Thomas Brandt
I am a Professor of History at NTNU. I am working within the history of science and technology, broadly defined. My main research interests are related to the history of knowledge. More specifically, I have been concerned with modern Norwegian and European knowledge institutions, such as universities and research councils, and with ocean science and technology.
I have also published on topics ranging from military-industrial history to media history and urban waterfront development history. I have also published works that may be labeled design history, business history, and the history of higher education.
I have taught courses in digital history, historiography, history of science and technology, and cultural heritage studies. Apart from teaching, supervising, and research, I also have experience with creating museum exhibitions through the NTNU Faros Knowledge Park. I was part of the team behind the exhibition Klima X at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology in Oslo, which received the Roy L. Shafer Leading Edge Award in 2009.
I received my doctoral degree from NTNU in 2006, where my dissertation examined the cultural production, mediation, and consumption of the Italian 'Vespa' scooter in the 1950s and 1960s.
In 2002, I was a visiting scholar at the Zentralinstitut für Geschichte der Technik, at TU Munich.
In 2004, I was project coordinator of the interdisciplinary research project 'The Factory' ('Fabrikken'), resulting in a series of working papers and the book Fabrikken, for which I was co-editor, as well as translator and contributor. In 2004 the book Fabrikken was awarded the annual best non-fiction book prize by the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen.
In 2010 I published a book on the history of my own alma mater NTNU, covering 250 years of science, scholarship, engineering, and higher education, in collaboration with historian Ola Nordal.
Between 2014-2019, I was PI for the project 'The history of the Norwegian Research Councils, 1946-2016'.
I also participated in the NRC SAMKUL research project 'The High Seas and the Deep Oceans: Representations, Resources and Regulatory Practice' (3ROceans). (2016-2022)
Since 2022, I have participated in the NRC research project "Maritime Modernities - Formats of Oceanic Knowledge."
I am PI for a pilot project exploring the significance of the office room in academic knowledge production, 'The Office as a Mileu for Ideas and a Theatre of Memory.'
I am/have been part of the supervising team for the following doctoral candidates:
Frode Weium (Thesis defended 2017)
Tirza Meyer (Thesis defended 2018)
Christina Næss (Thesis defended 2022)
Kim K. Ménage
Widar Aa. Kristoffersen
Ingebjørg Eidhammer
Dag Andreassen
Brandt, Thomas.
Atlas over det flyktige: Bølgeatlas som kunnskapsform i det 20. århundre.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas;
Lykknes, Annette;
Bäckström, Mattias;
Rabben, Magne Brekke;
Grav, Ellen J. .
The Academic Office as Workspace, Knowledge Site, and Theatre of Memory. Roll up presentation.
The 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science
Other presentation
Brandt, Thomas;
Bäckström, Mattias;
Rabben, Magne Brekke;
Lykknes, Annette;
Grav, Ellen J. .
The Academic Office as Workspace, Knowledge Site and Theatre of Memory. Roll Up presentation.
Sluttkonferanse Fremtidens Campus
Other presentation
Schwach, Vera;
Brandt, Thomas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Mangset, Marte;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Schwach, Vera.
Avhengig av forskning - De norske forskningsrådenes historie.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Mangset, Marte;
Schwach, Vera.
Kapittel 1.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kampen mot mangfoldet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Industriforskningen i entreprenørenes tid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Et forskningsråd for den nye staten?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Mangset, Marte;
Schwach, Vera.
En paradoksal historie - konkluderende merknader.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Et åpent råd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Enhet gjennom divisjoner.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kald fusjon – en ny rådsorganisasjon i støpeskjeen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
"Fremragende" som ledeord i norsk kunnskapspolitikk.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Håkon With;
Brandt, Thomas;
Otterholm, Egil Gjøran Fagerheim.
Vitenskap og "SDS Hansteen" i kystnasjonens tjeneste.
Masters thesis
Brandt, Thomas.
Envisioning a national infrastructure for science – academic entrepreneurship in 1890s–1950s Norway.
Management & Organizational History
Academic article
Thue, Fredrik W.;
Brandt, Thomas;
Hansen, Else;
Matthíasdóttir, Sigríður.
The Peaceful Revolts: 1968 in the Nordic Welfare States.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Weium, Frode;
Andersen, Håkon With;
Brandt, Thomas.
Epokegjørende instrumenter eller kunstige surrogater? Elektroniske musikkinstrumenter i Norge før 1940.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (10)
Doctoral dissertation
Brandt, Thomas.
