminescence in combination with multiphoton excitation schemes.
- Fluoromax IV (250 – 1500 nm) with life-time accessory
- IBH TC-SPC (ps-ns) and flash-lamp (µs – ms) luminescence-decay
- UV-Vis absorption (with and without integrating sphere)
- Flash-Photolysis/excited state pump-and-probe spectroscopy and kinetics
- Singlet oxygen luminescence decay
- Fs-laser source (MIRA 700) for multiphoton spectroscopy, with SHG/THG + pulsepicker
- ASI Hyperspectral fluorescence microscope
- Time gated Raman/Luminescence (266, 355, 532 nm excitation, in progress)
- CD-spectrometer (in progress)
Typical projects (ongoing within NTNU and with international partners)
- Development of fluorescent ligands for detection of amyloid deposits and assessment of amyloid polymorphism
- New photo-sensitizers for photo-dynamic therapy
- Studies of fluorescent tracers in environmental applications
- Chiral recognition
- Harnessing of triplet states for photonic applications