Stig Ole Johannessen
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Cyberity and Society: The Emergence and Entanglement of Time, Space, and Complexity in Virtual and Social Realities.
Nord Studies in Reality Formations
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Lærerne må snakke med elevene om skoleangrep.
Interview Journal
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Professor: Naivt å tru at det ikkje kan koma skuleangrep i Noreg.
Interview Journal
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Spektakulær vold: Hvorfor utfører enkeltpersoner massedrap i Norge?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
En mot alle: Soloterror, skoleangrep, masseskyting.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Complexity in Organizations: A Research Overview.
Academic monograph
Iversen, Hans Petter;
Johannessen, Stig O..
Et kompleksitetsteoretisk perspektiv på tverrprofesjonell
organisasjonspraksis og innovasjonsprosesser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Antireformen som politisk prosjekt og autoritær vending i staten.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Strategies, Leadership and Complexity in Crisis and Emergency Operations.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politi i krise: Spillet om norsk politi etter 22.juli 2011.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Å se med statens øyne.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Trigger-Happy på Grønland?.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Det nye politiet.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Johannessen, Stig O..
Å forstå politiet som organisasjons -og ledelsespraksiser.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Reforming the Norwegian Police: Cultural Change as a Restoration of Organizational Ideologies, Myths and Practices.
Nordisk politiforskning
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Beslutningstaking og organisasjonsdynamikk i operative nettverk.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politi i krise.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Glomseth, Rune.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Glomseth, Rune.
Utdanning og utvikling av ledere og ledelse i politiet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politikultur: Identitet, makt og forandring i politiet.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Non-fiction book
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Complexity in Organization Studies.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig O..
Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective: Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Approach.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig.
Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective: Part II: Experiences from the SIOR Case.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction:Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: strategy, organizational dynamics and innovation.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: leadership and organizational development.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Theorizing complexity in organization studies.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Theorizing complexity in organization studies.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: strategy, organizational dynamics and innovation.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: leadership and organizational development.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Ways of thinking about complexity.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Ways of thinking about complexity.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Myter og erfaringer om ledelse: Et kompleksitetsperspektiv.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D.
International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Solem, Olav.
Logistikorganisationer : strategi och utveckling.
Academic monograph
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Utvikling av teknologi for økt oljeutvinning fra undervannsfelt : et kompleksitetsperspektiv på innovasjonsprosesser.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
The complexity turn in studies of organizations and leadership: Relevance and implications.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Logistikorganisationer - Strategi och utveckling.
Non-fiction book
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Exploring innovation processes from a complexity perspective. Part II: Experiences from the subsea Increased Oil Recovery case.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg.
Exploring innovation processes from a complexity perspective. Part I: theoretical and metodological approach.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Solem, Olav;
Johannessen, Stig.
Logistikkorganisasjoner Strategi Utvikling.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Johannessen, Stig.
Om kunnskap i pizzasamfunnet.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Juks i forskning.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Korrupsjon og lederansvar.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Technology as Social Object : a complex Responsive Processes perspective.
Routledge Mental Health
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Supply Chain Management and the Challenge of Organizational Complexity : Methodological Considerations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Granskning for hvem?.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig;
Christensen, Bjørner B..
Et radikalt prosessperspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Fotball, kultur og ledelse.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Ledelse i turbulente tider.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Logistics organizations: Ideologies, Principles and Practice.
Log-Biz, Japan
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig.
Supply chain management som ledelsesidè: Fra rasjonalitet til kompleksitet.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
An Explorative Study of Complexity, Strategy and Change in Logistics Organizations.
PhD-thesis 2003:91 (91)
Doctoral dissertation
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Logistics Organizations: Ideologies, Principles and Practice.
International Journal of Logistics Management
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig.
Å skape orden i kaos: ledelse og utvikling i en kompleks verden.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Factors for export success in small- and mediumsized manufacturing firms. An emprical investigation.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Instrument for venturefinansiering. En rapport fra forskningsprosjektet "Finansielle instrument for bedriftsetablering og -utvikling".
Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, NTNU
Journal publications
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Cyberity and Society: The Emergence and Entanglement of Time, Space, and Complexity in Virtual and Social Realities.
Nord Studies in Reality Formations
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Lærerne må snakke med elevene om skoleangrep.
Interview Journal
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Professor: Naivt å tru at det ikkje kan koma skuleangrep i Noreg.
Interview Journal
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Spektakulær vold: Hvorfor utfører enkeltpersoner massedrap i Norge?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Johannessen, Stig O..
