Zhiliang Zhang
Professor Zhang currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief based on Europe for Engineering Fracture Mechanics, an international flagship journal for fracture mechanics from 1968.
Professor Zhiliang Zhang has been awarded the Griffith Medal by the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) in recognition of his significant contributions to fracture mechanics. The award was presented at the 24th European Conference of Fracture (ECF24), held in Zagreb from August 26 to 30, 2024.
Biography: Zhiliang Zhang received his BSc and MSc degrees in Structural Engineering from Tongji University in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1994. Before being appointed as a full Professor of Mechanics and Materials at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2003, he had worked at the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway, for 9 years, and played a central role in building up the competence of the Fracture Mechanics Group to an international level. He was a visiting scientist at Harvard University, 2000-2001, a Changjiang visiting professor at University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2010, a JSPS fellow at Kyoto University, 2011, and a visiting scholar at California Institute of Technology, 2017-2018. He has been a supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 51 PhDs and post docs candidates, and 45 master students since 2005.
Professor Zhang founded the NTNU Nanomechanical Lab in 2006. He was elected as the chairman for organizing the 20th European Conference on Fracture, 2014, by the Council of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). Professor Zhang is an elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences and an elected ESIS Fellow. He has been doctoral thesis external examiner to Paris Tech (France), UNIVERSITY TOULOUSE III (France), Bauhaus University Weimar (Germany), Warwick University (UK), Leeds university (UK), Loughborough University (UK), Aalto University (Finland), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), Lappeenranta University (Finland), and National University of Singapore (Singapore). He holds titles of Academic promotion and faculty recruitment reviewer to Imperial College (UK), UCL (UK), University of Michigan (USA), University of Toledo (USA), Rice University (USA), Aalto University (Finland), Oulu University (Finland), Monash University (Australia), Tsinghua University (China). He has been an expert review panel member to Academy of Finland, Dutch research Council and Swiss National Science Foundation.
Professor Zhang’s research group at NTNU Nanomechanical Lab focuses on damage mechanics, fracture mechanics, additive manufacturing, hydrogen embrittlement, multi-physical testing method development, anti-icing materials and nanomechanics by using combined experimental and multiscale computational approaches.
His main contribution has been related to the development of following methods, theories and models: the complete Gurson model and physics-based method for damage parameter identification; accurate and efficient numerical algorithms for implementing porous plasticity models; new methods for determining the mechanical properties of materials with limited volume; the J-Q-M framework for describing the geometry and material mismatch constraints at a crack tip; mechanism-based predictive models for hydrogen embrittlement; fracture-mechanics based design of super-low ice adhesion surfaces; novel deposition patterns for reducing residual stresses in 3D printed components; machine-learning based real-time prediction method of thermal history in 3D printing; new understanding of nanoscale deformation and fracture mechanisms.
During the last 15 years Prof. Zhang has been the project leader at NTNU for 14 externally funded projects with a total budget over 12 million Euro. He has published his work as the corresponding author in top journals such as Chemical Reviews, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Materials Horizons, Nano Letters, Nature Communications, Nanoscale, SMALL, Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), Acta Materialia, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids (JMPS), Polymer.
Zou, Xinshu;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hypothesis: A sustainable dynamic anti-icing surface with the potential for rapid rechargeability.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An extended Rice model for intergranular fracture.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Surface Engineering for Reducing Gas Hydrate Adhesion.
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
He, Jianying;
Morin, David Didier;
Ortiz, Michael;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A self-consistent void-based rationale for hydrogen embrittlement.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Beyond gas supersaturation: Dissecting the secondary formation of methane hydrate.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Characterization of the quasi-liquid layer on gas hydrates with molecular dynamics simulations.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Ortiz, Michael;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Hydrogen trapping and diffusion in polycrystalline nickel: The spectrum of grain boundary segregation.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zeng, Fanhua;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and rupture of Janus nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion in confined channel.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Diaz, A;
Alegre, J.M.;
Cuesta, I. I.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Explicit implementation of hydrogen transport in metals.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Liu, Siqi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unravelling the mystery of fish scales in lowering ice adhesion.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale hydrate adhesion on organic surfaces.
Surfaces and Interfaces
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Wang, Dong;
Díaz, Andrés;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Olden, Vigdis.
Experimental and numerical study on hydrogen-induced failure of X65 pipeline steel.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Fagersand, Håvard Mo;
Morin, David Didier;
Mathisen, Kjell Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Transferability of Temperature Evolution of Dissimilar Wire-Arc Additively Manufactured Components by Machine Learning.
Academic article
Rothmund, Erling Velten;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Xiao, Senbo.
Revealing the critical pore size for hydrogen storage via simultaneous enclathration and physisorption in activated carbon.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Jemblie, Lise;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi;
Nyhus, Bård;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Wang, Dong.
Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Díaz, Andrés;
Lu, Xu;
Sun, Binhan;
Ding, Yu;
Koyama, Motomichi.
Hydrogen Embrittlement as a Conspicuous Material Challenge─Comprehensive Review and Future Directions.
Chemical Reviews
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Guan, Shuai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A comparative study on nanoscale mechanical properties of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys fabricated by casting and additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ma, Rui;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Unraveling Ice-Solid Interface Rupture Dynamics: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Fu, Ke;
liu, yuyu;
Wang, Yeqing;
Xu, Zhe;
Jiang, Wei;
Chen, Zheng.
Grain refinement of Ti6Al4V by incorporating in-situ TiB nanowhiskers in laser melting deposition.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Olden, Vigdis;
Johnsen, Roy;
Jemblie, Lise;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
International Hydrogen and Materials Integrity Workshop 2023.
Other product
liu, yuyu;
Jiang, Wei;
Chen, Zheng;
Xu, Quan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Optimization of processing parameters and microstructure evolution of (TiB+La<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>)/Ti6Al4V manufactured by laser melting deposition.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Luo, Sihai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Surface wrinkling with memory for programming adhesion and wettability.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Liu, Siqi;
Luo, Sihai.
Thickness Mediated Morphology Evolution in Sub-10-nm Metal Film Deposition: Implications for Nondestructive Testing.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
The dual role of hydrogen in grain boundary mobility.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Yu, Haiyang.
Hydrogen embrittlement in steels:
predictive models and integrity assessment
NTNU grafisksenter
Doctoral dissertation
Jiang, Xue;
Yanwen, Lin;
Xuan, Xiaowen;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying.
Stiffening surface lowers ice adhesion strength by stress concentration sites.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling the influence of surface roughness on oil displacement by Janus nanoparticles.
Petroleum Science
Academic article
Wang, Xu;
Shuai, Jian;
Ren, Wei;
zhang, tieyao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining the ductile damage parameters of high strength steels and weld metal.
Advances in Structural Engineering
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Díaz, A.;
Alegre, J.M.;
Cuesta, I.I.;
Martínez-Pañeda, E.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Notch fracture predictions using the Phase Field method for Ti-6Al-4V produced by Selective Laser Melting after different post-processing conditions.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Wang, Thorstein;
Chávez-Ángel, Emigdio;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Erratum: Thermal transport in silver-coated polymer sphere composites by the bidirectional 3ω method (J. Appl. Phys. (2022) 131 (125107) DOI: 10.1063/5.0080682).
Journal of Applied Physics
Lu, Xu;
Díaz, Andrés;
Ma, Jun;
Wang, Dong;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of plastic deformation on hydrogen diffusion in nickel Alloy 625.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Peng, Ding;
Lu, Xu;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Fu, Yuequn.
Effect of heat input on nanomechanical properties of wire-arc additive manufactured Al 4047 alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Persvik, Øyvind Othar Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Modeling and experiments in transient potential drop measurements for non-destructive evaluation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Liu, Siqi;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanomechanical characterization of additively manufactured metallic materials.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Zhao, Kai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Vinogradov, Alexei.
Hydrogen-enhanced grain boundary vacancy stockpiling causes transgranular to intergranular fracture transition.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Wang, Thorstein;
Chavez-Angel, Emigdio;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in silver-coated polymer sphere composites by the bidirectional 3ω method.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Liu, J.;
Šesták, P.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wu, Jianyang.
Brittle and ductile behavior in monolayer MoS<inf>2</inf>.
Materials Today Nano
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An interfacial gas-enrichment strategy for mitigating hydrate adhesion and blockage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Liu, Siqi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai.
Ultra-robust icephobic coatings with high toughness, strong substrate adhesion and self-healing capability.
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insights into the Droplet Size Evolution during Self-Microemulsification.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jing;
Ning, Fulong;
Ma, Rui;
He, Jianying.
Onion inspired hydrate-phobic surfaces.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Xu, Ke;
Shi, Lianxin;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dual-Ionic Hydrogels with Ultralong Anti-dehydration Lifespan and Superior Anti-icing Performance .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles.
Academic article
He, Jing;
Wang, Hua;
Gong, Yi;
Tian, Xingyou;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A novel three-dimensional boron phosphide network for thermal management of epoxy composites.
Composites Part B: Engineering
Academic article
Zhou, Tianle;
Chen, Zhengdong;
Chen, Shuangqin;
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Towards the “sustainable” operation at -30 °C without the expense of energy for heating on-face electronics: Intelligent heat conservation and waste heat utilization.
Energy Reports
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Assembly graphene platelets for bioinspired, stimuli-responsive, low ice adhesion surfaces.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Zexin;
Fu, Yuequn;
liu, yuyu;
Lin, Meichao;
Ren, Xiaobo.
Nanoscale creep behavior and its size dependency of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass manufactured by selective laser melting.
Materials & design
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ding, Yu;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying.
Simulation of ductile-to-brittle transition combining complete Gurson model and CZM with application to hydrogen embrittlement.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ding, Yu;
Wang, Gang;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio.
A predictive model unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Wang, Xu;
wang, ruijun;
Ding, Yu;
Alvaro, Antonio.
A microstructure informed and mixed-mode cohesive zone approach to simulating hydrogen embrittlement.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Brunsvold, Amy;
Ervik, Åsmund.
Mechanisms and enhancement of CO2 condensation heat transfer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Strøm, Bjørn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermodynamics of Nanoscale Films and Fluid Volumes.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic insights to interfacial dynamics.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in polyethylene: The effect of force fields and crystallinity.
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Lin, Meichao;
Wang, Xu;
Fu, Yuequn;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A framework for predicting the local stress-strain behaviors of additively manufactured multiphase alloys in the sequential layers.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement Dynamics of Trapped Oil in Rough Channels Driven by Nanofluids.
Academic article
Djukic, Milos B.;
Curtin, William A.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Sedmak, Aleksandar.
Recent Advances on Hydrogen Embrittlement Understanding and Future Research Framework, Editorial.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Yu, Haiyang;
Andersen, Dag Herman;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Is it possible to measure the tensile strength and fracture toughness simultaneously using flattened Brazilian disk? .
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dynamic Anti-Icing Surfaces (DAIS).
Advanced Science
Academic literature review
Sandell, Susanne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermal transport in metal-polymer systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ortiz, Michael.
Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Chen, Jianhua;
Xiao, Senbo;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Gels as emerging anti-icing materials: a mini review.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Heat transfer characteristics of CO2 condensation on common heat exchanger materials: Method development and experimental results.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Ness, Kari Lovise;
Paul, Arindam;
Sun, Li;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Towards a generic physics-based machine learning model for geometry invariant thermal history prediction in additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-gas hydrate surfaces: perspectives, progress and prospects.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Köhler, Markus;
Sun, Li;
Hensel, Jonas;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kömi, Jukka;
Dilger, Klaus.
Comparative study of deposition patterns for DED-Arc additive manufacturing of Al-4046.
Materials & design
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A bead sequence-driven deposition pattern evaluation criterion for lowering residual stresses in additive manufacturing.
Additive Manufacturing
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Guan, Shuai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of an additively manufactured (CrCoNiFe)94Ti2Al4 high-entropy alloy .
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order.
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Design of icephobic surfaces by lowering ice adhesion strength: A mini review.
Academic literature review
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Feng;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling adhesion strength between gas hydrate and solid surfaces.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Fu, Yuequn;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplets with Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Hollund, Lene;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Condensation heat transfer of CO2 on Cu based hierarchical and nanostructured surfaces .
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xia, Zhijie;
Qi, Yuan;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Sestak, Petr.
Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Melting cell based compensated design method for improving dimensional accuracy of additively manufactured thin channels.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology
Academic article
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A framework for classification of snow- and icephobicity.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Normile, Peter S;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructures.
Advanced Science
Academic article
Ringdahl, Simen;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Nanoscale Ice Adhesion on Rough Surfaces.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Amirfazli, Alidad;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Polysiloxane as icephobic materials – the past, present and the future.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Laforte, Caroline;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Comparison of Icephobic Materials through Interlaboratory Studies.
John Wiley & Sons
Persvik, Øyvind Othar Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling of Non-Linear and Hysteretic Magnetization Effects in Transient Potential Drop Measurements.
Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Design and preparation of icephobic PDMS-based coatings by introducing an aqueous lubricating layer and macro-crack initiators at the ice-substrate interface.
Progress in Organic Coatings
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-icing ionogel surfaces: inhibiting ice nucleation, growth and adhesion
ACS Materials Letters
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Correlations of Ice Adhesion Strength and Water Contact Angle.
Academic article
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Avoiding snow and ice accretion on building integrated photovoltaics - challenges, strategies, and opportunities.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Ultrafast self-healing and highly transparent coating with mechanically durable icephobicity .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Persvik, Øyvind O. Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Four-point transient potential drop measurements on metal plates.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Maire, Jeremie;
Chavez-Angel, Emigdio;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M.;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancement of Thermal Boundary Conductance of Metal–Polymer System.
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical investigation of a novel pattern for reducing residual stress in additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The need for standards in low ice adhesion surface research: a critical review.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Li, Yang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of thermal residual stresses on ductile-to-brittle transition of a bi-material specimen by using the CAFE method.
European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Kitamura, Takayuki;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Contact area measurement of micron-sized metal-coated polymer particles under compression.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of grain boundary on the crack-tip plasticity under hydrogen environment: an atomistic study.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Wang, Xiao;
Qiao, Lijie.
Stability, deformation and rupture of Janus oligomer enabled self-emulsifying water-in-oil microemulsion droplets.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Fundamental Mechanisms of Ice Adhesion.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (87)
Doctoral dissertation
Wu, Jianyang;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
CO2 Wetting on Pillar-Nanostructured Substrates.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Wenjing;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying.
Enabling phase transition of infused lubricant in porous structure for exceptional oil/water separation.
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Ariza, Pilar;
Ortiz, Michael;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Supergiant elasticity and fracture of 3D spirally wound MoS2.
International Journal of Fracture
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zhang, Jun;
He, Jianying.
Insight into the pressure-induced displacement mechanism for selecting efficient nanofluids in various capillaries.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Cerny, Miroslav;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Pokluda, Jaroslav.
Extraordinary Response of H-Charged and H-Free Coherent Grain Boundaries in Nickel to Multiaxial Loading
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Ibáñez-Ibáñez, pablo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xu, Ke;
Zhuo, Yizhi.
Self-deicing Electrolyte Hydrogel Surfaces with Pa-level Ice Adhesion and Durable Anti-freezing/frost Performance.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Zhi, Huihui;
Yu, Haiyang;
Gao, Lei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Su, Yanjing.
Modelling the combined effects of hydrogen traps and surface films on hydrogen permeation in ferritic steels.
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Self-assembled superstructures of magnetic nanoparticles: advanced nanofabrication and enhanced mechanical properties.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (271)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Dynamic anti-icing surfaces (DAIS).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (330)
Doctoral dissertation
Fu, Yuequn;
Xu, Ke;
Wu, Jianyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
The effects of morphology and temperature on the tensile characteristics of carbon nitride nanothreads.