Hilde Gunn Slottemo
Gi oss et stort HiNT! Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelags historie 1994–2014
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Book review
Brandt, Thomas.
Tuk-Tuk, Italy/Thailand.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Forskningsrådenes historie 1946-2016 - et overblikk og en invitasjon.
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas.
1968 as a turning point in Trondheim's university history.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
A Vehicle for 'Good Italians': User Design and the Vespa Clubs in Italy.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Christophersen, Axel;
Brandt, Thomas;
Børresen, Anne Kristine;
Overskaug, Kristian.
Collecting scientific instruments: why, how and for whom?.
Padova University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Nina Witoszek: The Origin of the Regime of Goodness Remapping the Cultural History of Norway.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Book review
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
NTNU at 100: The future factory.
Gemini (English edition)
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
NTNU 100 år Hjernekraftverket.
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
Turbulens og tankekraft. Historien om NTNU.
Pax Forlag
Pax Forlag
Academic monograph
Brandt, Thomas.
Skjult havn åpnes - et essay om havna og byen i utstillingskatalog til Elin Andreassens utstilling "Trondheim Verft".
Trondheim Verft AS - Separatutstilling av Elin Andreassens arbeider
Art exhibition
Brandt, Thomas.
Skjult havn åpnes.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andreassen, Elin;
Brandt, Thomas.
Trondheim Verft AS.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Exhibition catalogue
Brandt, Thomas.
Book Review of Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna (ed.): Industry and Modernism: Companies, Architecture, and Identity in the Nordic and Baltic Countries during the High-Industrial Period.
Technology and Culture
Book review
Børset, Bodil;
Brandt, Thomas.
Klima X.
Museum exhibition
Wittje, Roland;
Brandt, Thomas;
Johansen, Jon-Arild;
Lundstrøm, Sivert Mo;
Lundstrøm, Bruno;
Nordal, Ola.
Etterklang - vitenskap, musikk og massemedia i elektroakustikkens tidsalder.
Utstilling i Vitenskapsmuseet
Museum exhibition
Wittje, Roland;
Brandt, Thomas;
Børset, Bodil;
Johansen, Jon-Arild;
Lundstrøm, Bruno;
Lundstrøm, Sivert Mo.
"Etterklang - vitenskap, musikk og massemedia i elektroakustikkens tidsalder".
Museum exhibition
Brandt, Thomas;
Børset, Bodil.
Hitler kastet av bussen.
Feature article
Brandt, Thomas.
La Vespa negli Stati Uniti: il trasporto culturale di una merce italiana.
Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas.
Frie hjerter og små motorer. Kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren i Italia, 1946-1969.
Doctoral dissertation
Brandt, Thomas;
Andersen, Håkon With.
Frie hjerter og små motorer. Kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren, 1946-1969.
Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Andersen, Håkon With;
Borgersen, Terje;
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Stugu, Ola Svein;
Øfsti, Audun.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Biggs, Lindy;
Brandt, Thomas.
Den amerikanske fabrikken og moderne europeisk arkitektur.
Biggs, Lindy;
Brandt, Thomas.
Inn i den svarte boksen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kvinnene ved porten: Det kjønnsdelte fabrikkarbeidets historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Vespa: Fabrikkprodukt som ikon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Maurseth, Anne Beate;
Brandt, Thomas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Unisone forskjeller - historien om et forsvarsteknologisk nettverkssamarabeid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
"Centaur, Venus or Centauress - Gendering the Vespa scooter in Italy in the 1940s-1960s.".
Skriftserie fra prosjektet Fabrikken
Academic article
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Brandt, Thomas.
Maskinkultur. Utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder.
Non-fiction book
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove.
Maskinkultur, utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder; Fabrikken #3.
NTNU, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Non-fiction book
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Brandt, Thomas;
Jacobsen, Yngve Sandhei;
Eriksen, Tore;
Lundemo, Trond;
Ingebrigtsen, Erik.
Maskinkultur - Utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder.
Brandt, Thomas.
Nye nettverksvalg i norsk forsvarsindustri - historien bak UNISON 2005-prosjektet.
Rapporter fra "Strategiske Nettverksvalg" - Bedrifter i Nettverk - P2005
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove.
Forord til "Maskinkultur, utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
"Da verden hadde fire hjørner". Myter, historie og identitet rundt tusenårsjubileet i Trondheim 1997.
Historisk institutt, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Brandt, Thomas.
