mtp - career opportunities - interviews

Career Opportunities

Interviews with former students from some of our study programmes:

Master's Degree Programme 5 year: 

Mechanical Engineering (only in Norwegian) 

Masters's Degree Programme 2 year: 

Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) 

Global Manufacturing Management 

Bachelor Programme: 

Mechanical Engineering (only in Norwegian) 

Vocational Techer Education (only in Norwegian) 

Career opportunities - RAMS ecard

Career opportunities - Coffee entrepreneurs

Finansavisen has interviewed entrepreneurial brothers Trond and Sverre Simonsen


Sverre Simonsen wrote a master's thesis at MTP (Mechanical Engineering) a few years back, on how it was possible to produce an automatic coffee roaster. After the master's thesis, he and his brother Trond set about making the world’s best sample roaster.

Read the whole article in Finansavisen

mtp - career opportunities - videos

Master's degree programme - Industrial Engineer

Master's degree programme - Mechanical Engineer