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A multi-barrier model assisted CAFE method for predicting ductile-to-brittle transition with application to a low-carbon ultrahigh-strength steel
Mechanics of materials (Print)
Academic article
Pan, Junchao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wei, Ning;
He, Jianying;
Zhao, Junhua.
Nanoconfined Water Dynamics in Multilayer Graphene Nanopores.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Borrebak, Per-Olof Fredrik Andersson;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Snow Adhesion Mitigation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Doctoral dissertation
Li, Yang;
Shterenlikht, Anton;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
CAFE based Multi-scale Modelling of Ductile-to-Brittle Transition of Steel with a Temperature Dependent Effective Surface Energy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Ultra-durable Icephobic Coating by Molecular pulley.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Laforte, Caroline;
Volat, Christophe;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of ice type on ice adhesion.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Laforte, Caroline;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Interlaboratory study of ice adhesion using different techniques.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Gong, Hao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
He, Jianying;
Ariza, Pilar;
Ortiz, Michael.
Topology and polarity of dislocation cores dictate the strength of monolayer MoS2.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Guo, Tao;
Pang, Xiaolu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
qiao, lijie.
Substrate slip steps promote cracking and buckling of thin brittle film.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Chen, Cunguang;
Wang, Wenwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Su, Yanjing;
Volinsky, Alex A..
Cohesive zone modelling of anodic dissolution stress corrosion cracking induced by corrosion product films.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Experimental measurement of temperature-dependent equivalent stress-strain curves of a 420 MPa structural steel with axisymmetric notched tensile specimens.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Understanding the role of hollow sub-surface structures in reducing ice adhesion strength.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Stress-strain curves of metallic materials and post-necking strain hardening characterization: A Review.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Enabling Sequential Rupture for Lowering Atomistic Ice Adhesion.
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Qiao, Lijie;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hydrogen informed Gurson model for hydrogen embrittlement simulation.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Liquid layer generator for excellent icephobicity at extremely low temperature.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Reigstad, Gunhild Allard;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Efficient Liquefaction of Carbon Dioxide on Superlyophobic Surfaces.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Transportation of Janus Nanoparticles in Confined Nanochannels: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Durable low ice adhesion foams modulated by submicron pores.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of the Lüders plateau on ductile fracture with MBL model.
European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Normile, Peter S;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability and Super-Size Effects in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubes.
Advanced Functional Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Phase transition enabled durable anti-icing surfaces and its DIY design.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Effects of local grain size and inclusions on the low-temperature toughness of low-carbon as-quenched martensite.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Epidermal Gland Inspired Self-Repairing Slippery Lubricant-Infused Porous Coatings with Durable Low Ice Adhesion .
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical Study on Ductile-to-Brittle Transition of Steel and its Behavior under Residual Stresses.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Designing Polymeric Icephobic Materials.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (345)
Doctoral dissertation
Holzapfel, Gerhard;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Solid (Bio)Mechanics: Challenges of the Next Decade.
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A new method to estimate the residual stresses in additive manufacturing characterized by point heat source.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic article
Díaz, Andrés;
Alegre, Jesus Manuel;
Cuesta, I. I.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical study of hydrogen influence on void growth at low triaxialities considering transient effects.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Correction: Focused ion beam milling of self-assembled magnetic superstructures: An approach to fabricate nanoporous materials with tunable porosity (Materials Horizons (2018) 5 (1211-1218) DOI: 10.1039/C8MH01112E).
Materials Horizons
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kaijalainen, Antti;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Estimation of impact toughness transition temperatures of as-quenched steels.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Reference toughness - A pragmatic tool to estimate ductile-brittle transition temperatures.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hydrogen-microvoid interactions at continuum scale.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic dewetting mechanics of Wenzel and monostable Cassie–Baxter states.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical study on the effect of the Lüders plateau on the ductile crack growth resistance of SENT specimens.
International Journal of Fracture
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying.
Determining the tensile properties of Arctic materials and modelling their effects on fracture.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (269)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Xiao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insight into Transportation of Nanofluid in Ultra-confined Channel .
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (334)
Doctoral dissertation
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining material's equivalent stress-strain curve with any axisymmetric notched tensile specimens without Bridgman correction.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Torsæter, Ole;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic insights into the nanofluid transport through an ultra-confined capillary.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Mayer, A. E.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of Hydrogen on the Collective Behavior of Dislocations in the Case of Nanoindentation.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Contact angle and condensation of a CO2 droplet on a solid surface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Focused ion beam milling of self-assembled magnetic superstructures: an approach to fabricate nanoporous materials with tunable porosity.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement of Nanofluids in Silica Nanopores: Influenced by Wettability of Nanoparticles and Oil Components.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kaijalainen, Antti;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Effect of microstructure on the impact toughness transition temperature of direct-quenched steels.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
shi, qiao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Wu, Hong-Hui;
Wang, Chao;
Ning, Fulong.
Nature-inspired Entwined Coiled Carbon Mechanical Metamaterials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Gong, Yi;
Wang, Mao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Microgel Evolution at Three-Phase Contact Region and Associated Wettability Alteration.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Mayer, A. E.;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dislocation based plasticity in the case of nanoindentation.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Evenstad, Otto Magnus;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Resistance Analysis of Spherical Metal Thin Films Combining Van Der Pauw and Electromechanical Nanoindentation Methods.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
One-Step Fabrication of Bioinspired Lubricant-Regenerable Icephobic Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS).
ACS Omega
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constraint effect on the brittle-to-ductile transition of single-crystal iron induced by dislocation mobility.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Cao, Pinqiang;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Ning, Fulong;
Zheng, Songsheng;
He, Jianying.
Grain-size Controlled Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Monolayer MoS2.
Nano Letters
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Røe, Ingeborg Treu;
Brunsvold, Amy;
Ervik, Åsmund;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A review on wetting and water condensation - perspectives for CO2 condensation.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Academic literature review
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Kitamura, Takayuki;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and Fracture of Micron‐Sized Metal‐Coated Polymer Spheres: An In Situ Study.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Kristensen, Tore Andre;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Study of low-temperature effect on the fracture locus of a 420-MPa structural steel with the edge tracing method.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Qi, Chao;
Mai, Tingyi;
Zhang, Jun;
zhan, kaiyun;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Competitive adsorption and diffusion of CH4/CO2 binary mixture within shale organic nanochannels.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancing the mechanical durability of icephobic surfaces by introducing autonomous self-healing function.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Electromechanical Characterization of Metal-Coated Polymer Spheres for Conductive Adhesives
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (295)
Doctoral dissertation
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of amorphization-mediated plasticity on the hydrogen-void interaction in ideal lattices under hydrostatic tension.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Design and Preparation of Sandwich-Like Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Sponges with Super-Low Ice Adhesion.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Gong, Yi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and stability of core-shell microgels at oil/water interface.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Redford, Keith;
njagi, john;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik.
Room-Temperature Curing and Grain Growth at High Humidity in Conductive Adhesives with Ultra-Low Silver Content.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Andersson, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gao, Tao;
Ng, Serina;
Selj, Josefine Helene Krogh.
A Review of Possible Pathways for Avoiding Snow and Ice Formation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Cohesive zone simulation of grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Shuai, Jian;
Tu, Shengwen;
Wang, Junqiang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Determining critical CTOA from energy-load curves with DWTT specimen.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Dahl, Bjørn Augdal;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of low temperature tensile properties on crack driving force for Arctic applications.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying.
Modelling and Assessment of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Steels and Nickel Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:278)
Doctoral dissertation
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nyhus, Bård;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A new correction method to measure material’s equivalent stress-strain curve with axisymmetric notched tensile specimen.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gong, Yi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Core-shell structured microgels and their behavior at oil and water interface.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:182)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Mao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Optoelectrical properties of a novel organic semiconductor: 6,13-dichloropentacene.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:130)
Doctoral dissertation
sui, chao;
zhao, yushun;
Zhang, Zhisen;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Xiaodong.
Morphology-Controlled Tensile Mechanical Characteristics in Graphene Allotropes.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Spontaneous Imbibition of Water into Ultraconfined Reservoir Capillary by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nyhus, Bård;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A special notched tensile specimen to determine the flow stress-strain curve of hardening materials without applying the Bridgman correction.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Kongsmo, Rakel;
Patil, Nilesh;
He, Jianying;
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On determining the Poisson's ratio of viscoelastic polymer microparticles using a flat punch test.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
Gao, Huajian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multiscale Crack Initiators Promoted Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Soft Matter
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Vågenes, Elisabeth Tanami;
Delabahan, Chrisrosemarie;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Room temperature characteristics of polymer-based low ice adhesion surfaces.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari Tapani;
Yu, Haiyang;
Kisko, Anna;
Porter, David;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture toughness of hydrogen charged as-quenched ultra-high-strength steels at low temperatures.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Wang, Chao;
Zhang, Jun;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shen, Yue.
Displacement mechanism of oil in shale inorganic nanopores by supercritical carbon dioxide from molecular dynamics simulations.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Nagao, Shijo;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Helland, Susanne;
Njagi, John;
Suganuma, Katsuaki.
Investigation of thermal transport in polymer composites with percolating networks of silver thin films by the flash diffusivity method.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Jafariesfad, Narjes;
Geiker, Mette Rica;
Gong, Yi;
Skalle, Pål;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Cement sheath modification using nanomaterials for long-term zonal isolation of oil wells: Review.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic literature review
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling nanoscale ice adhesion.
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M.;
Li, Hongxiang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Angle-Dependent Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Solution-Processed Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Grain-size Induced Strengthening and Weakening of Dislocation-free Polycrystalline Gas Hydrates.
Procedia IUTAM
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
qiao, lijie;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Size-dependent Phase Transformation and Fracture of ZnO Nanowires.
Procedia IUTAM
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Small-Scale Plasticity under Hydrogen Environment.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:356)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Svoboda, Ondrej;
Ballesteros,, Belén;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M..
Raman Antenna Effect from Exciton?Phonon Coupling in Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Academic article
Andersson, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Passive snow repulsion: a state-of-the-art review illuminating research gaps and possibilities.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duan, Hao;
Wu, Shengchuan;
Xu, Zhongwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kan, Qianhua;
Kang, Guozheng.
Damage mechanism of hybrid welded 7020 aluminium alloy based on three-dimensional X-ray micro-tomography and GTN model.
Zhongguo Jiguang
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Controlling the Conduction Mechanisms in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver-Coated Polymer Spheres.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Bing;
Tang, Xinpeng;
Fang, Wenjing;
Li, Xiaoqi;
Zhang, Jun;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Molecular dynamics study of di-CF4 based reverse micelles in supercritical CO2.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Controlling the Conduction Mechanisms in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver-Coated Polymer Spheres.
Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Ductile mechanisms of metals containing pre-existing nanovoids.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Viscous regularization for cohesive zone modelling under constant displacement: an application to hydrogen embrittlement simulation.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Xiong, Wei;
Liu, Jefferson Zhe;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zheng, Quan-Shui.
Erratum to: Control of surface wettability via strain engineering.
Acta Mechanica Sinica
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
CuO/Cu based superhydrophobic and self-cleaning surfaces.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Olden, Vigdis;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A uniform hydrogen degradation law for high strength steels.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Cerny, Miroslav;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Pokluda, Jaroslav.
Multiaxial stress–strain response and displacive transformations in NiTi alloy from first principles.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanotechnology for Anti-icing Application: From Superhydrophobic Surfaces to Super-low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (348)
Doctoral dissertation
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Nguyen, Huyen Thanh.
Identifying the optimal deformation point in metal-coated polymer particles for conductive adhesives.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Continuum level simulation of the grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Conduction mechanisms in conductive adhesives with metal-coated polymer spheres.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (349)
Doctoral dissertation
Souza, RF;
Ruggieri, Claudio;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A framework for fracture assessments of dissimilar girth welds in offshore pipelines under bending.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effects of loading path on the fracture loci in a 3D space.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Stokkeland, August Emil;
Kristiansen, Helge;
njagi, john;
Redford, Keith;
Goia, Dan.
Electrical four-point probing of spherical metallic thin films coated onto micron sized polymer particles.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Electromechanical characterization of individual micron-sized metal coated polymer particles.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Nagao, Shijo;
Helland, Susanne;
njagi, john;
Suganuma, Katsuaki.
Contact Resistance and Metallurgical Connections Between Silver Coated Polymer Particles in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Stress and fracture analyses of solar silicon wafers during suction process and handling.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nordhagen, Håkon Ottar;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Akselsen, Odd Magne.
Tensile properties of 420 MPa steel at low temperature.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Mao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A SERS Study on the Assembly Behavior of Gold Nanoparticles at Oil/Water Interface.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nie, Gaosheng;
Xu, Jun;
He, Jianying;
Xu, Qingchi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Structural Instability and Mechanical Properties of MoS2 Toroidal Nanostructures.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and fracture of nano-sized metal-coated polymer particles: A molecular dynamics study.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Selective growth of metallic nanostructures on microstructured copper substrate in solution.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ning, Fulong;
Trinh, Thuat;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Vlugt, Thijs J.H.;
He, Jianying.
Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Østby, Erling.
Preface to the special issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics on "Modelling of Ductile Fracture and Applications".
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Zhao, Junhua;
Lu, Lixin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Guo, Wanlin;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Continuum modeling of the cohesive energy for the interfaces between films, spheres, coats and substrates.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling.
Preface to the special issue of Engineering Failure Analysis on "Recent case studies in Engineering Failure Analysis".
Engineering Failure Analysis
Wang, Wenwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Ren, Xuechong;
Guan, Yongjun;
Su, Yanjing.
Corrosion product film-induced stress facilitates stress corrosion cracking.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Skjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken;
Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel;
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
He, Jianying;
Andreasen, Jens Wenzel.
Quantitative 3D X-ray Imaging of Densification, Delamination and Fracture in a Micro-Composite under Compression.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Pokluda, Jaroslav;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Extraordinary Deformation Capacity of Smallest Carbohelicene Springs.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zerbst, U.;
Ainsworth, R. A.;
Beier, H. Th.;
Pisarski, H.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nikbin, K..
Review on fracture and crack propagation in weldments - A fracture mechanics perspective.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Thaulow, Christian.
ECF20 Program Book.
Saffar, Saber;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Analysis of surface cracks in multi-crystalline thin silicon wafers.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Abdullah, A;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Ultrasound-assisted handling force reduction during the solar silicon wafers production.
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture Analysis and Distribution of Surface Cracks in Multi Crystalline Silicon Wafers.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The Effect of Microstructure, Thickness Variation, and Crack on the Natural Frequency of Solar Silicon Wafers.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, Erling;
He, Jianying.
Procedia Materials Science 20th European Conference on Fracture.
Procedia Materials Science
Odegard, Gregory;
Jensen, B.D;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Predicting Mechanical Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF.
Chemical Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Wu, Jianyang;
Jiang, Jin-Wu;
Lu, lixin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Thermal conductivity of carbon nanocoils.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Odegard, Gregory;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of chain architecture on the compression behavior of nanoscale polyethylene particles.
Nanoscale Research Letters
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanohinge-Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes.
Academic article
Xiong, Wei;
Liu, Zhe;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zheng, Quan-Shui.
Control of surface wettability via strain engineering.
Acta Mechanica Sinica
Academic article
Jin, Enze;
He, Jianying;
zhang, kaixuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shi, Gaoquan;
Zheng, Quanshui.
Electron-irradiation-induced reinforcement of reduced graphene oxide papers.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Odegard, Gregory;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zheng, Quanshui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Giant Stretchability and Reversibility of Tightly Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture and negative Poisson’s ratio of novel spanned-fullerenes nanotube networks under tension.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, I;
M'hamdi, Mohammed;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A novel constitutive model for semiconductors: The case of silicon.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Fonnum, Geir;
Modahl, Grete.