Atlas over det flyktige: Bølgeatlas som kunnskapsform i det 20. århundre.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas.
Envisioning a national infrastructure for science – academic entrepreneurship in 1890s–1950s Norway.
Management & Organizational History
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas.
Hilde Gunn Slottemo
Gi oss et stort HiNT! Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelags historie 1994–2014
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Book review
Brandt, Thomas.
Forskningsrådenes historie 1946-2016 - et overblikk og en invitasjon.
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas.
Nina Witoszek: The Origin of the Regime of Goodness Remapping the Cultural History of Norway.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Book review
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
NTNU at 100: The future factory.
Gemini (English edition)
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
NTNU 100 år Hjernekraftverket.
Popular scientific article
Brandt, Thomas.
Book Review of Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna (ed.): Industry and Modernism: Companies, Architecture, and Identity in the Nordic and Baltic Countries during the High-Industrial Period.
Technology and Culture
Book review
Brandt, Thomas;
Børset, Bodil.
Hitler kastet av bussen.
Feature article
Brandt, Thomas.
La Vespa negli Stati Uniti: il trasporto culturale di una merce italiana.
Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas.
"Centaur, Venus or Centauress - Gendering the Vespa scooter in Italy in the 1940s-1960s.".
Skriftserie fra prosjektet Fabrikken
Academic article
Artistic productions
Brandt, Thomas.
Skjult havn åpnes - et essay om havna og byen i utstillingskatalog til Elin Andreassens utstilling "Trondheim Verft".
Trondheim Verft AS - Separatutstilling av Elin Andreassens arbeider
Art exhibition
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Mangset, Marte;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Schwach, Vera.
Avhengig av forskning - De norske forskningsrådenes historie.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Brandt, Thomas;
Nordal, Ola.
Turbulens og tankekraft. Historien om NTNU.
Pax Forlag
Pax Forlag
Academic monograph
Andreassen, Elin;
Brandt, Thomas.
Trondheim Verft AS.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Exhibition catalogue
Andersen, Håkon With;
Borgersen, Terje;
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Stugu, Ola Svein;
Øfsti, Audun.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Brandt, Thomas.
Maskinkultur. Utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder.
Non-fiction book
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove.
Maskinkultur, utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder; Fabrikken #3.
NTNU, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Schwach, Vera;
Brandt, Thomas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Mangset, Marte;
Schwach, Vera.
Kapittel 1.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kampen mot mangfoldet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Industriforskningen i entreprenørenes tid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Et forskningsråd for den nye staten?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Mangset, Marte;
Schwach, Vera.
En paradoksal historie - konkluderende merknader.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Et åpent råd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Enhet gjennom divisjoner.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kald fusjon – en ny rådsorganisasjon i støpeskjeen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
"Fremragende" som ledeord i norsk kunnskapspolitikk.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thue, Fredrik W.;
Brandt, Thomas;
Hansen, Else;
Matthíasdóttir, Sigríður.
The Peaceful Revolts: 1968 in the Nordic Welfare States.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Tuk-Tuk, Italy/Thailand.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
1968 as a turning point in Trondheim's university history.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
A Vehicle for 'Good Italians': User Design and the Vespa Clubs in Italy.
Bloomsbury Academic
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Christophersen, Axel;
Brandt, Thomas;
Børresen, Anne Kristine;
Overskaug, Kristian.
Collecting scientific instruments: why, how and for whom?.
Padova University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Skjult havn åpnes.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Biggs, Lindy;
Brandt, Thomas.
Den amerikanske fabrikken og moderne europeisk arkitektur.
Biggs, Lindy;
Brandt, Thomas.
Inn i den svarte boksen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Kvinnene ved porten: Det kjønnsdelte fabrikkarbeidets historie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Vespa: Fabrikkprodukt som ikon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Maurseth, Anne Beate;
Brandt, Thomas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas.
Unisone forskjeller - historien om et forsvarsteknologisk nettverkssamarabeid.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Eliassen, Knut Ove.
Forord til "Maskinkultur, utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder".
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Håkon With;
Brandt, Thomas;
Otterholm, Egil Gjøran Fagerheim.
Vitenskap og "SDS Hansteen" i kystnasjonens tjeneste.
Masters thesis
Weium, Frode;
Andersen, Håkon With;
Brandt, Thomas.
Epokegjørende instrumenter eller kunstige surrogater? Elektroniske musikkinstrumenter i Norge før 1940.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (10)
Doctoral dissertation
Brandt, Thomas.
