Sobah Abbas Petersen
Sobah is an Associate Professor at the Information Systems and Software Engineering group, Department of Computer Science. Current research focus includes Smart and Sustainable Cities, Learning within and across cities and Enterprise Architecture and ecosystems. She has a PhD from NTNU and a MSc from University of Edinburgh (UK).
Sobah has broad experience in multi-disciplinary research through International and national projects; a few examples are Accelerating Learning Through Technology/NFR; DESENT, SIMOLA, ProaSense, HUMAN, MIRROR, TARGET, GALA/EU. She has experience as project manager and unit leader.
Link to recent Webinar on Designing Digital Transformation with Enterprise Architecture.
Current projects
- SWELL Sustainable Built Environments for Health and WELL-being, NTNU Sustainability, Project Manager
- FME-ZEN Zero Emission Neighbourhoods, NFR, Focus: ICT Coordination
- +CityxChange Positive Energy Districts, EU H2020, Focus: Digital ecosystems for smart city services
- URSA MAJOR Urban Sustainability in Action, NFR, Focus: Digital technologies for engagement and visualisation
- TDT4252 – Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Innovation
- TD20 – Enterprise Architecture and Smart Cities
- TDT4857 - Experts in Teams Village on Smart Cities as Complex Systems
Sobah is a member of the NTNU Centre for Sustainable ICT (CESICT), evaluates research proposals as an ERC Expert and has served as a member of the Steering Committee for the Institute of Psychology, NTNU. She recently participated in a panel discussion on NTNU and Sustainability.
Mishra, Sambeet;
Lima Silva, Thiago;
Hellemo, Lars;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Egner, Lars Even;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Agent-based modeling: Insights into consumer behavior, urban dynamics, grid management, and market interactions.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Academic article
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oksavik, Odne Andreas;
Skeie, Kristian.
ICT-Architecture applied on pilot building.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (55)
Ali, Gul Sher;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Technology in Communal Spaces for Social Sustainability.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Students’ Perspectives on Active Learning and Learning Sequences in Enterprise Architecture Modelling.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Rouvrais, Siegfried;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fosvold, André;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
CitySIM – Agent-Based System for Modelling and Simulating Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems for Collaborative Governance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Key elements, processes and research gaps in city learning as an innovation ecosystem: A scoping review.
ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s)
Academic article
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Designing Services for an ICT Platform to Support City Learning for Developing Smart Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Role of ICT in City Learning for Developing Smart Cities: A Review of the Literature.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
The Interplay between Business Needs and Data Architecture Explored through Enterprise Architecture Models.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning in Cities from Within and Across Cities: A Scoping Review.
Triple Helix: A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Jacobsen, Bjørn Rude;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended Reality for Sustainable Urban Development and Citizen Engagement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Turton, Jenny;
Ezau, Igor;
Pettersson, Lasse H.;
Kuklina, Vera Vladimirovna;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Urban Sustainability in Action - Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools (URSA MAJOR).
EGU General Assembly
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Quayyum, Farzana;
Krogstie, John.
Criteria for selecting an Enterprise Modelling Method – Students' Perspectives on ArchiMate and 4EM.
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Krogstie, John.
Adding value through enterprise building information models in health-care services.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic article
Fjørtoft, Siw Olsen;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Per Storrø.
Læringsbrett til alle elevene. Evaluering av bruk av læringsteknologier i Malvik-skolene.
SINTEF Rapport (2023:00025)
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Iqbal, Maria;
Williams, Alan;
Baxter, Gavin.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Banerjee, Pradipta.
The Role of Digital Technologies in Engagement and Participation – Digital Divide or Inclusion?.
Arctic Frontiers : Abstracts
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
How Cities Can Learn: Key Concepts, Role of ICT and Research Gaps.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Iqbal, Maria;
Williams, Alan;
Baxter, Gavin.
GES App - Mobile Application to support reflection and documentation of Global Employability Skills.
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet
Academic article
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Interpretive Flexibility as an Approach to Designing Inclusive Urban Space: Learning from Medellín and Beirut.
Nordic Journal of Urban Studies
Academic article
Alvsvåg, Rebekka;
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Role of a Data Marketplace for Innovation and Value-Added Services in Smart and Sustainable Cities.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus.
Improving Digitization of Urban Mobility Services with Enterprise Architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Banerjee, Pradipta.
Learning within and across cities: the role of Living Labs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model to Predict Enterprise Architecture Adoption in Making Cities Smarter.
Environment Systems and Decisions
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Validation of a Developed Enterprise Architecture Framework for Digitalisation of Smart Cities: a Mixed‑Mode Approach.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Academic article
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
What Can We Learn from Urban Crisis?.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund.
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise
Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Iqbal, Maria;
Fredheim, Lars Jørgen;
Olstad, Hege Annette;
Abbas, Aisha;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kinsella, Stephen;
Shams, Armin;
Helfert, Markus;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Alloush, Iyas;
Pourzolfaghar, Zohreh.
D1.3: Report and catalogue on the ICT
data integration and interoperability.
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge.
Investigating the Impact of Enterprise Architecture Adoption in Smart Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge.
Deployment of Enterprise Architecture for Management of Digital Services in Smart Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Tone Lise;
Græslie, Lisa S.;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Using Interactive Technology for Learning and Collaboration to Improve Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Dahl, Tone Lise;
Seim, Eva Amdahl;
Skogen, Martha Rice.
Enhancing Learning and Collaboration in Organisations through In-house Crowdsourcing.
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Suyama, Bianca;
Amaro, Gerardo Lopez;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Martins, Daniel.
Learning Flexibility - Pathways to Urban Transformation.
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Sustainable Development in The Healthcare Enterprises Management Through BIM And FM Interaction Based on a Holistic Aspect Structure
Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markus, Helfert;
Guo, Hong.
Digital Transformation with Enterprise Architecture for Smarter Cities: A Qualitative Research Approach.
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
Modelling pervasive platforms and digital services for smart urban transformation using an enterprise architecture framework.
Information Technology and People
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
FME ZEN Data Management Plan.
ZEN Memo (33)
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
A Model to Evaluate the Acceptance and Usefulness of Enterprise Architecture for Digitalization of Cities.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie.
Circularity in Small Island Cities.
Popular scientific article
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Kriseutsatte byer kan vise vei mot bærekraft.
Bybloggen, OsloMet,
Popular scientific article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
ZEN Data management and monitoring. Requirements and architechture.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (34)
Guo, Hong;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Gao, Shang;
Li, Jingyue;
Bokolo, Anthony Junior.
Embracing modern technologies and urban development trends: Initial evaluation of a smart city enterprise architecture frameworks.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Fostering Smart Cities based on an Enterprise Architecture Approach.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Idar;
Ahcin, Peter.