Crosslinking effect on the deformation and fracture of monodisperse polystyrene-co-divinylbenzene particles.
eXPRESS Polymer Letters
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhou, F;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
An analysis on necking effect and stress distribution in round cross-section specimens of pure copper with different diameters.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
A novel method to measure the residual stress in a corrosion film formed on metallic substrates.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Odegard, Gregory;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Size-dependent mechanical behavior of nanoscale polymer particles through coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation.
Nanoscale Research Letters
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lu, Hao;
Eijk, Casper van der.
Fracture of notched round-bar NiTi-Specimens.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
Influence of specimen thickness with rectangular cross-section on the tensile properties of structural steels.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Nagao, Shijo;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Loading rate effects on the fracture of Ni/Au nano-coated acrylic particles.
eXPRESS Polymer Letters
Academic article
Zybell, Lutz;
Mühlich, U;
Kuna, M;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A three-dimensional finite element for gradient elasticity based on a mixed-type formulation.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Loading and unloading of a spherical contact: from elastic to elastic-perfectly plastic materials.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Influence of welding residual stresses on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipe.
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (FSCE)
Academic article
Zhang, Houyu;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of hole size on the fracture of graphene nanomesh.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Torsæter, Ole;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Oil-Water Flow in a Confined Nanochannel: a Molecular Dynamics Study.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of spherical micro-voids in shape memory alloys subjected to uniaxial loading.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Deformation and fracture of crosslinked polystyrene particles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On the size-dependent mechanical properties of five-fold twined fcc Fe nanowire.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Study on the Anode-to-Cathode Distance in an Aluminum Reduction Cell.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Hals, Jorunn Knive;
Lu, H.
Effect of notches on the behavior of superelastic round-bar NiTi-specimens.
Smart materials and structures (Print)
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on cleavage fracture toughness by using cohesive zone model.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires.
Nano Letters
Academic article
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture and physical properties of carbon anodes for the aluminum reduction cell.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Guo, Wanlin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Size-dependent elastic properties of crystalline polymers via a molecular mechanics model.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Nagao, Shijo;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
All-atom molecular dynamics study on mechanical properties of polystyrene glass.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic simulation of metal-polymer adhesion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Nagao, Shijo;
Wu, Jianyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic modeling of phase transformation in ZnO nanorods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Contact area on rough surface of nonlinear isotropic brittle materials.
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Size dependent behaviour of micron-sized composite polymer particles.
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Size Effect of Glassy Polyethylene Particles.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of crosslinked and branched polyethylene molecules on the thermo-mechanical properties.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhao, Junhua;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Mechanical behavior of five-fold twinning FCC iron nanorod: a molecular dynamics study.
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, Ichiro;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
M'hamdi, Mohammed;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constitutive modeling of intrinsic and oxygen-contaminated silicon monocrystals in easy glide.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
wang, xiao hui;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of silica fume, steel fiber and ITZ on the strength and fracture behavior of mortar.
Materials and Structures
Academic article
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of thermal mismatch induced residual stresses on grain boundary microcracking of titanium diboride ceramics.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Void Coalescence With and Without Prestrain History.
International journal of damage mechanics
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, I;
Gouttebroze, S;
M'Hamdi, M;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constitutive modeling of intrinsic silicon monocrystals in easy glide.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Xu, Jing;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Constraint effect on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermomechanical properties dependence on chain length in bulk polyethylene: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations.
Journal of Materials Research
Academic article
Xu, J;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Effects of Temperature and Crack Tip Constraint on Cleavage Fracture Toughness in the Weld Thermal Simulated X80 Pipeline Steel.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stresses on ductile crack growth resistance.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, Dongbai.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wachenfeldt, Bjørn Jenssen.
Numerical study on the heat storing capacity of concrete walls with air cavities.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Evaluation of fracture mechanics parameters for free edges in multi-layered structures with weak singularities.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
Wang, Xiao Hui;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
Lein, Hilde Lea.
Application of nanoindentation testing to study of the interfacial transition zone in steel fiber reinforced mortar.
Cement and Concrete Research
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Comments on the evaluation of the stress intensity factor for a general re-entrant corner in anisotropic bi-materials.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Helland, Tore;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Fracture of micrometre-sized Ni/Au coated polymer particles.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang.
R&D Profile: Physical Properties of Nanostructured Metal Coated Polymer Particles.
Website (informational material)
Lee, Siaw Foon;
He, Jianying;
wang, xiao hui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jacobsen, Stefan.
Study of P-h Curves on Nanomechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Mortar.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyhus, Bård;
Østby, Erling;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Olsø, Erlend;
Røstadsand, Per Arne;
Eikrem, Pål Are.
Large Scale Tests of Strain Capacity of Pipe Sections With Circumferential Defects Subjected to Installation-Induced Plastic Strain History.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Helland, Tore;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Physical properties of metal coated polymer particles for Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tyldum, Hallvard;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Parametric Modelling of a Polymer Cored BGA Interconnect.
International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS) Nordic
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Effects of crack depth and specimen size on ductile crack growth of SENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipeline steels.
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stresses on the crack-tip constraint in a modified boundary layer model.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Compression properties of individual micron-sized acrylic particles.
Materials Letters
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Nanomechanical Characterization of Single Micron-Sized Polymer Particles.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Nanomechanics of Polymer and Composite Particles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (213)
Doctoral dissertation
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, Donqbai.
Numerical analyses of ductile fracture behaviour in 2D plane strain and axisymmetrical models using the complete Gurson model.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jensen, Morten Sundheim;
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor.
Degradation of TiB2 ceramics in liquid aluminium.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
Academic article
Eikrem, Pål Are;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård.
Numerical study on the effect of prestrain history on ductile fracture resistance by using the complete Gurson model.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jensen, Morten Sundheim;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Cohesive zone modeling of grain boundary microcracking induced by thermal anisotropy in titanium diboride ceramics.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Midttun, M;
Fonnum, Geir;
Modahl, GI;
Kristiansen, H.
Size effect on mechanical properties of micron-sized PS-DVB polymer particles.
Academic article
Wang, Xiao Hui;
He, Jianying;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jacobsen, Stefan.
Mechanical and nanoindentation study of steel fibre - matrix interface in OPC and silica fume mortars.
NTNU Dept of Structural Engineering
Liu, J;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Residual stress induced crack tip constraint.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsen, Jim Stian;
van der Eijk, Casper;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical analysis of a new SMA-based seismic damper system and material characterization of two commercial NiTi-alloys.
Smart Structures and Systems
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Fracture of anodic-bonded silicon-thin film glass-silicon triple stacks.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang.
12th International Conference on Fracture 2009 (ICF-12).
Curran Associates, Inc
Popular scientific book
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on brittle fracture by cohesive zone modeling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on the brittle fracture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on crack-tip constraint: a parametric study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Liu, J..
A method for determining elastic properties of micron-sized polymer particles by using flat punch test.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Eikrem, Pål Are;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of plastic prestrain on the crack tip constraint of pipeline steels.
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Mechanical properties of nanostructured polymer particles for anisotropic conductive adhesives.
International Journal of Materials Research - Zeitschrift für Metallkunde
Academic article
Mathisen, Kjell Magne;
Kvamsdal, Trond;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multisale Computational Science and Engineering.
Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
van der Eijk, Casper;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Investigation of the pseudoelastic behaviour in two commercial NiTi alloys: experiments and modelling.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences : Physics, Mathematics
Academic article
Liu, Jun-Yan;
Lu, Hao;
Chen, Jun-Mei;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Finite element simulation of martensitic transition based on thermo-mechanical model.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Østby, Erling;
Thaulow, Christian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical simulations of specimen size and mismatch effects in ductile crack growth – Part II: Near-tip stress fields.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Østby, Erling;
Thaulow, Christian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical simulations of specimen size and mismatch effects in ductile crack growth – Part I: Tearing resistance and crack growth paths.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining elastic properties of micron-sized polymer particles by using flat punch test.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gundersen, Øyvind;
Aune, Ragnhild;
Ødegård, Jack;
Grong, Øystein.
A method for retrieving temperature and microstructure dependent apparent yield strength for aluminium alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, E;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
"Constraint correction of high strength steel: selection of test specimens and application of direct calculation". vol. 71, 2417-2133, 2004.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, E;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Constraint correction of high strength steel selection of test specimens and application of direct calculations.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On numerical analysis of damage evolution in cyclic elastic-plastic crack growth problems.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Finite element modelling of cracked inelastic shells with large deflections: two- and three-dimensional approaches.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effects of finite element mesh on numerical prediction of ductile tearing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Volden, Lars;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gundersen, Øyvind.
Thermomechanical analysis of residual stresses in Satoh test specimen using PATRAN/ABAQUS.
SINTEF Rapport (A98216)
Non-fiction book
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Ductile damage and contraint in components with embedded and surface semi-circular cracks.
Journal de Physique IV : Colloque
Academic article
Journal publications
Zou, Xinshu;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hypothesis: A sustainable dynamic anti-icing surface with the potential for rapid rechargeability.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An extended Rice model for intergranular fracture.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Surface Engineering for Reducing Gas Hydrate Adhesion.
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
He, Jianying;
Morin, David Didier;
Ortiz, Michael;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A self-consistent void-based rationale for hydrogen embrittlement.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Beyond gas supersaturation: Dissecting the secondary formation of methane hydrate.
Academic article
Zhang, Yifan;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Characterization of the quasi-liquid layer on gas hydrates with molecular dynamics simulations.
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Ortiz, Michael;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Hydrogen trapping and diffusion in polycrystalline nickel: The spectrum of grain boundary segregation.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zeng, Fanhua;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and rupture of Janus nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion in confined channel.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Diaz, A;
Alegre, J.M.;
Cuesta, I. I.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Explicit implementation of hydrogen transport in metals.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Liu, Siqi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unravelling the mystery of fish scales in lowering ice adhesion.
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale hydrate adhesion on organic surfaces.
Surfaces and Interfaces
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Wang, Dong;
Díaz, Andrés;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Olden, Vigdis.
Experimental and numerical study on hydrogen-induced failure of X65 pipeline steel.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Fagersand, Håvard Mo;
Morin, David Didier;
Mathisen, Kjell Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Transferability of Temperature Evolution of Dissimilar Wire-Arc Additively Manufactured Components by Machine Learning.
Academic article
Rothmund, Erling Velten;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Xiao, Senbo.
Revealing the critical pore size for hydrogen storage via simultaneous enclathration and physisorption in activated carbon.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Jemblie, Lise;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi;
Nyhus, Bård;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Wang, Dong.
Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Díaz, Andrés;
Lu, Xu;
Sun, Binhan;
Ding, Yu;
Koyama, Motomichi.
Hydrogen Embrittlement as a Conspicuous Material Challenge─Comprehensive Review and Future Directions.
Chemical Reviews
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Guan, Shuai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A comparative study on nanoscale mechanical properties of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys fabricated by casting and additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ma, Rui;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Unraveling Ice-Solid Interface Rupture Dynamics: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Fu, Ke;
liu, yuyu;
Wang, Yeqing;
Xu, Zhe;
Jiang, Wei;
Chen, Zheng.
Grain refinement of Ti6Al4V by incorporating in-situ TiB nanowhiskers in laser melting deposition.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
liu, yuyu;
Jiang, Wei;
Chen, Zheng;
Xu, Quan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Optimization of processing parameters and microstructure evolution of (TiB+La<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>)/Ti6Al4V manufactured by laser melting deposition.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Luo, Sihai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Surface wrinkling with memory for programming adhesion and wettability.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Liu, Siqi;
Luo, Sihai.
Thickness Mediated Morphology Evolution in Sub-10-nm Metal Film Deposition: Implications for Nondestructive Testing.
ACS Applied Nano Materials
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
The dual role of hydrogen in grain boundary mobility.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Jiang, Xue;
Yanwen, Lin;
Xuan, Xiaowen;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying.
Stiffening surface lowers ice adhesion strength by stress concentration sites.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling the influence of surface roughness on oil displacement by Janus nanoparticles.
Petroleum Science
Academic article
Wang, Xu;
Shuai, Jian;
Ren, Wei;
zhang, tieyao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining the ductile damage parameters of high strength steels and weld metal.
Advances in Structural Engineering
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Díaz, A.;
Alegre, J.M.;
Cuesta, I.I.;
Martínez-Pañeda, E.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Notch fracture predictions using the Phase Field method for Ti-6Al-4V produced by Selective Laser Melting after different post-processing conditions.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Wang, Thorstein;
Chávez-Ángel, Emigdio;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Erratum: Thermal transport in silver-coated polymer sphere composites by the bidirectional 3ω method (J. Appl. Phys. (2022) 131 (125107) DOI: 10.1063/5.0080682).
Journal of Applied Physics
Lu, Xu;
Díaz, Andrés;
Ma, Jun;
Wang, Dong;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of plastic deformation on hydrogen diffusion in nickel Alloy 625.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Peng, Ding;
Lu, Xu;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Fu, Yuequn.
Effect of heat input on nanomechanical properties of wire-arc additive manufactured Al 4047 alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Lin, Meichao;
Zhao, Kai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Vinogradov, Alexei.
Hydrogen-enhanced grain boundary vacancy stockpiling causes transgranular to intergranular fracture transition.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Wang, Thorstein;
Chavez-Angel, Emigdio;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in silver-coated polymer sphere composites by the bidirectional 3ω method.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Liu, J.;
Šesták, P.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wu, Jianyang.
Brittle and ductile behavior in monolayer MoS<inf>2</inf>.
Materials Today Nano
Academic article
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
An interfacial gas-enrichment strategy for mitigating hydrate adhesion and blockage.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Liu, Siqi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai.
Ultra-robust icephobic coatings with high toughness, strong substrate adhesion and self-healing capability.
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insights into the Droplet Size Evolution during Self-Microemulsification.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jing;
Ning, Fulong;
Ma, Rui;
He, Jianying.
Onion inspired hydrate-phobic surfaces.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Xu, Ke;
Shi, Lianxin;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dual-Ionic Hydrogels with Ultralong Anti-dehydration Lifespan and Superior Anti-icing Performance .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles.
Academic article
He, Jing;
Wang, Hua;
Gong, Yi;
Tian, Xingyou;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A novel three-dimensional boron phosphide network for thermal management of epoxy composites.
Composites Part B: Engineering
Academic article
Zhou, Tianle;
Chen, Zhengdong;
Chen, Shuangqin;
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Towards the “sustainable” operation at -30 °C without the expense of energy for heating on-face electronics: Intelligent heat conservation and waste heat utilization.
Energy Reports
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Assembly graphene platelets for bioinspired, stimuli-responsive, low ice adhesion surfaces.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Chang, Zexin;
Fu, Yuequn;
liu, yuyu;
Lin, Meichao;
Ren, Xiaobo.
Nanoscale creep behavior and its size dependency of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass manufactured by selective laser melting.
Materials & design
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ding, Yu;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying.
Simulation of ductile-to-brittle transition combining complete Gurson model and CZM with application to hydrogen embrittlement.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Ding, Yu;
Wang, Gang;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio.
A predictive model unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Lin, Meichao;
Yu, Haiyang;
Wang, Xu;
wang, ruijun;
Ding, Yu;
Alvaro, Antonio.
A microstructure informed and mixed-mode cohesive zone approach to simulating hydrogen embrittlement.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in polyethylene: The effect of force fields and crystallinity.
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Lin, Meichao;
Wang, Xu;
Fu, Yuequn;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A framework for predicting the local stress-strain behaviors of additively manufactured multiphase alloys in the sequential layers.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement Dynamics of Trapped Oil in Rough Channels Driven by Nanofluids.
Academic article
Djukic, Milos B.;
Curtin, William A.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Sedmak, Aleksandar.
Recent Advances on Hydrogen Embrittlement Understanding and Future Research Framework, Editorial.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Yu, Haiyang;
Andersen, Dag Herman;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Is it possible to measure the tensile strength and fracture toughness simultaneously using flattened Brazilian disk? .
