Programmes of Study - Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
Department of Education and Lifelong learning
Programmes of study
Bachelor and one year programmes
Master's programmes
- MPhil in Childhood Studies
- Master of Science in Counselling
- Master of Science in Education and Upbringing
- Master of Science in Learning in Working Life and Society
- Master of Science in Special Education
PhD Programmes
Courses for exchange students
- All levels
- Ed-exchange is a network consisting of education departments at six Northern European universities
About the department
(+47) 73 59 19 50
(+47) 48 04 88 26 Wenche Salomonsen King
Visiting address:
Loholt alle 83-85
Pavilion A/B
Dragvoll campus
Postal address:
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
Post box 8900, Torgarden
NO-7491 Trondheim
Former exam questions
Former exam questions will be published in Blackboard. If you are an external candidate looking for information about former exam questions you can send an email to the department.