Frie hjerter og små motorer. Kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren i Italia, 1946-1969.
Doctoral dissertation
Brandt, Thomas;
Andersen, Håkon With.
Frie hjerter og små motorer. Kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren, 1946-1969.
Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet, NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Eliassen, Knut Ove;
Brandt, Thomas;
Jacobsen, Yngve Sandhei;
Eriksen, Tore;
Lundemo, Trond;
Ingebrigtsen, Erik.
Maskinkultur - Utsnitt fra fabrikkens tidsalder.
Brandt, Thomas.
Nye nettverksvalg i norsk forsvarsindustri - historien bak UNISON 2005-prosjektet.
Rapporter fra "Strategiske Nettverksvalg" - Bedrifter i Nettverk - P2005
Brandt, Thomas.
"Da verden hadde fire hjørner". Myter, historie og identitet rundt tusenårsjubileet i Trondheim 1997.
Historisk institutt, NTNU
Thesis at a second degree level
Brandt, Thomas;
Lykknes, Annette;
Bäckström, Mattias;
Rabben, Magne Brekke;
Grav, Ellen J. .
The Academic Office as Workspace, Knowledge Site, and Theatre of Memory. Roll up presentation.
The 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science
Other presentation
Brandt, Thomas;
Bäckström, Mattias;
Rabben, Magne Brekke;
Lykknes, Annette;
Grav, Ellen J. .
The Academic Office as Workspace, Knowledge Site and Theatre of Memory. Roll Up presentation.
Sluttkonferanse Fremtidens Campus
Other presentation
Børset, Bodil;
Brandt, Thomas.
Klima X.
Museum exhibition
Wittje, Roland;
Brandt, Thomas;
Johansen, Jon-Arild;
Lundstrøm, Sivert Mo;
Lundstrøm, Bruno;
Nordal, Ola.
Etterklang - vitenskap, musikk og massemedia i elektroakustikkens tidsalder.
Utstilling i Vitenskapsmuseet
Museum exhibition
Wittje, Roland;
Brandt, Thomas;
Børset, Bodil;
Johansen, Jon-Arild;
Lundstrøm, Bruno;
Lundstrøm, Sivert Mo.
"Etterklang - vitenskap, musikk og massemedia i elektroakustikkens tidsalder".
Museum exhibition
Programme participationBrandt, Thomas. (2024) Intervju om masteroppgave og tekstlikhet i forbindelse med fuskesaker . Nea Radio Nea Radio [Radio] 2024-01-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2024) Modelling a World of Waves - The Ship Model Towing Tank in Trondheim and the International Circulation of Knowledge, 1930s-1950s. European Society for the History of Science ESHS 11th Conference , Barcelona 2024-09-04 - 2024-09-07
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) Om myter, minner og monumenter: Leiv Eiriksson-monumentene i Trondheim. HIFO Trøndelag Midtnorsk historieseminar , Trondheim 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-30
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Bäckström, Mattias; Grav, Ellen J. ; Lykknes, Annette; Rabben, Magne Brekke. (2023) Kontoret – idémiljø og minneteater. Fremtidens Campus, NTNU Sluttkonferanse Fremtidens Campus , Trondheim 2023-11-21 - 2023-11-21
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Bäckström, Mattias; Grav, Ellen J. ; Lykknes, Annette; Rabben, Magne Brekke. (2023) Symposium: Academic Workspaces as Sites of Production, Adaptation and Circulation of Knowledge. Programkomiteen for de vitenskapshistoriske konferansene 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science , NTNU, Trondheim 2023-11-29 - 2023-12-02
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) Fra Trondheim til Tanzania og tilbake: Kunnskapsoverføring mellom ingeniørutdanninger ved NTH og universiteter i Øst-Afrika fra 1960-årene til 1980-årene. Gløshaugen Akademiske Klubb Foredrag Gløshaugen Akademiske Klubb , Trondheim 2023-09-14 - 2023-09-14
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) Academic Office Work in Transition: The Re-Spatialization of Faculty Practices in Norwegian Academia in the Age of Digital Transformation . NTNU The 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science , Trondheim 2023-11-29 - 2023-12-02
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) Tekniske og industrielle kulturminner - introduksjon til et forskningsfelt. NTNU og MiST KulMiST 2023 , Trondheim 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-20
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) The possibilities and challenges associated with anniversary histories - introduction and panel discussion. NTNU The 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science , Trondheim 2023-11-29 - 2023-12-02
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2023) The Wave Atlas – On Mapping and Charting the Ocean’s Surface. UiO IFIKK NFR-prosjektet "Maritime Modernities" Maps, charts and the maritime modernities , Oslo 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-06
