Gemini Centres

Gemini Centres

Gemini Centres

The Gemini Collaboration represents a model for strategic research coordination between parallel research groups at NTNU, SINTEF, University of Oslo, St. Olav’s Hospital and NTNU Social Research. SINTEF coordinates the Gemini Collaboration.

Collaborating professional communities can apply for Gemini Centre status twice a year.

Announcement in August 2024 with application deadline 15 October 2024.


The Gemini Centres that NTNU hosts or is partner in (page in Norwegian)

High-quality technical centres are in great demand internationally from both commercial clients and students. So the Gemini Centres are working with a shared vision: Global Excellence Together

The centres contributes towards:

  • Achieving effective and long-term co-operation by means of mutual commitment
  • Better utilisation of laboratory facilities and joint equipment upgrades
  • A movement away from individual collaboration towards the development of larger, robust research centres
  • A comprehensively planned interplay between basic and applied research
  • Greater universal exposure in relation to clients and students


Logos NTNU, SINTEF, St. Olavs Hospital, NTNU Samfunnsforskning