Smiling Earth - Raising Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings .
Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Designing a Privacy Dashboard for a Smart Manufacturing Environment.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Krogstie, John.
Leveraging on Enterprise Building Information Models in Health Care Services: The case of St. Olav Hospital.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Smart Facility Management: Future Healthcare Organization through Indoor Positioning Systems in the Light of Enterprise BIM.
Smart Cities
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A Practice Based Exploration on Electric
Mobility as a Service in Smart Cities.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Idar;
Ahcin, Peter.
Smiling Earth – Raising Awareness among Citizens’ for Behaviour Change to Reduce Carbon Footprint.
Academic article
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Cervenka, Zdena;
Holm, Øystein;
Thomsen, Judith;
Sartori, Igor.
Innovasjonsrapport 2020. Forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN).
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (28)
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Examining the Digitalization of Virtual Enterprises Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic and Meta-Analysis.
Enterprise Information Systems
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus.
Digital Transformation of Virtual Enterprises for Providing Collaborative Services in Smart Cities.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
Big data driven multi-tier architecture for electric mobility as a service in smart cities: A design science approach.
International Journal of Energy Sector Management
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Müller, Gunn Iren;
Wasbø, Stein O.;
Koritzinsky, Victoria.
Capacity Building on Heat Balance in Electrolysis of Aluminium.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahcin, Peter;
Petersen, Idar.
Smiling Earth - Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability Using Energy and Transport Data.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Livik, Klaus.
Big data-oriented energy prosumption service in smart community districts: a multi-case study perspective.
Energy Informatics
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Pourzolfaghar, Zohreh;
Alloush, Iyas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Helfert, Markus.
Value-Added Services, Virtual Enterprises and Data Spaces Inspired Enterprise Architecture for Smart Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Sørensen, Anette Østbø.
ALF - A framework for evaluating accelerated learning and cognitive skills development in industry through games.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Anvaari, Mohsen.
A Smart City Ecosystem Enabling Open Innovation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Process Mining and Privacy in Smart Manufacturing.
Popular scientific article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Sørensen, Anette Østbø.
ALF - a Framework for Evaluating Accelerated Learning in Industry.
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
D2C-DM: Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management for Smart Cities Based on Two Ongoing Case Studies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management Through Data LifeCycle Models for Zero Emission Neighborhoods.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk.
F2c2C-DM: A Fog-to-cloudlet-to-Cloud Data Management Architecture in Smart City.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk.
D2C-SM: Designing a Distributed-to-Centralized Software Management Architecture for Smart Cities.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A Smart City Adoption Model to Improve Sustainable Living
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
API deployment for big data management towards sustainable energy prosumption in smart cities-a layered architecture perspective.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A distributed-to-centralized smart technology management (D2C-STM) model for Smart Cities: A use case in the zero emission neighborhoods.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
A trust and privacy framework for smart manufacturing environments.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Privacy Challenges for Process Mining in Human-Centered Industrial Environments .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A big data management architecture for smart cities based on fog-to-cloud data management architecture.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Mannhardt, Felix;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar.
A Framework to Navigate the Privacy Trade-offs for Human-Centred Manufacturing .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Gustavsen, Arild.
A Zero Emission Neighbourhoods Data Management Architecture for Smart City Scenarios: Discussions toward 6Vs challenges.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Harboe, Lisbet;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Christie, Ingrid Nytun.
Norske floker - urbane utfordringer. Rapport fra forskningsprosjektet Learning Flexibility 2018.
Learning Flexibility: Complexity, Innovation & Inter-Urban Knowledge Transfer
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Wang, Alf Inge;
Ask, Kristine;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Brend, Kristina.
Women and computer games (workshops and tutorials).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Reflection Continuum Model for Supporting Reflection and Game-based Learning at the Workplace.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rehm, Sven-Volker.
Holistic Design of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Intelligent Workspaces.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enhancing Stakeholder Management Competences in Construction Projects Using Serious Games.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar.
Interaction, experience, reflection: Enhancing project management training using serious games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Christie, Ingrid Nytun.
Hvilken vei skal byene gå?
Feature article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
van der Kooij, Rimmert;
Puhar, Primoz.
Connecting Business Processes and Sensor Data in Proactive Manufacturing Enterprises.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Concilio, Grazia.
Designing for Neighbourhoods and Citizen Engagement - The Case of MyNeighbourhood.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Canova Calori, Ilaria;
Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke;
Divitini, Monica.
Reflective learning at the workplace - The MIRROR design toolbox.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Bui, Vu Minh;
Krogstie, John.
Collaborative Networks and Active Knowledge Architectures - A Road Building Case.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cacchione, Annamaria;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Winter, Marcus.
A proposal for an integrated evaluation framework for mobile language learning: Lessons learned from SIMOLA – Situated mobile language learning.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Bui, Vu Minh;
Krogstie, John.
Collaborative Networks and Active Knowledge Architectures - A Road Building Case.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Holistic design for continuous innovation and sustainable knowledge bases.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Concilio, Grazia;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Smart Neighbourhood Learning - the case of MyNeighbourhood.
ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s)
Academic article
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Divitini, Monica;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Boundary objects in collaborative work and learning.
Information Systems Frontiers
Academic article
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee Mobile App: Connecting to Language Learners through Technology.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Winter, Marcus.
Mobile Language Learners as Social Networkers.
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee: Engaging mobile language learners through crowd-sourcing.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Academic article
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Choice of Serious Games and Gamification - A Case Study to Illustrate Key Differences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Co-design of Neighbourhood Services Using Gamification Cards.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar.
Serious Games - A means to develop Project Management Competences.
Project Management
Academic article
Mayer, Igor;
Riedel, Johann C. K. H.;
Hauge, Jannicke Baalsrud;
Belotti, Francesco;
De Gloria, Alessandro;
Ott, Michela.
Serious Games in a European Policy Context.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Divitini, Monica;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Hands-on Learning of Cooperation Technology: Combining Knowledge Construction and Reflection.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica.
Work and Learning across Boundaries: Artifacts, Discourses, and Processes in a University Course.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Experiences from teaching Enterprise Modelling to Students of Information Systems.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
Creativity and Mobile Language Learning Using LingoBee.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Academic article
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Agile Approach to Glocal Enterprise Collaboration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Sriram, Pavan Kumar;
Krogstie, John;
Sjøbakk, Børge;
Bakås, Ottar.
A Collaboration Planning Information and Decision Support System.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
The World Out There: From Systems Modelling to Enterprise Modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee - Crowd-sourced Mobile Language Learning in the Cloud.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cerinsek, Gregor;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, Tuija.
Contextually enriched competence model in the field of sustainable manufacturing for simulation style technology enhanced learning environments.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Ma, Minhua;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Hauge, Jannicke Baalsrud.