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2022) Vespascooteren – industriprodukt og ikon. Det Historiske Selskab - NTNU historie linjeforening Minervas Ugle - faglig forum for historiestudentenes linjeforening , Dragvoll 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2022) A Comment on "Geoscience Spillover: The Applied Geosciences at the Intersection of the Oil Industry and Alternative Energy" - A Symposium presented at the 10th ESHS 2022. European Society for the History of Science 10th ESHS Conference , Brussels 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-10
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Lykknes, Annette; Bäckström, Mattias; Rabben, Magne Brekke; Ellingsen, Ellen J. Grav. (2022) Symposium: The Office as a Place of Production, Adaptation, and Circulation of Scientific and Academic Knowledge. European Society for the History of Science 10th ESHS Conference , Brussels 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-10
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Bäckström, Mattias. (2022) Conceptualizing and situating knowledge production: The academic office in history and theory, and locally at the Dragvoll University Campus in Trondheim. European Society for the History of Science 10th ESHS Conference , Brussels 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-10
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Lykknes, Annette; Bäckström, Mattias; Rabben, Magne Brekke; Ellingsen, Ellen Grav. (2021) The Academic Office as a ‘Theatre of Memory’ and a ‘Milieu of Ideas’ . Museum for universitetshistorie - KHM/UiO 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science , Oslo 2021-12-01 - 2021-12-03
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Lykknes, Annette; Bäckström, Mattias; Rabben, Magne Brekke; Ellingsen, Ellen Grav. (2021) Kontoret - idémiljø og minneteater. NTNU Forum for NTNU-historie/Vitenskapsmuseet Universitetshistorie – viktig kunnskapshistorisk material eller et hår i suppa? , Trondheim 2021-10-19 - 2021-10-20
InterviewLillealtern, Randi; Brandt, Thomas. (2021) Hvorfor går livreddende forskning tapt? - Podcast "De store spørsmålene" Sesong 1 - episode 6. [Internet] 2021-02-10
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2021) "Kvalitet i forskning" - Innspill til strategiprosess, institutt for historiske og klassiske studier. Institutt for historiske og klassiske studier NTNU Strategiseminar Institutt for historiske og klassiske studier , Røros 2021-08-11 - 2021-08-12
LectureBrandt, Thomas. (2021) New Waves in Ocean Research – the Researchers’ Perspective (panel discussion). NTNU Oceans NTNU Ocean Week 2021 , Online / Trondheim 2021-05-03 - 2021-05-05
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2021) Kontoret - Idémiljø og minneteater: Presentasjon av et pilotprosjekt. NTNU Fremtidens Campus NTNU Framtidens Campus septemberseminar , Online / Trondheim 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-22
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2017) The Ocean as an Alternative Energy Future: Ocean Wave Energy Conversion in Norway since the 1970s. The Portuguese Centre for Humanities (CHAM) /NomadIT CHAM III "Oceans and Shores: Heritage, People and Environment" , Lisboa 2017-07-12 - 2017-07-15
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2017) NTNU - Gløshaugens historie - byvandring for kursdeltakere hos Trondheimsguidene. Trondheim Guideforening /Visit Norway Kurs for Trondheims-guider - Byvandring , Gløshaugen 2017-02-04 - 2017-02-04
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2017) Representing Ocean Waves as an energy resource in 1970s and 80s Norway. 3ROceans NTNU /University of the Highlands and the Islands The High Seas and the Deep Oceans: Representations, Resources and Regulatory Governance (3ROceans) ‘Methodologies and theory’ , Shetland 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2016) Capturing the Power of the Ocean Waves: The Rise and Demise of a Research and Development Project for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion in Norway, 1970s–1990s. Society for the History of Technology SHOT 2016 Society for the history of Technology Annual Meeting , Singapore / Tembusu College NUS 2016-06-22 - 2016-06-26