Å se med statens øyne.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Trigger-Happy på Grønland?.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Det nye politiet.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Johannessen, Stig O..
Reforming the Norwegian Police: Cultural Change as a Restoration of Organizational Ideologies, Myths and Practices.
Nordisk politiforskning
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politi i krise.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Managing innovation as communicative processes: a case of subsea technology R&D.
International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
The complexity turn in studies of organizations and leadership: Relevance and implications.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Exploring innovation processes from a complexity perspective. Part II: Experiences from the subsea Increased Oil Recovery case.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg.
Exploring innovation processes from a complexity perspective. Part I: theoretical and metodological approach.
International Journal of Learning and Change
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig.
Om kunnskap i pizzasamfunnet.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Juks i forskning.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Korrupsjon og lederansvar.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Granskning for hvem?.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Fotball, kultur og ledelse.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Ledelse i turbulente tider.
Feature article
Johannessen, Stig.
Logistics organizations: Ideologies, Principles and Practice.
Log-Biz, Japan
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig.
Supply chain management som ledelsesidè: Fra rasjonalitet til kompleksitet.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Logistics Organizations: Ideologies, Principles and Practice.
International Journal of Logistics Management
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig.
Å skape orden i kaos: ledelse og utvikling i en kompleks verden.
Magma forskning og viten
Academic article
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
En mot alle: Soloterror, skoleangrep, masseskyting.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Complexity in Organizations: A Research Overview.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Strategies, Leadership and Complexity in Crisis and Emergency Operations.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politi i krise: Spillet om norsk politi etter 22.juli 2011.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Glomseth, Rune.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O..
Politikultur: Identitet, makt og forandring i politiet.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Non-fiction book
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Complexity in Organization Studies.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: leadership and organizational development.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Theorizing complexity in organization studies.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: strategy, organizational dynamics and innovation.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Ways of thinking about complexity.
Sage Publications
Sage Publications
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Myter og erfaringer om ledelse: Et kompleksitetsperspektiv.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Johannessen, Stig Ole;
Solem, Olav.
Logistikorganisationer : strategi och utveckling.
Academic monograph
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Logistikorganisationer - Strategi och utveckling.
Non-fiction book
Solem, Olav;
Johannessen, Stig.
Logistikkorganisasjoner Strategi Utvikling.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Iversen, Hans Petter;
Johannessen, Stig O..
Et kompleksitetsteoretisk perspektiv på tverrprofesjonell
organisasjonspraksis og innovasjonsprosesser.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Antireformen som politisk prosjekt og autoritær vending i staten.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Å forstå politiet som organisasjons -og ledelsespraksiser.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O..
Beslutningstaking og organisasjonsdynamikk i operative nettverk.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Glomseth, Rune.
Utdanning og utvikling av ledere og ledelse i politiet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig O..
Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective: Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Approach.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig.
Exploring Innovation Processes from a Complexity Perspective: Part II: Experiences from the SIOR Case.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction:Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: strategy, organizational dynamics and innovation.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Theorizing complexity in organization studies.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Implications and applications of complexity thinking in organization studies: leadership and organizational development.
Sage Publications
Johannessen, Stig O.;
Kuhn, Lesley.
Introduction: Ways of thinking about complexity.
Sage Publications
Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg;
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
Utvikling av teknologi for økt oljeutvinning fra undervannsfelt : et kompleksitetsperspektiv på innovasjonsprosesser.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Technology as Social Object : a complex Responsive Processes perspective.
Routledge Mental Health
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig.
Supply Chain Management and the Challenge of Organizational Complexity : Methodological Considerations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig;
Christensen, Bjørner B..
Et radikalt prosessperspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig;
Solem, Olav.
Factors for export success in small- and mediumsized manufacturing firms. An emprical investigation.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Stig Ole.
An Explorative Study of Complexity, Strategy and Change in Logistics Organizations.
PhD-thesis 2003:91 (91)
Doctoral dissertation
Johannessen, Stig.
Instrument for venturefinansiering. En rapport fra forskningsprosjektet "Finansielle instrument for bedriftsetablering og -utvikling".
Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, NTNU
Knowledge Transfer
LectureJohannessen, Stig O.; Larsson, Paul; Mortvedt, Ole Martin. (2016) Framtidens politi: Nærpoliti eller militært politi? . Oslo Dokumentarkino Paneldebatt som innledning før visning av filmen "Do Not Resist" , Oslo 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-26
LectureJohannessen, Stig O.; Glomseth, Rune. (2016) Presentation av norsk antologi om polisens ledarskap. Linneuniversitetet Ledarskap inom polisen - Forskare möter praktiker , Växjô 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-12
Academic lectureAasen, Tone Merethe Berg; Johannessen, Stig. (2008) Innovation management as emerging communicative processes: Experiences from the Statoil SIOR R&D program. International Communication Association (ICA) International Communication Association (ICA) conference , Montreal 2008-05-22 - 2008-05-26
Academic lectureAasen, Tone Merethe Berg; Johannessen, Stig. (2007) Innovation management as patterning processes of power and identity: Experiences from the Statoil SIOR R&D program. NEON NEONdagene 2007 , Trondheim 2007-11-21 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureAasen, Tone Merethe Berg; Johannessen, Stig. (2007) The Statoil Research Initiative on Innovation and Complexity. CMC Norway CMC conference in Leadership and complexity , Oslo 2007-05-10 - 2007-05-12
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig; Aasen, Tone Merethe Berg. (2006) Taking complexity seriously: towards a different understanding of organizational capacity for innovation. 22nd EGOS Colloqium, subtheme 27 , Bergen 2006-07-04 - 2006-07-07
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2006) Linje-stabsrelasjoner. Senter for kompleksitet og ledelse , Røde Kors konferansesenter, Oslo 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-11
PosterJohannessen, Stig. (2006) Hvordan kan vi forstå erfaringsoverføring fra et kompleksitetsperspektiv?. Luftforsvaret , Oslo 2006-04-04 - 2006-04-05
PosterJohannessen, Stig. (2006) A complexity approach to knowledge and research: on the methodology of the complex responsive processes perspective. International PhD-course in SCM and methodology. Copenhagen Business School , København 2006-08-20 - 2006-08-25
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2005) The Complex Responsive Processes Perspective: a Coherent Process View of Communication and Complexity. The International Communication Association Annual Conference, Panel on Complexity , New York 2005-05-30 - 2005-05-30
PosterJohannessen, Stig. (2004) Fra systemer til relasjoner. Forsvarets institutt for ledelse , Akershus festning 2004-12-15 - 2004-12-15
PosterJohannessen, Stig. (2004) Strategisk endring i en uforutsigbar verden. Norsk transport og logistikkforenings årskonferanse , Røros 2004-02-06 - 2004-02-08
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2004) Organizational thinking, complexity and supply chain management : methodological considerations. M. Research Workshop 2004 - Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management , Oldenburg, Tyskland 2004-09-27 - 2004-09-28
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2004) Supply chain management and organizational thinking: from rationality to complexity. The 16th annual NOFOMA conference 2004 , Linköping, Sverige 2004-06-07 - 2004-06-08
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2004) Lederkompetanse i organisasjoner preget av kompleksitet og usikkerhet. Statoil forskningssenter utenTitteltekst , Trondheim 2004-12-16 - 2004-12-16
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Kompleksitet og regionale utviklingsprosesser. Seminar, Høgskolen i Vestfold , Tønsberg 2003-03-25 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Complexity and logistics. From systems to relations. Seminar in logistics management. Copenhagen Business School , Copenhagen, Denmark 2003-05-23 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Complexity and technology. Conference on complexity and management. , University of Hertfordshire, UK 2003-06-24 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Framtidens ledelsestenking. Fra rasjonalitet til kompleksitet. Jaycees nasjonale konferanse , Oslo 2003-10-10 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Strategisk ledelse i en uforutsigbar verden. Må vi si farvel til tradisjonelle oppfatninger av ledelse?. Seminar i logistikkledelse. NTNU , Trondheim 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2003) Kompleksitet og innovasjon. CMC seminar i kompleksitet og ledelse. , Oslo 2003-10-24 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2002) Logistics Theories and Change Phenomena: A possible framework for new theoretical constructions. NOFOMA conference , Trondheim, Norway 2002-06-14 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2002) Strategic knowledge creation: the making of organizational futures through the complex interplay of knowledge process. Probing the future: Developing Organizational Foresight in the Knowledge Economy. University of Strathclyde Graduate School of Business , Glasgow, UK 2002-06-13 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig; Solem, Olav. (2001) Complexity thinking: A new perspective on strategy and change in logistics organizations. XIII NOFOMA CONFERENCE: Collaboration in Logistics , Reykjavik, Iceland 2001-06-15 -
Academic lectureJohannessen, Stig. (2000) Financial Crises of New Technology-Based Firms. The Nordic Conference on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development and Management in the New Millennium , June 18-20, 2000