Serious Games Development and Applications 4th International Conference, SGDA 2013, Trondheim, Norway, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (8101)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sriram, Pavan Kumar;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kristoffersen, Steinar.
A Collaborative Enterprise Framework to Support Engineering Changes in Manufacturing Planning and Control.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Berg, Malin Aas;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Exploiting psychological needs to increase motivation for learning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Cowley, Ben;
Bedek, M;
Ribeiro, Claudia;
Heikura, T;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The QUARTIC Process Model to Support Serious Games Development for Contextualized Competence-Based Learning and Assessment.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duin, Heiko;
Oliveira, Manuel;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Thoben, Klaus-Dieter.
The Challenge of Learning for Networked SMEs to Increase Competitiveness in Virtual Enterprises.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillehagen, Frank;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Active Knowledge Architecture: What Systems Engineering Need to Embrace.
Systems Engineering Newsletter
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bedek, Michael.
Challenges and Opportunities in Evaluating Learning in Serious Games: A look at Behavioural Aspects.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bedek, M;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
From behavioral indicators to contextualized competence assessment.
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)
Academic article
Bedek, M;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
From Behavioral Indicators to Contextualized Competence Assessment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cerincek, G;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
Contextually enriched competence model in the field of sustainable manufacturing for simulation style technology enhanced learning environments.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Canova Calori , Ilaria;
Divitini, Monica;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr.;
Rossitto, Chiara.
Connectedness in Practice-Based Education: The Why, Who, What.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bach, Grete;
Svarlein, Astrid Brevik.
Patient Care across Health Care Institutions: An Enterprise Modelling Approach.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
Sense of Community among Mobile Language Learners: Can Blogs support this?.
International Journal of Web Based Communities
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markiewicz, Jan-Kristian;
Bjønebekk, Sondre Skaug.
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTL)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Evaluating Mobile Language Learning: Teachers' Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bye, Gunhild Griff;
Kolås, Line;
Staupe, Arvid.
Learning in an ambient intelligent environment : towards modelling learners through stereotypes.
Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information
Academic article
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bye, Gunhild Griff;
Kolås, Line;
Staupe, Arvid.
Learning in an Ambient Intelligent Environment - Towards Modelling Learners through Stereotypes.
Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
Identity, Sense of Community and Connectedness in a Community of Mobile Language Learners.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markiewicz, Jan-Kristian.
PALLAS: Personalised Language Learning on Mobile Devices.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Cassens, Jörg;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Divitini, Monica.
To be or not to be Aware: Reducing Interruptions in Pervasive Awareness Systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Modelling and Visualisation for Interoperability Requirements Elicitation and Validation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning at your Leisure: Modelling Mobile Collaborative Learners.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Mobile Community Blog: Enhanced Support for Mobile Collaborative Language Learners.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rao, Jinghai;
Matskin, Mihhail.
Virtual Enterprise Formation Supported by Agents and Web Services.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
From University Students to a Community of Learners: Can Blogs support this?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Virtual Enterprise Formation and Partner Selection: An Analysis Using Case Studies.
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders.
The Non-accidental Tourist: Using Ambient Intelligence for Enhancing Tourist Experiences.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders.
IEE Conference Publication
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Chabert, George;
Divitini, Monica.
Language learning: Design Considerations for Mobile Community Blogs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Interoperability Requirements Elicitation, Validation and Solutions.
INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solheim, Helge;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Jørgensen, Håvard;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Model-Driven Visual Requirements Engineering.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Paganelli, Paolo;
Schallock, Burkhard.
Feature-based Analysis Framework for Interoperability in Networked Organisations.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Paganelli, Paolo;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Schallock, Burkhard.
Business Interoperability Analysis of Networked Organisations.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Morken, Eli M.;
Divitini, Monica;
Haugaløkken, Ove;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning pedagogy in the field: Social structures, interactions, and mobility.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica.
Language Learning: from Individual Learners to Communities.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Role of Enterprise Modelling in Virtual Enterprises.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Matskin, Mihhail;
Küngas, Peep;
Rao, Jinghai;
Sampson, Jennifer;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enabling Web Services Composition with Software Agents.
ACTA Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rao, Jinghai;
Matskin, Mihhail.
Virtual Enterprise Formation with Agents - an Approach to Implementation.
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology
Academic article
Rao, Jinghai;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Implementing Virtual Enterprises Using AGORA Multi-agent System.
CAiSE Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
An Agent-based Approach to Support the Formation of Virtual Enterprises.
Doctoral dissertation
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended and Virtual Enterprises – A Review of the Concepts.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Matskin, Mihhail.
An Agent-based approach to modelling Virtual Enterprises.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Szegheo, Orsolya;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended Enterprise Engineering - A Model-based Framework.
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CERA)
Academic article
Szegheo, Orsolya;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Modelling of the Extended Enterprise.
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Mishra, Sambeet;
Lima Silva, Thiago;
Hellemo, Lars;
Jaehnert, Stefan;
Egner, Lars Even;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Agent-based modeling: Insights into consumer behavior, urban dynamics, grid management, and market interactions.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Academic article
Ali, Gul Sher;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Technology in Communal Spaces for Social Sustainability.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Students’ Perspectives on Active Learning and Learning Sequences in Enterprise Architecture Modelling.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Key elements, processes and research gaps in city learning as an innovation ecosystem: A scoping review.
ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
The Interplay between Business Needs and Data Architecture Explored through Enterprise Architecture Models.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning in Cities from Within and Across Cities: A Scoping Review.
Triple Helix: A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Academic article
Turton, Jenny;
Ezau, Igor;
Pettersson, Lasse H.;
Kuklina, Vera Vladimirovna;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Urban Sustainability in Action - Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools (URSA MAJOR).
EGU General Assembly
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Quayyum, Farzana;
Krogstie, John.
Criteria for selecting an Enterprise Modelling Method – Students' Perspectives on ArchiMate and 4EM.
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Krogstie, John.
Adding value through enterprise building information models in health-care services.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Banerjee, Pradipta.
The Role of Digital Technologies in Engagement and Participation – Digital Divide or Inclusion?.
Arctic Frontiers : Abstracts
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Iqbal, Maria;
Williams, Alan;
Baxter, Gavin.
GES App - Mobile Application to support reflection and documentation of Global Employability Skills.
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet
Academic article
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Interpretive Flexibility as an Approach to Designing Inclusive Urban Space: Learning from Medellín and Beirut.
Nordic Journal of Urban Studies
Academic article
Alvsvåg, Rebekka;
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Role of a Data Marketplace for Innovation and Value-Added Services in Smart and Sustainable Cities.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Using an Extended Technology Acceptance Model to Predict Enterprise Architecture Adoption in Making Cities Smarter.