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2015) Building an Infrastructure for Industrial Research in Interwar Norway – Academic Entrepreneurship from Science Funds and Industry Laboratories to Research Councils. University of Gent “Academic entrepreneurship in history. An international survey of current research” , Ghent 2015-03-11 - 2015-03-13
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2015) Kampen om energiforskningen i oljens tidsalder - Bølgekraft mellom forskningsråd og departement. HIFO Rogaland, UiS m.fl. Norske historiedager 2015 , Stavanger 2015-06-19 - 2015-06-21
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2014) «Samtidshistorie og 'Public History' - historiefaget i møte med minneprosessene etter 22. juli». Institutt for kunst- og medievitenskap, NTNU Seminar IKM NTNU: Samtidserfaringenes betydning for vår forskning , Håndverkeren, Trondheim 2014-05-27 - 2014-05-28
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2014) Fond, råd, strateg og standardsetter – hvordan analysere forskningsrådenes mange funksjoner i et historisk perspektiv?. Norges forskningsråd Forskningsrådets seminar: Hvordan skrive forskningsrådenes historie? , Litteraturhuset i Oslo 2014-02-13 - 2014-02-13
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2014) The engineering professor as entrepreneur in interwar Norway. EBHA /Utrecht universitet European Business History Association Annual Conference (EBHA 2014) , Utrecht 2014-08-21 - 2014-08-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2013) About being there - Notes from a field trip in the American Landscape of Violence, May 2013. NTNU Inst for historiske studier 22 July and the Negotiation of Memory - Workshop , Oslo/Utøya 2013-08-12 - 2013-08-14
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2013) Vespascooteren - et moderne ikon. Trøndelag folkemuseum Sverresborg Mandagskåseriet , Trøndelag folkemuseum Sverresborg 2013-05-06 - 2013-05-06
Academic lectureAndersen, Håkon With; Eliassen, Knut Ove; Brandt, Thomas. (2013) The IKEA Catalog and the Aesthetics of Everyday Life - Panel session. Nordic Summer Universities /Helsinki Universitet NSU Winter school on Everyday Aesthetics , Helsinki 2013-03-22 - 2013-03-23
Academic lectureBallal, Amritha; Brandt, Thomas; af Gijerstam, Jan; Joshi, Moulshri; Lagerqvist, Bosse; Walters, Diana. (2012) Contested heritage sites - rethinking methodology and practice. The case of the former Union Carbide site in Bhopal, India. Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Gøteborgs Univ Association of Critical Heritage Studies Inaugural Conference , Gøteborg 2012-06-05 - 2012-06-08
InterviewBrandt, Thomas. (2012) Intervju, Kulturnytt NRK radio, P2. I forbindelse med arrangementet "Å gripe det ubegripelige", Dokkhuset, Trondheim. Fra paneldebatt, med innlegg "22. juli: Er det for tidlig med historie?". NRK P2 Kulturnytt NRK P2 Kulturnytt [Radio] 2012-04-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2012) NEW MEDIA, MEMORY AND HISTORY OF TRAGEDY - NEW SOCIAL MEDIA AS SOURCE FOR AN EARLY HISTORY OF THE 22 JULY TERRORIST ATTACKS IN NORWAY. Nordic Network of Memory Studies, Lunds universitet Nordic Network of Memory Studies Conference , Lund 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-16
Academic lectureFagerland, Tor Einar; Brandt, Thomas. (2012) The terrorist attacks of 22 July 2011 and the stages of Memory in the Norwegian Memorial Landscape: A preliminary sketch. Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Gøteborgs Univ Association of Critical Heritage Studies Inaugural Conference , Gøteborg 2012-06-05 - 2012-06-08
InterviewBrandt, Thomas; Bremere, Agnese. (2012) Zeppelinar er på veg tilbake. NRK nettugåve NRK nettugåve [Internet] 2012-05-23
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2012) "22. juli: Er det for tidlig med historie?". Inst. for kunst og medievitenskap/Det humanistiske fak. NTNU Å gripe det ubegripelige. Hvordan snakker vi om og reflekterer rundt 22/7? , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2012-04-21 - 2012-04-21
InterviewNordal, Ola; Brandt, Thomas; Normannsen, Sølvi Waterloo. (2012) Hus-historikerne er ikke imponert. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2012-03-23
Academic lectureBrenna, Brita; Brandt, Thomas. (2011) Vitenskapens nytte i 250 år. Fra Opplysningstidens viten til ingeniørvitenskap i Trondheim. Seminaret i Vitenskapsteori 2011-09-07 -
Academic lectureChristophersen, Axel; Børresen, Anne Kristine; Brandt, Thomas; Overskaug, Kristian. (2011) Collecting scientific instruments – why and for whom?. Universeum + Universitetet i Padova XII Universeum network Meeting , Padova 2011-05-26 - 2011-05-29
