Widar Weizhi Wang
Widar Weizhi Wang is a researcher at the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on numerical modelling and model development for marine hydrodynamics in ocean engineering, coastal engineering and environmental engineering. He obtained his PhD degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology with the thesis titled 'Large-scale phase-resolved wave modelling for the Norwegian coast'.
During his PhD, he explored different wave models for the E39 coastal highway ferry-free fjord-crossing project and participated in the development of two numerical wave models: the quadratic non-hydrostatic shallow water model REEF3D::SFLOW and the fully non-linear potential flow model REEF3D::FNPF in the open-source hydrodynamic framework REEF3D.
Before his PhD, he received master’s and bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and Harbin Engineering University in China.
His research area includes:
- Numerical modelling for marine and coasal hydrodynamics
- Numerical model development for marine and coastal hydrodynamics
- Coastal engineering
- Ocean engineering
- Environmental engineering
- Ocean renewable energy
- Adaptation of climate change
Rain, Männikus;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Maris, Eelsalu;
Fatemeh, Najafzadeh;
Bihs, Hans;
Tarmo, Soomere.
Modelling Suitable Layout for a Small Island Harbour: A Case Study of Ruhnu in the Gulf of Riga, Eastern Baltic Sea.
Latvijas Fizikas un Tehnisko Zinātņu Žurnāls
Academic article
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
An Upgraded Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method With Integrated Mooring Algorithm for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bihs, Hans;
Ehlers, Ronja;
Wang, Widar Weizhi.
A Shock-Absorbing Non-Hydrostatic Navier-Stokes Solver on σ-GRIDS for Wave Modeling Over Irregular Topography.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Christakos, Konstantinos;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
An Improved Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method With Integrated Mooring Algorithm for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Cui, Ting;
He, Guanghua;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Response of Semi-Submersible Platform of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Under Extreme Waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gomes, Tiago;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Vaz, Guilherme.
Simulating Waves at the Beaches of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reidulff, Knut;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Wave environment analysis at Norwegian harbours for land-based aquaculture facilities using a combined phase-averaging and phase-resolving numerical modelling approach.
Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures (JCHS)
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Fully nonlinear phase-resolved wave modelling in the Norwegian fjords for floating bridges along the E39 coastal highway.
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Academic article
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Identification and Investigation of Extreme Events Using an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach With a Laplace Equation Solver and Coupling to a Navier-Stokes Solver.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Representation of 3-h Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
High-efficiency wind-farm-scale wave force estimation for preliminary design of offshore
wind installations.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
A direct forcing immersed boundary method for simulating floating objects.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cui, Ting;
He, Guanghua;
Jiang, Meirong;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng.
Large eddy simulation of focused breaking waves with different wave steepness.
Ocean Modelling
Academic article
Jin, Yueyuan;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Numerical Investigation on Wave-Overtopping at a Double-Dike Defence Structure in Response to Climate Change-Induced Sea Level Rise.
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Efficient Calculation of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures Including Slamming Forces.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Coupling of Viscous and Nonviscous Numerical Wave Solutions Within the Open-Source Hydrodynamics Framework REEF3D.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Fouques, Sebastien;
Bihs, Hans.
A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model for Wave Propagation over the Complex Topography of the Norwegian Coast.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
Application of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Strips with Fully Nonlinear Wave Kinematics for Force Estimation.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Ting, Cui;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Large-eddy simulations of gravity currents in the presence of waves.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
A fully nonlinear potential flow wave modelling procedure for simulations of offshore sea states with various wave breaking scenarios.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Cui, Ting;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Focused Plunging Breaking Waves Impact on Pile Group in Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Coupling of Viscous and Non-Viscous Numerical Wave Solutions Within the Open-Source Hydrodynamics Framework REEF3D .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cui, Ting;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Focused Plunging Breaking Waves Impact on Cylinder Group in Deep Water.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouques, Sebastien;
Croonenborghs, Eloïse;
Koop, Arjen;
Lim, Ho-Joon;
kim, jang;
Zhao, Binbin.
Qualification Criteria for the Verification of Numerical Waves–Part 1: Potential-Based Numerical Wave Tank (PNWT).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Efficient Calculation of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reidulff, Knut;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Wave environment assessment at a Norwegian harbor for land-based aquaculture facilities using a combined numerical approach
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU
Masters thesis
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Reduction of the wave propagation error of a sigma grid based numerical tank using a vertical spacing based on the constant truncation error.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun.