Environment Systems and Decisions
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Validation of a Developed Enterprise Architecture Framework for Digitalisation of Smart Cities: a Mixed‑Mode Approach.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Academic article
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
What Can We Learn from Urban Crisis?.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Dahl, Tone Lise;
Seim, Eva Amdahl;
Skogen, Martha Rice.
Enhancing Learning and Collaboration in Organisations through In-house Crowdsourcing.
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Sustainable Development in The Healthcare Enterprises Management Through BIM And FM Interaction Based on a Holistic Aspect Structure
Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markus, Helfert;
Guo, Hong.
Digital Transformation with Enterprise Architecture for Smarter Cities: A Qualitative Research Approach.
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
Modelling pervasive platforms and digital services for smart urban transformation using an enterprise architecture framework.
Information Technology and People
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
A Model to Evaluate the Acceptance and Usefulness of Enterprise Architecture for Digitalization of Cities.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie.
Circularity in Small Island Cities.
Popular scientific article
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Kriseutsatte byer kan vise vei mot bærekraft.
Bybloggen, OsloMet,
Popular scientific article
Guo, Hong;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Gao, Shang;
Li, Jingyue;
Bokolo, Anthony Junior.
Embracing modern technologies and urban development trends: Initial evaluation of a smart city enterprise architecture frameworks.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Fostering Smart Cities based on an Enterprise Architecture Approach.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Idar;
Ahcin, Peter.
Smiling Earth - Raising Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings .
Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Designing a Privacy Dashboard for a Smart Manufacturing Environment.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Smart Facility Management: Future Healthcare Organization through Indoor Positioning Systems in the Light of Enterprise BIM.
Smart Cities
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A Practice Based Exploration on Electric
Mobility as a Service in Smart Cities.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Idar;
Ahcin, Peter.
Smiling Earth – Raising Awareness among Citizens’ for Behaviour Change to Reduce Carbon Footprint.
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Examining the Digitalization of Virtual Enterprises Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic and Meta-Analysis.
Enterprise Information Systems
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus.
Digital Transformation of Virtual Enterprises for Providing Collaborative Services in Smart Cities.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
Big data driven multi-tier architecture for electric mobility as a service in smart cities: A design science approach.
International Journal of Energy Sector Management
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Müller, Gunn Iren;
Wasbø, Stein O.;
Koritzinsky, Victoria.
Capacity Building on Heat Balance in Electrolysis of Aluminium.
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Livik, Klaus.
Big data-oriented energy prosumption service in smart community districts: a multi-case study perspective.
Energy Informatics
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Sørensen, Anette Østbø.
ALF - A framework for evaluating accelerated learning and cognitive skills development in industry through games.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Process Mining and Privacy in Smart Manufacturing.
Popular scientific article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Hestetun, Kristin;
Sørensen, Anette Østbø.
ALF - a Framework for Evaluating Accelerated Learning in Industry.
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management Through Data LifeCycle Models for Zero Emission Neighborhoods.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk.
D2C-SM: Designing a Distributed-to-Centralized Software Management Architecture for Smart Cities.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A Smart City Adoption Model to Improve Sustainable Living
NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi
Academic article
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John.
API deployment for big data management towards sustainable energy prosumption in smart cities-a layered architecture perspective.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A distributed-to-centralized smart technology management (D2C-STM) model for Smart Cities: A use case in the zero emission neighborhoods.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Academic article
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
A trust and privacy framework for smart manufacturing environments.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
Academic article
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
A big data management architecture for smart cities based on fog-to-cloud data management architecture.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Jaccheri, Maria Letizia;
Wang, Alf Inge;
Ask, Kristine;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Brend, Kristina.
Women and computer games (workshops and tutorials).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar.
Interaction, experience, reflection: Enhancing project management training using serious games.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Academic article
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Christie, Ingrid Nytun.
Hvilken vei skal byene gå?
Feature article
Cacchione, Annamaria;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Winter, Marcus.
A proposal for an integrated evaluation framework for mobile language learning: Lessons learned from SIMOLA – Situated mobile language learning.
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Bui, Vu Minh;
Krogstie, John.
Collaborative Networks and Active Knowledge Architectures - A Road Building Case.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Holistic design for continuous innovation and sustainable knowledge bases.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Concilio, Grazia;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Smart Neighbourhood Learning - the case of MyNeighbourhood.
ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s)
Academic article
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Divitini, Monica;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Boundary objects in collaborative work and learning.
Information Systems Frontiers
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee: Engaging mobile language learners through crowd-sourcing.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar.
Serious Games - A means to develop Project Management Competences.
Project Management
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Experiences from teaching Enterprise Modelling to Students of Information Systems.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
Creativity and Mobile Language Learning Using LingoBee.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Academic article
Cerinsek, Gregor;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, Tuija.
Contextually enriched competence model in the field of sustainable manufacturing for simulation style technology enhanced learning environments.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Berg, Malin Aas;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Exploiting psychological needs to increase motivation for learning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Academic article
Lillehagen, Frank;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Active Knowledge Architecture: What Systems Engineering Need to Embrace.
Systems Engineering Newsletter
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bedek, M;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
From behavioral indicators to contextualized competence assessment.
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)
Academic article
Cerincek, G;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
Contextually enriched competence model in the field of sustainable manufacturing for simulation style technology enhanced learning environments.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bach, Grete;
Svarlein, Astrid Brevik.
Patient Care across Health Care Institutions: An Enterprise Modelling Approach.
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
Sense of Community among Mobile Language Learners: Can Blogs support this?.
International Journal of Web Based Communities
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markiewicz, Jan-Kristian;
Bjønebekk, Sondre Skaug.
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTL)
Academic article
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bye, Gunhild Griff;
Kolås, Line;
Staupe, Arvid.
Learning in an ambient intelligent environment : towards modelling learners through stereotypes.
Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information
Academic article
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bye, Gunhild Griff;
Kolås, Line;
Staupe, Arvid.
Learning in an Ambient Intelligent Environment - Towards Modelling Learners through Stereotypes.
Revue d'intelligence artificielle : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
Identity, Sense of Community and Connectedness in a Community of Mobile Language Learners.
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Virtual Enterprise Formation and Partner Selection: An Analysis Using Case Studies.
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO)
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders.
The Non-accidental Tourist: Using Ambient Intelligence for Enhancing Tourist Experiences.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders.
IEE Conference Publication
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rao, Jinghai;
Matskin, Mihhail.
Virtual Enterprise Formation with Agents - an Approach to Implementation.
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology
Academic article
Rao, Jinghai;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Implementing Virtual Enterprises Using AGORA Multi-agent System.
CAiSE Proceedings
Academic article
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Matskin, Mihhail.