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dynamic Anti-Icing Surfaces (DAIS).
Advanced Science
Academic literature review
Ding, Yu;
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhao, Kai;
Lin, Meichao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Ortiz, Michael.
Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Chen, Jianhua;
Xiao, Senbo;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Gels as emerging anti-icing materials: a mini review.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Heat transfer characteristics of CO2 condensation on common heat exchanger materials: Method development and experimental results.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Academic article
Ness, Kari Lovise;
Paul, Arindam;
Sun, Li;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Towards a generic physics-based machine learning model for geometry invariant thermal history prediction in additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ma, Rui;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-gas hydrate surfaces: perspectives, progress and prospects.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Academic article
Köhler, Markus;
Sun, Li;
Hensel, Jonas;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kömi, Jukka;
Dilger, Klaus.
Comparative study of deposition patterns for DED-Arc additive manufacturing of Al-4046.
Materials & design
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A bead sequence-driven deposition pattern evaluation criterion for lowering residual stresses in additive manufacturing.
Additive Manufacturing
Academic article
Liu, Siqi;
Wan, Di;
Guan, Shuai;
Fu, Yuequn;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of an additively manufactured (CrCoNiFe)94Ti2Al4 high-entropy alloy .
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Tensile mechanical characteristics of ultra-thin carbon sulfur nanothreads in orientational order.
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Design of icephobic surfaces by lowering ice adhesion strength: A mini review.
Academic literature review
Ma, Rui;
Wang, Feng;
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
English, Niall;
He, Jianying.
Unraveling adhesion strength between gas hydrate and solid surfaces.
Academic article
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Fu, Yuequn;
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplets with Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Hollund, Lene;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Condensation heat transfer of CO2 on Cu based hierarchical and nanostructured surfaces .
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xia, Zhijie;
Qi, Yuan;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Sestak, Petr.
Simultaneously toughening and stiffening elastomers with octuple hydrogen bonding.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Melting cell based compensated design method for improving dimensional accuracy of additively manufactured thin channels.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology
Academic article
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A framework for classification of snow- and icephobicity.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Normile, Peter S;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructures.
Advanced Science
Academic article
Ringdahl, Simen;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Nanoscale Ice Adhesion on Rough Surfaces.
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Amirfazli, Alidad;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Polysiloxane as icephobic materials – the past, present and the future.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Persvik, Øyvind Othar Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling of Non-Linear and Hysteretic Magnetization Effects in Transient Potential Drop Measurements.
Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Design and preparation of icephobic PDMS-based coatings by introducing an aqueous lubricating layer and macro-crack initiators at the ice-substrate interface.
Progress in Organic Coatings
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Anti-icing ionogel surfaces: inhibiting ice nucleation, growth and adhesion
ACS Materials Letters
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Correlations of Ice Adhesion Strength and Water Contact Angle.
Academic article
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Avoiding snow and ice accretion on building integrated photovoltaics - challenges, strategies, and opportunities.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Xiao, Senbo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying.
Ultrafast self-healing and highly transparent coating with mechanically durable icephobicity .
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Persvik, Øyvind O. Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Four-point transient potential drop measurements on metal plates.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Sandell, Susanne;
Maire, Jeremie;
Chavez-Angel, Emigdio;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M.;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancement of Thermal Boundary Conductance of Metal–Polymer System.
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical investigation of a novel pattern for reducing residual stress in additive manufacturing.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The need for standards in low ice adhesion surface research: a critical review.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Li, Yang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of thermal residual stresses on ductile-to-brittle transition of a bi-material specimen by using the CAFE method.
European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Kitamura, Takayuki;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Contact area measurement of micron-sized metal-coated polymer particles under compression.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of grain boundary on the crack-tip plasticity under hydrogen environment: an atomistic study.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xiao, Senbo;
Liu, Siqi;
Wu, Jianyang;
Wang, Xiao;
Qiao, Lijie.
Stability, deformation and rupture of Janus oligomer enabled self-emulsifying water-in-oil microemulsion droplets.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
CO2 Wetting on Pillar-Nanostructured Substrates.
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Luo, Sihai;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Wenjing;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying.
Enabling phase transition of infused lubricant in porous structure for exceptional oil/water separation.
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Ariza, Pilar;
Ortiz, Michael;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Supergiant elasticity and fracture of 3D spirally wound MoS2.
International Journal of Fracture
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zhang, Jun;
He, Jianying.
Insight into the pressure-induced displacement mechanism for selecting efficient nanofluids in various capillaries.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Cerny, Miroslav;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Pokluda, Jaroslav.
Extraordinary Response of H-Charged and H-Free Coherent Grain Boundaries in Nickel to Multiaxial Loading
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Ibáñez-Ibáñez, pablo;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Wu, Jianyang;
Xu, Ke;
Zhuo, Yizhi.
Self-deicing Electrolyte Hydrogel Surfaces with Pa-level Ice Adhesion and Durable Anti-freezing/frost Performance.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Zhi, Huihui;
Yu, Haiyang;
Gao, Lei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Su, Yanjing.
Modelling the combined effects of hydrogen traps and surface films on hydrogen permeation in ferritic steels.
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Academic article
Fu, Yuequn;
Xu, Ke;
Wu, Jianyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
The effects of morphology and temperature on the tensile characteristics of carbon nitride nanothreads.
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A multi-barrier model assisted CAFE method for predicting ductile-to-brittle transition with application to a low-carbon ultrahigh-strength steel
Mechanics of materials (Print)
Academic article
Pan, Junchao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wei, Ning;
He, Jianying;
Zhao, Junhua.
Nanoconfined Water Dynamics in Multilayer Graphene Nanopores.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Shterenlikht, Anton;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
CAFE based Multi-scale Modelling of Ductile-to-Brittle Transition of Steel with a Temperature Dependent Effective Surface Energy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Li, Tong;
Wang, Feng;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying.
Ultra-durable Icephobic Coating by Molecular pulley.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Laforte, Caroline;
Volat, Christophe;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of ice type on ice adhesion.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Laforte, Caroline;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Interlaboratory study of ice adhesion using different techniques.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Gong, Hao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
He, Jianying;
Ariza, Pilar;
Ortiz, Michael.
Topology and polarity of dislocation cores dictate the strength of monolayer MoS2.
Applied Materials Today
Academic article
Guo, Tao;
Pang, Xiaolu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
qiao, lijie.
Substrate slip steps promote cracking and buckling of thin brittle film.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Chen, Cunguang;
Wang, Wenwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Su, Yanjing;
Volinsky, Alex A..
Cohesive zone modelling of anodic dissolution stress corrosion cracking induced by corrosion product films.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Experimental measurement of temperature-dependent equivalent stress-strain curves of a 420 MPa structural steel with axisymmetric notched tensile specimens.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Understanding the role of hollow sub-surface structures in reducing ice adhesion strength.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Stress-strain curves of metallic materials and post-necking strain hardening characterization: A Review.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Enabling Sequential Rupture for Lowering Atomistic Ice Adhesion.
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Qiao, Lijie;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hydrogen informed Gurson model for hydrogen embrittlement simulation.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Liquid layer generator for excellent icephobicity at extremely low temperature.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Austegard, Anders;
Reigstad, Gunhild Allard;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Efficient Liquefaction of Carbon Dioxide on Superlyophobic Surfaces.
SSRN Electronic Journal
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Transportation of Janus Nanoparticles in Confined Nanochannels: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Durable low ice adhesion foams modulated by submicron pores.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of the Lüders plateau on ductile fracture with MBL model.
European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Normile, Peter S;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability and Super-Size Effects in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubes.
Advanced Functional Materials
Academic article
Wang, Feng;
Ding, Wenwu;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Phase transition enabled durable anti-icing surfaces and its DIY design.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Effects of local grain size and inclusions on the low-temperature toughness of low-carbon as-quenched martensite.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Li, Tong;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Epidermal Gland Inspired Self-Repairing Slippery Lubricant-Infused Porous Coatings with Durable Low Ice Adhesion .
Academic article
Sun, Li;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A new method to estimate the residual stresses in additive manufacturing characterized by point heat source.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Academic article
Díaz, Andrés;
Alegre, Jesus Manuel;
Cuesta, I. I.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical study of hydrogen influence on void growth at low triaxialities considering transient effects.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Correction: Focused ion beam milling of self-assembled magnetic superstructures: An approach to fabricate nanoporous materials with tunable porosity (Materials Horizons (2018) 5 (1211-1218) DOI: 10.1039/C8MH01112E).
Materials Horizons
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kaijalainen, Antti;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Estimation of impact toughness transition temperatures of as-quenched steels.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Reference toughness - A pragmatic tool to estimate ductile-brittle transition temperatures.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Hydrogen-microvoid interactions at continuum scale.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic dewetting mechanics of Wenzel and monostable Cassie–Baxter states.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical study on the effect of the Lüders plateau on the ductile crack growth resistance of SENT specimens.
International Journal of Fracture
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining material's equivalent stress-strain curve with any axisymmetric notched tensile specimens without Bridgman correction.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Torsæter, Ole;
He, Jianying.
Atomistic insights into the nanofluid transport through an ultra-confined capillary.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Mayer, A. E.;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of Hydrogen on the Collective Behavior of Dislocations in the Case of Nanoindentation.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ervik, Åsmund;
Snustad, Ingrid;
Xiao, Senbo;
Brunsvold, Amy;
He, Jianying.
Contact angle and condensation of a CO2 droplet on a solid surface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Focused ion beam milling of self-assembled magnetic superstructures: an approach to fabricate nanoporous materials with tunable porosity.
Materials Horizons
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Displacement of Nanofluids in Silica Nanopores: Influenced by Wettability of Nanoparticles and Oil Components.
Environmental Science: Nano
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari;
Kaijalainen, Antti;
Mehtonen, Saara;
Kömi, Jukka;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Porter, David.
Effect of microstructure on the impact toughness transition temperature of direct-quenched steels.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
shi, qiao;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Wu, Hong-Hui;
Wang, Chao;
Ning, Fulong.
Nature-inspired Entwined Coiled Carbon Mechanical Metamaterials: Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Academic article
Gong, Yi;
Wang, Mao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Microgel Evolution at Three-Phase Contact Region and Associated Wettability Alteration.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Mayer, A. E.;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Dislocation based plasticity in the case of nanoindentation.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Evenstad, Otto Magnus;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Resistance Analysis of Spherical Metal Thin Films Combining Van Der Pauw and Electromechanical Nanoindentation Methods.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Wang, Feng;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
One-Step Fabrication of Bioinspired Lubricant-Regenerable Icephobic Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS).
ACS Omega
Academic article
Li, Yang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constraint effect on the brittle-to-ductile transition of single-crystal iron induced by dislocation mobility.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Cao, Pinqiang;
Zhang, Zhisen;
Ning, Fulong;
Zheng, Songsheng;
He, Jianying.
Grain-size Controlled Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Monolayer MoS2.
Nano Letters
Academic article
Snustad, Ingrid;
Røe, Ingeborg Treu;
Brunsvold, Amy;
Ervik, Åsmund;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A review on wetting and water condensation - perspectives for CO2 condensation.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Academic literature review
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Sumigawa, Takashi;
Kitamura, Takayuki;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and Fracture of Micron‐Sized Metal‐Coated Polymer Spheres: An In Situ Study.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Kristensen, Tore Andre;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Study of low-temperature effect on the fracture locus of a 420-MPa structural steel with the edge tracing method.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Qi, Chao;
Mai, Tingyi;
Zhang, Jun;
zhan, kaiyun;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Competitive adsorption and diffusion of CH4/CO2 binary mixture within shale organic nanochannels.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
Academic article
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Håkonsen, Verner;
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Enhancing the mechanical durability of icephobic surfaces by introducing autonomous self-healing function.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
He, Jianying;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of amorphization-mediated plasticity on the hydrogen-void interaction in ideal lattices under hydrostatic tension.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhuo, Yizhi;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Design and Preparation of Sandwich-Like Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Sponges with Super-Low Ice Adhesion.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Gong, Yi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and stability of core-shell microgels at oil/water interface.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Redford, Keith;
njagi, john;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik.
Room-Temperature Curing and Grain Growth at High Humidity in Conductive Adhesives with Ultra-Low Silver Content.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Cohesive zone simulation of grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel.
Engineering Failure Analysis
Academic article
Shuai, Jian;
Tu, Shengwen;
Wang, Junqiang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Determining critical CTOA from energy-load curves with DWTT specimen.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Dahl, Bjørn Augdal;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of low temperature tensile properties on crack driving force for Arctic applications.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
sui, chao;
zhao, yushun;
Zhang, Zhisen;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Xiaodong.
Morphology-Controlled Tensile Mechanical Characteristics in Graphene Allotropes.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Wang, Xiao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Spontaneous Imbibition of Water into Ultraconfined Reservoir Capillary by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nyhus, Bård;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A special notched tensile specimen to determine the flow stress-strain curve of hardening materials without applying the Bridgman correction.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Kongsmo, Rakel;
Patil, Nilesh;
He, Jianying;
Breiby, Dag Werner;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On determining the Poisson's ratio of viscoelastic polymer microparticles using a flat punch test.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Xiao, Senbo;
Gao, Huajian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multiscale Crack Initiators Promoted Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Soft Matter
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Vågenes, Elisabeth Tanami;
Delabahan, Chrisrosemarie;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Room temperature characteristics of polymer-based low ice adhesion surfaces.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Pallaspuro, Sakari Tapani;
Yu, Haiyang;
Kisko, Anna;
Porter, David;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture toughness of hydrogen charged as-quenched ultra-high-strength steels at low temperatures.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Wang, Chao;
Zhang, Jun;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shen, Yue.
Displacement mechanism of oil in shale inorganic nanopores by supercritical carbon dioxide from molecular dynamics simulations.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Nagao, Shijo;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Helland, Susanne;
Njagi, John;
Suganuma, Katsuaki.
Investigation of thermal transport in polymer composites with percolating networks of silver thin films by the flash diffusivity method.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Jafariesfad, Narjes;
Geiker, Mette Rica;
Gong, Yi;
Skalle, Pål;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Cement sheath modification using nanomaterials for long-term zonal isolation of oil wells: Review.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Academic literature review
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Modeling nanoscale ice adhesion.
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M.;
Li, Hongxiang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Angle-Dependent Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Solution-Processed Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Grain-size Induced Strengthening and Weakening of Dislocation-free Polycrystalline Gas Hydrates.
Procedia IUTAM
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
qiao, lijie;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Size-dependent Phase Transformation and Fracture of ZnO Nanowires.
Procedia IUTAM
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Gong, Yi;
Alzina, Francesc;
Svoboda, Ondrej;
Ballesteros,, Belén;
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M..
Raman Antenna Effect from Exciton?Phonon Coupling in Organic Semiconducting Nanobelts.
Academic article
Andersson, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Passive snow repulsion: a state-of-the-art review illuminating research gaps and possibilities.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Duan, Hao;
Wu, Shengchuan;
Xu, Zhongwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kan, Qianhua;
Kang, Guozheng.
Damage mechanism of hybrid welded 7020 aluminium alloy based on three-dimensional X-ray micro-tomography and GTN model.
Zhongguo Jiguang
Academic article
Liu, Bing;
Tang, Xinpeng;
Fang, Wenjing;
Li, Xiaoqi;
Zhang, Jun;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Molecular dynamics study of di-CF4 based reverse micelles in supercritical CO2.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Controlling the Conduction Mechanisms in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver-Coated Polymer Spheres.
Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)
Academic article
Zhao, Kai;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Ductile mechanisms of metals containing pre-existing nanovoids.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Olden, Vigdis;
Alvaro, Antonio;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Viscous regularization for cohesive zone modelling under constant displacement: an application to hydrogen embrittlement simulation.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Xiong, Wei;
Liu, Jefferson Zhe;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zheng, Quan-Shui.
