Gløshaugen Campus
Gunnar K. Hansen/NTNU
24 May 2022
Gløshaugen Campus
Gløshaugen Campus
Map by MazeMap
Public transport
- See AtB's travel planner for bus routes
- The closest bus stops are "Gløshaugen" and "Høgskoleringen"
- The bus stops here at Gløshaugen
- The closest train station is "Lerkendal"
Canteens and cafeterias
- Sit-canteens at Gløshaugen are located at Kjelhuset, Hangaren (at the end of "Stripa"), the Natural Sciences Building (Realfagbygget) and the Electrical Engineering Building (Elektrobygget)
- Cafe-sito Realfag and Cafe-sito Stripa
- Rapido Gløshaugen (small convenience store) is located at Stripa
Book store
- Akademika book store is located at the first floor in Sentralbygg 1
Reading rooms
Computer rooms