An Agent-based approach to modelling Virtual Enterprises.
Production planning & control (Print)
Academic article
Szegheo, Orsolya;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended Enterprise Engineering - A Model-based Framework.
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CERA)
Academic article
Ma, Minhua;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Hauge, Jannicke Baalsrud.
Serious Games Development and Applications 4th International Conference, SGDA 2013, Trondheim, Norway, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (8101)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Rouvrais, Siegfried;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fosvold, André;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
CitySIM – Agent-Based System for Modelling and Simulating Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems for Collaborative Governance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Designing Services for an ICT Platform to Support City Learning for Developing Smart Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Role of ICT in City Learning for Developing Smart Cities: A Review of the Literature.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobsen, Bjørn Rude;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended Reality for Sustainable Urban Development and Citizen Engagement.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Iqbal, Maria;
Williams, Alan;
Baxter, Gavin.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Banerjee, Pradipta;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
How Cities Can Learn: Key Concepts, Role of ICT and Research Gaps.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Helfert, Markus.
Improving Digitization of Urban Mobility Services with Enterprise Architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Banerjee, Pradipta.
Learning within and across cities: the role of Living Labs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund.
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise
Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Iqbal, Maria;
Fredheim, Lars Jørgen;
Olstad, Hege Annette;
Abbas, Aisha;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge.
Investigating the Impact of Enterprise Architecture Adoption in Smart Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bokolo, Anthony Junior;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Torkelsen, Eldar Hauge.
Deployment of Enterprise Architecture for Management of Digital Services in Smart Cities.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Tone Lise;
Græslie, Lisa S.;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Using Interactive Technology for Learning and Collaboration to Improve Organizational Culture: A Conceptual Framework.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Evjen, Tor Åsmund;
Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini;
Krogstie, John.
Leveraging on Enterprise Building Information Models in Health Care Services: The case of St. Olav Hospital.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahcin, Peter;
Petersen, Idar.
Smiling Earth - Citizens’ Awareness on Environmental Sustainability Using Energy and Transport Data.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Pourzolfaghar, Zohreh;
Alloush, Iyas;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Krogstie, John;
Helfert, Markus.
Value-Added Services, Virtual Enterprises and Data Spaces Inspired Enterprise Architecture for Smart Cities.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ahlers, Dirk;
Wienhofen, Leendert Wilhelmus Marinus;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Anvaari, Mohsen.
A Smart City Ecosystem Enabling Open Innovation.
Springer Nature
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
D2C-DM: Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management for Smart Cities Based on Two Ongoing Case Studies.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Ahlers, Dirk.
F2c2C-DM: A Fog-to-cloudlet-to-Cloud Data Management Architecture in Smart City.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mannhardt, Felix;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Privacy Challenges for Process Mining in Human-Centered Industrial Environments .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Mannhardt, Felix;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar.
A Framework to Navigate the Privacy Trade-offs for Human-Centred Manufacturing .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Gustavsen, Arild.
A Zero Emission Neighbourhoods Data Management Architecture for Smart City Scenarios: Discussions toward 6Vs challenges.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho.
Reflection Continuum Model for Supporting Reflection and Game-based Learning at the Workplace.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rehm, Sven-Volker.
Holistic Design of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Intelligent Workspaces.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enhancing Stakeholder Management Competences in Construction Projects Using Serious Games.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
van der Kooij, Rimmert;
Puhar, Primoz.
Connecting Business Processes and Sensor Data in Proactive Manufacturing Enterprises.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Concilio, Grazia.
Designing for Neighbourhoods and Citizen Engagement - The Case of MyNeighbourhood.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Canova Calori, Ilaria;
Krogstie, Birgit Rognebakke;
Divitini, Monica.
Reflective learning at the workplace - The MIRROR design toolbox.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Bui, Vu Minh;
Krogstie, John.
Collaborative Networks and Active Knowledge Architectures - A Road Building Case.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee Mobile App: Connecting to Language Learners through Technology.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Winter, Marcus.
Mobile Language Learners as Social Networkers.
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Choice of Serious Games and Gamification - A Case Study to Illustrate Key Differences.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Co-design of Neighbourhood Services Using Gamification Cards.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mayer, Igor;
Riedel, Johann C. K. H.;
Hauge, Jannicke Baalsrud;
Belotti, Francesco;
De Gloria, Alessandro;
Ott, Michela.
Serious Games in a European Policy Context.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Divitini, Monica;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Hands-on Learning of Cooperation Technology: Combining Knowledge Construction and Reflection.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fominykh, Mikhail;
Prasolova-Førland, Ekaterina;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica.
Work and Learning across Boundaries: Artifacts, Discourses, and Processes in a University Course.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
Agile Approach to Glocal Enterprise Collaboration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Sriram, Pavan Kumar;
Krogstie, John;
Sjøbakk, Børge;
Bakås, Ottar.
A Collaboration Planning Information and Decision Support System.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Krogstie, John.
The World Out There: From Systems Modelling to Enterprise Modelling.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Procter-Legg, Emma;
Cacchione, Annamaria.
LingoBee - Crowd-sourced Mobile Language Learning in the Cloud.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sriram, Pavan Kumar;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Kristoffersen, Steinar.
A Collaborative Enterprise Framework to Support Engineering Changes in Manufacturing Planning and Control.
IFAC Papers Online
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cowley, Ben;
Bedek, M;
Ribeiro, Claudia;
Heikura, T;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The QUARTIC Process Model to Support Serious Games Development for Contextualized Competence-Based Learning and Assessment.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duin, Heiko;
Oliveira, Manuel;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Thoben, Klaus-Dieter.
The Challenge of Learning for Networked SMEs to Increase Competitiveness in Virtual Enterprises.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Bedek, Michael.
Challenges and Opportunities in Evaluating Learning in Serious Games: A look at Behavioural Aspects.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bedek, M;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Heikura, T.
From Behavioral Indicators to Contextualized Competence Assessment.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Canova Calori , Ilaria;
Divitini, Monica;
Haugaløkken, Ove Kr.;
Rossitto, Chiara.
Connectedness in Practice-Based Education: The Why, Who, What.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Evaluating Mobile Language Learning: Teachers' Perspectives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Markiewicz, Jan-Kristian.
PALLAS: Personalised Language Learning on Mobile Devices.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Cassens, Jörg;
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Divitini, Monica.
To be or not to be Aware: Reducing Interruptions in Pervasive Awareness Systems.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Modelling and Visualisation for Interoperability Requirements Elicitation and Validation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kofod-Petersen, Anders;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning at your Leisure: Modelling Mobile Collaborative Learners.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Mobile Community Blog: Enhanced Support for Mobile Collaborative Language Learners.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Rao, Jinghai;
Matskin, Mihhail.