Erratum to: Control of surface wettability via strain engineering.
Acta Mechanica Sinica
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
CuO/Cu based superhydrophobic and self-cleaning surfaces.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Alvaro, Antonio;
Olden, Vigdis;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A uniform hydrogen degradation law for high strength steels.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Cerny, Miroslav;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Pokluda, Jaroslav.
Multiaxial stress–strain response and displacive transformations in NiTi alloy from first principles.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Continuum level simulation of the grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Souza, RF;
Ruggieri, Claudio;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A framework for fracture assessments of dissimilar girth welds in offshore pipelines under bending.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Yu, Haiyang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effects of loading path on the fracture loci in a 3D space.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Stokkeland, August Emil;
Kristiansen, Helge;
njagi, john;
Redford, Keith;
Goia, Dan.
Electrical four-point probing of spherical metallic thin films coated onto micron sized polymer particles.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Xiao, Senbo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
Academic article
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Electromechanical characterization of individual micron-sized metal coated polymer particles.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Nagao, Shijo;
Helland, Susanne;
njagi, john;
Suganuma, Katsuaki.
Contact Resistance and Metallurgical Connections Between Silver Coated Polymer Particles in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives.
Journal of Electronic Materials
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Stress and fracture analyses of solar silicon wafers during suction process and handling.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Wang, Mao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A SERS Study on the Assembly Behavior of Gold Nanoparticles at Oil/Water Interface.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nie, Gaosheng;
Xu, Jun;
He, Jianying;
Xu, Qingchi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Structural Instability and Mechanical Properties of MoS2 Toroidal Nanostructures.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Deformation and fracture of nano-sized metal-coated polymer particles: A molecular dynamics study.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Zhiwei;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Selective growth of metallic nanostructures on microstructured copper substrate in solution.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Ning, Fulong;
Trinh, Thuat;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Vlugt, Thijs J.H.;
He, Jianying.
Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Østby, Erling.
Preface to the special issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics on "Modelling of Ductile Fracture and Applications".
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Zhao, Junhua;
Lu, Lixin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Guo, Wanlin;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Continuum modeling of the cohesive energy for the interfaces between films, spheres, coats and substrates.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling.
Preface to the special issue of Engineering Failure Analysis on "Recent case studies in Engineering Failure Analysis".
Engineering Failure Analysis
Wang, Wenwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Ren, Xuechong;
Guan, Yongjun;
Su, Yanjing.
Corrosion product film-induced stress facilitates stress corrosion cracking.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Fløystad, Jostein Bø;
Skjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken;
Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel;
Høydalsvik, Kristin;
He, Jianying;
Andreasen, Jens Wenzel.
Quantitative 3D X-ray Imaging of Densification, Delamination and Fracture in a Micro-Composite under Compression.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic article
Sestak, Petr;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Pokluda, Jaroslav;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Extraordinary Deformation Capacity of Smallest Carbohelicene Springs.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Zerbst, U.;
Ainsworth, R. A.;
Beier, H. Th.;
Pisarski, H.;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nikbin, K..
Review on fracture and crack propagation in weldments - A fracture mechanics perspective.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Analysis of surface cracks in multi-crystalline thin silicon wafers.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Abdullah, A;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Ultrasound-assisted handling force reduction during the solar silicon wafers production.
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture Analysis and Distribution of Surface Cracks in Multi Crystalline Silicon Wafers.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Saffar, Saber;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The Effect of Microstructure, Thickness Variation, and Crack on the Natural Frequency of Solar Silicon Wafers.
Journal of solar energy engineering
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, Erling;
He, Jianying.
Procedia Materials Science 20th European Conference on Fracture.
Procedia Materials Science
Odegard, Gregory;
Jensen, B.D;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Predicting Mechanical Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF.
Chemical Physics Letters
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Wu, Jianyang;
Jiang, Jin-Wu;
Lu, lixin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Thermal conductivity of carbon nanocoils.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Odegard, Gregory;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of chain architecture on the compression behavior of nanoscale polyethylene particles.
Nanoscale Research Letters
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanohinge-Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes.
Academic article
Xiong, Wei;
Liu, Zhe;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Zheng, Quan-Shui.
Control of surface wettability via strain engineering.
Acta Mechanica Sinica
Academic article
Jin, Enze;
He, Jianying;
zhang, kaixuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Shi, Gaoquan;
Zheng, Quanshui.
Electron-irradiation-induced reinforcement of reduced graphene oxide papers.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Odegard, Gregory;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zheng, Quanshui;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Giant Stretchability and Reversibility of Tightly Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture and negative Poisson’s ratio of novel spanned-fullerenes nanotube networks under tension.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, I;
M'hamdi, Mohammed;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A novel constitutive model for semiconductors: The case of silicon.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Fonnum, Geir;
Modahl, Grete.
Crosslinking effect on the deformation and fracture of monodisperse polystyrene-co-divinylbenzene particles.
eXPRESS Polymer Letters
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhou, F;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
An analysis on necking effect and stress distribution in round cross-section specimens of pure copper with different diameters.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
A novel method to measure the residual stress in a corrosion film formed on metallic substrates.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Odegard, Gregory;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
He, Jianying.
Size-dependent mechanical behavior of nanoscale polymer particles through coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation.
Nanoscale Research Letters
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lu, Hao;
Eijk, Casper van der.
Fracture of notched round-bar NiTi-Specimens.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
yuan, wenjuan;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
su, yanjing;
qiao, lijie;
chu, wuyang.
Influence of specimen thickness with rectangular cross-section on the tensile properties of structural steels.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Nagao, Shijo;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Loading rate effects on the fracture of Ni/Au nano-coated acrylic particles.
eXPRESS Polymer Letters
Academic article
Zybell, Lutz;
Mühlich, U;
Kuna, M;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A three-dimensional finite element for gradient elasticity based on a mixed-type formulation.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Loading and unloading of a spherical contact: from elastic to elastic-perfectly plastic materials.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Influence of welding residual stresses on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipe.
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (FSCE)
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of spherical micro-voids in shape memory alloys subjected to uniaxial loading.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Study on the Anode-to-Cathode Distance in an Aluminum Reduction Cell.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Hals, Jorunn Knive;
Lu, H.
Effect of notches on the behavior of superelastic round-bar NiTi-specimens.
Smart materials and structures (Print)
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on cleavage fracture toughness by using cohesive zone model.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires.
Nano Letters
Academic article
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Fracture and physical properties of carbon anodes for the aluminum reduction cell.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Guo, Wanlin;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Rabczuk, Timon.
Size-dependent elastic properties of crystalline polymers via a molecular mechanics model.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Andersen, Dag Herman;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Contact area on rough surface of nonlinear isotropic brittle materials.
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Size dependent behaviour of micron-sized composite polymer particles.
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Size Effect of Glassy Polyethylene Particles.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
The effect of crosslinked and branched polyethylene molecules on the thermo-mechanical properties.
Academic article
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhao, Junhua;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Mechanical behavior of five-fold twinning FCC iron nanorod: a molecular dynamics study.
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, Ichiro;
Gouttebroze, Sylvain;
M'hamdi, Mohammed;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constitutive modeling of intrinsic and oxygen-contaminated silicon monocrystals in easy glide.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
wang, xiao hui;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of silica fume, steel fiber and ITZ on the strength and fracture behavior of mortar.
Materials and Structures
Academic article
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of thermal mismatch induced residual stresses on grain boundary microcracking of titanium diboride ceramics.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Void Coalescence With and Without Prestrain History.
International journal of damage mechanics
Academic article
Cochard, Julien;
Yonenaga, I;
Gouttebroze, S;
M'Hamdi, M;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Constitutive modeling of intrinsic silicon monocrystals in easy glide.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Xu, Jing;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Constraint effect on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhao, Junhua;
Nagao, Shijo;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermomechanical properties dependence on chain length in bulk polyethylene: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations.
Journal of Materials Research
Academic article
Xu, J;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Effects of Temperature and Crack Tip Constraint on Cleavage Fracture Toughness in the Weld Thermal Simulated X80 Pipeline Steel.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stresses on ductile crack growth resistance.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Wachenfeldt, Bjørn Jenssen.
Numerical study on the heat storing capacity of concrete walls with air cavities.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Evaluation of fracture mechanics parameters for free edges in multi-layered structures with weak singularities.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
Wang, Xiao Hui;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
Lein, Hilde Lea.
Application of nanoindentation testing to study of the interfacial transition zone in steel fiber reinforced mortar.
Cement and Concrete Research
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Comments on the evaluation of the stress intensity factor for a general re-entrant corner in anisotropic bi-materials.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Helland, Tore;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Fracture of micrometre-sized Ni/Au coated polymer particles.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Academic article
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, DB.
Effects of crack depth and specimen size on ductile crack growth of SENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipeline steels.
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Academic article
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stresses on the crack-tip constraint in a modified boundary layer model.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Compression properties of individual micron-sized acrylic particles.
Materials Letters
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Nanomechanical Characterization of Single Micron-Sized Polymer Particles.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Academic article
Jensen, Morten Sundheim;
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor.
Degradation of TiB2 ceramics in liquid aluminium.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
Academic article
Eikrem, Pål Are;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård.
Numerical study on the effect of prestrain history on ductile fracture resistance by using the complete Gurson model.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Pezzotta, Micol;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jensen, Morten Sundheim;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Cohesive zone modeling of grain boundary microcracking induced by thermal anisotropy in titanium diboride ceramics.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Midttun, M;
Fonnum, Geir;
Modahl, GI;
Kristiansen, H.
Size effect on mechanical properties of micron-sized PS-DVB polymer particles.
Academic article
Liu, J;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Residual stress induced crack tip constraint.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Olsen, Jim Stian;
van der Eijk, Casper;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical analysis of a new SMA-based seismic damper system and material characterization of two commercial NiTi-alloys.
Smart Structures and Systems
Academic article
Shang, Ling Yun;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Fracture of anodic-bonded silicon-thin film glass-silicon triple stacks.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Liu, J..
A method for determining elastic properties of micron-sized polymer particles by using flat punch test.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Eikrem, Pål Are;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of plastic prestrain on the crack tip constraint of pipeline steels.
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Academic article
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, H.
Mechanical properties of nanostructured polymer particles for anisotropic conductive adhesives.
International Journal of Materials Research - Zeitschrift für Metallkunde
Academic article
van der Eijk, Casper;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Investigation of the pseudoelastic behaviour in two commercial NiTi alloys: experiments and modelling.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences : Physics, Mathematics
Academic article
Liu, Jun-Yan;
Lu, Hao;
Chen, Jun-Mei;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Finite element simulation of martensitic transition based on thermo-mechanical model.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Østby, Erling;
Thaulow, Christian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical simulations of specimen size and mismatch effects in ductile crack growth – Part II: Near-tip stress fields.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Østby, Erling;
Thaulow, Christian;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical simulations of specimen size and mismatch effects in ductile crack growth – Part I: Tearing resistance and crack growth paths.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A method for determining elastic properties of micron-sized polymer particles by using flat punch test.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gundersen, Øyvind;
Aune, Ragnhild;
Ødegård, Jack;
Grong, Øystein.
A method for retrieving temperature and microstructure dependent apparent yield strength for aluminium alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, E;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
"Constraint correction of high strength steel: selection of test specimens and application of direct calculation". vol. 71, 2417-2133, 2004.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Thaulow, Christian;
Østby, E;
Nyhus, Bård;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Constraint correction of high strength steel selection of test specimens and application of direct calculations.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Academic article
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On numerical analysis of damage evolution in cyclic elastic-plastic crack growth problems.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Finite element modelling of cracked inelastic shells with large deflections: two- and three-dimensional approaches.
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)
Academic article
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge.
Ductile damage and contraint in components with embedded and surface semi-circular cracks.
Journal de Physique IV : Colloque
Academic article
Holzapfel, Gerhard;
Prot, Victorien Emile;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Solid (Bio)Mechanics: Challenges of the Next Decade.
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Zhang, Zhiliang.
12th International Conference on Fracture 2009 (ICF-12).
Curran Associates, Inc
Popular scientific book
Mathisen, Kjell Magne;
Kvamsdal, Trond;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Multisale Computational Science and Engineering.
Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Volden, Lars;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gundersen, Øyvind.
Thermomechanical analysis of residual stresses in Satoh test specimen using PATRAN/ABAQUS.
SINTEF Rapport (A98216)
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Chang, Yuanhao;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanofluids for enhanced oil recovery.
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Laforte, Caroline;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Comparison of Icephobic Materials through Interlaboratory Studies.
John Wiley & Sons
Andersson, Per-Olof;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Gao, Tao;
Ng, Serina;
Selj, Josefine Helene Krogh.
A Review of Possible Pathways for Avoiding Snow and Ice Formation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tu, Shengwen;
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nyhus, Bård;
Akselsen, Odd Magne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
A new correction method to measure material’s equivalent stress-strain curve with axisymmetric notched tensile specimen.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Xiao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Redford, Keith;
Helland, Susanne;
Kalland, Erik;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Controlling the Conduction Mechanisms in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver-Coated Polymer Spheres.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge;
Nguyen, Huyen Thanh.
Identifying the optimal deformation point in metal-coated polymer particles for conductive adhesives.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Nordhagen, Håkon Ottar;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Akselsen, Odd Magne.
Tensile properties of 420 MPa steel at low temperature.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Houyu;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of hole size on the fracture of graphene nanomesh.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Torsæter, Ole;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Oil-Water Flow in a Confined Nanochannel: a Molecular Dynamics Study.
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Deformation and fracture of crosslinked polystyrene particles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
On the size-dependent mechanical properties of five-fold twined fcc Fe nanowire.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nagao, Shijo;
Wu, Jianyang;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
All-atom molecular dynamics study on mechanical properties of polystyrene glass.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, Jianyang;
Nagao, Shijo;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic simulation of metal-polymer adhesion.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Nagao, Shijo;
Wu, Jianyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic modeling of phase transformation in ZnO nanorods.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, Dongbai.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lee, Siaw Foon;
He, Jianying;
wang, xiao hui;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jacobsen, Stefan.
Study of P-h Curves on Nanomechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Mortar.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyhus, Bård;
Østby, Erling;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Olsø, Erlend;
Røstadsand, Per Arne;
Eikrem, Pål Are.
Large Scale Tests of Strain Capacity of Pipe Sections With Circumferential Defects Subjected to Installation-Induced Plastic Strain History.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Helland, Tore;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Physical properties of metal coated polymer particles for Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tyldum, Hallvard;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Parametric Modelling of a Polymer Cored BGA Interconnect.
International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS) Nordic
Xu, Jie;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Østby, Erling;
Nyhus, Bård;
Sun, Donqbai.
Numerical analyses of ductile fracture behaviour in 2D plane strain and axisymmetrical models using the complete Gurson model.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on brittle fracture by cohesive zone modeling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on the brittle fracture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ren, Xiaobo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Nyhus, Bård.
Effect of residual stress on crack-tip constraint: a parametric study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Effects of finite element mesh on numerical prediction of ductile tearing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lin, Meichao;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Yu, Haiyang.
Hydrogen embrittlement in steels:
predictive models and integrity assessment
NTNU grafisksenter
Doctoral dissertation
Persvik, Øyvind Othar Aunet;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Modeling and experiments in transient potential drop measurements for non-destructive evaluation.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Liu, Siqi;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Nanomechanical characterization of additively manufactured metallic materials.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Snustad, Ingrid;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Brunsvold, Amy;
Ervik, Åsmund.