REEF3D::FNPF – A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Solver.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi.
Large-Scale Phase-Resolved Wave Modelling for the Norwegian Coast.
Doctoral dissertation
Jin, Yueyuan;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Numerical Modelling of Wave Overtopping Response to Sea Level Rise with REEF3D::SFLOW.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
davik, Ingebrigt;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Large-Scale Numerical Modeling of Swell Waves in Bjørnafjorden Using the Phase-Resolving Wave Model REEF3D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
An Improved Depth-Averaged Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Model with Quadratic Pressure Approximation.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
A comparison of different wave modelling techniques in an open-source hydrodynamic framework.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Fouques, Sebastien;
Thys, Maxime;
Kamath, Arun Mulky;
Wang, Weizhi;
Hoseini Dadmarzi, Fatemeh.
Validation of Numerical Wave Tank Simulations Using REEF3D With JONSWAP Spectra in Intermediate Water Depth.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Multi-directional Irregular Wave Modelling with CFD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
High performance phase-resolved wave modelling for irregular coastal topography.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Definition of the Vertical Spacing of a Sigma Grid Based on the Constant Truncation Error.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Kamath, Arun.
REEF3D::FNPF: A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Solver.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Investigation of Focusing Wave Properties in a Numerical Wave Tank with a Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Sanchez, Alonso Madrigal;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun.
Multiscale Modelling of Wave Propagation on the Norwegian Coast.
NTNU Institutt for bygg og miljøteknikk
Masters thesis
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
CFD Simulations of Multi-Directional Irregular Wave Interaction With a Large Cylinder.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Large scale cfd modelling of wave propagation in Sulafjord for the E39 project.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Large Scale CFD Modelling of Wave Propagation into Mehamn Harbour.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Rain, Männikus;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Maris, Eelsalu;
Fatemeh, Najafzadeh;
Bihs, Hans;
Tarmo, Soomere.
Modelling Suitable Layout for a Small Island Harbour: A Case Study of Ruhnu in the Gulf of Riga, Eastern Baltic Sea.
Latvijas Fizikas un Tehnisko Zinātņu Žurnāls
Academic article
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
An Improved Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method With Integrated Mooring Algorithm for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Reidulff, Knut;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Wave environment analysis at Norwegian harbours for land-based aquaculture facilities using a combined phase-averaging and phase-resolving numerical modelling approach.
Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures (JCHS)
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Fully nonlinear phase-resolved wave modelling in the Norwegian fjords for floating bridges along the E39 coastal highway.
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Academic article
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Identification and Investigation of Extreme Events Using an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach With a Laplace Equation Solver and Coupling to a Navier-Stokes Solver.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Representation of 3-h Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Cui, Ting;
He, Guanghua;
Jiang, Meirong;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng.
Large eddy simulation of focused breaking waves with different wave steepness.
Ocean Modelling
Academic article
Jin, Yueyuan;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Numerical Investigation on Wave-Overtopping at a Double-Dike Defence Structure in Response to Climate Change-Induced Sea Level Rise.
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Efficient Calculation of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures Including Slamming Forces.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Coupling of Viscous and Nonviscous Numerical Wave Solutions Within the Open-Source Hydrodynamics Framework REEF3D.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Fouques, Sebastien;
Bihs, Hans.
A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model for Wave Propagation over the Complex Topography of the Norwegian Coast.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
Application of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Strips with Fully Nonlinear Wave Kinematics for Force Estimation.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Ting, Cui;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Large-eddy simulations of gravity currents in the presence of waves.
Journal of Hydraulic Research
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
A fully nonlinear potential flow wave modelling procedure for simulations of offshore sea states with various wave breaking scenarios.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Cui, Ting;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Focused Plunging Breaking Waves Impact on Pile Group in Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Reduction of the wave propagation error of a sigma grid based numerical tank using a vertical spacing based on the constant truncation error.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun.
REEF3D::FNPF – A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Solver.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
An Improved Depth-Averaged Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Model with Quadratic Pressure Approximation.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
A comparison of different wave modelling techniques in an open-source hydrodynamic framework.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Investigation of Focusing Wave Properties in a Numerical Wave Tank with a Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Part of book/report
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
An Upgraded Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method With Integrated Mooring Algorithm for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bihs, Hans;
Ehlers, Ronja;
Wang, Widar Weizhi.