Virtual Enterprise Formation Supported by Agents and Web Services.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica;
Chabert, George.
From University Students to a Community of Learners: Can Blogs support this?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Chabert, George;
Divitini, Monica.
Language learning: Design Considerations for Mobile Community Blogs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Interoperability Requirements Elicitation, Validation and Solutions.
INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solheim, Helge;
Lillehagen, Frank;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Jørgensen, Håvard;
Anastasiou, Maria.
Model-Driven Visual Requirements Engineering.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Paganelli, Paolo;
Schallock, Burkhard.
Feature-based Analysis Framework for Interoperability in Networked Organisations.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Paganelli, Paolo;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Schallock, Burkhard.
Business Interoperability Analysis of Networked Organisations.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Morken, Eli M.;
Divitini, Monica;
Haugaløkken, Ove;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Learning pedagogy in the field: Social structures, interactions, and mobility.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Divitini, Monica.
Language Learning: from Individual Learners to Communities.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
The Role of Enterprise Modelling in Virtual Enterprises.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Matskin, Mihhail;
Küngas, Peep;
Rao, Jinghai;
Sampson, Jennifer;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Enabling Web Services Composition with Software Agents.
ACTA Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Szegheo, Orsolya;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Modelling of the Extended Enterprise.
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Oksavik, Odne Andreas;
Skeie, Kristian.
ICT-Architecture applied on pilot building.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (55)
Fjørtoft, Siw Olsen;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Petersen, Per Storrø.
Læringsbrett til alle elevene. Evaluering av bruk av læringsteknologier i Malvik-skolene.
SINTEF Rapport (2023:00025)
Kinsella, Stephen;
Shams, Armin;
Helfert, Markus;
Ahlers, Dirk;
Alloush, Iyas;
Pourzolfaghar, Zohreh.
D1.3: Report and catalogue on the ICT
data integration and interoperability.
Suyama, Bianca;
Amaro, Gerardo Lopez;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Harboe, Lisbet;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Martins, Daniel.
Learning Flexibility - Pathways to Urban Transformation.
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
FME ZEN Data Management Plan.
ZEN Memo (33)
Sinaeepourfard, Amir;
Krogstie, John;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
ZEN Data management and monitoring. Requirements and architechture.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (34)
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Cervenka, Zdena;
Holm, Øystein;
Thomsen, Judith;
Sartori, Igor.
Innovasjonsrapport 2020. Forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder i smarte byer (FME ZEN).
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (28)
Harboe, Lisbet;
Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie;
Hoelscher, Kristian;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas;
Christie, Ingrid Nytun.
Norske floker - urbane utfordringer. Rapport fra forskningsprosjektet Learning Flexibility 2018.
Learning Flexibility: Complexity, Innovation & Inter-Urban Knowledge Transfer
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
An Agent-based Approach to Support the Formation of Virtual Enterprises.
Doctoral dissertation
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Extended and Virtual Enterprises – A Review of the Concepts.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) Digital Technologies at the Energy, Health and Well-being Nexus. Arctic Frontiers Arctic Frontiers 2024 , Tromsø 2024-01-29 - 2024-02-01
Academic lectureForster, Katharine Grace; Lillefjell, Monica; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin. (2024) Addressing Health Disparities: Comparison of Predictors of Health among Adults Living with and without Physical or Psychological Disabilities. Medical University of Lodz 12th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion , Lodz, Poland 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-18
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) Human Smart Cities and Digital Technologies. Singapore University of Technology and Design Masters course on Smart Cities and Policy , Singapore 2024-02-21 - 2024-02-21
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) Urban data visualisation, raising awareness and citizen engagement. Building and Urban Data Science BUDS Lab, NUS Building and Urban Data Science BUDS Lab meeting , Singapore 2024-02-06 - 2024-02-06
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) Human Smart Cities, Data Visualisation and Citizen Engagement. Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Brown Bag Lunch lecture series , Singapore 2024-03-27 - 2024-03-27
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Willems, Thijs. (2024) Modelling Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems: CitySIM – An Agent-Based system for Modelling and simulating Cities . Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Brown Bag Lunch lecture series , Singapore 2024-06-26 - 2024-06-26
Academic lectureMylonas, Georgios; Kalogeras, Athanasios; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Muñoz, Luis; Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis. (2024) When Circular Economy Meets the Smart City Ecosystem: Defining the Smart and Circular City. IEEE 10th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2024 (ISC2 2024) , Pattaya 2024-10-29 - 2024-11-01
Academic lectureBanerjee, Pradipta; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) Conceptual model of a set of ICT services to support city learning. Association for Information Systems (AIS) 2024 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA , Bangkok 2024-12-14 - 2024-12-15
Academic lectureRehmann, Felix; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Streblow, Rita. (2024) Standardizing Key Technologies for Energy Management through the Smart Readiness Indicator in Urban Building Energy Modelling: A Conceptual Framework. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology The first International Smart Readiness Indicator Conference (iSRIc 2024) , Karlsruhe 2024-09-29 - 2024-09-29
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2024) From Barriers to Opportunities in Smart Cities: Creating Value Through Data and Digital Technologies. NERCI URSA MAJOR Hackathon , Kochi 2024-11-11 - 2024-11-15
Academic lectureBanerjee, Pradipta; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Role of ICT in City Learning for Developing Smart Cities: A Review of the Literature. The British University in Dubai 20th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems , Dubai 2023-12-11 - 2023-12-12
Academic lectureBanerjee, Pradipta; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Designing Services for an ICT Platform to Support City Learning for Developing Smart Cities. The British University in Dubai 20th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems , Dubai 2023-12-11 - 2023-12-12
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Information Systems - Experiences from an Enterprise Architecture Course. NTNU 19th International CDIO Conference, CDIO 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-26 - 2023-06-29
Academic lectureBanerjee, Pradipta; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) How cities can learn: key concepts, role of ICT and research gaps. Tallinn University 8th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development , Tallinn 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-20
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Banerjee, Pradipta. (2023) The Role of Digital Technologies in Engagement and Participation – Digital Divide or Inclusion?. Arctic Frontiers Arctic Frontiers 2023, Science Session 2 , Tromsø 2023-01-30 - 2023-02-02