Mechanisms and enhancement of CO2 condensation heat transfer.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Strøm, Bjørn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermodynamics of Nanoscale Films and Fluid Volumes.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Fu, Yuequn;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic insights to interfacial dynamics.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Sandell, Susanne;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Thermal transport in metal-polymer systems.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Fundamental Mechanisms of Ice Adhesion.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (87)
Doctoral dissertation
Håkonsen, Verner;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Self-assembled superstructures of magnetic nanoparticles: advanced nanofabrication and enhanced mechanical properties.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (271)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Feng;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Dynamic anti-icing surfaces (DAIS).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (330)
Doctoral dissertation
Borrebak, Per-Olof Fredrik Andersson;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Snow Adhesion Mitigation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Doctoral dissertation
Li, Yang;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Numerical Study on Ductile-to-Brittle Transition of Steel and its Behavior under Residual Stresses.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Zhuo, Yizhi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Designing Polymeric Icephobic Materials.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (345)
Doctoral dissertation
Tu, Shengwen;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Ren, Xiaobo;
He, Jianying.
Determining the tensile properties of Arctic materials and modelling their effects on fracture.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (269)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Xiao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Atomistic Insight into Transportation of Nanofluid in Ultra-confined Channel .
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (334)
Doctoral dissertation
Bazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Electromechanical Characterization of Metal-Coated Polymer Spheres for Conductive Adhesives
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (295)
Doctoral dissertation
Yu, Haiyang;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Olsen, Jim Stian;
He, Jianying.
Modelling and Assessment of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Steels and Nickel Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:278)
Doctoral dissertation
Gong, Yi;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Core-shell structured microgels and their behavior at oil and water interface.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:182)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Mao;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
Optoelectrical properties of a novel organic semiconductor: 6,13-dichloropentacene.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:130)
Doctoral dissertation
Zhao, Kai;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Small-Scale Plasticity under Hydrogen Environment.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2017:356)
Doctoral dissertation
He, Zhiwei;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
Nanotechnology for Anti-icing Application: From Superhydrophobic Surfaces to Super-low Ice Adhesion Surfaces.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (348)
Doctoral dissertation
Pettersen, Sigurd Rolland;
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Conduction mechanisms in conductive adhesives with metal-coated polymer spheres.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (349)
Doctoral dissertation
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Kristiansen, Helge.
Nanomechanics of Polymer and Composite Particles.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (213)
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Xiao Hui;
He, Jianying;
Lee, Siaw Foon;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Jacobsen, Stefan.
Mechanical and nanoindentation study of steel fibre - matrix interface in OPC and silica fume mortars.
NTNU Dept of Structural Engineering
Olden, Vigdis;
Johnsen, Roy;
Jemblie, Lise;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi;
Zhang, Zhiliang.
International Hydrogen and Materials Integrity Workshop 2023.
Other product
He, Jianying;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Skallerud, Bjørn Helge;
Thaulow, Christian.
ECF20 Program Book.
Zhang, Zhiliang.
R&D Profile: Physical Properties of Nanostructured Metal Coated Polymer Particles.
Website (informational material)
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2024) Mechanism-based predictive model for hydrogen embrittlement considering effect of plasticity on decohesion. The 24th European Conference on Fracture , Zagreb 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) Fish-scale enabled sequential rupture for dynamic ice removal. The 24th European Conference on Fracture , Zagreb 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureLiu, Siqi; Gunstad, Martha Seim; Esmaeili, Naser; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) Assessing the adhesion properties in multilayer paint coatings by shaft-loaded blister test method. The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2024) From Atomistic Interactions to Passive Anti-icing Materials. UiT Noregs arktiske universitet 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS) , Narvik 2024-06-18 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2024) A mechanism-based predictive framework for hydrogen embrittlement . TGRI 2024 International conference on Petroleum Tubular Goods, Equipment and Materials (TEC2024) , Xian, Kina 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-22
Academic lectureJemblie, Lise; Alvaro, Antonio; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi; Hagen, Anette Brocks; Nyhus, Bård; Johnsen, Roy. (2024) Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - results from the HyLINE project. Centre for Environment-friendly Research (FME) HYDROGENi H2Science , Trondheim 2024-06-18 - 2024-06-19
Academic lectureJemblie, Lise; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi; Nyhus, Bård; Alvaro, Antonio; Johnsen, Roy; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2024) Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport. VTT International seminar: Hydrogen & Materials 2024 , Espoo, Finland 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-07
LectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2024) Towards a void-based predictive framework for predicting hydrogen embrittlement . Jiangnan University 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-22
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2024) A void-based predictive framework for hydrogen embrittlement: H-CGM+. ISOPE committee ISOPE 2024 , Rhdoos 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2024) A consistent void-based framework for HE (from H enhanced plasticity to decohesion). Oxford Oxford Workshop on Hydrogen embrittlement 2024 2024-06-23 - 2026-06-26
Academic lectureJemblie, Lise; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi; Johnsen, Roy; Nyhus, Bård; Alvaro, Antonio; Olden, Vigdis. (2024) Safe pipelines for Hydrogen Transport. Electric Power Research Institute - EPRI HydrogenEmbrittlement Workshop , University of Oxford 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-26
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2024) H-CGM+: A void-based predictive framework for hydrogen embrittlement. International Seminar on Materials and Hydrogen 2024 , Helsinki 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-06
Academic lectureGunstad, Martha Seim; Liu, Siqi; Esmaeili, Naser; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) A new method for measuring adhesion in paint coatings. The 20th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) Hydrogen-induced intergranular fracture in nickel . The 24th European Conference on Fracture , Zagreb 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2024) Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition at atomistic scale. ISOPE2024 , Rhodes 2024-06-16 - 2024-06-21
Academic lectureZhao, Kai; Ding, Yu; Yu, Haiyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2024) Intergranular fracture of bcc Fe: mathematical modelling and atomistic simulations. China Structural Integrity Consortium 2024 International Symposium on Structural Integrity , Dongguan 2024-11-05 - 2024-11-08
Academic lectureLiu, Siqi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2023) Nanomechanical behavior of an additively manufactured (CrCoNiFe)94Ti2Al4 high-entropy alloy. ESIS ESIAM23 - The third European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials , Porto 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-06
LectureMa, Rui; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2023) Interfacial gas-enrichment strategy: a novel passive approach to preventing gas hydrate blockages in oil and gas pipelines. National University of Singapore (NUS), InPrEP Pte Ltd and AIChE Singapore Local Section 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH10) , Singapore 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
Academic lectureDing, Yu; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2023) Atomic Insight into Hydrogen-Grain Boundary Interaction. NTNU Doctoral defense , Trondheim, Norway 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-20
Academic lectureOlden, Vigdis; Alvaro, Antonio; Nyhus, Bård; Hagen, Anette Brocks; Johnsen, Roy; Di, Wan. (2023) Hydrogen embrittlement in subsea pipelines - From natural gas to hydrogen gas transport. Engineering Conferences International International Hydrogen Conference 2023 , Park City, Utah, USA 2023-09-17 - 2023-09-21
Academic lectureAlvaro, Antonio; Myhre, Aleksander Omholt; Olden, Vigdis; Hagen, Anette Brocks; Wang, Dong; Nyhus, Bård. (2022) Mechanical performance of subsea pipeline steels for hydrogen transport application. OCAS International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen , Ghent 2022-10-11 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Towards a void-based predictive framework for hydrogen embrittlement. European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) The 23rd European Conference on Fracture (ECF23) , Madeira 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01
PosterLin, Meichao; Yu, Haiyang; Díaz, Andrés; Olden, Vigdis; Alvaro, Antonio; He, Jianying. (2022) A modelling framework unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion. 4th international conference on metals hydrogen 2022-10-11 - 2022-10-13
PosterDing, Yu; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Atomic insight into hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition. steel and hydrogen committee 4th International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen , Ghent, Belgium 2022-10-11 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureMa, Rui; Chang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Comparing atomistic hydrate and ice adhesion on solid surfaces. ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Probing the Intrinsic Ice Adhesion at the Nanoscale. Professor Trond Kvamsdal, NTNU, Norway 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , Oslo 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Revealing the Intrinsic Ice Adhesion at the Nanoscale. European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) European Conference on Fracture – ECF23 , Funchal, Madeira 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2022) DISPLACEMENT of TRAPPED OIL on ROUGH SURFACES by NANOPARTICLES . The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , OSLO 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Promoting macroscopic crack initiators to drastically lower ice and gas hydrate adhesion. University College London (UCL) University College London (UCL) workshop on icing , Online 2022-03-30 - 2022-03-30
Academic lectureLin, Meichao; Yu, Haiyang; Ding, Yu; Olden, Vigdis; Alvaro, Antonio; He, Jianying. (2022) A predictive model unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion. Eccomas congress 2022 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureOlden, Vigdis; Vinogradov, Alexei; Johnsen, Roy; Zhang, Zhiliang; Alvaro, Antonio; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi. (2022) Hydrogen embrittlement resistance of X65 pipeline steels - Results from the HyLINE project. HYDROGENIUS, I2CNER, HYDROMATE AND SINTEF HYDROGEN-MATERIALS INTERACTIONS - HYDROGENIUS, I2CNER, HYDROMATE AND SINTEF JOINT RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2022 , Fukuoka, Kyushu Universitet 2022-01-27 - 2022-01-28
LectureOlden, Vigdis; Vinogradov, Alexei; Johnsen, Roy; Zhang, Zhiliang; Alvaro, Antonio; Hagen, Catalina Hoem Musinoi. (2022) Hydrogen embrittlement resistance of X65 pipeline steel – recent results from the HyLINE project. Norsk Forening for vedlikehold Robust materialvalg i energisektoren , Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Skjetten 2022-04-04 - 2022-04-05
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Lin, Meichao; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Hydrogen-enhanced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in nickel. M-HEAT project committee International Symposium on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Nickel-based Superalloys (HEiNS) , Trondheim, Norway 2022-12-05 - 2022-12-06
Academic lectureLin, Meichao; Yu, Haiyang; Díaz, Andrés; Ding, Yu; Olden, Vigdis; Alvaro, Antonio. (2022) A modelling framework unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion . ECF23, European Conference on Fracture 2022 2022-06-24 - 2022-07-01
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Yu, Haiyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel. ECCOMAS Technical Committees Eccomas congress 2022 , Oslo 2022-06-05 - 2022-06-09
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Lin, Meichao; Yu, Haiyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2022) Hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition in bi-crystalline Nickel. European Structural Integrity Society European Conference on Fracture 23 , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01
Academic lectureMa, Rui; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying; Chang, Yuanhao; Wang, Feng; English, Niall. (2021) Why is the adhesin strength of hydrate only one-fifth of ice?. Nordic Association of Computational Mechanics 33th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Joenkoeping (online) 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Atomistic Insight into the Nanomechanical Characteristics of Trapped Oil Droplet/ Nanofluid System in Confined Nanochannels. 3rd European Symposium on Nanofluids 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10
Academic lectureDing, Yu; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Atomic insights into hydrogen-induced transgranular to intergranular fracture transition . Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics 33rd Nordic Seminar on computational Mechanics , Chalmers University 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26
Academic lectureChang, Yuanhao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Atomistic Insight into Oil Displacement on Rough Surface by Janus Nanoparticles. the Norwegian NanoSymposium 2021 2021-10-05 - 2021-10-06
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2021) Modelling of hydrogen embrittlement at different scales. University of Stuttgart Colloquium Material Modelling at IMWF , Online 2021-06-17 - 2021-06-17
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2021) Interfacial mechanics design: from anti-icing surfaces to anti-gas hydrate surfaces . Department of engineering mechanics, Wuhan university. An invited lecture at Wuhan University , Wuhan 2021-12-17 - 2021-12-17
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2021) Onion inspired anti-hydrate surfaces. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petrole The Fourth International Technical Symposium on Deepwater Oil and Gas Engineering & the Third International Youth Forum on Gas Hydrate , Qindao and online 2021-12-20 - 2021-12-21
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2021) Dynamic anti-icing surfaces: emerging strategies for ice and gas hydrate mitigation. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Visiting at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) , Wuhan 2021-07-29 - 2021-07-29
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2021) Anti-gas hydrate surfaces. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Visiting at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) , Wuhan 2021-07-28 - 2021-07-28
LectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2020) Roles of coherent twin boundaries (CTB) in hydrogen embrittlement. M-HEAT Annual meeting , Online 2020-11-25 - 2020-11-25
PosterPersvik, Øyvind O. Aunet; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Non-linear and hysteretic magnetization effects in transient potential drop measurements for NDE of steel. The 24th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE2019) 2019-09-11 - 2019-09-14
Academic lectureSun, Li; Zhang, Zhiliang; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying. (2019) A piecewise offset deposition strategy for reducing residual stress and distortion of wire and arc additive manufactured thin-walled structures. Oral presentation , Trondheim 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-11
Academic lectureZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Self-healing coatings with durable icephobicity. International Symposium on Materials for Anti-icing 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Popular scientific lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) The mystery of ice - and how to remove it. Realistforeningen, UiO Biørnegildet 2019 , Oslo 2019-02-04 - 2019-02-04
PosterXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Dive down to the atomistic root of ice adhesion. IWAIS - International Workshops on Atmospheric Icing of Structures 2019 , Reykjavik 2019-06-23 - 2019-06-27
PosterSnustad, Ingrid; Hollund, Lene; Brunsvold, Amy; Ervik, Åsmund; Austegard, Anders; He, Jianying. (2019) Nanostructured surfaces for efficient liquefaction of CO2. SINTEF Energy Research, NCCS Trondheim CCS Conference 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
PosterWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2019) Phase transition enabled durable anti-icing surfaces. Nordic Nanolab Network , DTU 2019-05-07 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureWang, Feng; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Phase transformable slippery liquid infused porous surfaces with durable anti-icing performance. 10th Annual Workshop of the Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems , Tromso 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying; Xiao, Senbo. (2019) Liquid Layer Generator for Dynamic Icephobicity at Extremely Low Temperature . International Symposium on Materials for Anti-icing 2019 , Trondheim 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Academic lectureZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Self-healing coatings (SHC) for durable icephobicity. 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
Academic lectureZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Self-healing coatings for durable icephobicity. Nordic Polymer Days 2019 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Self-healing coating for anti-icing. 42nd Annual Meeting, The Adhesion Society 2019-02-17 - 2019-02-20
Academic lectureSandell, Susanne; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2019) Engineering thermal boundary conductance of a metal/polymer interface . International Conference Nano-M&D2019 "Properties, Fabrication and Applications of Nano-Materials and Devices" 2019-06-04 - 2019-06-08
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Ice ice baby – Variations in ice type for low ice adhesion surfaces. NTNU Nanomechanical Lab International Symposium on Materials for Anti-Icing , Trondheim 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Standardizing the testing of low ice adhesion surfaces. International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS) , Reykjavik 2019-06-23 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Ice adhesion and wettability at nanoscale. NTNU Nano Norwegian Nanosymposium 2019 , Trondheim 2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Anti-Icing Research Activities at NTNU Nanomechanical Lab. NTNU International Symposium on Materials for Anti-icing , TRONDHEIM 2019-05-27 - 2019-05-28
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Hydrogen/informed Gurson Model. Symposium on Solid(Bio) Mechanics: Challenges for next decade , Trondheim 2019-09-20 - 2019-09-20