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2011) Studentaktivisme og universitetsdemokrati rundt 1968 i Trondheim. Universitetet i Tromsø DET 27. NORDISKE HISTORIKERMØTE , Tromsø 2011-08-11 - 2011-08-14
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2011) Norges tekniske høyskole og vitenskapens nytte. Universitetet i Oslo Seminar i Vitenskapsteori , Blindern 2011-09-07 - 2011-09-07
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2010) Chemical Engineering versus Industrial Chemistry at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1930s-1950s. European Society for the History of Science 4ESHS , Barcelona 2010-11-18 - 2010-11-20
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2010) Presentation of NTNU’s jubilee history book. NTNU 3rd National Conference on the History of Science , Trondheim 2010-10-14 - 2010-10-17
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2010) Turbulens og tankekraft - de lange linjer. Forskningsrådet Forskningens festaften 2010 , Oslo konserthus 2010-09-28 - 2010-09-28
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2010) A Contested Jubilee for a Reluctant University – Some Challenges of Writing a History of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Københavns Univ. og Joint Committee for Nordic Research University jubilees and university history at the beginning of the 21st century , København 2010-01-14 - 2010-01-15
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2009) Techne and the Factory - experiences with narrating the history of industrial modernity in Norway. Vilnius Forum of the “Dream Factories?” project Challenges of Industry and Modernism - , Lithuanian Energy and Technology Museum - Vilnius 2009-09-25 - 2009-09-26
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2009) NTNUs historie som vitenskapshistorie – laboratorier mellom undervisning og anvendt vitenskap. Univ. i Tromsø Den andre nasjonale konferansen i vitenskapshistorie , Tromsø-Lofoten 2009-11-10 - 2009-11-12
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas; Jacobsen, Yngve Sandhei. (2007) NTNUs historie: En bokpresentasjon. HIFO Sør-Trøndelag HIFO Sør-Trøndelag: Kunnskapshistorie i Trondheim , Trondheim Rådhus 2007-10-02 - 2007-10-02
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2007) Comment on session 57: "Users Shaping Technology" at SHOT annual meeting. Society for the History of Technology Society for the History of Technology's Annual Meeting , Washington, D.C. 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-21
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2007) Opposisjon til Anna Storms slutseminarium. KTH Sluttseminar - dr. grad , Stockholm 2007-09-17 - 2007-09-17
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2007) The Vespa as Tool, Toy, Text, Totem Exploring the Changing functions, meanings and usages of the Vespa Scooter in Post-war Italy. Münchner Zentrum für Wissenschaffts- und Technikgeschichte Montagskolloquium , Deutsches Museum, München 2007-06-04 - 2007-06-04
InterviewBørset, Bodil; Brandt, Thomas; Wittje, Roland; Johansen, Jon-Arild. (2007) Tidsbilde fra pionértiden. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2007-03-16
InterviewBørset, Bodil; Brandt, Thomas; Wittje, Roland; Johansen, Jon-Arild; Stoltz, Kenneth; Håve, Kjell Ingar. (2007) Ørens lyd å få. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2007-03-27
InterviewAsphjell, Arne; Nordal, Ola; Børresen, Anne Kristine; Brandt, Thomas; Jacobsen, Yngve Sandhei. (2007) Hektiske tider for historikere. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2007-10-04
InterviewAsphjell, Arne; Nordal, Ola; Brandt, Thomas; Jacobsen, Yngve Sandhei; Holt, Knut; Aase, Asbjørn. (2007) Skriver I, Karle?. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2007-09-19
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2007) Vespaen - et ikon skapt av kundene. Eidsvoll Rotary Vespaen - et ikon skapt av kundene , Eidsvoll 2007-04-30 - 2007-04-30
InterviewBrandt, Thomas; Børresen, Dag Are. (2006) Intervju om Vespa-scooteren, Kulturbeitet, P2. Kulturbeitet P2 Kulturbeitet P2 [Radio] 2006-08-07
InterviewBrandt, Thomas; Time, Jon Kåre. (2006) Doktoren svarer. Morgenbladet Morgenbladet [Newspaper] 2006-07-28