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Introduction to digital technologies for urban applications - Focus on Extended & Virtual Reality. University of Tromsø URSA MAJOR Youth Scientist School , Tromsø 2023-10-31 - 2023-11-03
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Bevisstgjøring av bærekraft i undervisningen - miljøet i fokus . Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Arena for Høyere Yrkesutdanning i Trøndelag , Trondheim 2023-10-18 - 2023-10-18
Academic lectureJain, Shubham; Jacobsen, Bjørn Rude; Petersen, Per Storrø; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2023) Enhancing Citizen Engagement: Experiences from a Virtual Reality Workshop. AIS AMCIS 2023 , Panama City 2023-08-10 - 2023-08-12
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Integrating Sustainability in a course, TDT4252 Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Innovation. SFU Excited SFU Excited Seminar , Virtual 2022-10-21 - 2022-10-21
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Integrating Sustainability in a course: TDT4252 Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Innovation. NTNU Sustainability in IT education Workshop, NIKT 2022 , Kristiansand 2022-12-01 - 2022-12-01
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) The role of Digital Technologies in future cities. NTNU of SINTEF URSA MAJOR Autumn School , Trondheim 2022-10-05 - 2022-10-05
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Privacy and Data Management. NTNU of SINTEF URSA MAJOR Autumn School , Trondheim 2022-10-05 - 2022-10-09
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Andalib, Elham; Forster, Grace Katharine. (2022) SWELL Sustainable Built Environments for better Health and WELL-being . CESICT - NTNU Centre for Sustainable ICT CESICT - kick-off , Trondheim 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-26
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) SWELL Sustainable Built Environments for better health and Well-Being. NTNU GreenShift Kick-off , Virtual 2022-02-11 - 2022-02-11
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Sustainable Cities, ICT and Information Systems. University of Brighton Centre for Digital Media Cultures, University of Brighton, UK - kick-off , Brighton 2022-05-26 - 2022-05-26
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Jacobsen, Bjørn Rude. (2022) Informing and engaging citizens towards smart energy systems using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies. Nansen Environmental Research Centre - India (NERCI) Powering cities in the global south: How energy access for all benefits the economy and the environment , Koch 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-01
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Banerjee, Pradipta. (2022) Learning within and across cities: the role of Living Labs. European Network of Living Labs Open Living Lab Days OLLD 2022 , Turin 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-23
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) SWELL Sustainable Built Environments for better Health and WELL-being . European Network of Living Labs Open Living Lab Days OLLD 2022, Panel Debate , Turin 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-23
Academic lectureAbbas, Aisha; Iqbal, Maria; Boyle, Liz; Baxter, Gavin; Williams, Alan; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Graduate Employability Learning through Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) Driven Digital App. IATED INTED 2022 , Virtual 2022-03-07 - 2022-03-08
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2022) Designing Digital Transformation with Enterprise Architecture. Innovation Value Institute Enterprise Arcihtecture Webinar , Virtual 2022-03-03 - 2022-03-03
LecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2021) Sustainable Transformations. NTNU Sustainability NTNU Sustainability Webinar Series - panel discussion , Trondheim 2021-03-01 - 2021-03-01
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2021) Agent-based modelling for a consumer-centric energy transition . SINTEF Energi NTRANS Workshop , Virtual 2021-12-06 - 2021-12-06
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Dahl, Tone Lise; Seim, Eva Amdahl; Skogen, Martha Rice. (2021) Enhancing Learning and Collaboration in Organisations through In-house Crowdsourcing. NTNU NOKOBIT - Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi 2021-11-29 - 2021-12-02
Academic lectureGeirbo, Hanne Cecilie; Harboe, Lisbet; Hoelscher, Kristian; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2021) Crisis as condition and learning from urban crisis. OsloMet Storbykonferansen 2021: Byens krise(r) 2021-10-27 - 2021-10-28
Academic lectureScott, Graham G.; Boyle, Liz; Topolewska-Siedzik, Ewa; Jimoyiannis, Athanassios; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2021) STUDENT, EDUCATOR, AND EMPLOYER PERSPECTIVES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GRADUATE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS APP. 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2021-07-05 - 2021-07-06
Academic lectureEvjen, Tor Åsmund; Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2020) Enterprise BIM: A Holistic Approach to the Future of Smart Buildings . 25th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REAL CORP 2020 2020-09-15 - 2020-09-18
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Evjen, Tor Åsmund; Raviz, Seyed Reza Hosseini; Krogstie, John. (2020) Leveraging on Enterprise Building Information Models in Health Care Services: The Case of St. Olav University Hospital. PRO-VE 2020 , Online 2020-11-23 - 2020-11-25
Academic lectureMannhardt, Felix; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho. (2019) Designing a Privacy Dashboard for a Smart Manufacturing Environment. 1st Workshop on Trust and Privacy Aspects of Smart Information Environments (TPSIE) , Trondheim 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-20
Academic lectureCacchione, Annamaria; Procter-Legg, Emma; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2017) #GOTTACATCHEMALL: EXPLORING POKEMON GO IN SEARCH OF LEARNING ENHANCEMENT OBJECTS . IADIS Mobile Learning Conference , Budapest 2017-04-10 - 2017-04-12
Academic lectureLillehagen, Frank; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Rehm, Sven-Volker. (2017) Holistic Design of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Intelligent Workspaces. PRO-VE , Vicenza 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-20
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho. (2017) The use of Reflection Continuum Model to support Digital Game-Based Learning for the development of Cognitive Skills. 11th European Conference on Game-based Learning ECGBL , Graz 2017-10-05 - 2017-10-06
DocumentaryPetersen, Sobah Abbas; Holdø, Per. (2017) Computer Games help Industry. Norway Norway [Newspaper] 2017-12-22
InterviewPetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2017) Computer Games help Industry. Dagensnæringliv, Teknologispalten Dagensnæringliv, Teknologispalten [Newspaper] 2017-12-22
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2017) The use of Reflection Continuum Model to support Digital Game-Based Learning for the development of Cognitive Skills. APCI European Conference on Game based Learning, ECGBL 2017 , Graz 2017-10-05 - 2017-10-06
DocumentaryHoelscher, Kristian; Geirbo, Hanne Cecilie; Ingrid, Christie; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Harboe, Lisbet. (2016) Hvilken vei skal byene gå?. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Newspaper] 2016-10-18
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; van der Kooij, Rimmert; Puhar, Primoz. (2016) Connecting Business Processes and Sensor Data in Proactive Manufacturing Enterprises. PRO-VE 2016 , Porto 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-05
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho; Concilio, Grazia. (2016) Designing for Neighbourhoods and Citizen Engagement – the case of MyNeighbourhood. HCI International 2016 2016-07-17 - 2016-07-22
PosterPetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2014) MyNeighbourhood Project. VELKON 2014 , Trondheim 2014-10-22 - 2014-10-22