InterviewHåkonsen, Verner; Singh, Gurvinder; Zhang, Zhiliang; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2019) Super-strong magnetic supercrystals can assemble themselves. Norwegian SciTech News Norwegian SciTech News [Internet] 2019-10-23
LectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2019) Introduction of the M-HEAT project. M-HEAT Kick off meeting 2019-08-26 - 2019-08-27
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; Laforte, Caroline; Volat, Christophe; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) The Effect of Ice Type on Ice Adhesion. Paul Scherrer Institut 14th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice , Zürich 2018-01-08 - 2018-01-12
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Cocks, Alan; Tarleton, Edmund; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Continuum scale hydrogen-microvoid interactions and its implications. European Mechanics Society European Mechanics Society Colloquium on Micromechanics of Defects in Crystalline Solids and Metals , Seville 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureZhao, Kai; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Effect of hydrogen on the motion of dislocations during nanoindentation. The 22nd European Conference on Fracture 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces without lubricating oils. NTNU The 4th International Symposium on Frontier in Applied Mechanics , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Tarleton, Edmund; Cocks, Alan; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) A hydrogen embrittlement model based on hydrogen-microvoid interactions. The 22nd European Conference on Fracture 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01
Academic lectureSun, Li; Ren, Xiaobo; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) A computationally efficient fe approach for residual stress induced by additive manufacturing. The 22nd European Conference on Fracture 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01
Academic lecturePallaspuro, Sakari; Mehtonen, Saara; Kömi, Jukka; Zhang, Zhiliang; Porter, David. (2018) Reference toughness – a pragmatic tool to estimate ductile-brittle transition temperatures. The 22nd European Conference on Fracture 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Determining material’s equivalent stress-strain curve with axisymmetric notched tensile specimen. ESIS 22nd European Conference on Fracture , Belgrade 2018-08-25 - 2018-08-31
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Hydrogen-microvoid interaction: bridging the gap between hydrogen embrittlement and ductile failure. The 22nd European Conference on Fracture 2018-08-26 - 2018-09-01
Academic lectureZhao, Kai; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Effect of hydrogen on the motion of dislocations in the case of nanoindentation. International Journal of Plasticity International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2018 , San Juan 2018-01-03 - 2018-01-09
Academic lectureZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Durable icephobic Self-healing Surfaces. INTERNATIONAL NANOSCIENCE STUDENT CONFERENCE 2018-08-07 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Study on the effect of Lüders plateau on crack resistance curve with SENT specimens. ESIS TC8 Meeting Paris, France 14-15 January 2018 , Paris 2018-01-14 - 2018-01-15
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Looking into Nanoscale Ice Adhesion Interface Mechanics By Molecular Dynamics Simulations. NTNU The 4th International Symposium on Frontier in Applied Mechanics , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Role of Dislocation on the Mechanical Properties of Monolayer MoS2. NTNU The 4th International Symposium on Frontier in Applied Mechanics , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureWang, Feng; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Phase transition enable durable icephobic surfaces and its DIY design. INASCON 2018 , Trondheim 2018-08-07 - 2018-08-10
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Zhiwei; Zhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Icephobicity - Repelling Ice by Means of Nanotechnology. FFI FFI's Materials Technology Seminar - ReiseBort 2018 , Gardermoen 2018-02-06 - 2018-02-07
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Zhiwei; Rønneberg, Sigrid; Zhuo, Yizhi; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying. (2018) Fundamental icephobicity - Recent studies and findings. NATO STO NATO STO AVT PBM meeting , Athens 2018-12-10 - 2018-12-14
Academic lectureSnustad, Ingrid; Ervik, Åsmund; Austegard, Anders; Reigstad, Gunhild Allard; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Efficient Liquefaction of Carbon Dioxide on Superomniphobic Surfaces . IEAGHG GHGT-14 , Melbourne 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-25
Academic lecture
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Design and Fabrication of Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces . Technology Watch Seminar in Structural Mechanics 2018 2018-12-12 - 2018-12-12
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Cocks, Alan; Tarleton, Edmund; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Modelling of Hydrogen Enhanced Localized Plasticity: from Discrete Dislocation Scale to Continuum Scale . NTNU Nanomechanical Lab The 4th International Symposium on the Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2018) , Trondheim 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-11
Academic lecturePallaspuro, Sakari; Kaijalainen, Antti; Mehtonen, Saara; Kömi, Jukka; Zhang, Zhiliang; Porter, David. (2018) Estimation of impact toughness transition temperatures of as-quenched steels. Thermec’2018 conference 2018-07-08 - 2018-07-13
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; Gao, Huajian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) New Approach to Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces . 6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena 2018-02-25 - 2018-03-01
PosterZhuo, Yizhi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Enhancing the mechanical durability of icephobic surfaces by introducing autonomous self-healing function. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR Polymers Networks and Gels 2018 Conference , Prague 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2018) Correlation between room temperature characteristics and ice adhesion. The 45th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27
Academic lectureHe, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) Design and Characterization of Super-Low Ice Adhesion Surfaces . The 45th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2018) A new notched cross-weld tensile testing method for determining the equivalent stress-strain curves of weldment. ESIS (TC 1) Damage and Damage Tolerance of Welded Structures 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-13
PosterHåkonsen, Verner; Mosberg, Aleksander Buseth; Rogstad, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Peltier-based cooling stage prototype for in-situ studies in FIB. NanoLab Nano@NTNU Symposium 2017 , Trondheim 2017-12-06 - 2017-12-07
Academic lectureSun, Li; Zhang, Zhiliang; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying. (2017) Thermo-mechanical analysis of wire+arc additive manufacturing process. The 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-27
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; Nyhus, Bård; Akselsen, Odd Magne; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) A ‘magic’ notched tensile specimen that avoids the Bridaman’s correction. International Symposium on Notch Fracture 2017-03-29 - 2017-03-31
PosterSnustad, Ingrid; Brunsvold, Amy; Ervik, Åsmund; Austegard, Anders; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Nanostructured surfaces for efficient liquefaction of CO2. CLIMIT CLIMIT Summit 2017 , Soria Moria Konferansehotell, Oslo 2017-03-07 - 2017-03-08
LectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Nanoscale Ice Adhesion Mechanics. International Conference on Fracture (ICF14) 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; Singh, Gurvinder; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Fabrication of Icephobic Surfaces by means of Magnetic Nanoparticles. Nanomechanics Group Nanomechanics Group Seminar , NTNU Gløshaugen 2017-02-10 -
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; Mosberg, Aleksander Buseth; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) In-situ observation of ice nucleation in an SEM/FIB system. Nanomechanics Group Nanomechanics Group Seminar , NTNU Gløshaugen 2017-05-26 -
LectureZhao, Kai; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) DUCTILE MECHANISMS OF METALS CONTAINING PRE-EXISTING NANOVOIDS. ICF14 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
LectureZhao, Kai; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) DETECT THE INCIPIENT PLASTICITY DURING THE NANOINDENTATION OF BCC FE. ICF14 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
LectureZhao, Kai; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) THE DUALITY OF GRAIN BOUNDARY ON THE INCIPIENT PLASTICITY UNDER HYDROGEN ENVIRONMENT. ICF14 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
LectureAndersson, Per-Olof; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Passive Snow Repulsion: A State-of-the-art Review Illuminating Research Gaps and Possibilities. NTNU 11th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2017) , Trondheim 2017-06-11 - 2017-06-14
Academic lectureRønneberg, Sigrid; He, Zhiwei; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Fundamental Characteristics of Surfaces with Low Ice Adhesion. Fraunhofer IFAM International Workshop on Surface Icing and Assessment of De-Icing / Anti-Icing Technologies , Bremen 2017-01-24 - 2017-01-25
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; Singh, Gurvinder; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Nanoindentation of magnetic nanocomposites/superstructures. Nanomechanics Group Nanomechanics Group Seminar , NTNU Gløshaugen 2017-12-08 -
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Simulating Spin Relaxation in Magnetic Superstructures Using the Monte Carlo Method. Nanomechanics Group Nanomechanics Group Seminar , NTNU Gløshaugen 2017-09-22 -
Academic lectureSnustad, Ingrid; Brunsvold, Amy; Ervik, Åsmund; Austegard, Anders; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Superlyophobic surfaces for increased heat transfer during condensation of CO₂. WASET ICHTA 2017 : 19th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Applications , London 2017-12-18 - 2017-12-19
LecturePallaspuro, Sakari; Yu, Haiyang; Kisko, Anna; Porter, David; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kömi, Jukka. (2017) Low-temperature hydrogen embrittlement in martensitic steels. 14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF14) , Rhodes 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-24
Academic lectureWang, Xiao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2017) Effect of nanoparticles on fluid transport in ultraconfined capillary. The 1st European Symposium on Nanofluids 2017-10-08 - 2017-10-11
LectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; Alvaro, Antonio; Olden, Vigdis; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) A geometric constraint independent hydrogen degradation law for high strength steels based on cohesive zone modeling. European Structural Integrity Society 14th International Conference on Fracture , Rhodes 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) Effects of nonproportional loading on ductile fracture loci. European Structural Integrity Society 14th International Conference on Fracture , Rhodes 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureBazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck; Kristiansen, Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2017) Stress-coupled contact resistance of individual metal coated polymer spheres for conductive adhesive. IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference 2017 2017-10-02 - 2017-10-04
Academic lectureWang, Xiao; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2017) NANOPARTICLES INFLUENCED ON TWO-PHASE DISPLCEMENT INTO NANOCAPILLARY BY MOLECULAR DYANIMC SIMULATION. The 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-27
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; Nyhus, Bård; Akselsen, Odd Magne; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2017) A New Correction Method To Measure Equivalent Stress-Strain Curve With Notched Tensile Specimen. Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Copenhagen 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-27
Popular scientific lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanoparticles - From Magnonics to Anti-icing Applications. Timini/Nanomechanical Lab Visit from Tsinghua University - China , KT 2016-02-15 -
Academic lectureStrøm, Bjørn André; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2016) Thermodynamics of thin films in enhanced oil recovery. NTNU Nanomechanical lab 10th anniversary seminar , Lofoten 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-24
LecturePallaspuro, Sakari Tapani; Yu, Haiyang; Kisko, Anna; Porter, David; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Hydrogen embrittlement at low temperatures in Ultra-high-strength steels. European Conference on Fracture 21 (ECF21) 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
LectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing nanoscale de-icing mechanics by molecular dynamics simulations. Giacomo Risitano European Conference on Fracture , Catania 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
Academic lectureYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Continuum level simulation of the grain size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement in nickel. European Structural Integrity Society 21st European Conference on Fracture , Catania 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
Academic lectureGong, Yi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Compression of P(NIPAM-co-AAc)@PTFMA Microgels at Water/Decane Interface. Nanomechanical lab 10th anniversary seminar 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-24
Academic lecturePettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Kristiansen, Helge; Redford, Keith; njagi, john; Helland, Susanne; Kalland, Erik. (2016) Novel conductive adhesives for solar cell interconnects. 4th Conference of SANKEN Core to Core Program , Osaka 2016-12-14 - 2016-12-15
Academic lecturePettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Redford, Keith; njagi, john; Kristiansen, Helge; Helland, Susanne; Kalland, Erik. (2016) Grain growth and conduction mechanisms in conductive composites. Nano Network 6th Annual Workshop , Trondheim 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-15
PosterZhao, Kai; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; He, Jianying; Hartmaier, Alexander; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Dual Role of Grain Boundary on Affecting Plasticity Initiation. 2016 International Hydrogen Conference 2016-09-11 - 2016-09-14
PosterZhao, Kai; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Wu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Ductile mechanisms of metals containing pre-existing nanovoids. Dislocations-2016 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Models for predicting hydrogen-induced degradation of high strength steels. Italian Group of Fracture 21st European Conference on Fracture , Catania, Italy 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
LectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Molecular origins of the mechanical instability of gas hydrates as a material. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 2016 IUTAM Symposium on Nanoscale Physical Mechanics , Nanjing 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-27
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Multiscale Modeling Study on Materials Nanomechanics. Norwegian University of Science and Technology Sino-German Workshop on Biomolecular Simulations Across Scales , Shanghai 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-30
PosterYu, Haiyang; Olsen, Jim Stian; Alvaro, Antonio; Olden, Vigdis; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) A cohesive zone model based uniform hydrogen degradation law for high strength steels. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign International Hydrogen Conference , Moran, Wyoming 2016-09-11 - 2016-09-14
PosterPettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Kristiansen, Helge; Redford, Keith; Helland, Susanne; Kalland, Erik; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Controlling the Conduction Mechanisms in Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver-Coated Polymer Spheres. IEEE IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) 2016 , Las Vegas 2016-05-31 - 2016-06-03
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Structures-mechanical property relations of gas hydrates as a material. Brno University of Technology Eighth International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture , Brno 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-29
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Zhiwei; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Anti-icing research at NTNU. NATO STO NATO STO AVT meeting , Ávila 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-30
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Nanoscale Deicing by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Senbo Xiao, Fei Xia, Igor Ying Zhang, Carsten Baldauf Sino-German Workshop on Biomolecular Simulations across Scales , Shanghai 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-30
Academic lectureBazilchuk, Molly Strimbeck; Kristiansen, Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2016) Identifying the optimal deformation point in metal-coated polymer particles for conductive adhesives. Kyoto University IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2016 , Kyoto 2016-11-07 - 2016-11-09
Academic lectureZhao, Kai; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) The effect of grain boundary on the dislocation emission under hydrogen degradation. 21st European Conference on Fracture, ECF21 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
LectureWang, Xiao; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2016) Spontaneous imbibition of hydrophobic and hydrophilic nanofluids into water-wet capillary . Nano@NTNU 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing Nanoscale Ice Detaching Mechanics using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. professor Wanlin Guo 2016 IUTAM Symposium on Nanoscale Physical Mechanics , Nanjing 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-26
Academic lectureGong, Yi; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2016) Mechanism and Dynamics of Microgel Suspension Initiated Wettability Alteration on Substrates. Nano@NTNU Symposium 2016 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Probing Nanoscale Ice Detaching Mechanics using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Prof. Pavel Šandera Eighth International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture , Brno 2016-06-27 - 2016-06-29
Academic lectureGong, Yi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Core-shell microgels at interface towards EOR application . WINPA project meeting 2016-09-21 -
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; Singh, Gurvinder; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Fabricating Icephobic Surfaces by Means of Magnetic Nanoparticles. Nanomechanics group Nanomechanics Group Seminar in Lofoten , Nusfjord, Lofoten 2016-08-23 -
Academic lectureHåkonsen, Verner; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Spin Relaxation in Magnetic Superstructures. Nanomechanics Group Nanomechanics Group Seminar , NTNU Gløshaugen 2016-02-05 -
Academic lectureOlden, Vigdis; Johnsen, Roy; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC) . SINTEF og NTNU SINTEF and NTNU's Environmental Assisted Cracking workshop - SNEAC , Trondheim 2016-06-08 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureTu, Shengwen; Ren, Xiaobo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) CTOA Measurement From EL Curves With DWTT Specimen. 21st European Conference on Fracture , Catania, Sicily, Italy 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
Academic lectureRen, Xiaobo; Akselsen, Odd Magne; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2016) Material challenges for cold climate applications – safety criteria for steels. The 21st European Conference on Fracture 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
PosterPettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Stokkeland, August Emil; Kristiansen, Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2015) In situ four-point electrical measurements on spherical silver thin films. NanoNetwork NanoNetwork Annual Workshop 2015 , Oslo 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-16
PosterGong, Yi; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2015) Synthesis of novel colloidosomes with controlled permeability from core-shell nanoparticles. 4th nanotoday conference 2015-12-06 - 2015-12-10