A Shock-Absorbing Non-Hydrostatic Navier-Stokes Solver on σ-GRIDS for Wave Modeling Over Irregular Topography.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Christakos, Konstantinos;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cui, Ting;
He, Guanghua;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Response of Semi-Submersible Platform of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Under Extreme Waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gomes, Tiago;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Widar Weizhi;
Vaz, Guilherme.
Simulating Waves at the Beaches of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Bihs, Hans.
High-efficiency wind-farm-scale wave force estimation for preliminary design of offshore
wind installations.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Soydan, Ahmet;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
A direct forcing immersed boundary method for simulating floating objects.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Hydrodynamic Coupling of Viscous and Non-Viscous Numerical Wave Solutions Within the Open-Source Hydrodynamics Framework REEF3D .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cui, Ting;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Yuan, Lihao;
Han, Duanfeng;
Bihs, Hans.
Focused Plunging Breaking Waves Impact on Cylinder Group in Deep Water.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fouques, Sebastien;
Croonenborghs, Eloïse;
Koop, Arjen;
Lim, Ho-Joon;
kim, jang;
Zhao, Binbin.
Qualification Criteria for the Verification of Numerical Waves–Part 1: Potential-Based Numerical Wave Tank (PNWT).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Bihs, Hans.
Efficient Calculation of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Fouques, Sebastien;
Thys, Maxime;
Kamath, Arun Mulky;
Wang, Weizhi;
Hoseini Dadmarzi, Fatemeh.
Validation of Numerical Wave Tank Simulations Using REEF3D With JONSWAP Spectra in Intermediate Water Depth.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans.
Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Multi-directional Irregular Wave Modelling with CFD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
High performance phase-resolved wave modelling for irregular coastal topography.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pakozdi, Csaba;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
Definition of the Vertical Spacing of a Sigma Grid Based on the Constant Truncation Error.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Martin, Tobias;
Kamath, Arun.
REEF3D::FNPF: A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Solver.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun;
Bihs, Hans.
CFD Simulations of Multi-Directional Irregular Wave Interaction With a Large Cylinder.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Large scale cfd modelling of wave propagation in Sulafjord for the E39 project.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Weizhi;
Bihs, Hans;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir.
Large Scale CFD Modelling of Wave Propagation into Mehamn Harbour.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reidulff, Knut;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Wave environment assessment at a Norwegian harbor for land-based aquaculture facilities using a combined numerical approach
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU
Masters thesis
Wang, Weizhi.
Large-Scale Phase-Resolved Wave Modelling for the Norwegian Coast.
Doctoral dissertation
Jin, Yueyuan;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Numerical Modelling of Wave Overtopping Response to Sea Level Rise with REEF3D::SFLOW.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
davik, Ingebrigt;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi.
Large-Scale Numerical Modeling of Swell Waves in Bjørnafjorden Using the Phase-Resolving Wave Model REEF3D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU Trondheim
Masters thesis
Sanchez, Alonso Madrigal;
Bihs, Hans;
Wang, Weizhi;
Kamath, Arun.
Multiscale Modelling of Wave Propagation on the Norwegian Coast.
NTNU Institutt for bygg og miljøteknikk
Masters thesis
Academic lectureSoydan, Ahmet; Knoblauch, Fabian Maximilian; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Dempwolff, León-Carlos; Goseberg, Nils; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Numerical modelling of primary ship waves in shallow coastal areas using CFD. 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering , Rome 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureKnoblauch, Fabian Maximilian; Soydan, Ahmet; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Implementation of a VOF-PLIC Routine to improve the Free Furface Representation in a Signed Distance Function based CFD-Solver. Pontifical Gregorian University 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering , Rome 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureSoydan, Ahmet; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Ship Hydrodynamic Simulations Using an Upgraded Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method. 26th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-25
Academic lectureWang, Widar Weizhi; Christakos, Konstantinos; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Efficient wave condition predictions for coastal structures based on machine learning and phase-resolving numerical simulations. 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering , Rome 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureHanke, Alexander Thomas; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Comparison between particle-based and semi-empirical Sediment Transport Simulations of Scour around a Vertical Cylinder. 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering , Rome 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureKnoblauch, Fabian Maximilian; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2024) A VOF-PLIC Algorithm for Modeling the Impact of Breaking Waves on Structures in the CFD Solver REEF3D::CFD. Universität Duisburg Essen 26th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium - NuTTS '24 , Duisburg 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-25