Academic lectureEkambaram, Anandasivakumar; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2014) Medbestemmelse og tanker fra spillteknologien for å styrke nabobånd. Norsk Forening for Automatisering (NFA) Konferanse: Helse og medisinsk teknologi , Oslo 2014-06-11 - 2014-06-12
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2013) Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise Architecture. Høgskolen in Gjøvik, HiG Guest Lecture , Gjøvik 2013-03-06 - 2013-03-06
LectureLillehagen, Frank; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2013) Aktive kunnskapsmodeller gir løsninger for innovasjon og læring. NOKIOS - Norsk Konferanse i IKT i offentlige sektor 2013-10-29 - 2013-10-31
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Lillehagen, Frank. (2013) Agile Enterprise Design, Innovation and Learning. Technical University of Dresden 14th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2013 , Dresden 2013-09-30 - 2013-10-02
LectureLillehagen, Frank; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Krogstie, John. (2013) Agile Enterprise Design, Innovation and Learning - Tutorial. ISPIM ISPIM Conference 2013 , Helsinki 2013-06-19 - 2013-06-19
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Fagerli, Ole Torfinn. (2012) Lingobee – Bring the buzz into Language Learning. Oulu University NordiTEL Symposium 2012 , Oulu 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-26
Academic lectureProctor-Legg, Emma; Cacchione, Annamaria; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2012) Lingobee and Social Media: Mobile Language Learners as Social Networkers. IADIS Cognitive and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age CELDA 2012 , Madrid 2012-10-19 - 2012-10-21
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Proctor-Legg, Emma; Cacchione, Annamaria; Fominykh, Mikhail; Divitini, Monica. (2012) Mobile Language Learning and Creativity. EC-TEL conference Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop MLCW@EC-TEL , Saarbrucken 2012-09-19 - 2012-09-19
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Ekambaram, Anandasivakumar. (2012) Learning by playing - the role of serious games in competence development in project management. IPMA 26th IPMA World Congress , Crete 2012-10-29 - 2012-10-31
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2012) Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise Architecture. Gjøvik University Guest Lecture , Gjøvik 2012-05-07 - 2012-05-07
Academic lectureLillehagen, Frank; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Krogstie, John. (2012) Enabling Holistic Design, Innovation and Learning. ISPIM The XXIII ISPIM Conference – Action for Innovation: Innovating from Experience , Barcelona 2012-06-17 - 2012-06-20
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Sell, Roslyn; Watts, Josie. (2011) Let the Students Lead the Way: an Exploratory Study of Mobile Language Learning in a Classroom. Beijing Normal University 10th World conference on Mobile Learning, MLearn , Beijing 2011-10-18 - 2011-10-21
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2009) Evaluating Mobile Language Learning: Teachers' Perspectives. IADIS Mobile Learning 09 , Barcelona 2009-02-26 - 2009-02-28
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Cassens, Jörg; Kofod-Petersen, Anders; Divitini, Monica. (2008) To be or not to be Aware: Reducing interruptions in Pervasive Awareness Systems. The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-04
PosterCassens, Jörg; Kofod-Petersen, Anders; Petersen, Sobah Abbas; Divitini, Monica. (2008) Explanations and Privacy in Intelligent Social Awareness Applications. ECCAI 3rd International Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt 2008) , Patras 2008-07-21 - 2008-07-22
Academic lectureKofod-Petersen, Anders; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2007) Learning at your Leisure: Modelling Mobile Collaborative Learners. Fourth International Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning in Context 2007-08-20 - 2007-08-21
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Kofod-Petersen, Anders. (2006) Learning in the City: Context for Communities and Collaborative Learning. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Environments , Athen 2006-07-05 - 2006-07-06
PosterShareef, Ali Fawaz; Kinshuk, K; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (2006) Distance Education in the Maldives: Learner Support for Students in Island Communities. IEEE 4th International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries TEDC 2006 , Iringa 2006-07-10 - 2006-07-12
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2003) An Agent-based Evaluation Framework for Supporting Virtual Enterprise Formation. IEEE 12th International Workshop on Enabling Technologies, Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, WET-ICE2003 , Linz, Austria 2003-06-11 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Husøy, Geir J.; Karlsen, Edgar; Matskin, Mihhail. (2003) Requirements for an Agent-based Approach to Support Virtual Enterprises. Fourth IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises PRO-VE'03 , Lugano, Switzerland 2003-10-31 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Matskin, Mihhail. (2003) Agent Interaction Protocols for the Selection of Partners for Virtual Enterprises. Third International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-agent Systems CEEMAS 2003 , Prague, Czech Republic 2003-06-18 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2003) Using Competency Questions to Evaluate an Agent-based Model for Virtual Enterprises. IFIP Fourth Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE'03 , Lugano, Switzerland 2003-10-31 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Rao, Jinghai; Matskin, Mihhail. (2003) AGORA Multi-agent Architecture for Implementing Virtual Enterprises. Norsk Informatikkonferanse NIK 2003 , Oslo, Norway 2003-11-26 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Divitini, Monica. (2002) Using Agents to Support the Selection of Virtual Enterprise Teams. The Fourth International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2002) (at AAMAS 2002) , Bologne, Italy 2002-07-16 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Rao, Jinghai; Tveit, Amund. (2002) Challenges in Agent-based Support for Virtual Enterprises. AAMAS First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems , Bologna, Italia 2002-07-15 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (2000) A Model-based Methodology for Extended Enterprise Engineering. Concurrent Engineering CE'2000 , Lyon, France, 17-21 July 2000 2000-07-21 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas; Gruninger, Michael. (2000) An Agent-based Model to Support the Formation of Virtual Enterprises. International ICSC Symposium on Mobile Agents and Multi-agents in Virtual Organisations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000) , Woollongong, Australia 2000-12-13 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (1999) Supporting Extended Enterprises: Using enterprise modeling for specializing AGORA. IFIP International Enterprise Modeling Conference IEMC '99 , Verdal, Norway - June 14th to 16th 1999-06-16 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (1999) Virtual Enterprises: An Agent-Based Modeling Apporach. Norsk Informatikkonferanse, NIK'99 , Trondehim, November, 1999 1999-11-01 -
Academic lectureSzegheo, Orsolya; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (1999) Extended Enterprise Engineering - A Model-based Framework. Advances in Concurrent Engineering, (CE99). , Bath, U.K. 1-3 september 1999 1999-09-03 -
Academic lecturePetersen, Sobah Abbas. (1999) Agent-based Groupware: Challenges for cooperative transaction models. International Process Technology Workshop (IPTW 99) , Villars de Lans, Grenoble, 1.-3. sept. 1999 1999-09-03 -
Academic lectureMatskin, Mihhail; Divitini, Monica; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (1998) An architecture for multi-agent support in a distributed information technology application. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (TZI-Bericht ; Nr 9/1998) , Bremen
Academic lectureMatskin, Mihhail; Divitini, Monica; Petersen, Sobah Abbas. (1998) AGORA: a Multi-Agent Support for Distributed Information Technology Applications. Norsk Informatikkonferanse, NIK'98 , Kristiansand