Academic lectureXiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2015) Probing water/ice adhesion mechanics using molecular dynamics simulations. NTNU NanoLab Nano@NTNU Symposium 2015 , Skistua, Trondheim 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-11
LectureZhao, Kai; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2015) Growth and coalescence of nanovoids in bcc Fe. EUROMAT 2015 2015-09-20 - 2015-09-24
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2014) Application and characterization of metal coated polymer particles for conductive adhesive. 2nd Conference of SANKEN Core to Core Program & 3rd imec Handai International Symposium 2014-12-10 - 2014-12-12
Academic lectureSkjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel; Andreasen, Jens Wenzel; He, Jianying. (2014) 3D X-ray Imaging of Fracture Formation in Composite Microbeads. 20th European Conference on Fracture (ECF20) , Trondheim 2014-06-30 - 2014-07-04
Academic lectureSkjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel; Andreasen, Jens Wenzel; He, Jianying. (2014) 3D X-ray Imaging of Fracture Formation in Composite Particles. Nordic Polymer Days (NPD) 2014 , Gothenburg 2014-06-10 - 2014-06-12
Academic lectureSkjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel; Diaz, Ana; Andreasen, Jens Wenzel. (2014) 3D X-ray imaging of microcomposite deformation and fracture. NanoNetwork 5th annual workshop , Tønsberg 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2014) Engineering nanoparticles helping oil-water flow in a confined channel. International Energy Agency The 35th Workshop & Symposium IEA Collaborative Project on EOR , Beijing 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-17
LecturePettersen, Sigurd Rolland; Stokkeland, August Emil; Zhang, Zhiliang; He, Jianying. (2014) Multiangle approach for electromechanical characterization of silver coated polymer particles. NTNU NanoLab NTNU NanoLab 10 Year Anniversary , Britannia Hotel, Trondheim 2014-11-10 - 2014-11-11
PosterPettersen, Sigurd Rolland; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Helland, Tore; Kristiansen, Helge. (2014) Simultaneous Investigation of Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Individual, Silver Coated Polymer Particles. The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology Norwegian Solar Cell Conference 2014 , Quality Spa & Resort, Son 2014-05-12 - 2014-05-13
PosterPettersen, Sigurd Rolland; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge; Helland, Tore. (2014) Simultaneous Investigation of Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Individual, Silver Coated Polymer Particles. Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems NanoNetwork 5th annual workshop , Quality Tønsberg Hotel 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureOdegard, Gregory; Jensen, B. D.; GOWTHAM, S.; Wu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2014) Predicting Mechanical Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF. American Society for Composites 29th Technical Conference 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-10
PosterSkjønsfjell, Eirik Torbjørn Bakken; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Høydalsvik, Kristin; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel; Andreasen, Jens W.; Kristiansen, Helge. (2014) 3D X-ray Imaging of Fracture Formation in Composite Particles. Marie Curie Initial Training Network SOMATAI SOMATAI Summer School , Berlin 2014-08-14 - 2014-08-25
LectureRen, Xiaobo; Zhang, Zhiliang; Akselsen, Odd Magne; Nyhus, Bård. (2014) Investigation of the effect of residual stress on crack driving force. The 5th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2014) 2014-07-28 - 2014-07-30
Academic lectureTorsæter, Ole; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2013) Nanotechnology - future impact on EOR technology?. Statoil The Statoil Research Summit. An international series of research seminars. , Trondheim 2013-11-11 - 2013-11-13
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Wu, Jianyang; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2013) Molecular dynamic simulation of mechanical properties of polymer particles. The 26th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics 2013-10-23 - 2013-10-25
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2013) Tunable Negative Poisson’s Ratio of 3D Spanned-Fullerene Nanotube Nanotruss. The 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF), 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-25
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2013) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Necking and Fracture of fcc Fe Nanowires. International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XII), 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-05
Academic lectureEsmaeili, Morteza; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Diaz, Ana; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel. (2012) Lensless X-Ray Imaging in Materials Science. NTNU NanoLab 7th Annual NTNU NanoLab Meeting 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-12
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2012) Deformation and Fracture of Crosslinked Polystyrene Particles. The 19th European Conference on Fracture 2012-08-26 - 2012-08-31
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Torsæter, Ole; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2012) Effect of Nanoparticles on Oil-Water Flow in a Confined Nanochannel: a Molecular Dynamics Study. SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference 2012-06-12 - 2012-06-14
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2012) Reinforced graphene paper by electron irradiation. The 7th NanoLab meeting 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-12
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2012) On the size-dependent mechanical properties of five-fold twined fcc Fe nanowires. The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CS The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Beijing 2012-08-19 - 2012-08-24
Academic lectureWu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2011) Atomistic simulation of metal-polymer adhesion. J. Freund and R. Kouhia (Eds.) 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Aalto University, Helsinki 2011-11-03 - 2011-11-04
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Nagao, Shijo; Wu, Jianyang; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2011) Atomistic modeling of Phase transformation in ZnO nanorods. J. Freund and R. Kouhia (Eds.) 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Aalto University, Helsinki 2011-11-03 - 2011-11-04
Academic lectureNagao, Shijo; Wu, Jianyang; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2011) All-atom molecular dynamics study on mechanical properties of polystyrene glass. J. Freund and R. Kouhia (Eds.) 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Aalto University, Helsinki 2011-11-03 - 2011-11-04
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2011) Size effect in MEMS/NEMS materials. Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems 2011-06-15 - 2011-06-17
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge; Redford, Keith. (2011) Fracture of Micron-sized PS-DVB particles. 1st Interquadrennial ICF Conference in Middle East and Africa 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-17
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2011) Onset of Plasticity of Nano-structured Fe Wire Under Tension. BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T 2011-10-23 - 2011-10-26
Popular scientific lectureWu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; Zhao, Junhua; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2010) Mechanical behavior of 5-fold twnning FCC iron nanorod. 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (NSCM-23) 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22
Popular scientific lectureWu, Jianyang; Nagao, Shijo; Zhao, Junhua; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2010) Mechanical properties of 5-fold iron nanorod: A molecular dynamic simulation. 5th NanoLab Usermeeting 2010-09-10 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2010) Cracking & delanmination of nanoscale metal coating on composite polymer particles. ESIS 18th European Conference on Fracture , Dresden 2010-08-30 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2010) Mechanical characterization of metallized polymer particles. NTNU International Seminar on Metallization of Polymer Surfaces , Trondheim 2010-09-09 - 2010-09-10
Popular scientific lectureCochard, Julien; Zhang, Zhiliang; M'Hamdi, Mohammed. (2010) Introduction to silicon mechanics. SINTEF/Zwick Nordic Workshop on mechanical properties, behaviour and testing on silicon wafer and cells , Rosenholm 2010-11-25 - 2010-11-25
Popular scientific lectureZhao, Junhua; Nagao, Shijo; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2010) THE EFFECT OF CROSSLINKED AND BRANCHED POLYETHYLENE MOLECULES ON THE THERMO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , KTH, Stockholm, 2010 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22
Academic lectureCochard, Julien; Zhang, Zhiliang; M'hamdi, Mohammed. (2010) Mapping of Stress, Strain, Dislocation Density and Fracture Probability in Silicon Multicrystals. 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , KTH, Stockholm 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhao, Junhua; Nagao, Shijo; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2010) Size dependent behaviour of composite polymer particles. 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics , Stockholm 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22
Academic lectureNagao, Shijo; Zhao, Junhua; He, Jianying; Tyldum, Hallvard; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Coarse-grained molecular dynamics study on metal coated polymer particles. International Bunsen Meeting Discussion: Polymer Interfaces: Science and Technology , Tech. Univ. Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-01
Academic lectureNagao, Shijo; Nowak, Roman; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation-induced incipient plasticity in binary semiconductors: GaAs and GaN. 4th NTNU NanoLab User Meeting 2009-05-13 -
Academic lectureTyldum, Hallvard; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2009) Parametric Modelling of a Polymer Cored BGA Interconnect. IMAPS Nordic The IMAPS Nordic Annual Conference , Tønsberg 2009-09-13 - 2009-09-15
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Kristiansen, Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Physical Properties & Failure Mechanisms of Nanostructured Polymer. The Research Council of Norway NANOMAT 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-18
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Failure of Nanostructured Composite Particles. NTNU NanoLab 4th NTNU NanoLab User Meeting , Trondheim 2009-05-13 -
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2009) Nanomechanics of Polymer Particles. The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists NITO polymer seminar , Drammen 2009-04-22 - 2009-04-23
Academic lectureXu, Jie; Zhang, Zhiliang; Østby, Erling; Nyhus, Bård; Dongbai, Sun. (2009) NUMERICAL ANALYSES OF DUCTILE FRACTURE BEHAVIOR IN 2D PLANE STRAIN AND AXISYMMETRIC MODELS USING THE COMPLETE GURSON MODEL. ASME 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference , Prague, Czech Republic 2009-07-26 - 2009-07-30
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Effect of plastic hardening on ductile fracture resistance. ICF 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009-07-12 - 2009-07-19
Academic lectureZhao, Junhua; Nagao, Shijo; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations on size effect of glassy polyethylene particles. Council of National Center for Nanoscience and Technology International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, China 2009 , Beijing 2009-09-01 - 2009-09-03
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Effect of constraint on ductile fracture. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMMCE2009) , Lake Burena Vista, Florida 2009-11-13 - 2009-11-19
PosterTyldum, Hallvard; Kristiansen, Helge; Whalley, David; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Polymer Cored Solder Ball Interconnect; Parametric Modelling and Experimental Results. Norges Forskningsråd NANOMAT Conference 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-19
PosterZhao, Junhua; Nagao, Shijo; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations on the size effect of amorphous polyethylene particles. The research council of Norway NANOMAT Conference 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-19
PosterCochard, Julien; Yonenaga, Ichiro; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; M'hamdi, Mohammed; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Constitutive Modelling of silicon using crystal plasticity. SINTEF 3rd International Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells , Trondheim 2009-06-03 - 2009-06-05
PosterCochard, Julien; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Dumoulin, Stephane C.; M'hamdi, Mohammed; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) MECHANICAL MODELING OF IMPURE SILICON MATERIALS. 24th EUPVSEC , Hamburg 2009-09-21 - 2009-09-25
PosterNagao, Shijo; Chrobak, Dariusz; Nowak, Roman; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation-induced incipient plasticity in binary semiconductors: GaAs and GaN (Poster). NANOMAT 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-07-15 -
Popular scientific lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2009) Size effect on the mechanical properties of polymer particles. Beijing University of Science & Technology International Workshop on Size Effect on Materials Mechanical Behavior , Beijing 2009-05-24 - 2009-05-26
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2008) Recent Developments in the Study of Crack Tip Constraints. The Eighth International Conference on Fundamentals of Fracture , Hongkong 2008-01-03 - 2008-01-07
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2008) Nanomechanics of Polymer Particles. NOVEL APPLICATIONS AND MULTISCALE MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF POLYMER MATERIALS 2008-10-13 - 2008-10-14
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2008) Size effect on mechanical properties of PS-DVB particles. 3rd NTNU NanoLab User Meeting 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-06
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2008) Nanomechanics of micron sized polymer particles. 21st Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics 2008-10-16 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2008) Nanoindentation-based Flat Punch Characterization of Single Monodisperse Acrylic Particles. The Sixteenth Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING 2008-07-21 - 2008-07-26
Academic lectureOlsen, Jim Stian; Zhang, Zhiliang; van der Eijk, Casper. (2008) Effect of micro-voids on plasticity in NiTi-alloys. CIMTEC 2008, 3rd International Conference Smart Materials, Structures and Systems , Acireale 2008-06-08 - 2008-06-13
Academic lectureOlsen, Jim Stian; Zhang, Zhiliang; van der Eijk, Casper. (2008) Effect of micro-voids on phase transformation in NiTi-Alloys. The 2nd International Conference of heterogenous Materials Mechanics, ICHMM-2008 , Huangshan 2008-06-03 - 2008-06-08
Academic lectureOlsen, Jim Stian; Zhang, Zhiliang; Casper, van der Eijk. (2008) Effect of Heterogeneity in Shape Memory Alloys. NSCM21 2008-08-16 - 2008-08-17
PosterCochard, Julien; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Dumoulin, Stephane; M'hamdi, Mohammed; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2008) A multicrystal model for the viscoplastic deformation of silicon at high temperature. 23rd EUPVSEC , Valencia 2008-09-01 - 2008-09-05
PosterHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2008) Nanomechanics of Polymer Particles. 1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM FOCUSING ON CROSS-DISCIPLINARY ASPECTS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
PosterHe, Jianying; Midttun, Mari; Helland, Tore; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2008) Nanomechanics of Polymer Particles. Nanotech Northern Europe 2008 2008-09-23 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Nanomechanical Characterization of Polymer Particles and Ferroelastic Ceramics. Seminar on High-Accuracy Nanoindentation Research in Nordic Countries , Helsinki 2007-05-10 - 2007-05-11
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Constitutive moidelling of Micron-Sized Polymer Particles. International Workshop – Material models from nano to macro – Key application, Actual Challenges and Future Perspectives , Hamburg 2007-06-11 - 2007-06-12
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2007) A Flat-Punch Method for Nanomechanical Characterization of Polymer Particles. 8th European Symposium on Nanomechanical Testing , Hückelhoven 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-05
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Nanomechanics of Micron-Sized Polymer Particles. The 6th China International NanoScience and Technology Symposium , Chengdu 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureShang, Ling Yun; Zhang, Zhiliang; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge. (2007) Fracture Initiation for Anodic-bonded Triple Stacks. Nordic Seminar of Computational Mechanics, NSCM20 , Gothenburg 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-23
Academic lecturePezzotta, Micol; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Intergranular fracture in ceramics. Nordic Seminar of Computational Mechanics, NSCM20 , Gothenburg 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-23
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Characterization of Micron-size Polymer Particles by Nanoindentation. Nanomechanical Testing Workshop , Munich 2007-10-18 - 2007-10-19
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang; Kristiansen, Helge. (2007) Nanomechanical Characterization of Ugelstad Polymer Particles. NANOMAT 2007 , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-06
Academic lectureHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Nanomechanics of polymer particles. 2nd NTNU Nanolab User Meeting 2007-03-07 - 2007-03-07
Academic lectureMathisen, Kjell Magne; Kvamsdal, Trond; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2007) Multiscale Computational Science and Engineering. NTNU - Department of Structural Engineering Strategic International Research Seminar in Engineering Science and Technology 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
InterviewZhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Vil bli størst på det aller minste. Trondhei ANB Trondhei ANB [Internet] 2006-08-29
InterviewZhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Åpningen av NTNU nanomekanisk Laboratorium. NRK Sør-trøndlag NRK Sør-trøndlag [TV] 2006-08-29
Academic lectureEijk, Casper van der; Olsen, Jim Stian; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Fitness for purpose evaluation of two NiTi alloys for seismic daming. 4th world conference on structural control and monitoring , San Diego, California 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-13
Academic lecturePezzotta, Micol; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Cohesive zone modeling of grain boundary microcracking in ceramics. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , Chania, Crete 2006-10-27 - 2006-11-01
Academic lectureZhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Prestrain history effect of ductile fracture of pipeline steels. Tubular Goods Research Centre of CNPC Proceedings of International Seminar on Application of High Strength Line Pipe and Integrity Assessment of Pipeline 2006 , Xian 2006-06-15 - 2006-06-16
Academic lectureEijk, Casper van der; Olsen, Jim Stian; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Investigation of the pseuso-elastic behaviour in two commercial NiTi alloys: experiments and modelling. EUROMECH Colloquium 478 Non-equilibrium Dynamical Phenomena in Inhomogeneous Solids , Tallinn 2006-06-13 - 2006-06-16
PosterHe, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. (2006) Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Polymer Particles. 7th European Symposium on nano-mechanical Testing 2006-09-05 - 2006-09-07
Academic lectureSkallerud, Bjørn Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang; Thaulow, Christian. (2000) Modelling of elastic-plastic surface cracked plates and shells including material mismatch. Plasticity 2000 , Whistler, Canada, 16-20 July 2000
Academic lectureVolden, Lars; Gundersen, Øyvind; Zhang, Zhiliang; Rørvik, Gisle; Akselsen, Odd Magne. (1998) Experimental and model based evaluation of residual stresses in the Satoh test. International Conference on Materials in Oceanic Environment (EUROMAT '98) , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSkallerud, Bjørn Helge; Zhang, Zhiliang. (1996) Numerical analysis of damage evolution in cyclic elastic-plastic crack growth problems. 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Loads and Response of Structures and So il Dynamics , [Mangler data]