Academic lectureWang, Widar Weizhi. (2024) NTNU and marine research. EEA surface wave project meeting 2024-04-16 - 2024-04-17
PosterEhlers, Ronja; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Männikus, Rain; Soomere, Tarmo; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Sediment Transport at the Baltic Coast using a Non-Hydrostatic Sigma-grid Model. ICCE 2024 - 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering , Rom 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureWang, Widar Weizhi. (2024) Numerical modeling of coastal infragravity waves. Workhop for coastal infragravity waves joint project 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-07
Academic lectureWang, Widar Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2024) Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach. NordPIANC , Svolvær, Lofoten 2024-09-03 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureWang, Widar Weizhi. (2024) 3D infragravity wave modelling and Peru Site assessment. Workhop for coastal infragravity waves joint project 2024-11-19 - 2024-11-22
Academic lectureSoydan, Ahmet; Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2023) An Improved Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method for Simulating Floating Objects. 10th Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine 2023) , Madrid 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-29
Academic lectureSoydan, Ahmet; Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2023) Numerical Applications of Wave-Structure Interaction Problems Using a Direct Forcing Immersed Boundary Method in REEF3D::CFD. 25th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium , Ericira 2023-10-15 - 2023-10-17
Academic lectureKnoblauch, Fabian; Soydan, Ahmet; Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans Sebastian. (2023) The Fixed Grid Fully Non-linear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::PTF - Examination of Different Methods for Solving The Laplace Equation at the Free Surface. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) 10th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering , Madrid, Spain 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-29
Academic lectureKnoblauch, Fabian; Bihs, Hans Sebastian; Wang, Weizhi. (2023) REEF3D::PTF - a fixed grid finite differences potential flow solver for three dimensional fluid structure interaction. blueOASIS 25th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium , Eiriceira, Portugal 2023-10-15 - 2023-10-17
Academic lectureEhlers, Ronja; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2023) 3D Level Set Method-Based Modeling of Local Erosion under Current. 40th IAHR World Congress , Vienna 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureEhlers, Ronja; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2022) Comparison of Sea Wall Erosion Modelling with a 3D CFD model against a 2D Shallow Water Equations Model with a Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Assumption. 7th IAHR Europe Congress , Athens 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-09
Academic lectureEhlers, Ronja; Wang, Widar Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2022) REEF3D::SFLOW - A 2D Shallow Water Equations Model with a Non-hydrostatic Pressure Extension. 1st Marine Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar (Marine CFD) , University of Stavanger (UiS) 2022-05-05 - 2022-05-06
Academic lectureKamath, Arun; Wang, Weizhi; Pakozdi, Csaba; Bihs, Hans. (2021) Coupled hydrodynamic modelling for steep and breaking wave impact on offshore wind turbine substructures. UiS Third Conference of Computational Methods and Ocean Technology (COTech) , Stavanger 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26
LectureWang, Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Pakozdi, Csaba; Bihs, Hans. (2021) Large-scale wave modelling for the Norwegian coastal and offshore industries. UiS Third Conference of Computational Methods and Ocean Technology (COTech) , Stavanger 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26
Academic lectureWang, Weizhi; Pakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2020) High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF. ASME OMAE 2020 , Digital conference 2020-08-03 - 2020-08-07
Academic lecturePakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans. (2020) Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF. ASME OMAE 2020 , Digital conference 2020-08-03 - 2020-08-07
Academic lectureBihs, Hans; Wang, Weizhi; Martin, Tobias; Kamath, Arun. (2019) REEF3D::FNPF – A Flexible Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Solver on Fixed Grids. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2019 , Glasgow 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureWang, Weizhi; Pakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2019) Large-scale Wave Modeling for Hydrodynamic Load Calculations on Bridges Foundations in Norwegian Fjords. Coastal Structures Conference 2019 , Hannover 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-02
Academic lectureWang, Weizhi; Pakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2019) High performance phase-resolved wave modelling for irregular coastal topography. MekIT’19 - Tenth national conference on Computational Mechanics. , Trondheim 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-04
PosterWang, Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans. (2018) IRREGULAR WAVE MODELLING WITH CFD IN SULAFJORD FOR THE E39 PROJECT. ASCE 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2018 , Baltimore 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-04
Academic lectureWang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir. (2018) Multi-directional Irregular Wave Modelling with CFD. Indian Institute of Technology Madras 4th International Conference in Ocean Engineering , Chennai 2018-02-18 - 2018-02-21