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) “The Beat of Small Engines and Hearts Serene and Free." The Vespa Club Community in Post-war Italy. The Institute of Historical Research The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) Seminar in Modern Italian History , London 2006-01-18 - 2006-01-18
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) TECHNE - FEAR AND CONTROL: Exhibiting a history of technology and warfare. Atlantik Walk - Chezweitz, Berlin Atlantik Walk , NTNU Trondheim 2006-09-25 - 2006-09-26
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) Nettverkssamarbeid under skiftende markedsbetingelser – et forsvarsindustrielt eksempel. Produktivitet 2005/NTNU Norsk industri i smeltedigelen: Lønnsom og bærekraftig produksjon , Trondheim 2006-02-09 - 2006-02-10
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) TECHNE: ISCENESATT KULTUR. Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen Gjesteforelesning Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen , Bergen 2006-11-08 - 2006-11-08
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) An "Italian family" of Vespa drivers. The creation of brand communities around the Italian Vespa scooter. The Society for the History of Technology The Society for the History of Technology - Annual meeting , Las Vegas 2006-10-12 - 2006-10-15
PosterBrandt, Thomas. (2006) Frie hjerter og små motorer. Kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren, 1946 – 1969. Produktivitet 2005/NTNU Norsk industri i smeltedigelen: Lønnsom og bærekraftig produksjon , Trondheim 2006-02-09 - 2006-02-10
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2006) "Historier om Hårfønere, scootere og andre teknologier". NTNU Forskningsdagene2006 , Trondheim torg 2006-09-22 - 2006-09-23
InterviewBrandt, Thomas; Bulie, Kåre. (2005) Dr. Vespa - Intervju med Thomas Brandt i Dagens Næringsliv. Dagens Næringsliv - påskenummer - magasindel Dagens Næringsliv - påskenummer - magasindel [Newspaper] 2005-03-23
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2005) La Vespa negli Stati Uniti: il trasporto culturale di una merce italiana. Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; ESRC (UK) Storia dei consumi e identità collettive nel secondo dopoguerra , Venezia 2005-10-07 - 2005-10-07
InterviewEliassen, Knut Ove; Brandt, Thomas. (2004) Intervju om Fabrikken. Verdibørsen, NRK P2 Verdibørsen, NRK P2 [Radio] 2004-11-11
InterviewEliassen, Knut Ove; Brandt, Thomas. (2004) Fabrikken i Verdibørsen. NRK P2 NRK P2 [Radio] 2004-11-13
InterviewEliassen, Knut Ove; Stugu, Ola Svein; Brandt, Thomas; Arentz, Jan Birger. (2004) Fabrikken. Sånn er livet, P2 Sånn er livet, P2 [Radio] 2004-11-19
InterviewEliassen, Knut Ove; Brandt, Thomas; Stugu, Ola Svein. (2004) Fabrikken. Sånn er livet, NRK P2 Sånn er livet, NRK P2 [Radio] 2004-11-28
Academic lectureAndersen, Håkon With; Eliassen, Knut Ove; Brandt, Thomas. (2004) Fabrikken. HF-fakultetet ved UiO Estetisk seminar ved HF-fakultetet ved UiO , Oslo 2004-11-12 -
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2003) "Outlining a model for understanding the multiple functions of artefacts - The Vespa scooter case". XXII. Gesprächskreis Technikgeschichte 2003. "Kulturgeschichte des Verkehrs: Forschen, Sammeln, Kommun zieren" , Luzern, Sveits 2003-06-21 -
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2003) Scooterens historie - et populærvitenskapelig foredrag for Trondheim og Omegn Scooter Klubb. Trondheim og Omegn Scooter Klubb , Trondheim 2003-12-02 -
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2003) Vespa-Ikon for drømmen om frihet og glede. Galleri-senteret , Bergen 2003-05-09 -
PosterBrandt, Thomas. (2002) Making sense of Italian Style: Users� and producers� narratives about the Italian scooter The Vespa since 1946. Society for the History of Technology - Annual Meeting 2002, Toronto 17.-20. Oct. 2002. , Toronto, Canada 2002-10-20 -
PosterBrandt, Thomas. (2002) Vespa-mytologi � om teknologifortelling og teknologiforming i Italias etterkrigstid. Brochmann-seminaret, Norsk Teknisk Museum , Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo 2002-09-20 -
Popular scientific lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2001) "Da verden hadde fire hjørner..." - Et foredrag om myter og historie i lys av Trondheims 1000-årsjubileum. Trondhjems Historiske Forening, 22.10.01. Trondhjems historiske forening , Suhmhuset i Trondheim 2001-10-22 -
Academic lectureBrandt, Thomas. (2000) Pluralisering og eller ensretting: Teknologi- og medieutviklingens kulturelle konsekvenser. Kulturelle kontekster , Solstrand 25.-26.9